Cowgirl Up

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Cowgirl Up Page 26

by Ali Spooner

  When Coal nodded to him, Roy opened the gate and she led the horse out of the corral. Once more, he attempted to break free of her control, but her speed and strength quickly turned his head preventing him from bolting away. She was excited to get the horse into the water, but Coal calmly led the horse to the lake and with gentle coaxing, walked him into the refreshing water. Coal snapped the other end of the rope lead onto the halter and slipped the makeshift reins over his head.

  Stormy, Melissa, and Harley drove down on the gator with Coal’s saddle and sat beneath the oak watching as Coal and the colt wandered into deeper water and the horse began to swim. Coal held onto the reins once she could no longer touch the bottom, allowing the horse to pull her along beside him as he swam.

  “That actually looks like fun,” Stormy said.

  “It has proven a much better and safer technique in training,” Melissa admitted as she turned to watch Gene and Lucas approach, each leading a horse to the water. “The first year Coal arrived, Gene and Lucas were hell-bent to do things the old-school way, but when they saw the results she had with Shadow without hitting the hard ground a dozen times they were convinced, and we have trained this way since.”

  “The most painful part is seeing those lily-white legs of the boys,” Harley added with a grin.

  “I heard that,” Gene hollered as he and his horse entered the water.

  Coal slowly slipped onto the horse’s back as he continued to swim and allowed him to adjust to her weight. Stormy watched as she allowed the horse to return to shallower water, feeling the full weight of her body on his back. Each time the horse attempted to buck, she turned him back into deeper water, preventing him from the aggressive motion. For nearly an hour, Coal rode the horse in the water until she felt he was ready for a saddle. As they neared the shore, she slid from the horse’s back and led him to the tree where Harley took the reins while Coal dried off with a towel.

  “Now the fun part begins,” Coal said as she wiped down the horse and placed the saddle on his back. She tightened the cinch then swatted the horse on his hindquarter with the soggy towel. The startled horse bolted away, the empty stirrups dangling against his sides as he bucked furiously trying to remove the foreign item from his body.

  “What happens now?” Stormy asked, genuinely interested.

  “Now, I go change into riding clothes while he wears himself out trying to buck the saddle off. When I return, I’ll ride him until he’s too tired to fight.”

  “Can I give you a ride back up to the house?” Melissa asked. “I can start on lunch while you change and put your wet clothes in the dryer.”

  “That sounds good to me, boss,” she answered.


  Coal rinsed off in the shower before dressing. When she emerged in jeans, boots, and a clean shirt, towel drying her hair, she found Melissa in the kitchen.

  She looked up to see Coal enter and smiled. “I was thinking about some fried pork chops, green beans, and scalloped potatoes.”

  “My mouth is already watering.”

  “Would you mind taking a cooler back with you, I’ve made fresh lemonade.”

  “I don’t mind at all,” she said as she left the room to toss the towel in the dryer.

  “Is everyone ready for the big date night tonight?”

  “To be honest it’s hard to tell who is more excited, Del or Mary Leah.”

  “What about Stormy?” she asked.

  “I think she’s too nervous to be excited.” Coal grinned. “I think our cocky, young cowgirl is a bit intimidated by the good doctor.”

  “Don’t worry, I’m sure she’ll settle down and you’ll have a great time out.”

  “Will you reconsider joining us?”

  “Thanks, but I’ll have the place all to myself tonight and plan to have a nice quiet evening.”

  “I can understand that. Are we all set for Austin next weekend?”

  “Yes, I got our confirmation for the rooms yesterday so we should be good to go.”

  “Awesome. Well that paint isn’t going to train himself so I better get back at it,” Coal said as she picked up the cooler. “Lunch at noon?” she asked.

  “I’ll have everything ready, so bring the crew back with you.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” she said and left the house.


  Shadow waited for her beside the gator. “Are you going to help me chase down that paint?”

  Shadow pawed the ground with his front hoof to answer her question and she laughed as she put the cooler in the back. “Let’s get to it then.”

  She drove back to the pond and poured cool drinks from the cooler. Lucas and Gene were still in the water with their mounts. “Does it look like they are about ready to come out of the lake?” she asked Harley.

  “I would think any minute now, especially since you’re back.” He chuckled.

  She handed him a drink and looked off in the distance to find the paint grazing quietly. “How long did he fight the saddle?”

  “He just stopped a few minutes ago,” Stormy said.

  “He should be good and tired by now then,” Coal said as she slipped a bridle over Shadow’s head and swung her body onto his bare back. She looked at Stormy and asked, “Are you ready to give it a go?”

  “Yeah, I think I am.”

  “Roy and Tom have a few more of the colts haltered in the corral if you want to go pick out one.”

  “Come along then and I’ll give you a ride in the gator,” Harley said as Coal and Shadow turned away.


  It had been a long time since she had ridden Shadow bareback. She enjoyed a leisurely walk toward the paint that had stopped grazing and was staring at them with his blue glass eyes as they approached. He was a handsome bit of horseflesh and would make someone a great cow pony soon, but first she had to establish the rider as dominant. When Shadow was within ten feet of the horse, she pulled him to a stop and she stared into the horse’s bright eyes. Curiosity soon got the better of him and he took several tentative steps toward Shadow.

