Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Stacy's Destiny [The Town of Pearl 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Stacy's Destiny [The Town of Pearl 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Are you okay? Did you get hurt anywhere?” Max asked, still caressing her thighs and then her arms and shoulders. The more his large, callused hands touched her, the more her body quivered and ached in sexual need. When had she become so horny? It hit her almost instantly after meeting both men. It was the afternoon she arrived and caught sight of the sexy, handsome cowboy appearing out of thin air and then again when she met the deputy with the most adorable dimples ever. Oh crap. She was attracted to both of them, and it appeared they felt the same way about her.

  “Stacy, honey, are you okay or are you hurt anywhere?” Max asked.

  “Maybe she’s in shock?’ Eric added then softly moved a stray hair away from her cheek.

  “In shock from hanging off the roof or from us kissing her?” Max teased.

  He continued to caress her thighs, which only made matters worse. The warm sensation from his palm caused imaginary streams of sexual desire to collide into her pussy. Her pussy wept, and her clit throbbed. How the hell was she going to walk, never mind work the rest of the day, in this condition? She never felt anything like this just from a man’s touch. As a matter of fact, the only time a man ever touched her, he left her feeling dirty and negative. She felt the tears fill her eyes.

  “Stop doing that. I’m fine. Thank you,” she whispered, and both men smiled, instantly stealing her heart away. She immediately pushed Max aside and jumped down off the tailgate. She really did have issues, and now was not a good time to entertain sexual fantasies with not one, but two men at once. That thought had her stomach clenching again.

  She closed her eyes as the severity of her inadequacies in life came barging into her mind. She needed to avoid her attraction and the feel of safety in their arms.

  It was Eric who grabbed a hold of her hand then wrapped his arms around her from behind. She froze in place the instant she felt his firm body wedged against her back. She felt his hard cock against her lower back and the seam of her ass cheeks. Too many erotic visions went through her mind. It had been years since she had sex. Something told her that sex with these two men could kill her. Then she stopped the thoughts. She couldn’t let this happen. There were too many unresolved situations in her life right now.

  “Where are you running off to?” he whispered against her hair on the top of her head. Damn, it felt so good to be held in his arms. She was practically lost in his embrace and much larger frame. Again, the realization of his size and his strength frightened her. She tried to pull away, but his arms were locked around her. She didn’t know him and couldn’t trust her own judgment. Even her gut instincts were all screwed up right now.

  “Please don’t restrain me like this,” she pleaded in a whisper keeping her eyes closed. She felt Eric tense then slowly release her before turning her toward him. He lifted her chin with long, thick fingertips, and she slowly opened her eyes as she wrapped her arms around herself in a protective stance.

  “Is that what you think, that either one of us would force ourselves on you?”

  She felt embarrassed as he said the words out loud. She took a few steps away in retreat from the possible fight she saw burning in Eric’s eyes.

  “I don’t want any trouble. I appreciate your help, but please just go. I can do this myself.”

  She saw Max tap Eric before he cleared his throat.

  “Why don’t we help you with the shingles and whatever got you hopping like spit in a hot skillet up there on the roof. That way the dangerous aspects of your renovations are dealt with?” Max stated. Before she could reply, he was walking past her, and Eric was alongside him. She watched as they began to grab the shingles and other things they felt they would need.

  There wasn’t much for her to do to stop them, so she grabbed her paint and supplies and headed to the opposite side of the house.

  * * * *

  “Why did you let her get away?” Eric asked as he followed Max over toward the house where the pile of new shingles were stacked and where Stacy nearly fell. His heart still hammered in his chest just thinking about what could have happened to her.

  “You saw her reaction to you holding her when she wanted to walk away. You heard her ask you not to restrain her. She was scared, Eric,” Max stated as he looked back toward the direction Stacy left in.

  Eric felt himself getting angry and concerned. “You think someone hurt her physically?”

  “It’s a possibility. Every time one of us gets close to her she tenses up.”

  “She wasn’t tense while I was kissing her.”

  “I think that was part of what got her upset. I think she’s not used to that type of attention.”

  “That type of attention? She’s gorgeous. She has to be used to men flirting with her.”

  “I don’t even want to think about other men flirting with her. But maybe she isn’t comfortable with it. Maybe she’s shy or had some sort of bad experience. I don’t know what it is, but my gut clenches every time I see that look of fear in her eyes. Did you see the look she gave me when I asked her to let go so I could catch her? She was terrified to trust me.”

  Eric ran his hand through his crew-cut hair and to the back of his neck as he clenched his teeth with concern.

  “Let’s take things slow with her. She’s going to have to learn to trust us.”

  “I don’t think that is going to be as easy as it sounds,” Max replied then began to climb the ladder as Eric passed material to him.

