Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Stacy's Destiny [The Town of Pearl 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Stacy's Destiny [The Town of Pearl 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 13

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Oh fuck that’s sexy,” Max said, sitting up between Stacy’s knees.

  “Oh, that’s so good, Stacy. Oh man, Max, her mouth feels so good,” Eric cupped Stacy’s head, supporting it so she could take him deeper.

  “I need inside you, baby. My cock’s so hard watching you suck Eric off.”

  Eric watched as Max pushed his cock into Stacy, making her moan. The vibrations rumbled against his dick, nearly making him explode. He felt Stacy suck harder then meet Max thrust for thrust. She was so responsive, and he couldn’t wait to fuck her, too.

  “Oh God, you’re beautiful,” Max stated as he thrust harder, increasing his tempo while he massaged her breasts.

  “I’m gonna come, baby. You’re incredible,” Eric exclaimed then rocked his hips and exploded inside her mouth. She sucked him harder as Max grabbed hold of her hips, lifted, then plunged in deeper.

  Stacy opened her mouth, releasing Eric as she moaned louder.

  * * * *

  Max couldn’t slow down. Watching Stacy sucking on Eric’s cock made him imagine her doing that to him. His dick responded, and so did his need to possess every inch of her. He seated himself balls deep, stroking as her vaginal muscles gripped him harder. He was practically growling from the tightness, and he felt about ready to explode. He begged himself in his mind to just thrust a few more times. He needed it and wanted her so bad it ached deep within his chest. The realization that he was falling for Stacy struck a chord in him.

  Ours. You belong to us. He tried not to come. He focused on the delicate butterfly tattoo near her hip bone. It was feminine and tiny, just like her. He leaned his body completely over hers and slowed his pace. He took her face between his hands and kissed her mouth as he ground his hips. He felt Stacy’s legs wrap around his waist. Her hands covered his hands. He lifted them, placing her hands above her head. He held her gaze while he thrust down into her. He was on his knees and wanted to get as far inside of her as he could. But he didn’t want to hurt her. Max knew he was a large man, and as much as he needed to claim her like this, he also wanted to show her that this meant something to him. They entwined their fingers. He listened to her catch her breath after every thrust. She moaned but held his gaze, appearing to be locked in the moment and in the connection they shared. He couldn’t go on like this much longer. He was at his wit’s end. He began to pick up his pace. The bed rocked and squeaked beneath them. Stacy pushed her chest out toward him, arching her back, and he took that moment to latch on to her nipple. She screamed, and he felt her orgasm. It was hot and vibrated against his shaft. Thrust for thrust, she continued to amaze him, and he lost it. He exploded inside of her, releasing his seed as her vaginal walls sucked him until it was too sensitive to move.

  He leaned down and kissed her softly. She smiled, and so did he.

  “Incredible,” she whispered.

  You sure are.

  * * * *

  It was six thirty in the morning when both Max and Eric headed out of Stacy’s cottage. They both had to get ready for work. Stacy was smiling wide after taking a shower and discovering that not only was she sexually satisfied, but easily stimulated by mere thoughts of Max and Eric. She was so not going to be able to resist their charms. She just better not go and fall in love with them. They were perfect, but this type of relationship had never even been a fantasy for her, never mind reality. Plus she feared the public repercussions. People could be cruel. Not that she had ever been a follower, but she did have a lot of trouble following because she wouldn’t be like the other women at work and use her pussy to move up the corporate ladder. Thinking about that part of her body brought back thoughts of both Eric and Max. They were gone less than an hour, and she was missing them.

  At eight thirty, her cell phone rang, and she figured it was one of them. Both men added her contact information into their cell phones before they left his morning. That was another example of this reality. She just had incredible sex with two men who she just met and didn’t even know their cell phone or house numbers. Yikes.


  “Stacy, it’s Millie.”

  “Millie, what’s wrong? You sound upset.”

  “I am upset. Some asshole who I think is working for your boss just questioned me outside the shop this morning. He was waiting for me, Stacy.”