  She tied the reins together so they would not drag the ground once she dismounted Shadow. She sat patiently until the paint had walked closer then slowly dropped from Shadow’s back and walked to his head. She stroked Shadow’s face as the horse looked on, demonstrating to him that she and Shadow had a special bond. Shadow’s ears flickered back and forth as the young horse carefully approached. Coal slipped a concealed carrot from her back pocket and broke it in half, offering the first half to Shadow. His soft lips took the offering from her palm and he crunched on the special treat.

  The paint looked on curious. She reached out her hand offering the remaining half to him and stood her ground. He would have to close the distance between them and she hoped the crunchy carrot would be a suitable bribe. She held back a chuckle when she saw his tongue flick out to lick his muzzle. He took a step toward her.

  A few steps closer and he stretched his neck to take the carrot from her open palm. She stepped forward to stroke his face and her right hand held onto the halter as the horse devoured her bribe. “Are you ready to be ridden?” she asked softly as her hand calmly stroked the horse. His muscles quivered beneath her hand as much from exhaustion as excitement as she spoke to him. Slowly she moved down his side and took the rope lead in her left hand as her foot found the stirrup. She swung into the saddle. Coal could feel his body tense beneath her in preparation to buck and she pulled his head to the side. She controlled his movements and as long as she kept him off balance, he could not buck. She turned the young horse in circles for several minutes until he realized she was in control. She stopped his movement, allowing him to make a choice to either stand quietly or begin turning circles again. When the horse remained calm, she reached down patting his neck and giving him praise. “Now we will ride,” she said.

  Shadow walked along beside them as she gave the horse his head and used her heels to urge him forward. She taught him the pressure of the reins along his neck would determi
ne his direction and when she pulled back on the reins, he quickly learned the art of backing. He was a smart pony, and a spirited one. When the crow hop that she was expecting finally came Coal spun him around in a tight circle. When she determined the time was right, she pushed him forward into a smooth canter, then further into a gallop across the field, Shadow easily keeping pace beside them. Twenty minutes later, the horse’s nostrils flared from exhaustion, his coat slicked with sweat as she pulled him to a halt and dismounted. She lifted the rope reins over his head and led him to the lake for a drink of water. When his thirst was satisfied, she walked beside the horse back to the tree where the others were gathered.

  Gene and Lucas had finally emerged from the water and had saddled their mounts. Coal held the reins tight as they startled the horses and watched them bolt across the field, bucking wildly in an attempt to dislodge the saddles. She was very pleased, the young paint did not startle. “He’s going to be a good cow pony,” she said as she stroked his neck.

  “Would you like me to unsaddle him and walk him back to the corral for you?” Gene asked.

  “No, I’d like you to ride him back to the corral. I’ll get my saddle later. You can bring me down another colt when you return in dry clothing.”

  Gene grinned and carefully mounted the paint.

  Coal could tell he was waiting for the colt to buck and was surprised when the horse calmly stepped forward. She watched as they walked back toward the corral then turned to see Stormy in the lake swimming with a black horse.

  “How are the others coming along?” she asked Harley.

  “Y’all are doing well. If you can do two each today, we will be ahead of schedule.”

  “That shouldn’t be difficult for us,” she answered.

  Her eyes followed Stormy across the water. The wet clothing clung to her skin and she realized why Del was so physically attracted to her. She had a very physically fit body, and the smile of contentment she wore while swimming with the horse made her extremely handsome. “She seems to be getting along well.”

  “She’s not you, but she’ll do in a pinch,” Harley teased.


  After a hearty lunch, the crew each worked another mount and when the last of the horses returned to the corral, Harley announced the end of the workday.

  “I reckon we’ll see you later tonight,” Gene said as he saddled Shadow for her ride home.

  “You certainly will. I think we all deserve a night out after the last few weeks.”

  “Amen to that,” Gene said. “I’m looking forward to it.”

  “I’ll see you later then,” she said.

  When she got Shadow settled in the barn, she walked to the house and stripped out of her dusty clothes. She was leaving the shower when she heard Mary Leah arrive home. “Hey, baby,” she called from the bathroom.

  “Hey, darling, I’m glad to see you home already.”

  “We finished up early. I think everybody is ready for a night on the town, including Harley.”

  “I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a steak. I’m starving.”

  “Melissa cooked a hearty meal for lunch, but I’ve already burned through that. I wish we could convince her to go with us.”

  “I think she’d feel like a fifth wheel. I called her this afternoon and asked again, but she declined saying she just wanted a relaxing night at home.”

  Coal wrapped the towel around her waist and took Mary Leah in her arms for a kiss. “Do you think Melissa will ever fall in love again?”

  “I don’t think so. What she and Mitch had was so special. She told me she feels she’s had the love of her life. She seems content with her memories and life on the ranch.”