  * * * *

  Stacy came around the side of the house feeling upset and confused. She tore open her painting supplies and gathered everything she needed to begin painting the house. Thank God Ron let her borrow a sprayer, or this would be taking her all day. She started out with the rich navy-blue color. Then she would paint the window frames a bright white and add a fancy trim molding to every window. She’d already cut out the strips. Eric and Max would probably insist that one of them hang the wood molding. She cringed just thinking about how she slipped and nearly fell off the roof. That wasn’t cool at all. In fact, they may think she was a klutz or a troublemaker, considering this was the second time they came to her aid. Thinking about Gutry and what she had heard about the man, she supposed that it had been good that Eric and Max appeared when they had. She may not have been able to handle the situation. She thought about the way Max caught her and how it felt to be in such strong yet gentle arms. His embrace was comforting, not restricting, and she hadn’t felt exposed. It shocked her, leaving her guard down and room for not just Max to kiss her, but Eric as well. She inhaled then released a shaky breath. Boy, could those cowboys kiss. Her mouth never felt so thoroughly explored. She also never came from a kiss alone like she did when the men kissed her. Her damn panties were wet, and her clit actually throbbed. Was that normal?

  “Stacy?” She was caught off guard hearing her name, and as she turned to see who it was, Eric was reaching for the sprayer nozzle before she accidentally sprayed the bushes instead of the house. She was once again caught daydreaming, except this time it was about Eric and Max. She felt her cheeks warm, and she wondered if they could tell that she was thinking about them.

  “You sure do daydream a lot. I’m curious to know what is so amazing it occupies your mind to the point that you’re in another world?” Eric asked, still holding the nozzle with his hand covering hers.

  “Maybe she’s thinking about us,” Max whispered, appearing on her other side. He gently caressed her arm. Stacy felt like she was in a dream. Were these guys for real? It was so strange to have not one, but two men flirt with her and with the same intensity in their eyes. What was stranger was that she wasn’t running for her life.

  “Why did you call me? Is something wrong?” she asked, trying to avoid their persuasive tactics. She wouldn’t turn into some lovesick puppy going all goo-goo and gaga over two very sexy men with more assets than even an experienced woman could tackle in one fantasy. Yikes, I need to stop thinking these crazy sexual thoughts.

  “Marie called my cell phone. She s
aid Millie is trying to get in touch with you. She got worried when you didn’t answer your phone,” Max stated, and she quickly handed over the sprayer to Eric.

  “I’ll be right back.” She headed into the house.

  Stacy walked into the cottage, glad to get some breathing room but now concerned that Mille was trying to contact her. She quickly dialed Millie’s cell number.

  “Where have you been?” Millie asked.

  “Hello to you, too.”

  “I’m sorry. Hello. I was worried, especially after some investigator showed up from the District Attorney’s office.”

  “What? Why? What did you get involved in, or was it that asshole Stewart?” Stacy asked.

  “Not my asshole, your asshole. Apparently your boss has been messing around with women for years. There have been numerous sexual harassment suits against him.”

  “What? Who told you that, the investigator from the District Attorney’s office?”

  “Yes, and apparently that moron who was working your case was not on the up and up.”

  “No shit. That jerk thought I was to blame.”

  “Yeah, well, this investigator is very serious. He wants to talk to you.”

  “Why does an investigator from the DA’s office want to talk to me? That detective who is working my case never mentioned anything about a DA. You didn’t give him my number or tell him where I am living?” Stacy asked, filled with concern.

  “No. I took his number so that you can call him. You are going to call him, right, Stacy?”

  “I’m not sure really. I don’t want any more trouble. It’s bad enough the jerk sent me that crazy stuff in the box. That was creepy and sick.”

  “That’s exactly why you need to call the investigator, Stacy. His name is Sam Pellot. Apparently you’re not the first woman your boss has harassed. Please call him and he will explain everything.”

  Stacy wrote down the name and number.

  “Let me know what he says, Stacy. I’m really worried about you.”

  “Don’t be worried about me. I survived his attack, didn’t I? That’s what’s most important.”

  * * * *

  Max didn’t want to eavesdrop on Stacy’s phone call, but she probably didn’t realize that he could hear her talking through the window in the living room. He was working on hanging the trim molding on the windows. When was she attacked? Who attacked her, and why would an investigator from the District Attorney’s office be trying to contact Stacy? Also, what package was she referring to? His investigative mind had a million questions. If Stacy was in some kind of trouble, he and Eric wanted to know what it was and how to help her. She had a short fuse and seemed to be on edge in any intense situation. It could be some sort of post-traumatic stress related to the attack, depending on the severity. She didn’t trust him to catch her even after he gave his word and stood directly below her. However she did react positively to their kiss and even when Eric kissed her. Max struggled with the decision of asking her about the call he overheard or waiting things out. He didn’t want to jump to conclusions, and he didn’t want to be accused of not minding his own business. However, he wanted to know everything there was to learn about Stacy. This situation could be serious. The DA in any town or county didn’t get involved in just minor cases. This had to be big.

  He heard the storm door slam closed as he walked toward the front of the cottage and saw Stacy heading toward Eric. He didn’t want to come off as possessive, but he was knocked off his boots just from kissing Stacy. She really packed a punch, and he was interested in tasting some more of what she had to offer. Confronting her about the phone call could land him in a heap of trouble. He was just as surprised as Stacy when he turned the corner and saw that Eric had painted the entire side of the house.