  “Oh my God. What did he want?”

  “He wanted to know where you were? He was trying to push me to tell him. He even threatened me.”

  “Oh shit, Millie. Are you okay? Did he touch you? Did you call the police or investigator Pellot?”

  “No. I wanted to talk to you first and warn you.”

  “This is so out of control. What am I going to do? I don’t want these men bothering you or Anna.”

  “I know you don’t. What are you going to do?”

  “I want you to call the investigator and tell him what just happened. I don’t want you taking any chances. This guy could come back and try to hurt you to get to me. I won’t allow that to happen,” Stacy stated just as she heard the front porch door open. She turned around and saw Marie. The woman looked like she had heard everything.

  “Call the investigator then have him call me.”

  “Okay, Stacy. Be safe.”

  “You, too, honey.”

  “What happened to Millie? Someone hurt her trying to find out where you are?”

  Stacy shook her head. “Some guy threatened her to get her to give up my location. She handled it well.”

  “He threatened her? Was it your boss? Did he touch her?”

  “No, Marie. It seems like it might have been some guy he hired to find me. I told Millie to call the police or the investigator. They’ll help. If this continues, I may have to head back to New York.”

  “You can’t leave here. That man will hurt you or worse.”

  “I won’t bring any trouble this way. I also won’t stand by and allow my friends to be harassed because of something I did.”

  “What you did was brave, and you are not at fault. At least here you have Eric and Max. They’ll protect you if trouble comes a looking.”

  Stacy was surprised by Marie’s statement. Did she know that both men stayed here last night? She felt her cheeks redden with embarrassment.

  “Stop those thoughts right now. I may look like some old lady to you, but I’ve been around these parts for years. I know how it works between some men and some particular women. It may be out of the traditional type of relationships you’re familiar with, but that doesn’t lessen the intensity or the love between two men and one woman or three and four, or whatever number of men to one woman. I’ve witnessed more love and commitment in ménage marriages than the traditional marriages between one man and one woman. Now I’m not telling you what to do, Stacy, but I know these men. They want you as their own. Max and Eric Cantrell’s family were part of the first settlers in this town. That’s why they own the largest ranch and bring in the greatest financial support as well. They are good men, honorable men that have served the people of Pearl and maintained safety and peace along with it.”

  “That is very noble and I respect that, which is also why I won’t bring any sort of trouble to town. I don’t know why Barry is committed to harassing me. I remember how he was at work. He always gets what he wants. He would hound clients sometimes to get the contracts. He and his father-in-law gained the nickname “piranhas” for good reasons. I just don’t understand what he wants from me. I left the job. I didn’t press charges.”

  Marie moved closer to Stacy. “You’re a very beautiful woman. You are sweet and very smart. Some men find that irresistibly sexy and want to possess someone of that stature to show off or even exploit. It could be as simple as what you say, and that is that he wants you like a possession or prize. But also, keep in mind that he’s taken some sick and inappropriate actions in gaining you as his prize, and that’s where the concern should be. He’s a suspect in three murders whether the investigators have evidence or not. This is not something
to handle on your own, Stacy. Stay here where Max and Eric can protect you.”

  Stacy nibbled her bottom lip. Everything that Marie stated was true, but staying here and leaning on two men that could possibly break her heart caused almost as much fear as returning to New York.

  “Talk to me, Stacy. What are you so afraid of about Max and Eric?” Marie asked.

  Stacy felt a bit embarrassed having this discussion with Millie’s aunt, but what choice did she really have? The woman was demanding and seemed to know exactly what Stacy was thinking.

  “Would you like a cup of coffee?” Stacy asked as she walked over toward the coffeepot and began to pour a cup for herself.

  “Sure. Then we can sit down and talk this through.”

  Stacy smiled, poured the two cups of coffee, then brought them over to the table. Marie took out the creamer and sugar.

  “Okay, start talking,” Marie stated before she took a sip from the cobalt-blue coffee cup.

