Cowgirl Up

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Cowgirl Up Page 16

by Ali Spooner

  “Yeah, I had two dozen or so stitches to close it up once the docs finished digging out the metal.”

  “Damn,” he said.

  The doctor pulled out a tube that did look suspiciously like superglue and used it to seal the wound. He placed a clean bandage over the wound as Terry gave her the tetanus shot in her right arm. “Try to take it easy for a few days and this should heal with little problem. I want to give you some antibiotics too just as a precaution,” he added.

  “Thanks, Doc,” she said as he exited the room.

  Terry helped her back into her tank top and walked out with her to the waiting room where she repeated the doc’s instructions for Melissa’s benefit. “No heavy lifting for three days and take all of these antibiotics.” She handed Melissa a bottle of pills. She smiled at them and handed Coal a small plastic bag with the shard covered in gauze. “Your souvenir,” she said.

  “Thanks. Will you send me a bill? I didn’t bring my wallet.”

  “Uncle Sam’s got this one,” Terry said. “Thank you.”

  She let Gene usher her back to the truck and he closed the door behind her then ran around to open Melissa’s door. “Are we taking her home?”

  “Yes. I’ll stay with her and wrap her in some plastic wrap so she can shower. I’ll drop you at the barn so you can ride Shadow home and ride back with me.”

  Gene chuckled at her comment.

  “What’s so funny?” she asked, confused.

  “No one rides him except for Coal. I tried once and ate more dirt than I cared to. I’ll walk him over, it’s not that far.”

  Melissa smiled at her young cowboy. “Thanks, Gene.”

  “Anything for Coal,” he said as he closed the door behind her.


  Melissa dropped Gene back at the barn and drove Coal home. The rest of the men were returning when he led Shadow from the barn.

  “You want me to take him?” Lucas asked.

  “Naw, I’ve got this,” Gene said as he led Shadow across the yard.

  The rest of the crew watched as Gene proudly led Shadow from the yard.

  “He’s like a puppy when it concerns Coal,” Harley said, shaking his head with a laugh. “Let’s get cleaned up and ready to start dinner.”


  “Let’s get you out of these clothes and into the shower,” Melissa said to her. “Do you have some plastic wrap?”

  “Yeah, in the pantry,” Coal said as she slipped her shirt and bra from her body.

  When Melissa entered the kitchen, she saw Stan standing at the front door. She walked over and let him in.

  “How’s Coal?” he asked.

  “She’s going to be fine. I’m going to wrap her in some plastic, so she can take a shower.”

  “Oh,” Stan said. “I won’t keep you then. I just wanted to know she’s okay.”

  “I’ll let her know you stopped by to check on her. Are you coming back for the cookout?”

  “Not tonight, but I’ll see you in the morning, boss.”

  “Thanks, Stan,” she said and watched him leave the house before turning back to Coal.

  Melissa returned to the bedroom and wrapped the plastic around Coal’s body. “Leave this on until you finish the shower and then you can remove it and wash around the wound gently. Okay? Yell if you need help. By the way, Stan stopped by to check on you.”

  “That was very sweet of him. I hope you told him I was fine.”

  “I did. You know, all the crew thinks of you as a sister, except Gene, of course. You hung the moon for him.” She chuckled.

  “Thanks, Melissa,” she said.

  When Melissa returned the plastic to the pantry, she saw the ingredients for the macaroni salad and baked beans sitting out on the counter and decided she would give Coal a head start on her dishes. She placed a pot of water on the stove to boil and had just placed the dish in the oven to bake the beans, when Coal entered the kitchen.

  “I thought I heard someone in the kitchen,” she said as Melissa turned toward her.

  “I’ve got your beans on and water on to boil. Is there anything else I can help with?”

  “Put another pot of water on please, I want to surprise the crew with some deviled eggs,” Coal said.

  “Oh, yummy,” Melissa said. “How do you feel?”

  “A little sore, but much better now that I’m clean again,” she answered.

