Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Stacy's Destiny [The Town of Pearl 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Stacy's Destiny [The Town of Pearl 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 2

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

“Calm down, Ms. Porter. Maybe there’s a way that we can work this out.”

  Stacy tensed up at the look in her boss’s eyes.

  Mr. Weiner was not what she would call an attractive man. He had evil-looking dark-gray eyes. He was in his forties, was muscular, since he worked out in the gym downstairs every day during lunchtime, and he was egotistical. If there was a mirror around for him to glance at himself in, he would.

  His hand slowly crept up her arm to the bend in her elbow. His hand was massive compared to her arms. She felt uncomfortable and stiffened at his touch.

  Instinctively she took a step back only for him to take another step toward her.

  “It’s okay, kitten. Don’t be scared. I know I’m a lot more experienced than you are, and it’s partly why I’m interested in taking you under my wing.”

  He ran his index finger along her cheek and across her jaw. The sleeve of his suit jacket grazed her shoulder, and instantly she was concerned. The intense smell of his expensive cologne attacked her senses. She was acutely aware of everything around her. The sunlight filtering through the room, the eerie quietness as the sound of her beating heart echoed in her ears. She absorbed his heavy breathing and the sheer bulkiness of his body.

  “I’ve been watching you for quite some time and understand that you feel you’ve worked hard to receive a promotion here, but things work differently in the business world, kitten. A gorgeous young woman like you needs a mentor to show her the ropes. You need protection.” As he spoke the words, his dark eyes roamed over her body, causing a shiver of fear and dirtiness.

  “Protection from what?” she asked, still unsure what the hell direction this conversation was going in. He took a step closer, invading her space and making her instinctively step back again. But then she hit the desk behind her. She placed her hands back so that she wouldn’t fall as Barry took up the small space in front of her.

  In an instant his hand was at her waist and his other hand against her cheek.

  “Whoa, kitten, don’t be so skittish. I promise to take things slow with you and show you the ropes.” He chuckled as he held her gaze. His gray eyes held a look of evil, and her gut clenched with fear. He was a large man. Most were, compared to her, and she didn’t want more problems. His hard fingertips pressed against the corner of her lip and her jaw. She was shocked and utterly confused.

  “What are you talking about? What do you want from me?” she asked and tried to put some distance between herself and her boss. Her temples began to pound, and her palms became sweaty. She was shaking as she tried to remain calm. She attempted to inch away from him. She didn’t want to jump to conclusions. Her boss wouldn’t force himself on her or make sexual advances despite any rumors she had heard over the past few months about others in the building. Would he? This was all just a big misunderstanding. But he wouldn’t allow her to move away from him as he snagged her around the waist and pulled her up against his chest as if he had every right to. Mr. Weiner was just short of six feet, but compared to her five-feet-five-inch frame, he was way bigger.

  “It’s time you earned your promotion like the others have.”

  Oh crap! Before she could react, he covered her mouth with his own and wrapped his slimy arms around her, squeezing her tightly. His hold nearly took her breath away. Her arms were secured under the muscles of his much larger ones. Her breasts pushed upwards, causing pain by her ribs and under her armpits. She struggled for release and for a breath as his tongue plunged into her mouth. She wanted to hurl, to scream for help, but his hold was strong. Coffee and tobacco filled her mouth and saltiness from the tears that rolled down her cheeks. She had heard of men taking women and forcing them to succumb to their demands in the work place. But she never thought she would be a victim. She figured by denying sexual advances from Curtis and all together keeping her personal life and professional life separate that others would get the hint. She grew up on the city streets of New York and had survived the common criminal element. She’d never prepared herself for this. His hands began to move all over her body, from her ass to her back then over her breasts. He released her lips to breathe as she shoved her hands between them and against his chest. She was never so scared in her entire life.

  “Please stop! Don’t do this!” she yelled as he lifted her body and shoved her on top of the desk. Things toppled onto the floor, and the silkiness of her skirts caused her to slide right into the position he wanted her in. Stacy was in complete panic mode as she reached around her desk for something to stop him.

