Lesbians Love Licking: 10 Story Lesbian Erotic Collection W/ BONUS! (Lesbian Erotic Romance)

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Lesbians Love Licking: 10 Story Lesbian Erotic Collection W/ BONUS! (Lesbian Erotic Romance) Page 4

by Nicolette Dane

  “Oh God,” shouted Paige, her body writhing with the movements of her friends. “Fucking… Oh fuck!”

  Paige’s pussy pulsed and tightened around Melanie’s fingers, and her ass began to collapse over to one side of the bed. Grace quickly maneuvered out from under Paige and popped up onto her knees. Melanie slid her fingers out of Paige’s pussy and smacked her teasingly on the ass.

  Lying there now, Paige tried desperately to catch up to her breath, panting and gasping. She curled up into a ball, her pussy still feeling deeply moist against her inner thighs.

  “Oh God,” Paige called out again, closing her eyes, pushing her face into a pillow.

  “First time’s a charm,” joked Melanie. She and Grace laughed together.

  “You have a real tasty pussy,” said Grace. “Very sweet.”

  “Gracie,” started Melanie. “Let’s go get another glass of wine and let Paige recover. I kinda think we blew her mind.” Grace and Melanie laughed and hugged each other. They then grabbed their wine glasses and waved goodbye to Paige, though her eyes were closed. Still nude, the two of them scurried out of the room and stomped down the stairs.

  Paige hugged herself and lay there on the bed, her breath gradually returning to her. She could hardly think straight. But she knew what she just experienced was incredible, undeniable, and she thirsted for another round.

  Reaching her hand between her legs, she tenderly stroked her aching pussy, massaging herself softly as she floated back down to Earth.


  “Push harder!” barked Lillian, standing next to the treadmill and watching Claire as she ran at a steady clip. Claire was red in the face, her dirty blonde hair tied back in a ponytail, and she wore a bright pink shirt with the words “The Largest Decrease” emblazoned on it. Standing around Lillian and Claire were two cameramen, one holding a camera focused on Claire and the other with his camera on Lillian.

  “I can’t go any faster,” said Claire, obviously exhausted.

  “Put it up to a 7,” said Lillian.

  “That’s too fast,” said Claire.

  “Do it!” screamed Lillian. “This is your time, Claire, your time!”

  Claire obeyed her trainer, reached her hand out, and pushed the button on the treadmill computer to increase the speed. She kept up her run, feeling like she could throw up, but wanting to remain strong and focused for Lillian.

  It was late in the game and Claire had to keep pressing on. She had made the Final Five and she knew that Lillian was counting on her to succeed.

  “Okay,” said Lillian. “Just 10 more seconds.”

  Claire nodded emphatically.

  “Five more,” said Lillian, looking down to her watch.

  Claire could feel her heart pumping, her lungs gasping for air, and her legs were turning to jelly. Never did she think that she would make it this far in “The Largest Decrease” and never did she think it would be this difficult.

  “Stop,” said Lillian, reaching over the treadmill and cutting the speed. The treadmill slowly came to a halt with Claire’s pace slowing along with it until finally she was stopped, hands on the bars, lurched over to catch her breath.

  “I’m gonna puke,” said Claire.

  “You aren’t,” said Lillian. “You’re amazing. This is your game, Claire. You can win this whole thing.”

  “I don’t know,” said Claire, huffing and puffing, her face scrunched up like she could cry. Lillian came around to the other side of the treadmill and put her arm around Claire.

  “I believe in you,” said Lillian. “You’ve had the Largest Decrease at weigh-in like three or four times. Babe, you’ve already lost 30% of your starting weight. You’re killing it!”

  Claire nodded, still doubled over and trying to catch her breath.

  “Thanks Lillian,” said one of the cameramen, dropping his camera down. “We’ve got to move on now.”

  “Thanks guys,” said Lillian. The cameramen turned and walked away from Lillian and Claire, heading to the other side of the gym.

  “Babe,” said Lillian, rubbing Claire’s back. “You know you can win this. You just gotta keep pushing.”

  “Okay,” said Claire. “I can do it.”

