Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Stacy's Destiny [The Town of Pearl 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Dwyer, Dixie Lynn - Stacy's Destiny [The Town of Pearl 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 17

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  * * * *

  Stacy felt as if she blacked out a second. The sex was so intense and hot that she nearly felt reality slip away from her. It was like an out-of-body experience. That was the only way she could describe it. Her lips were numb from taking Eric’s hard cock down her throat. He had been a little rough, but damn it, she wanted it that way and could have taken him even rougher. It was insane. Her pussy felt swollen, and her legs were weak.

  “Are you okay, baby?” Eric asked as he brought the washcloth to her face and neck. He caressed it against her skin, the cool cloth causing goose bumps along her flesh.

  “You’re so sexy, baby. I love this body,” Eric stated, tracing a nipple with his finger then cupping her breast. He pushed the lace bra to the side and leaned down to suckle a breast. She moaned, and for crying out loud, she felt the moisture leak from her pussy. Then she felt Max’s cock move inside of her. They both moaned.

  “Oh man, she’s going to kill us both. I can feel her pussy grabbing my cock,” Max teased as he lifted from his forearms. Stacy moaned as Eric washed her belly then lower. Max gave another thrust before he gently pulled from her body. She was shocked when he leaned down and kissed her pussy. Her entire body tingled, and her heart soared. I love these guys.

  She tensed as the men pulled their pants on. It was Eric who took her hand to help her up.

  “No, don’t move me. Just get me a blanket and I’ll stay right here,” she stated with her eyes closed. She was content and exhausted.

  Max chuckled along with Eric.

  “Come on, honey. We’ll take a quick shower and get to bed. It’s been a long day,” Max told her as Eric lifted her into his arms and carried her across the room.

  Chapter 9

  It was three o’clock in the morning when Barry walked into his home. He had been so sexually frustrated that he wound up at Teressa’s apartment. He’d fucked her a few times over the last few months while he was trying to get to know Stacy. Teressa had been his access to information on Stacy and whether she was dating anyone or even liked men. Stacy seemed so untainted and not promiscuous in any way, and that turned Barry on even more. He had enough sexual experience for the two of them. In fact, her innocence and youth would make her a good student in bed. Thoughts of restraining her made his dick hard again. Teressa just took off the edge tonight. It was becoming unbearable to live like this and without his woman. He had to locate Stacy soon. He was beginning to feel as if he could lose his mind. Didn’t his phone messages today entice her? Perhaps she was playing hard to get. She was special, and she would be his prize possession.

  “Late meeting?” his wife Claire asked as he sat on the edge of the bed and began to take off his dress shoes. He was annoyed that he had to live with her, never mind sleep in the same bed.

  “Yeah,” he replied, and she turned on the bedside light.

  He tossed a glance over his shoulder at her. He hated the bitch. If he could get rid of her, he would. But her damn father had more money than God. He would never get away with killing her. Instead he just ignored her best he could, and he would grin and bear it.

  She crossed her arms in front of her chest and sniffed the air.

  “You’re lying to me. I can smell the cheap perfume on you. Who were you fucking tonight, Barry?” she asked, sounding disgusted and annoyed. For a moment, he cringed thinking that if she divorced him, he would lose out on a lot of money. That was money he needed to disappear with Stacy and begin a new life. He better tread carefully.

  “Who the fuck is she?” Claire yelled, and he was surprised at her outburst and aggression. His dick hardened. He thought about showing his wife who was boss. What would she do if he threw her onto her stomach, forced her thighs open, and fucked her from behind? The prim and proper bitch would probably run to daddy and claim that Barry had assaulted her. All these bitches were the same. They asked to be fucked, and then when he fucked them, they cried rape or assault.

  “I’m tired, Claire. I’m not in the mood for your bullshit tonight.”

  She was on her knees crawling across the bed to him. She sat behind him and placed her hands on his shoulders. He tensed. He really hated her. She was boring, and fucking her was torture.

  “I’m just concerned, Barry. You’ve been acting strangely for weeks now. Are you still upset over that woman from work who broke your nose?”

  He tightened under her hands then forced himself to relax.

  “Maybe a little. Let me go shower so I can get a few hours sleep before it’s time to get up for work.”

  He went to get up, but she stopped him. He felt her breath against his neck as she squeezed his shoulders.

  “I want you to stop whatever it is you’re doing. I know you’re up to something. I know about the women and about Stacy. If you drop everything now, I’ll forget all of it and we can move on with our marriage. If you continue to lie to me and cheat on me, we’re through.”

  He was shocked as he glanced up to her. He held her gaze and didn’t even feel compelled to lie to her, but he knew he had to.

  “Honey, what are you talking about? What other women? And Stacy? What about Stacy? She’s the one who caused all the problems at work. Claire. I’m tired and I’m not in the mood for one of your fantasies or accusations about me being unfaithful to you. So go to bed and I’ll forget all about this conversation.” He dismissed her and was firm in his statement. She looked a little embarrassed then blushed.

  “You didn’t say anything about the nightgown I’m wearing.”