  “It wouldn’t hurt to take some ibuprofen and don’t forget the antibiotics tonight when you get some food in your belly.”

  “I won’t,” Coal said. She heard Gene’s boots on the front porch and waved him inside.

  “Shadow is all set for the night,” he said.

  “Thanks, Gene, did you ride him over?”

  “Hell no, we walked.” He grinned. “I’ve already hit the ground once today.”

  “That you have, my friend,” she said and surprised him by taking him into an embrace.

  Gene carefully encircled her with his arms and hugged her gently. “Is there anything else I can help with?”

  “Thanks, but Mary Leah will be home soon to help. Go get cleaned up and ready for grub,” she said as she released him.

  “Okay, I’ll see you tonight,” Gene said and walked out to the truck.

  “You sure you’re okay?”

  “Yes. Mary Leah will be home in ten or fifteen minutes, so there isn’t much trouble I can get into before then.”

  Melissa chuckled. “There will be plenty once she arrives home, so let me make my escape now.” She hugged her. “I think I’ll bake a cake,” she said aloud.

  “Yellow cake with chocolate icing?” Coal asked.

  “What else?” Melissa said with a wink and left the house.


  She turned back to the kitchen and walked to the refrigerator to take out the two dozen eggs Mary Leah had brought home and placed them in the pot to boil. She poured a large box of elbow macaroni in the pot now boiling and took a seat at the counter.

  Ten minutes later, she heard the sound of Mary Leah’s car coming down the drive and then her lover coming through the front door.

  “Hey, baby,” Coal said as Mary Leah placed her purse on the table.

  “I’m surprised to see you home this early,” she said, hugging Coal tightly and causing her to yelp in pain. “What’s wrong?”

  She stirred the macaroni on the stove and told Mary Leah about the events of the afternoon.

  “So neither of you thought it was important for me to know?” Mary Leah said her anger evident in her words. “Just wait until I see her tonight.”

  “I made Melissa promise not to call you. If it had been something serious, I would have called you.” She grimaced at the look her lover shot her. “Please. Melissa is not to blame for this. I’m just relieved that piece is finally out and will cause me no more pain.”

  “Dammit, Coal, that could have killed you,” Mary Leah said.

  “But, it didn’t,” she said as she wrapped her arms around Mary Leah’s waist and kissed her face softly and then her lips.

  Mary Leah’s tension melted in her arms. Her kisses always had that effect on her. When the kisses ended, she looked into Coal’s eyes. “Every time you kiss my face like that you plant a kiss on my heart.”

  Coal saw tears filling Mary Leah’s eyes. “Where did that come from, my love?”

  “I don’t know,” Mary Leah said, wiping her tears, “it just came out.”

  “Those are the most romantic words I have ever heard,” Coal said as she held her close.

  The timer on the stove sounded to bring them back to reality. Her eggs had finished boiling. “Will you do something for me?”

  “Sure, what can I do?”

  “Lift the pot with the eggs into the sink for me? The doc doesn’t want me to bust the seam on the superglue he used on me,” she said with a grin.

  “No problem,” Mary Leah said as she chuckled and placed the heavy pot in the sink and turned on the cold water.

I can handle things from here if you want to shower and get ready for dinner.”

  “I’ll be right back then,” Mary Leah said, kissing her before leaving the room.


  Coal prepared the macaroni salad and placed it in the refrigerator to chill, and was working on the deviled eggs when a pair of warm arms circled her waist. “Welcome back,” she said as Mary Leah’s body pressed into her back.

  Mary Leah stood on her tiptoes to look over her shoulder. “Those look good,” she said as she watched Coal fill a halved egg white with the mixture she had concocted.

  She carefully turned in Mary Leah’s grasp and offered her a bite. Mary Leah opened her mouth and bit half of the egg, and Coal popped the remainder into her mouth.

  “They taste even better than they look,” Mary Leah announced after a loud moan.

  “How are we doing on time?” she asked.

  “It’s a little after five.”

