Pass Interference

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Pass Interference Page 10

by Cami Checketts

  “You can change in here.”

  “Okay,” she murmured. “Where will you change?”

  “I’m already in my suit.” He winked and hoped to lessen her culture shock. “I’ll use one of the upstairs suites to shower after.”

  She nodded weakly. He closed the door as he went out then walked through the living spaces, opening the retractable walls and savoring the salty tang of the ocean air. Lily came out only a few moments later, wearing the same blue and pink swirled suit she’d worn to go down the river with him. The river experience had been great fun, but it felt like a lot longer than two weeks had passed. He and Lily had grown close emotionally and he wanted to keep developing a relationship with her, but this awestruck Lily was bothering him. Yes, she’d talked about how enamored she was with him and his stats, but she’d always treated him like he was a person. Right now he felt like someone displaced from her and he didn’t like it. A lot of women would be enamored or at least impressed by the money, but it might drive a wedge between him and Lily. What would he do then?

  Lily walked out of the unreal master suite and her jaw dropped again. Hyde stood by the infinity pool, overlooking the ocean. The walls of the living area had retracted and it was open to the outside air. The house was impressive, but nothing compared to the sculpted muscles of the football superstar that she was falling for. She worked around and with fit people every day, but Hyde’s body was definitely something special. The definition in his back and shoulders? She let out a low whistle.

  He turned and saw her. His handsome face broke into a smile. He strode back into the house and held out his hand. “Everything okay?”

  She shrugged, feeling self-conscious in this unreal setting and house. This wasn’t her life. “Sorry, I keep freaking out, it just seems surreal.”

  He nodded as if he understood, but he couldn’t possibly. She gestured out at the ocean. “This is so big, more than anything I’d dare dream about. I’ve worked so hard and I don’t want to forget how that feels. The reality my family faces every day.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Do you send money to your family?”

  He was staring at her like she was something special. “I give them what they need, but it’s no big deal.”

  “Yes, you are … impressive and a big deal and what you do every day is amazing, providing for yourself and your family.”

  Lily couldn’t hold his intense gaze. She looked out at the ocean.

  “The thing I like about you the most,” he continued, “Is you don’t realize how special you are. I deal with people every day that give to charity—to brag about it at dinner parties. And they don’t give until it hurts like you, but you don’t brag and you don’t even think it hurts.”

  “It doesn’t hurt.” She thought of her little brothers’ and sisters’ faces. “I want to.”

  He gently gathered her to him. “I know. You tease me about throwing my money around. You were right, I do. I do without even realizing it. You reminded me what it felt like to look at kids—like your siblings—and realize I can give them more than money—I can give them hope. I saw it in their eyes when I gave them those simple T-shirts or bought them cinnamon rolls at Cake, and it makes me want to be better, give more.”

  Lily loved that he was sharing this with her and that her family had touched him.

  “But, I don’t feel bad about bringing you here and enjoying this with you. I want to give to you. I want to be with you.”

  Lily caught a breath and tingled more from his words than his touch. She wished she had some amazing response.

  “You ready to feel the ocean for the first time?”

  “Ocean?” Oh yeah, that was why they were here. Because she was enamored with the beach and had always wanted to come, but didn’t really dare dream of it happening. Hyde had made it happen and then some, but staring into his dark eyes and smelling his manly musky smell, she didn’t really care if she got to the beach after they kissed for … at least an hour or two.

  She couldn’t restrain herself as she threw her arms around his neck. “Thank you! You made Josh’s dreams come true and now you’re making mine.”

  Hyde chuckled and wrapped his arms around her bare back. Lily should’ve been worried about being held by this irresistible man while neither of them wore much clothing in a huge house all alone, but she knew Hyde wouldn’t push things too far. That just wasn’t in his makeup. He was a man of honor.

  He kissed her gently and then said, “You make my dreams come true every time I see you.”

  “Oh, Hyde.” She stood on tiptoes and pressed her lips to his again. The surge of warmth, passion, and joy merged perfectly as Hyde’s large hands massaged her back and she savored each moment of their connection.

  He finally released her from the kiss. “Daylight’s a wasting. You’ve got to boogie board, swim in the ocean, get buried in the sand. The list is endless.”

  Lily giggled, slipping her hand into his and walking out onto the patio. The infinity pool was unreal cool with a hot tub next to it. “Can we swim in the pool after?”

  “With strawberry daiquiris,” he said.

  “Wow. You are more impressive than your house.”

  He arched an eyebrow. “That’s saying a lot. I love this house.”

  She smiled. “Are your other houses this unreal?”

  “Different, but really nice. I don’t spend much time at any of them, not sure when that’s going to change.” His lips turned down as they walked down the steps and onto a lower cement patio with an outdoor shower and more patio furniture.

  “Because of your mom being sick.”

  “Yeah.” He sighed then shook his head. “No talking about sad stuff right now. Take off your flip-flops.”