  “Fuck, you have the biggest tits. Where have you been hiding these, kitten?” he asked, breathing heavy as he grabbed her breasts hard. Her spine wedged against the wood, and in this awkward position, there was nothing to grab or use to fight him off.

  She swatted his hands away then attempted to shove him back, but he was a big man and stronger than her.

  “Stop this! I don’t want this!” she exclaimed.

  “Sure you do. You just need someone to show you,” he replied as he ripped her blouse open. With his hands at her breasts and his eyes zoned in on her abundant breasts, she made a move.

  Stacy scrambled off the desk and screamed for help. Mr. Weiner struck her across the cheek, making her fall to the floor. She scrambled to move, but he pulled her from the floor by her hair and slammed her back against the desk. Her shoulder hit the pointed edge, causing a massive shot of pain to radiate through her body. She screamed again as he grabbed her face between his hands and squeezed.

  “Shut up! If you know what’s good for you, you’ll shut up and do what I say.”

  Her temper flared. “Fuck you!” she yelled then shoved against him. She was not going to take this shit anymore. She was done with Mercer Enterprises. She was done taking shit from chauvinistic men who believed they could make women spread their legs. She was a college graduate. She was on her own all these years because she was tough and independent. She wasn’t selling out now.

  He gripped her shoulders and stared at her with his dark, evil-looking eyes.

  “No one is going to help you.”

  “I’ll scream!” she retorted, refusing to back down from his control.

  “It won’t matter. No one will come to your aid. I make the rules, and I sign the paychecks.” He practically snarled at her then just as quickly he gave her a small smile and loosened his hold on her arms.

  “I’m trying to be patient. You really don’t know how powerful I am or how miserable I can make your life. I’ve been watching you for quite some time, Stacy. I’ve waited long enough.”

  She could tell that he was telling the truth. She wasn’t stupid. Practically growing up on the streets with her friend Anna, Stacy learned a lot. This guy could destroy her. Maybe he was the one sending messages and packages to her?

  “I don’t want any more trouble. I won’t tell anyone about this. Just please leave me alone.” She attempted to pull from his grasp, but Mr. Weiner squeezed tighter as he pressed his body against hers.

  He attempted to force her body over the desk again as he groped her breasts with his other hand. In a quick motion he had her body pressed over the desk. Her breasts hit the wooden top, and her ass was up in the air as he pushed her down, keeping her in place. She struggled to grab something to stop him, and then she felt his erection between the material and against her ass cheeks.

  “Please stop! I don’t want this,” she cried out as she struggled to get up. He was groping her as he held her face down against the table. She was scared as her mind tried to focus on a way to escape.

  “You have a great ass, Miss Porter. You better get ready to be in this position often. You’re going to be my number one girl,” he stated through clenched teeth against her ear and neck. His heavy body pressed over her, nearly taking her breath away. She felt smothered, restricted, and trapped. She was scared out of her mind. He began to slowly push her skirt up and over her ass. He released her head and neck so he could use both hands to feel her ass and massage each globe.
He leaned his body over hers, using his legs to spread her wider. The sick fuck was going to rape her right here in the middle of the day, in the middle of the office with all those people right outside the door. Hadn’t anyone heard her screams or the scuffle? She felt ready to hurl and almost ready to give in. He was just too damn strong. Then he sniffed her hair. She smelled his disgusting breath. She felt his hard erection against her ass cheeks and his thick, strong thighs. She wasn’t going to go out like this. Not without a fight and not without her dignity. That was when she made her move. In an instant she raised her head up fast and hard and stunned him a moment, hitting him in the jaw. It was enough time to roll to her back and kick him in the groin. She moved so quickly that her shin awkwardly hit his crotch instead of her knee. With anger and strength she swung her forearm forward and hit him directly in his nose. Blood splattered as he stepped back, stunned and momentarily unguarded.