  “You’ve got stiff competition,” said Lillian. “But you’re as good as any of them, you’re better. You’re one of the best female contestants we’ve had on this show.”

  “I know,” said Claire, taking a deep breath and then standing upright once more, her feet firm on either side of the treadmill.

  “I’ve got to head over there to help the others,” said Lillian. “But let’s talk later.”

  “Okay Lillian,” said Claire. Lillian smiled at Claire and softly fondled Claire’s ponytail. As she walked away toward the direction of some of the other contestants, Lillian waved at Claire and stuck her tongue out jokingly. Claire smiled back.


  Claire sat on her bed cross-legged, alone in her room on the Largest Decrease ranch. At one point she had had a roommate, but Jenny had been eliminated a few weeks ago. The reality show had started out friendly and supportive, but as the number of contestants waned the competition itself grew fiercer. The other contestants had become less friendly and Claire felt lonely. It was starting to become quite a weird experience.

  As Claire lost weight, it was apparent how beautiful she was. She started at 280 pounds, the most she had ever weighed in her life, and now she was down below 200, in “one-derland” as everybody said on the show. This weight loss thinned out her face and showed off her pretty visage, a look that some might even call glamorous. Her blonde hair hung haphazardly at her shoulders, healthy and conditioned as it had been recently cut and styled on the “makeover” episode of the TV show.

  Never did she think, at 40 years old, she would weigh this little. Claire had had a rough life up until this point. But now things were starting to turn around. Looking down at herself, Claire was so surprised with her weight loss. It just didn’t feel real. But the scale doesn’t lie. And the effort she was putting in was finally starting to pay off.

  “Maybe one day I’ll be really fit like Lillian,” said Claire aloud to herself. She thought about her trainer, about how skinny yet muscular she was. Lillian was also in her 40s, but she was in incredible shape. Sculpted abs, toned arms, a round and firm ass, and shapely legs. Lillian was the total package, someone for Claire to aspire to be. And Lillian was so supportive. Despite her rough exterior purported in front of the cameras, she was a caring and thoughtful person. She only wanted the best for Claire.

  Lillian was also quite attractive. She had a darker, olive skin tone and shady brown hair with soft twists and curls throughout. Perhaps it was just Lillian’s position of authority over her, but Claire found her very commanding and sexy. Claire couldn’t tell if she wanted to be Lillian or be with her. It was a confusing proposition. As she had progressed through the TV show, she and Lillian had grown closer and this closeness only nurtured the attraction that Claire felt for her trainer.

  Just then Claire heard an abrupt knock at her bedroom door.

  “Come in,” said Claire loud enough to be heard through the door.

  The door opened and in walked Lillian. She wore tight black spandex workout capris, a matching black racer-back tank top, and bright pink sneakers. Lillian’s tanned skin contrasted nicely with her black outfit. Her long brown hair was pulled back in a ponytail and she had a wide white grin on her face. This woman was a fitness celebrity and she looked the part. With her hands on her hips, Lillian stared down Claire with a moment of silence before she spoke up.

  “You and me, babe,” said Lillian. “One-on-one workout.”

  “Now?” asked Claire.

  “No,” said Lillian. “After you lose the weigh-in and get kicked off the ranch,” she said in a sarcastic tone. “Of course now.”

  “Okay,” said Claire sheepishly, pulling herself up off the bed slowly.

  “I know you’re exhausted, Claire,” said Lillian.
“But I’m taking you all the way.”

  Claire looked at Lillian for a moment. She couldn’t believe she was in the same room as her, let alone being picked as Lillian’s favorite to win the entire competition. It was only months ago that Claire had been doing Lillian’s DVD workout videos and here she was, being trained by one of the foremost celebrity trainers in the world.

  “I’m ready,” said Claire with a smile, gazing at Lillian with a lusty determination. She felt empowered and awestruck looking at Lillian and Claire couldn’t quite grasp how attracted to Lillian she was becoming.

  “Terrific,” said Lillian, wrapping her arm around Claire’s shoulders as the two women left the bedroom together, making their way down to their one-on-one workout.