  “Okay, bossy.” She slipped them off then they plunged into the sand. She’d played in sand piles as a child, but the sand hadn’t been as warm and soft as the fleece blanket her mom had made when she left for college. Lily liked it squishing between her toes. She took off running, squealing like a little girl, and was glad when Hyde laughed and kept pace with her. She ran straight into the water. It was cold, but she didn’t care. Hyde was at her side and it got harder to run as the water deepened. Waves rolled up and soaked her to her chest.

  “Dive into the next one,” Hyde instructed.

  She did and came up sputtering and laughing, her mouth and eyes filled with the salty water. She wiped her face clean but it still felt sticky from the salt water, so different from swimming in the lake. Especially with the waves constantly rolling in.

  “Let’s bodysurf first.” Hyde grabbed her hand and tugged her a little deeper. “When I tell you to, swim as fast as you can.”

  “Okay.” She wasn’t an experienced swimmer. Her dad had taught her as a child in the lake, but she’d only learned the proper strokes a couple years ago from a college swim instructor.

  “Swim!” Hyde yelled.

  She gave it all she had and her body rose on top of the wave and she rode it almost to the beach.

  “Whoo-hoo!” she screamed. “Again!”

  They rode the waves for a while before Hyde gestured her up onto the beach. “Do you like this?”

  “I love it!”

  “Okay. You’ve got to try boogey boarding now.”

  “I’m game.”

  “Wait here while I get the boards.”

  Lily sat in the sand, trailing her fingers through it and letting the sun just shine on her face. This was more fun and relaxing than anything she’d done. She’d spent most of her life working hard. Her parents had tried to give them fun experiences in the mountains and she’d loved that time with them, but nothing compared to the ocean. She wished she could bring all of her family here. Josh would be almost as happy as he was with Hyde. She glanced back at Hyde, who was opening a shed door underneath his patio and pulling out two boards. Hyde and the beach. Josh would be in heaven. She was in heaven.

  She looked over the monstrous house. It was just so mind-boggling that this wa
s Hyde’s reality. Could it ever be hers? She wasn’t so sure, but she wanted to be with Hyde. There were worse sacrifices than dealing with insane wealth and fame. She could do so much for her family and others who were struggling with Hyde’s money. Her face reddened. She was getting way ahead of herself. Hyde was an amazing guy, but the money just floored her. Her ten-thousand dollar bonus couldn’t mean anything to him, but it was the opportunity to help her sister that she needed more than anything. She didn’t think Hyde would dump her as a trainer now, but she’d been in relationships that flared quickly and died even faster. She needed to somehow get him to promise to keep training with her, even if he tired of being with her as her boyfriend. The thought of not being with Hyde ripped the smile from her face.

  Hyde returned with the boards and a huge grin. Lily couldn’t keep stewing when he looked at her like that. Soon she’d ask him about staying committed to her as a trainer, but right now she just wanted to be with him.

  “You thought body surfing was fun, you’re going to love this.” He dropped one board into the sand and extended his hand, helping her to her feet. “I’m going to teach you first then we’ll both do it.”

  He carried the board into the water and Lily felt a rush of nerves. What if she couldn’t figure out how to boogie board? Hyde was an ultra-athlete and she was probably going to make an embarrassment of herself. At least the beach was pretty quiet right now. With the string of huge homes lining this stretch of coastline and the closest public beach parking lot too far away to see, these homeowners probably had a measure of privacy.

  They walked into the water, pushing against the never-ending waves that were rolling and sometimes breaking against them then receding and helping them move deeper into the ocean. They continued until Lily was waist deep when the waves retreated and up to her neck when a wave rushed over them. Hyde positioned the board underneath her, helping her get into the right spot. Lily forgot all about boogie boarding as Hyde touched her and smiled at her. He was right, she was loving this.

  The rushing of water from behind alerted her to a huge wave’s presence. Hyde lifted her and the board and threw her onto the wave. She screamed in exhilaration as the wave rushed toward the shore and she flew with it. The tip of her board went down and she plunged forward, rolling through the wave, her nose and mouth filling with salty water.

  Lily burst to the surface, spitting and flailing.

  Hyde swam to her, steadying her with his hands under her arms. “You okay?”

  She wiped at her face, hoping nothing was hanging out of her nose. “I think so. That was vicious.”

  “You’re supposed to lean back a little bit to keep the tip up.”

  “That’s so not what I need to hear right now.”

  Hyde laughed but sobered quickly. “Sorry.”

  “No, I’m good. Let’s do it again.”

  “Are you sure?” He pushed a heavy strand of hair behind her shoulder.

  Lily trembled from his warm touch.

  “Yeah,” Lily said when all she wanted to do was kiss him again. “It was fun until the wave rolled me.” She picked up the board and started running through the surf.

  Hyde caught her quickly. He helped her get positioned right on a few more waves and she was careful to keep her tip up and ride them all the way into the beach. They sat in the sand, catching their breath after a near-perfect ride in.

  “Okay. I think you’re ready to go on your own.”

  “You sure? I kind of like my instructor helping me. He’s got great hands. I like them touching me.”

  Hyde grinned. “I can still help with that.”