  Jumping off the desk, she took another shot at him. This time, she punched him in his gut. Her anger, the adrenaline, and the fear filtered through her body as she struck him again. A right fist directly to the nose that was already broken and then another one to his jaw. He remained holding his nose as she pulled open the office door to find numerous faces staring back at her. She grabbed Mr. Weiner and shoved him out of the room.

  “She attacked me!” he yelled as Stacy shook with fear and anger.

  “No! He attacked me and I defended myself.”

  By the looks on the faces around her, she had a feeling that she was on her own. Everyone turned away as if by not looking, they couldn’t be witnesses to their boss’s attack. They weren’t going to come to her aide. She was on her own. She had chosen the wrong path in their eyes, and now she was blacklisted.

  “Call security! I want her out of here!” he yelled as Teressa ran to Mr. Weiner to comfort him. Stacy immediately realized that no one was going to believe her side of the story. She was finished, and her career was over.

  Chapter 1

  “I can’t believe that you’re leaving New York,” Stacy’s best friend Anna stated as she released her from an embrace. It would be a long time before she would see Anna again. This had been a difficult decision.

  Stacy wiped her eyes as she held Anna’s hands. “You know as well as I do that I have no choice. I can’t stay here. It will just make matters worse.”

  “But the police have been helping. They’ll catch the guy responsible for the threats one of these times,” Anna replied. Stacy felt the tears leak from her eyes. She didn’t want to leave Anna so soon after Anna’s mother passing, but Stacy knew that this was the best option. Stacy needed to get away, and she didn’t want Anna in the middle of this potentially dangerous situation. She needed to clear her head and start a new life. She couldn’t work in a business environment that allowed backstabbing, manipulating, deceitful business deals. She was finished with that. Her other friend Millie felt it would be wiser to get out of town. Maybe Millie would be right about Barry Weiner. Maybe by leaving New York, he wouldn’t see Stacy as a threat to his business and career. Maybe he wouldn’t be so obsessed with her anymore. The fact that he was stalking her and leaving repulsive gifts at her apartment irked her. It seemed that by her turning him down and not succumbing to his command for sex at Mercer, she gained his complete interest. This was no longer a case of sexual harassment in the workplace. Barry was taking it to the next level. He was stalking her, and he seemed obsessed.

  “You sure that you know what you’re doing, Stacy? Texas? I’ve never even heard of this place, Pearl, and you don’t even know Millie’s aunt. Why would you leave everything you’ve worked so hard for and care for a woman you don’t even know?” Anna asked, sounding concerned and pessimistic. But Stacy couldn’t falter. She had to do this. When Millie mentioned an aunt out in Texas that owned a small farm was ill and needed help, Stacy thought maybe it would be a good place to clear her mind and put her past behind her. Then Millie mentioned a large house, work needing to be done, and living rent free, and it was the clincher on the deal. Plus, Millie would have considered going herself but had been dating a Wall Street guy for the past four months and wasn’t about to leave him. Not after getting away from her abusive ex-boyfriend who was in jail for drug dealing. That had been the worst six months of Millie’s life. Moving to another state was her only choice.

  Stacy thought the town nearby Millie’s aunt’s place sounded charming. The pictures of the place looked stunning and so inviting. Her instincts were leading her.

  “It will be okay. And someday soon you can come visit or maybe come live with me,” Stacy told Anna, giving her one more hug.

  Anna looked sad as she shook her head and kept her eyes looking toward the ground.

  “I can’t leave him. You know I’m all that my father has left.”

  Stacy clenched her teeth and hid her upset. Anna’s old man was nothing but an abusive asshole. Promise or not, Anna would need to get away from him before her life was ruined forever.

  “You’ll call me whenever you can, right?” Anna asked.

  “Of course I will. I wouldn’t survive without that weekly phone call.”

  Anna smiled.

  “Oh, well, I’ve gotta go, honey. I love you, Anna.”

  “I love you, too. Good luck,” Anna replied and hugged Stacy one more time before she walked away. Stacy took a deep breath and got into the cab. She shipped most of her belongings out to Millie’s aunt’s house, but she left a lot behind. As soon as she headed down the highway, she thought about Texas and wondered if she was doing the right thing.