  Stacy inhaled. “I never even knew that ménage relationships existed. I mean, two men with one woman? How can that work? How can they get along and not become jealous or love one more than the other? How do they commit to more than one man? I’ve never even had a relationship with a man before. Technically speaking, any relationship with any man in my life has ended badly. They’ll get bored, and they’ll move on. I don’t think I can risk that.”

  “I think these are questions for you to ask Eric and Max. They were raised by multiple fathers and one mother. They understand what commitment this type of relationship entails. What have you got to lose in giving it a try?” Marie asked, sipping her coffee and looking relaxed. Marie really was a nice person. She was just tough, and that was more than likely from living on the farm. Stacy smiled.

  “I like them a lot. What’s not to like? They’re gorgeous, they seem protective and caring.”

  “They stayed over here last night,” Marie added, looking at Stacy over the rim of her coffee mug. Stacy’s mouth gaped open then closed real quick. There wasn’t much she could say to that. She felt her cheeks blush, and then she took a sip from her own coffee cup and looked toward the front porch. She could see Ron walking toward the cottage.

  “I think Ron is looking for you,” Stacy stated, and Marie laughed.

  “Ain’t that good timing?” she teased then stood up from the table. She took her mug over to the sink and washed it out then placed it on the drying rack.

  “You’re a grown woman, and they’re grown men. What you do is your business. But let me just warn you that you shouldn’t keep any information about New York from them. They’ll find out sooner or later, and keeping secrets from those you love can damage a relationship meant to last.”

  “Love? I hardly know them and I can handle this myself.”

  “Whatever, New York.” Marie glanced at the clock on the wall and met Ron by the door right before he was about to knock.

  “You best get a move on it if you’re planning on working today. Camp is going to start in a week. The day after Fourth of July and tomorrow you start cooking for the Cantrells.”

  “I’m not cooking for them!” Stacy stated as she stood from her seat and hurried across the room.

  “I gave my word that you would be there to cook for them tomorrow night. The pay is real good, too, so don’t pass this up.”

  “Morning, Stacy. How are you doing today?”

  Stacy smiled and said good morning to Ron as she eyed Marie as if wanting to reprimand her but chose not to.

  Marie chuckled then walked out of the cottage.

  * * * *

  Max was driving down the side streets of town when he noticed Gutry and another guy leaning against the side of a pickup truck. There were numerous items in the bed of the truck from what Max could see. Max didn’t care for Gutry one bit. Not when he was working for the family on the Triple C and definitely not after the way he went after Stacy. The thought of that man touching Stacy made him angry. Gutry had always drank too much, screwed around with women and got into trouble in a town outside of Pearl and wasn’t reliable. Charlie and Ben had felt bad for Gutry because he was a loner and begged for work. The Cantrell’s were good people that tried to help others the best they could. It was why Max decided to follow his father’s footsteps in becoming a lawman. It’s why Max decided to follow their other dad’s footsteps and help on the ranch. The Triple C was a family business and the town of Pearl was established by the Cantrell name decades ago.

  Max looked back toward Gutry and the other guy. Gutry caught Max’s gaze and gave Max a dirty look before he tapped his friend’s shoulder. Max noticed that the friend was looking inside the bed of the truck. His deputy instincts warned him that they could have been looking to steal something. But right now, they were walking away from the truck and around the corner.

  Max wondered what Gutry and his friend were up to. There had been a few robberies around town. Maybe Gutry and the other guy should be on the list of suspects? Max pulled the patrol car over behind the pickup truck. He would go inside the convenient store to see if Mr. Wilkins knew the guy that was with Gutry. That would be a start. Then later on maybe he could go see Stacy. He thought about her immediately after seeing Gutry. He just didn’t like the way Gutry paid so much attention to Stacy when she went to town.