  He looked her over. The pale-pink silk was more appealing than her skin. Her breasts were so small that the cups sagged. She needed the larger size because her belly sagged. He found her inability to take care of her body a total turn-off. He didn’t mind large women as long as they kept themselves neat and attractive. His wife was lazy, and that extra weight she had was from being inactive.

  “It looks nice, Claire.”

  She moved across his lap and straddled his hips. Placing her hands on his shoulders she began to move up and down his body.

  “I’ll do that thing you like. I’ll try really hard this time,” she offered, and he swallowed hard. He could let her give him a blow job. It wouldn’t hurt. But she didn’t like doing that. She never finished and usually started gagging after a few strokes.

  “You don’t have to do that, honey. I know you don’t like it. I won’t force you to do something you don’t like,” he told her, and she smiled.

  “I’ll let you do whatever you want tonight. I’ll let you use the ropes,” she stated, and his dick hardened beneath her.

  “Okay, baby. Go lay on the bed and I’ll get the ropes.”

  She slowly repositioned herself on the bed. He watched her, and beneath the dim light, he could see how scared she was. It turned him on. Her fear would feed his sexual appetite. He could do this. He could fuck his wife and pretend it was Stacy. That was the only way to get through this. Tomorrow he would contact the investigator. The guy had to be getting closer.

  Barry got undressed and grabbed what he needed from the closet. He had removed the ropes, bindings, sex toys, and whip from the bedside table a week after they were married. Claire had demanded that he remove them.

  He looked at her and crawled between her legs as he tied the rope to the two posts on the head board.

  “You really like this kind of thing, huh?” she whispered, her voice cracking.

  “You’ll like it, too,” he told her and continued to imagine that the woman below him was Stacy.

  “No. I don’t think I will. I’m trying to understand you.”

  “Don’t analyze me during sex. You asked for it and now you’re going to get it.”

  A few minutes later, Claire lay naked and tied to the bed. The special bindings allowed him to roll her to her back without hurting her arms or crossing them.

  He flipped her over, and she squealed.

  “What are you doing?”

  “You’ve been a naughty girl, Claire. You n
eed to be punished.”

  “No!” she screamed, but he ignored her protests and showed her a small glimpse into his world. A world she could never be part of. By the time he was through with her, Claire would never question him again or accuse him of anything.

  * * * *

  “How is she?” Max asked Eric as he walked out of Stacy’s bedroom.

  “Passed out.” He chuckled then adjusted his cock. Just the sight of her got him all fired up and ready for another round of sex. He hadn’t even bothered to zip up his jeans. It was too uncomfortable.

  Max smiled. “She’s amazing, isn’t she?”

  “Sure is. My dick’s been hard since the first day I met her,” he smirked then took the beer that Max offered. He knew that Max wanted to talk to him. It was probably about the phone calls today from Stacy’s boss.

  Max began to explain about what was on the voice messages. With each detail, Eric became angrier and angrier. “Holy shit, this guy is sick. So are the cops in New York going to arrest him?” Eric asked, now feeling on edge and concerned for Stacy’s safety.

  “They can’t.”

  “What the fuck do you mean, they can’t?” Eric asked, annoyed.

  “They don’t have proof that it is, in fact, Barry Weiner. He used a voice distorter and called from an untraceable number.”

  “But it is him. He’s the one she has had a problem with. He’s the one who stalked her back in New York.”

  “I know, Eric, but the system doesn’t work that way. I know it’s him, and you know it’s him, but there’s no actual evidence proving that it is Weiner and that will stand up in a court of law.”


  “Exactly. I couldn’t wait to get here and to hold her in my arms. She doesn’t even know half the shit this asshole left on voice mail for her.”

  “Like what? I mean, what did he say exactly?” Eric instantly felt sick to his stomach.

  Max shook his head, clenched his teeth as he swallowed the slug of beer as if trying to get rid of a bad taste in his mouth. Then he looked away from Eric. That wasn’t like him at all.

  “What? What are you not telling me?” Eric asked.

  “All that matters is that we keep an eye on her and ask Ron and Marie to do the same. Wyatt and the guys are informed of the situation. If we can get her to come work for us at the ranch, then we can talk her into staying there a few nights, a week at least.”

  Eric walked closer to Max. “You’re not keeping me out of the loop here. If someone is threatening Stacy and sending messages to her, I want to know about it.”

  Max exhaled then rubbed a hand over his mouth and chin. He looked real upset and as if he had been trying to keep his anger at bay. Eric didn’t want to push him, but he needed to know.

  “I really don’t want to talk about it all. Just know that he wants to experiment sexually with her. He described some pretty intense fantasies that involved restraining her and what could only be described as sexually abusing her. It was sick shit. He vowed to punish her for running away from New York and hurting any other men she considered getting involved with.”

  “What? Why can’t we go to New York and fuck this guy up? How would he like being hog-tied and dragged behind Lightning for miles across our land?”

  “Calm down, Eric. Believe me, I‘d like to put a bullet in the guy’s head, but we can’t. As angry as we are, we need to follow protocol and do what the investigators say. It’s our only choice.”