  * * * *

  Marie Lemorte sat on the porch waiting for Stacy Porter to arrive. Ever since Millie, her niece, called and told her about the trouble Stacy was in and her need to relocate, Marie had been concerned. The young woman had been a great friend to Millie over the years and had helped Millie out when her boyfriend attempted to assault her. As far as Marie was concerned, Stacy was more than welcome in her home and more than just a friend of her niece’s. Stacy was family.

  Taking another sip of tea, she checked her watch again. She was worried that Stacy’s boss might interfere with Stacy’s travels, but Millie said that Stacy had taken precautions. The plane landed on time, and Ron, Marie’s neighbor, was picking Stacy up at the airport. Everything would be just fine. Ron was a good friend, a great neighbor, and a widower just like Marie. As Marie glanced around the property, she felt optimistic about this year’s horse riding camp and the extra help from Stacy. The young woman sounded like a spitfire by Millie’s description, including how she broke her boss’s nose when he attempted to attack her. Just the thought made Marie feel angry and concerned. She hoped that trouble wouldn’t follow the young woman, but she was confident that at least the Cantrells were nearby. The sheriff, deputy, and their men provided protection and safety to the entire community in the town of Pearl as well as the surrounding properties. Considering that Marie lived outside of the town limits, the Cantrell men were certain to keep her informed of any dangers as well as include her and the neighbors on events taking place in Pearl. It was a unique community. One that protected and watched over their own but also blossomed with young couples and new families. It was an entirely different place to live. There wasn’t any discrimination or crime or at least not anything other than some bored teenagers trying to prove themselves to their peers. In fact, a lot of the relationships were out of the norm. Marie took a sudden unsteady breath. She hoped that Mille explained to Stacy about the ménage relationships and the fact that many women had multiple husbands. Sighing, she looked toward the direction of the main road, hoping Stacy would get here soon.

  * * * *

  Ron Walker kept glancing at Stacy. He had a smile on his face and talked about Marie and the town of Pearl located just about ten minutes from Marie’s farm.

  Stacy absorbed the scenery as Ron talked about the surrounding neighbors and the local businesses. “Marie runs a small horseback riding camp during the summer. It starts
up in two weeks,” Ron explained.

  “That sounds really nice. But how can she handle that with her health and all?” she asked, and Ron’s eyes widened as if she had caught him off guard, and quickly he cleared his throat and pointed out the window toward the farmland. If it weren’t the first time she had ever seen a cowboy or a horse up close, Stacy would have pursued questioning Ron.

  Stacy absorbed the sight of the very large cowboy as he sat atop a great big, black stallion. At least that was what she thought it was. Being a city girl, she wasn’t familiar with names of horses or breeds, but the cowboy snagged her attention. Her heart actually picked up pace as her eyes absorbed the sight of him. The truck slowed down, and before she knew what was happening, the cowboy was mere feet away from the pickup truck. She felt herself blush immediately at getting caught staring, but damn, was this guy straight out of a novel. Despite the long-sleeve, blue button-down shirt, she could tell that he was built. His tan neck had muscles, and even his face was muscular and kissed by the sun. The light bits of hair on his cheeks and chin indicated that he had a shadow of a beard. His Stetson was titled down low, and she couldn’t fully see his face, and she wondered what color his eyes would be. Perhaps they were deep blue like the sky above or even a sea of green like the grassy landscape to the left of them. As if on cue, he tilted his head back, allowing the sunshine to illuminate his face, and she inhaled, nearly choking on her own breath. His eyes locked with hers from across the driver’s side window. Thank God her hands remained clasped on her lap, because she wouldn’t have known what to do with them.

  “Howdy.” The cowboy stated as he tipped his hat toward them.

  His horse stood feet from the truck as it adjusted its position beside the truck. She heard the horse’s hoofs tap the ground as it appeared to trot in place. The cowboy’s deep brown eyes held her gaze as Ron made the introductions.


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