  “Care to join me for a cold one before we head over to the cookout?”

  “I’d love too. The doctor didn’t put you on any pain medicine did he?”

  “No, ma’am, only antibiotics which I will take after dinner, besides I’ll only have the one with you,” she answered. “Go have a seat on the deck and I’ll bring our beers out in just a second when I put these eggs in to chill.”

  “All right, my love,” Mary Leah said and walked out to the deck.

  She placed the eggs inside and took out two beers before closing the door behind her and walking to the deck. Mary Leah was reclined on a lounger, relaxing as a cool breeze blew softly. The brilliant orange of the setting sun glowed on her face as Coal approached. “You look beautiful,” she said as she sat next to her lover.

  “Why thank you, Coal.” She accepted the beer she offered.

  “The sunset is going to be beautiful tonight if this is any indication,” she said as she nodded to the glowing horizon.

  “Another glorious weekend ahead for us,” Mary Leah said. “Do you still want to go to the movies on Sunday?”

  “Of course I do,” Coal answered. “I’d go anywhere with you.”

  Mary Leah chuckled. “You are such a smooth talker, Coal Bryan.”

  “Tell me you don’t love it.”

  “I love you.”

  “I love you too,” she answered and took a long drink from her beer. “We could probably go tomorrow if you wanted. I doubt Melissa will let me do anything tomorrow. Well, I would hope not.”

  “We can prepare lunch for the crew if that will make you feel any better,” Mary Leah said.

  “Yes, I’d like that.”

  Together they watched as the sun continued to creep toward the horizon and then Mary Leah announced it was time to go to the ranch. “I’ll carry a tray with the beans and macaroni salad if you can grab the deviled eggs,” she said as she took her hand and they walked inside.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Gene ran up to the car as they pulled in front of the bunkhouse and opened Coal’s door. “How are you feeling?” he asked with a worried expression.

  “I’m fine,” she said as she stepped out of the car.

  “Here let me get that for you,” he said as he took the tray with the baked beans and macaroni salad.

  Coal reached onto the floorboard and took out another dish.

  “What’s that?”

  “Deviled eggs,” she answered.

  “Oh hell yes,” he said with a whoop of excitement.

  Mary Leah looked over at her and smiled. “I think you made his night.”

  “It would appear so.”

  She and Mary Leah walked to the group of men sitting in lawn chairs surrounding the grill. When Gene returned from the bunkhouse, she gave him the dish of deviled eggs and sent him back inside.

  “What can I get you ladies to drink?” Lucas asked.

  “Just a glass of tea for me please,” Coal answered.

  “I’ll take a beer,” Mary Leah said and winked at Coal.

  “How are you feeling?” Harley asked.

  “I’m a little sore, but I’ll be good to go in a day or so.”

  “Melissa says the doc said no lifting for at least three days, so we decided next week you can drive the rake, if you feel up to it,” Harley said.

  She grinned, happy to be able to help. “I’m good with that,” she answered. “Mary Leah and I have already decided to cook a nice lunch for you all tomorrow.”

  “What’s it going to be?” Lucas asked.

  “It will be a surprise, but I guarantee you won’t go away hungry,” she promised.

  “We’ll only work until lunchtime tomorrow and then have Sunday off,” Melissa said.

  “We’re going to practice tomorrow afternoon instead of tonight, so you can come and watch,” Gene said as he settled down beside her.

  “That sounds like a good plan,” she said.

  “If we can finish up the hay next week, Stan says we can spend the afternoons the following week practicing before we leave for Dallas on Thursday,” Lucas said.

  It was obvious to her that Gene’s excitement was growing contagious and Lucas had caught the bug.

  Harley busied himself cooking the steaks while the others relaxed and talked together. Lucas and Gene pulled several folding tables out of the barn and set them up so they could eat outside and enjoy the evening that had finally begun to cool down.

  Coal stood to go inside and bring the food outside. Gene quickly redirected her. “You ladies sit tight and let us guys do the work tonight.”