  Eric was quiet a moment as he thought about what Max had shared.

  “It was pretty bad, huh?”

  Max shook his head.

  “I couldn’t even imagine. Did Wyatt or anyone else listen in?”

  “Just Wyatt, but he was going to be making copies before sending the phone to the agents. I’m not going to be able to leave her alone. I mean, one of us or even Ron, and maybe sending over Charlie or Ben would be a good idea.”

  “If she works for us, then she’ll be safest on the Triple C. Let’s do our best to convince her.”

  “You got it.”

  They were silent a few moments until they heard some noises coming from Stacy’s bedroom. Immediately they hurried to her room.

  * * * *

  “You belong to me. I waited a year to have you, Stacy. I left my wife for you, and you have no choice but to come with me.”

  “No. I’m not going anywhere with you. I don’t belong to you, Barry, I belong to Eric and Max Cantrell. We’re getting married.”

  “You can’t get married.”

  “I am and there isn’t anything that you can do about it. So just leave now before they get home.”

  Barry chuckled. “They’re not coming home, Stacy. I’ve already killed them.”

  Stacy screamed as Barry grabbed her by the arms and shook her. She couldn’t believe that Max and Eric were dead. Barry lost his mind. He was crazy.

  “Let go of me! Get off of me,” she screamed as Barry ripped her blouse then the skirt she wore. He turned her around then shoved her onto the bed. She kicked and screamed, trying to fight him off, but she couldn’t. He was way too strong.

  “Stop fighting me!” he yelled then stuck his knee into her spine as he kneeled on her. She grabbed for the comforter, trying to gain leverage to get him off of her. He forced her arms upward and tied her wrists to the bed. Her face hit the comforter as she gasped for air, trying to breathe. She tossed her head side to side and kicked her legs when he spread her thighs.

  “Please no! Don’t touch me!” she cried as she felt his fingers spread her ass cheeks.

  “You’re mine, Stacy. No other man will ever fuck this ass again.”

  She felt his heavy body against her as she cried and screamed for him to release her.

  “Stacy! Stacy, it’s Max, wake up, baby. Wake up, you’re having a bad dream,” Max stated.

  She heard Max’s voice and then Eric’s. She was having a nightmare. She thought that Barry had actually abducted her and killed Eric and Max.

  She couldn’t settle her breathing despite Eric’s comforting words and Max’s embrace.

  Finally she opened her eyes and held her hands clenched in fists against her knees as she knelt on the bed.

  All she wore was a tank top.

  “I’m sorry. Oh God, I must have dozed off and I was dreaming. I’m so sorry,” she stated, and both men looked very concerned as they settled around her. She wouldn’t tell them what she dreamt about. She couldn’t let them know how much she already loved them.

  “Lay back down. We’re here now,” Eric told her as he reached out to touch her.

  She pushed his hand away and back crawled off the bed. She needed a few minutes to pull herself together. Why did she have such an intense nightmare? Was she weak or something?

  “Stacy?” Max called after her as she hurried across the room to the bathroom.

  “I’m fine. I just need a few minutes,” she called over her shoulder then closed the bathroom door.

  She was perspiring now. Her heartbeat finally began to feel normal. She walked over to the vanity and looked at herself in the mirror. She looked pale and scared shitless. Son of a bitch! That asshole Barry was ruining her life even from miles away.

  Her fear and anxiety soon turned to hatred and anger. How could she let some stupid fucking phone calls get to her like this? She thought about it as she splashed some cool water onto her face a few times. The cold temperature seemed to cool down her hot temper. She was getting so caught up in Eric and Max that she was relying on them. She needed them whether she was ready to believe it or not. She remembered tossing and turning in bed, reaching out to the empty space on either side of her. They had been with her after they made love. They lay together, and it was the first time she ever felt so complete and at ease.

  But then she started thinking about her life. She thought about the first time she ever had sex and how she should have saved herself for the right man, or in this case, men. She thought about her father and the way he raised her. He h
ad brought her up believing that a real man had money, power, and influence. He taught her his trade, work, and things that most young women wouldn’t be exposed to for the simple fact that society wouldn’t view it as feminine or ladylike. He shoved reality in her face. Her dad figured if she knew how to do most things on her own, then she wouldn’t rely on a man to do it for her. He tried to make her self-sufficient. She was, and it was what made her shy away from commitments with men and relationships that could lead to permanency.

  Her one and only time having sex was back in college with Alex, and she did it to get it over with. She was trying to prove to herself that her father was wrong about men. She was lonely, and he was gone. Her father had been her rock. She immediately thought about him when Barry had attacked her. Everything he said about men with money and power had been true. She was avoiding those types of men in an effort to make her achievements in the business world on her own when Barry attacked. When it came down to it, all her hard work and dedication to Mercer Enterprises came down to just one decision. Spread her thighs to move up the corporate ladder, or never succeed. After making the wrong decision in college, she knew the aftereffects of guilt and feeling worthless. It wouldn’t be worth it. Look where she was now. In the middle of Texas, with only a little bit of money saved and an uncertainty of what her future would be.


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