  She felt the deep sigh escape her lover’s body and knew Mary Leah also wished happiness for her sister. “You better get a move on if you’re going to get a shower in. Del will be here any minute, and I bet Stormy is already pacing the floor.”

  Mary Leah chuckled and headed for the bathroom as Coal started to dress.

  Chapter Twenty-one

  When Del arrived, Coal carried her overnight bag inside into the guest room. She offered her a beer and they sat in the den chatting while Mary Leah got dressed.

  “We’ll swing by and collect Stormy on our way out,” she was telling Del when Mary Leah entered the room.

  “You look fantastic, my dear,” Coal said when she looked up to Mary Leah.

  “Thanks, sweetheart. Good to see you, Del, are you ready for a relaxing weekend?”

  “I am beyond ready,” Del said as she walked over to hug Mary Leah and kiss her cheek.

  “Let’s roll, ladies,” Coal said. She grabbed the keys to Mary Leah’s car and ushered the others out the door.


  Stormy heard the rumbling of Del’s car as she drove up the driveway to Coal and Mary Leah’s home and she began pacing again.

  “Relax or you’re going to wear out my flooring,” Melissa teased.

  She dried her sweaty hands on the legs of her black jeans. “Should I change?” she implored of Melissa.

  “Heaven’s no, you look good enough to eat,” Melissa said, causing Stormy to turn scarlet. “You clean up very nicely, and I’m sure Del will be impressed.”

  She kept pacing despite Melissa’s pleas. The black jeans and form-fitting shirt accented her body nicely, but she worried she was too casual for Del.

  “Do I need to pour you a shot of something to get you to relax?”

  Stormy smiled and was about to say yes, but reconsidered when she thought of smelling like alcohol.

  “Come, have a shot of Jack with me. You can go brush your teeth again,” Melissa said, apparently reading the concern on her face. “At least you’ll give this carpet a few minutes of rest.”

  She compliantly followed Melissa into the den and accepted a shot of the strong whiskey.

  “To tonight,” Melissa said, touching her glass to Stormy’s. “Now bottoms up, for heaven’s sake.”

  Stormy downed the shot, wincing as she swallowed the fiery liquid. “Damn, that’s good stuff.”

  “Only the best in this house,” Melissa said. “Now go brush your teeth and check your hair one more time. The girls will be here soon.”

  Stormy handed the shot glass to Melissa and spun on her heel to cross over to her bedroom. She looked into the mirror and smiled. “I do clean up good,” she said and reached for the toothbrush as the strong whiskey performed its magic and calmed her nerves.

  When she walked into the living room, the sun had set and she could see the glow of headlights as Mary Leah’s car turned into the drive.

  “I was wondering if you would do me a favor,” Melissa said.

  “Sure, boss, what can I do?”

  Melissa handed her a fifty-dollar bill. “Buy a round of drinks for the crew for me tonight and give them my thanks for a hard week.”

  “Consider it done,” Stormy said, tucking the bill in her pocket. “Are you certain you won’t join us for dinner?”

  “I’m positive, but thanks for asking.”

  The car arrived and she looked back at Melissa with a smile. “Here we go.”

  “Have fun,” Melissa called after her as she pushed through the screened door.


  “Wow,” Del said as Stormy stepped beneath the porch light.

  “Are you sure you can handle Stormy?” Coal teased.

  “Well, I’m sure going to die trying,” she answered as Mary Leah punched Coal’s shoulder.

  “Be nice, Coal,” Mary Leah warned.

  “I was being nice,” Coal said with a wink to her lover.

  They watched as Stormy walked across the yard, opened the door, and climbed inside the car.

  “Good evening, ladies,” she said as they all looked at her.

  “You clean up good, girl,” Coal said, then put the car in gear.

  “Thanks,” she said, the heat rising slowly up her neck.

  “You look very handsome,” Del said.

sp; “So do you,” Stormy answered. “I hope I’m not underdressed.”

  “Not at all, you look really great,” Mary Leah added. “I hope you’re hungry because the rest of us are starving.”

  “I feel like I could eat a steer by myself,” Stormy said.

  “Now we’re talking,” Coal said as she drove to the paved road and turned toward town.


  The restaurant turned out better than Stormy had anticipated. Once they had finished their meals, the group decided to walk over to the club. Coal’s eyes searched the parking lot and she smiled when she saw Harley’s truck.

  “The boys have already made it. Hopefully they have gotten us a table,” she said.

  “The place looks packed already,” Mary Leah said.

  “Well, it is Friday night ladies,” Del said as she led the way to the club’s entrance.

  “That it is,” Coal said. She walked through the door and pulled out her wallet to pay the cover charge.

  “Come on in, ladies,” the bouncer said.

  Coal lifted her hand to pass him a twenty-dollar bill and he waved her off. “Your cover has already been paid by a group of thirsty-looking cowboys.” He grinned. “Harley and the boys are at a table on the right of the dance floor, by the pool tables. Have a great night.”

  “Thanks,” she said and led the others inside.

  Gene was the first to see them enter and he let out a loud whoop, waving his hat in the air for Coal to see. “What are we drinking?”


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