  “All right, guys serve away,” Melissa said and gestured for her to return to her seat. “Let them enjoy this tonight,” she said to Coal.


  Coal enjoyed the nice break and allowed the men to take control over the meal. She was eyeing seconds of macaroni salad when Melissa reminded her of the cake she had baked. She quickly dropped the spoon back into the salad bowl.

  “Cake, oh hell, we forgot to bring the cake out,” Gene said and dashed back inside the bunkhouse.

  “I can’t believe Gene would forget about dessert.” Melissa chuckled as he raced back to the table. “Put it down here, and I’ll cut everyone a slice.”

  “Would anyone besides me like a big glass of milk?” Harley asked.

  “That sounds great,” Coal answered.

  “I’m going to nix that,” Mary Leah said. “You need to take those antibiotics and they don’t mix well with dairy products.”

  “You heard the lady,” she said and passed her tea glass to Lucas for a refill. “Fill ’er up, please.”

  Lucas laughed and filled her glass as Melissa passed slices of cake around the table. “This looks fantastic,” he said as he handed Coal’s glass back to her and took a slice of cake.

  Gene returned with a gallon of milk and poured for those that wanted a glass. “You know, I was thinking today, Coal.”

  “Now that’s a scary thought,” Lucas teased.

  The crowd around the table roared with laughter and the goodhearted Gene shook his head at Lucas.

  “What were you thinking?” she asked.

  “I was thinking that you and Shadow should also sign up for the pole bending event. As fast as he is, I bet you would win.”

  “That’s not a bad idea,” Melissa said. “It could be another notch made toward Top Cowboy honors,” she added with a wink to Gene, who wiggled in his seat.

  “Exactly,” Gene said. “I’d be more than happy to pay your entrance fee.”

  “I’m paying all the fees this year,” Melissa said, surprising the crew.

  “That’s not necessary,” Coal said, “I can handle the fees.”

  “I know you can, but you all have worked hard and we’ve had a great year, so it’s my treat. No more arguing.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” Coal said and took a bite of her cake.

  “So, what do you think, Coal?” Gene asked.

  “Where do I sign up?” she said with a smile. “Do we have the materials to make a course?”
br />   Harley grinned as he came up with an idea. “We have some of those orange traffic cones and we can get some broomsticks to use for poles.”

  “Just let me know how many and I’ll go to town tomorrow,” Melissa said.

  “Why don’t you let us do that since Coal is on house restrictions tomorrow,” Mary Leah said.

  “I need to make a grocery store run in the morning for some lunch ingredients anyhow,” Coal said.

  “I reckon that’s decided then,” Harley said. He looked over at Gene, who was about to bounce out of his seat. “You and Lucas go saddle up while Tom and Roy pen the steers. Melissa and I will clean up here and meet you at the corral.”

  Melissa looked at Coal and Mary Leah. “You two can carry a few of these chairs over to the corral for us.”

  “Yes, boss,” she said and picked up two chairs and carried them over to the corral.

  “Flip the switch on those lights too, please, it will be full dark soon,” Melissa added.

  Coal and Mary Leah carried the chairs and put them in place, and turned on the lights to illuminate the corral. She settled back into the chair and propped her boots on the railing as they waited for the show to begin.

  She heard the sound of thundering hoofbeats and turned in her seat to see Shadow galloping across the field. “I guess someone was feeling left out.” She chuckled.

  “That is one smart horse,” Harley said as Shadow slowed his approach and stood beside her, his head leaning over the top rail to see what was going on.


  The group watched Gene and Lucas practice for over an hour until Mary Leah noticed Coal’s head starting to nod.

  “I think it’s time for us to head home,” she said to Melissa as she nodded toward a dozing Coal. “We will see you in the morning.” She gently shook her awake. “Time to go,” she whispered.

  “I guess I can’t argue since I can’t keep my eyes open.”

  “Let’s go home, big boy,” she said to Shadow, who raced ahead of them and cleared the fence. He was halfway across the pasture before they made it to the car.


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