  * * * *

  After talking with Investigator Pellot from New York, Stacy began to paint her living room. She decided to start there and make her way toward the bedrooms. The kitchen would be painted next, and by the time she made it to her bedroom, the smell of paint wouldn’t be so bad in the living room and she could sleep there until her bedroom was finished. As she painted the trim in the top corner of the ceiling, she thought about her conversation with Investigator Pellot. He had been very concerned over the incident with Millie and had decided to have her watched for a few days to ensure that the creepy guy wouldn’t return. Pellot had his suspicions about who the man might be that threatened Millie. He also stated that they found another young woman whom Weiner had harassed and attempted to sexually assault from five years ago. If she pressed charges, then there would be two of them to help build a case against Barry Weiner. Investigator Pellot also expressed concern over Stacy’s well-being. He warned her to stay alert to any new strangers in town or hanging around the streets. She was to call if Barry Weiner contacted her. If anyone or anything appeared suspicious, then she should call her boyfriend, the deputy. She hadn’t expected him to say anything like that, and she immediately told Pellot that the deputy was not her boyfriend. He continued to explain how Deputy Cantrell told him that he would watch over her and protect her. She couldn’t even begin to imagine what the investigator might have assumed from Max’s statement. Then again, she really didn’t care. She focused on painting the ceiling to the living room. She had already spent a good hour or so taping the ceiling and the molding. As she began to paint, she realized that the light-beige color added warmth and sophistication to the room and she hoped a feeling of welcoming and comfort. She already knew what furniture she would purchase once she budgeted out her money. She didn’t want to spend too much until she was certain that she had a job lined up. That thought brought on more thoughts of Max and Eric. How could she possibly work for them and cook for them and their cousins? She wasn’t even sure how to react when she saw them next. Part of her missed them terribly, and part of her was angry at Max for invading her privacy and telling the investigator that she was his girlfriend. The sound of her cell phone ringing interrupted her thoughts. She quickly reached back into her back pocket to answer the call.

  “Hello,” she stated.

  “Ah, I’ve missed your voice.”

  Stacy jumped and knocked over the can of paint. It fell to the floor as she nearly lost her balance and fell, too.

  “What do you want?” she asked Barry as she pulled the half-empty gallon of paint off of the drop cloth she had lain down to catch any spills. Now she would have to hit the hardware store again.

�There’s no need to be snippy, Stacy. After all, I’ve tried very hard to locate you,” Barry responded. She had to keep her cool and act like it was no big deal that he called her. She had the damn number changed and everything. What the hell.

  “There was no need to contact me. I’ve got nothing to say to you, and I don’t ever want to see you again.”

  “Well, the choice really isn’t yours, sweetheart. You see, you’ve become kind of an obsession of mine. For some odd reason, I can’t get you out of my head. I think about you all the time.”

  “Maybe you should talk to someone about that? Perhaps the police?” she replied, trying her hardest to act tough, but the reality of his madness was becoming apparent. He really sounded crazy.

  He chuckled at her retort then continued.

  “I really want to see you. I think if I do, then I’ll be able to get you out of my head. I want you, Stacy. I want you by my side in work and of course in pleasure. You do know how big and strong I am? When I hold your petite, sexy body in my arms, you’ll know you’re loved and cherished. Won’t you let me take care of you?”

  “Absolutely not! Are you insane or something? Didn’t I tell you no back at Mercer Enterprises? I mean, I broke your freaking nose for ripping my blouse and trying to rape me.”

  “Oh, I wasn’t going to rape you, sweetheart. I just couldn’t resist that voluptuous body of yours. You are built perfectly for me. You’re exactly what I would order off of a menu if one existed that sold women.”

  Stacy was mortified beyond belief. This man was a sicko.

  “Please don’t call me again. I don’t want anything to do with you. I’m hanging up now.”

  “You’ll be sorry, Stacy. If I have to come looking for you halfway across the country, I will, and the consequences will be fierce,” he exclaimed in an even stranger and evil-sounding voice. She clicked off the phone and began to pace the living room. As Barry’s words kept resurfacing, the fear that he might come to Texas, hunt her down, and kill her filled her mind. Before long, she began to cry then try to figure out what to do. Her cell rang again, and when she glanced at the number, she saw that it was private. She answered it even though Barry’s number came up as private, too.


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