  “What do you think?” Eric asked her. Stacy stared at the color on the house for a few moments. It was a drastic change to the beat-up, dirty color that had been on the house before. The paint job made the house look brand new and entirely different.

  Stacy smiled, and it was the most beautiful sight Max had ever seen.

  “It’s gorgeous. I love it. What do you two think of it?” she asked them, and he was touched that she even cared to ask.

  “I would never have thought to use this color on a house, Stacy. It looks fantastic. Then when you add the bright white trim and that special woodwork you cut out, it’s going to look amazing,” Eric told her as he smiled.

  “It will look like a completely new place and no one will even remember the old way the cottage looked. You brought it back to life,” Max added moving closer.

  He saw the tears in her eyes as she stared at the side of the house.

  “I like that, Max. I like thinking of it as bringing the old house back to life. Do you think we can finish it today?” she asked.

  “If you stop standing around and start pitching in,” Eric teased, and she gave him a playful punch in the arm. Max laughed as Stacy tried to run off before Eric snagged her around the waist. She was too slow as Eric pulled her into his arms, kissed her on the mouth, then turned her around, tapping her on her ass before sending her on her way. When Stacy looked toward him, with her eyes wide open in shock at his actions. Eric raised his eyebrows in challenge, and she hurried away.

  “Pretty slick move, bro,” Max teased.

  Eric chuckled. “I can’t seem to get enough of those lips of hers.” Eric stood there watching Stacy practically jog out of sight as he touched his finger to his lips.

  Max had an uneasy felling in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to know what potential danger Stacy was in. Thinking about the way she reacted to Gutry and then had a near panic attack made him assume her fear had something to do with a man. He was surprised at the instant anger and jealousy he felt. Then he felt Eric poke him in the arm.

  “What’s up with you?” Eric asked.

  He debated about explaining things now to his brother or waiting until later.

  “What’s wrong?” Eric pushed.

  “I overheard Stacy talking to Millie on the phone.”


  “She mentioned the District Attorney’s office, an investigator trying to track her down, and about handling being attacked and something else about contents of a package. It was bits and pieces of the conversation, but I think she may be in some sort of trouble.”

  “Attacked? By who? So let’s go ask her. I want to know what’s going on and how serious it is.”

  Max stopped Eric from going after Stacy.

  “Wait. I don’t think we should ask her right now. I think it will scare her and piss her off. She sounded really concerned about whether or not Millie gave the investigator her location.”

  Eric rubbed his hand along his jaw.

  “I don’t like the sound of that.”

  “Neither do I, but we don’t have much of a choice. We don’t know her.”

  “Well let’s get to know her. Let’s get her to take Tex’s job as our cook. That way we can get to know her and keep an eye on her, too.”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  * * * *

  Max tried to adjust his stance as his cock pressed against the zipper of his crotch, begging for release. He held the ladder steady with one hand while he held Stacy’s thigh with his other hand. Her thigh felt toned and muscular beneath his fingertips, and every time she shifted to raise her arms to hammer in one of the fancy moldings, her breasts lifted. So did her tank top that revealed a firm-looking belly and what appeared to be a tiny indication of a tattoo below her waistline. The top of her jeans fell slightly over her hip bones, revealing a small amount of color from the tattoo. Her skin was lightly tan, and her belly dipped in the center, indicating she was trim and fit. He absorbed the way her round ass fit snugly in the worn-out jeans and that a small tear near her rear turned him on as much as the nakedness of her belly. He was fucked big-time. No woman ever made him analyze or absorb every tiny thing about her. The longer he held her, the more he wanted to possess her
. She was so feminine and adorable. His mind traveled in a thousand directions toward fantasies he never thought he could create just from watching a woman work. She shifted again, and he absorbed the sight of her toned arms. When she pulled off her T-shirt after ripping it on a nail against the wood a short time ago, he thought about pressing her body against the side of the house and kissing her. But he knew that move would have led to him copping a feel and maybe even playing with her nipples.

  “Hello, more nails please,” she stated, interrupting his thoughts.

  That was when he noticed her shoulder.

  “What’s that on your shoulder? It looks like a bruise or something,” he asked, and Stacy turned to look where he stared. “It’s nothing. Just hand me the nails,” she replied with her hand palm out, waiting for him.

  He reached in his pocket and handed over more nails, and Stacy started hammering in the last piece of fancy molding. She had done an excellent job, and he wondered where she learned to do carpentry and fix things. She finished and began to step down the ladder. He helped her, and when she reached the bottom, he stopped her from getting away from him. Towering over her, he held one hand against her waist, indicating for her not to move while he reached up and gently pushed the material on her shoulder to the side. He wanted to see the bruise.

  “What are you doing?” she asked, and he heard her shaky voice.

  “What happened? This looks recent and painful, Stacy.” He checked it out and saw that the bruising led further under her shirt, more than likely across her shoulder blade.

  “Please don’t do that. It’s no big deal. I fell and hit a piece of furniture,” she replied, but her eyes showed that she was lying.

  He placed his fingers under her chin as he used his thumb to caress her cheek.

  “That’s a pretty bad bruise. How exactly did you get it?” he asked, using his professional tone that usually got people shaking in their boots.


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