  Claire sat atop an exercise bike, huffing and puffing, as she cycled her heart out. She had removed her “Largest Decrease” shirt and wore only a pink sports bra and her black compression shorts. It was evening and the cameramen had gone home. This was a private workout with just her and Lillian. The celebrity trainer rode the bike next to Claire, moving at a similar pace but making it look easy and barely breaking a sweat. Occasionally she would reach over and squeeze Claire’s shoulder in a show of camaraderie.

  “You’re doing great, Claire,” said Lillian, bringing her own bike to a halt and sitting upright. “Almost done.”

  Claire nodded, her breathing heavy and cheeks puffy as she maintained her rhythm and worked harder to please Lillian.

  “And time,” said Lillian, looking down to her watch for a moment and then back to Claire. Claire slowed her bike and sat up, placing her hands on her sides and working to catch her breath.

  “That’s awesome, Claire,” said Lillian, her voice softly echoing throughout the large empty Largest Decrease gym. “I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thanks,” panted Claire. She looked over at Lillian who was glowing with a smile on her face, the lightest of sweats on her brow. Lillian was a fitness goddess and Claire found it difficult to control her emotions as she gazed upon her trainer. Soft tears began to stream from the corners of her eyes.

  “Oh Claire,” said Lillian, hopping off of her exercise bike and moving closer to Claire. Lillian put her arm around Claire and nuzzled her face into the side of Claire’s head. “What’s wrong, babe?”

  “Nothing,” said Claire with a sniff.

  “C’mon,” said Lillian. “You can talk to me. There aren’t any cameras around here, it’s just us.”

  “Okay,” said Claire cautiously. She took a deep breath and smiled at Lillian.

  “Spill it, babe,” said Lillian, smiling back at Claire.

  “I’ve been having weird thoughts lately,” started Claire. “Weird sexual thoughts.”

  “Like what?” said Lillian with an interested and serious look on her face.

  “Like lesbian thoughts,” continued Claire.

  “I see,” said Lillian, nodding as she listened.

  “I know I have a family at home,” said Claire. “But I can help feel this way when…” she said, trailing off.

  “When what, dear?” said Lillian, softly rubbing Claire’s back.

  “When I look at you,” admitted Claire, her mouth turning into an embarrassed smile as she awaited Lillian’s response.

  “Have you ever had a lesbian experience before?” said Lillian, still comforting her fitness pupil.

  “No,” said Claire, shaking her head.

  “But you’re attracted to me?” Lillian went on.

  “Yes,” said Claire.

  “Well,” said Lillian, stepping back from the exercise bike, a coy smile curling up on her lips. “My task is to train you and make you the best Claire you can be,” she said, rubbing her hands together and looking at Claire. “You and I are going to win this entire thing so if we need to explore your new feelings to get you there, that’s what we’re going to do.”

  “Really?” said Claire.

  “Really,” said Lillian. “Follow me.”

  Claire hopped off the bike and followed Lillian as she traipsed across the gym floor away from the bikes and treadmills and over to the weights area. She watched as Lillian’s ass bounced in its firmness with each step, testing the stretchiness of her black workout capris. Anxiety brewed up inside of Claire, unsure where her trainer was leading her and what was about to happen.

  “This competition not only tests your physical strengths and accomplishments,” said Lillian. “But it’s an emotional test as well.”

  “I know,” said Claire, still following.

  “Do you?” asked Lillian with a grin.

  Claire was unsure what Lillian meant but was determined to let her lead the way.

  “Stop,” said Lillian as she turned around to face Claire. Claire obeyed and the two women met eye to eye. Lillian reached out and took Claire by the arms, pulling her closer, until the their lips met and Lillian began to kiss Claire slowly and sensually.

  “Oh!” exclaimed Claire, pulling back from the surprise kiss.

  “Do you want to win this thing, Claire?” said Lillian authoritatively. “Or do you want to get sent home?”

  “I want to win,” said Claire.

  “Then kiss me,” said Lillian.

  Claire acquiesced and leaned back in toward Lillian, continuing their kiss. Although she was still sweaty from her workout, Claire felt a wash of chilliness move over her and she got goosebumps on her arms. Lillian kissed her more aggressively now, wrapping her arms around Claire and running her hands over Claire’s humid back.