  He leaned toward her. Lily brushed her hair out of her face. Hyde cupped her cheek with one large palm. Lily scooted closer and he lowered his head to hers. His lips tasted salty, warm, and wonderful. They were lost in their own world when a wave pushed them farther up the beach and Lily fell backward into the sand, laughing. Hyde lowered his torso on top of hers. “I don’t think you need any instruction on this one.”

  “Oh? Good to know I’m proficient.”

  “More than proficient.”

  Hyde kissed her again, neither of them stopped even when the water swirled around her head. He simply lifted her up and continued kissing her. Lily was lost in this beautiful setting, this fun day, and Hyde.

  They ordered takeout for lunch then relaxed on the beach in the afternoon, reading, talking, and playing in the sand. He’d cooked dinner for her and he loved that she was all right with staying in her suit all day. He’d heard a lot of girls complain about the gritty sand and salt on their skin and hair, but Lily didn’t seem to be bothered by it. She’d probably dealt with a lot of discomfort being raised with so many siblings in that small house. She acted like an exuberant child as they’d played today. He smiled. She didn’t look or kiss like a child, but her innocence was refreshing.

  They watched the sun set from his infinity pool with the daiquiris he’d promised and then decided they’d better get home. He’d texted his pilot to get the plane ready and then taken a quick shower.

  Her phone beeped. Hyde looked over at it on the counter and couldn’t help but read the recent text lighting up the screen from: Ike the Incredible Hottee. What?

  Hope you’re ready for the training I’m going to give you on Monday. Can’t wait to finally be the one to call the shots ;) Love that body.

  Hyde swallowed hard and blinked to make sure he was seeing this right. Why would she have Ike listed as “The Incredible Hottee”? What kind of training was Ike going to give her? And what right did Ike have to be loving Lily’s body? That was Hyde’s job.

  Hyde paced away from the counter and stared out the windows at the ocean. The normally soothing sound and motion of the waves did nothing to calm him. The text and pet name for Ike might be innocent, but then again, they might not be. Did Lily have something going on with Ike? Would she do that to Hyde? She’d known Ike a lot longer than she’d known Hyde. Maybe they used to be together and she hadn’t changed his name in her phone. Hyde jammed a hand through his damp hair, having no clue how to respond to this information.

  The door to the master suite opened and Lily came out in a tank top and shorts. “Hey.” She lifted her wet hair and fanned it. “Time to go home, eh?”

  “I guess so.” Hyde studied her. Should he say something about the text? Then he’d be the creeper who invaded her privacy, but they were dating and Ike didn’t have any right to “train” with Lily.

  They were both quiet as they drove back to the airport. Lily gave him a few questioning glances, but didn’t say much. Hyde really didn’t know what to say. The pilot escorted them onto the plane and they seat-belted into side by side leather chairs. Hyde was getting more uncomfortable by the second. Lily had shoved her phone into her purse as they left his house and she hadn’t pulled it out again. Had she even seen Ike’s text? Was this a regular occurrence? He didn’t know what it meant to Lily or to their relationship. He’d had a girlfriend cheat on him before and it hurt, but Lily could gouge his heart out if she was really with Ike.

  Lily reached across the armrest and entwined their fingers. Hyde jolted a little bit. He didn’t know how to take her right now. Part of him was ticked at Ike for ruining their day. All of him was ticked at Ike for meaning something to Lily. Hyde had told her he wanted to be with her earlier and she hadn’t really responded. Did she not feel the same?

  “Thank you for throwing your money around today.” She smiled so sweetly at him it seemed impossible that she could be playing him.

  “It’s hard for me to deal with,” she continued.

  “Seriously?” He angled his shoulders toward her. “You’re really having issues with my money?” Why was she bringing this up now? A way to let him down easy?

  “Getting a little ahead of yourself, Mr. Metcalf. I haven’t even told you I like you yet so what does it matter if I have issues with your money?”

  Hyde’s smile felt tight. He usually loved the way she teased him, but he
needed reassurances and he needed them now.

  She clung to his hand and whispered, “Honestly, Hyde. I’m more worried about us rushing things and then something getting awkward and you not wanting me to train you anymore.”

  She’d rushed out the words like she’d wanted to say them for a long time. If she was worried about them rushing things did that mean she wanted to slow down because of Ike or because of the money. He tried to reassure her, though he felt far from reassured. “Hey, I’m not an awkward kind of guy. What’s to worry?”

  She smiled, but her eyes belied her concern.

  “Is it really so rewarding to train me that you’re this concerned about something that might never happen?”

  “I love training you.” She lowered her eyes and her voice, “I really need the money, Hyde.”

  He didn’t like that. At all. Was she only a paycheck to him? Is that why she refused to date him at first, then maybe she realized she could get more money by dating him. He hated that he was doubting her, but everything was up in the air after that text he’d seen. There was one way to get a little insight. “Lil.” He tried to make his voice low and gentle. “I can give you whatever money you need.”

  Her eyes flickered up to his again, but this time they were filled with fire. She jerked her hand back and Hyde released her fingers. “Don’t even think about throwing your money around that hard. That’s not chill on so many levels. You know me enough by now to know I need to work for it.”


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