  Tingling inside, Claire gradually became more comfortable with her trainer’s advances and gave in to her own personal fantasies that had been growing with Lillian as the star. Claire felt a dampness between her legs, a wet mixture of sweat and her pussy moistening from the inside. This entire scene was one of incredible unreality for Claire, something she had only been dreaming of. Here she was, making out with the sexiest celebrity trainer on television.

  “How was that?” asked Lillian, pulling her lips away slightly but still close enough that Claire could feel her hot breath. “Was it what you’ve been imagining?”

  Claire nodded enthusiastically.

  “You do know that I’m a lesbian, right?” asked Lillian softly.

  “No,” said Claire. “I didn’t know that.”

  “I am,” said Lillian. “And as such, you’re really going to have to work to pleasure me.”

  Lillian stepped out of her pink sneakers, sockless underneath, and then seductively began to slide her stretchy black pants down over her ass and hips, pushing them down her thighs and legs, and then kicking them off her feet. She stood there in her black tank top and a bright pink thong, still maintaining a tough stance, looking fit and sultry and powerful all at the same time.

  “What do I have to do?” said Claire, almost stuttering with nerves, looking Lillian’s body up and down.

  “You’ve got to explore your emotions if you want to conquer them,” said Lillian. “So you’re going to give me an orgasm.”

  “Oh my God,” said Claire, nervous and excited simultaneously. Her arms started to shake as she gazed upon Lillian.

  “If you’ve got sexual feelings for me,” said Lillian, now pulling her pink thong down over her hips and letting it fall to the floor. “You’ve got to let them out.”

  Lillian stepped over to a weight bench and sat on the end of it. She motioned for Claire to follow her over, which Claire dutifully did. Claire felt slightly self-conscious at the whole situation. Why would her beautiful trainer allow her to sexually pleasure her? She felt overweight and unconfident, old and worn out. The look of insecurity showed on her face.

  “Look,” said Lillian tenderly. “You’re a beautiful, strong woman who needs to let a lot of stuff go.” Lillian motioned for Claire to get down on her knees between Lillian’s legs. “I know you don’t think you’re capable of this but I believe in you. I love you, Claire. You’ve got to love yourself.”

  Claire nodded and
positioned herself between Lillian’s legs. Staring back at her was Lillian’s perfect pussy, freshly shaven and glistening just the slightest bit with sweat from the workout. Lillian’s entire pubic area was the same tanned olive as the rest of her body; it was obvious she tanned in the nude.

  “I want you to explore yourself,” said Lillian, now lying back on the weight bench. “And explore me.” Lillian spread her legs open wide and raised her arms above her head, grabbing onto poles near the head of the bench.

  Reaching out, Claire gently pushed her finger against Lillian’s pussy lips, prodding and feeling, trying to get a handle on what she should do. She ran her finger slowly up Lillian’s slit, a trickle of glimmering moisture peeking out from between her lips.

  “Do to me,” started Lillian. “What you would want done to yourself.”

  “Okay,” said Claire quietly.

  Claire felt eager and scared, but she pushed passed her insecurities and focused on pleasing her trainer. Moistening her fingertip with the juices and sweat from Lillian’s pussy, Claire tenderly caressed the length of Lillian’s slit up and down, from Lillian’s taint up to her clit. Claire was gentle in her movements, absolutely blown away that she was getting this intimate with such a celebrity.

  “Mmm,” moaned Lillian softly. “That’s good Claire.”

  Lillian’s pussy and mound were smooth and hairless, with the slightest of bumps at her hair follicles, Lillian herself getting soft goosebumps as Claire pleasured her. Claire pushed her finger between Lillian’s lips now, spreading her lips apart and gazing at the pinkness inside. As she did this, she saw a single bead of creamy grool begin to drip from Lillian’s hole.

  Claire herself felt a shiver in her own pussy, growing more aroused as she continued with Lillian. She could smell a wafting fragrance of musky sweetness coming from Lillian’s pussy, workout sweat mixed with her own natural scent. Leaning in closer, Claire admired Lillian’s womanhood and before she knew it she was pursing her lips and moving in to kiss it.


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