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Duality Page 28

by Heather Atkinson

  “Take them,” said Tam. “I don’t need them to see what a useless fucking leader you are.”

  “Oh I’ll take them but not until you see me take the eyes of the man you think of as your son.”

  With that she leapt on Malc, straddling him, dress riding up her thighs. Malc tried to shake her off, screaming and stamping his feet, unable to do anything else as she sank her fingers into his right eye socket.

  “Leave him alone,” Tam cried, writhing in his chair like a fat worm. “You’re not fit to touch him you fucking mincey-heid.”

  But Toni couldn’t hear him, so consumed was she by her grisly task.

  Jez noticed Shane lower his head and shift from foot to foot, disturbed by the scene.

  “Do not look away,” Jez quietly told him. “This lot will see it as weakness and that could be lethal.”

  Shane nodded, took in a couple of deep breaths and forced himself to look up, keeping his gaze slightly to the right, so he wouldn’t have to look directly at the scene. He’d never seen anything like this before and somehow it seemed worse that a woman was doing the torturing and enjoying it at the same time.

  With a horrible squelch Malc’s eye was finally removed from the socket, Toni eagerly scooping it up and placing it in the glasses case.

  “Now you’ve got one you can leave him alone,” said Tam.

  “Uncle Tam, you know I do hate not to have the set.”

  It didn’t take as long for her to take Malc’s other eye, she was done torturing him and just wanted it over with so she could move onto Tam.

  When she was done, Malc leaning back in his seat and breathing erratically, she took a few deep breaths, fingers covered with blood and goo as she slipped the eyes into the glasses case and pocketed it. She produced a second glasses case, Tam’s name emblazoned on the front in diamantes.

  “I had this specially made for you Uncle,” she said with a macabre smile. “It will be a nice memento for me to look upon when I’m sitting in my ivory tower, surveying my immense domain while you’re rotting.”

  “Someone will see you get yours one day,” Tam growled. “I wish it could have been me but someone will. You can’t stay on top forever.”

  “I’m always telling Caesar that,” she said with a lascivious smile at her second-in-command. “He’s more balls than the two of you put together. Especially after I’ve finished with you. You won’t have any left at all.”

  Malc, who was staring up at the ceiling with his sightless eyes, released a strangled groan filled with fear.

  “Don’t worry Malc,” said Toni, stroking his cheek. “You won’t notice. You’ll have lost far more of your body parts by then.”

  Another strangled groan was his response before passing out.

  “Looks like I don’t need to take his balls,” she commented. “He’s already lost them.” She turned back to Tam. “Time to take my prize.”

  As Toni burrowed her way into his eye sockets Tam refused to utter a sound, even though he must have been in agony.

  As he’d already been subjected to the horrific sight once Shane found he was better able to stomach it the second time but it was still incredibly unpleasant.

  Toni needed Tam to show how much pain he was in not only for her own personal gratification but so she wouldn’t lose face in front of her men either. Neither did she want Tam’s amazing tolerance for pain marking him out as a legend. So she produced the flick knife again and sank it into his crotch. Finally she got the reaction she so desired when he screamed.

  Shane thought he might faint and had to lean back against the wall, arms tightly folded across his chest. He was relieved that some of Toni’s men appeared to feel the same. This was something they’d never forget, especially if they ever thought about betraying her.

  “Not so tough as you like to make out Tam,” smiled Toni, twisting the blade to make him scream louder.

  The torture went on for almost two hours, Toni getting her hands very dirty to prove she was just as capable as a man of being ruthless when required. By the time Malc was put out of his misery with two bullets to the head by Toni herself, even some of her own men were looking quite sick, trying not to look at his famous manhood lying on the floor.

  Tam did his best to lift his head, blood dripping from his many wounds, skin white, staring at her with empty eye sockets.

  “You fucking bitch,” he managed to mutter through all his injuries.

  “Poor last words Tam,” she said before raising the gun and putting him out of his misery too.

  Next she turned her attention to the five men who had been forced to kneel on the cold concrete floor and watch their friends being tortured and killed. “Get rid of that shower of shite too,” she said.

  Only one of the men attempted to escape, desperately trying to push himself to his feet but his knees were too numb and he just fell onto his side. Three of the men appeared resigned to their fate, already knowing this would happen while one started to cry.

  “You see,” exclaimed Toni triumphantly, pointing at the crying man. “This is the sort of man Tam liked to have working for him, a big wet soppy Jessie pants.”

  His tears were quickly stopped by a hail of bullets being pumped into him and his friends.

  When the sound of gunfire died away Toni looked round at all the bodies wearily. “Get rid of them. I’ve got tickets for the ballet tonight.”

  She wandered up to Mikey, Jez and the others, who had remained silent throughout the entire torture session, standing there as a silent warning to the rest of Toni’s men. “You’ve done me proud boys. Thank you.”

  Mikey nodded in acknowledgement. “You’re welcome. Need us for anything else?”

  “No, you’ve played your part. Get yourselves back down to Manc Land and get making me more money.” She held out a hand for him to shake that was covered in blood and gore and eye goo. “Thank you. All even now.”

  “All even,” said Mikey, shaking her hand. He’d had much worse on his own hands in his time.

  “It’s been fun. You must visit more often.”

  “We need to go home for a rest,” he said wryly.

  “Boring bugger,” she said with a genuine smile. “Go on, get yourselves off. There’s only the clean up left to do.” She tossed back her head and inhaled deeply, eyes heavy with satisfaction. “It’s all mine, the whole fucking city. I am officially the Queen of Glasgow.”

  “Yeah, that’s great,” said Mikey. He gestured to the fire engine. “Come on lads, let’s go.”

  There was a tense moment as they clambered back into the vehicle, wondering if they were going to get a hail of bullets in their backs but they got into the vehicle without incident and Mark backed them out of the warehouse as Toni’s men got to work, dragging the bodies into a pile, smearing blood trails across the grey floor while Caesar poured bottled water over Toni’s hands then started to massage them, rubbing the gore away.

  “I’m glad that’s over with,” said Shane, incredibly grateful as they backed out of the warehouse and drove to the main road.

  “Don’t celebrate too soon,” said Jez grimly. “We’re not out of Glasgow yet.”

  After returning the fire engine to Mark’s uncle they returned to their hotel and went straight up to their suite, frantically stuffing things into bags. But they were too slow.

  “Aw crap,” sighed Mikey when there was a knock at the door.

  “I’ll get it,” said Mark, keeping one hand on the gun tucked into the back of his jeans while stalking up to the door and peering through the spy hole. “It’s Caesar,” he told them.

  “Is he alone?” said Jez.

  “Looks like it.”

  Jez and Mikey tucked their own guns into the backs of their trousers and nodded. “Let him in.”

  Shane didn’t have time to ask if he could have a weapon because Mark opened the door and let Caesar in, who was indeed alone.

  “And what can we do for you?” said Jez, hoping he didn’t sound as hostile and suspiciou
s as he felt.

  “Boss Lady wanted me to come over and give you an escort out of the city.”

  “We know the way,” said Mikey.

  Caesar’s smile was amused. “I’m your insurance policy that you’ll get out in one piece. I’d be nervous too if I were in your shoes.”

  “We’re not nervous,” replied Jez. “And we know the way.”

  “Boss Lady’s really pleased with how you helped her out. She wants you to feel safe leaving the city. I’ll lead the way if it makes you feel better.”

  “No need,” said Mikey. “We’ve got our escort.”

  The lift doors pinged open and Grant appeared flanked by four men, all looking like they could use a really good fight.

  “So you see, we’re sorted,” ended Mikey with a smooth smile.

  Caesar’s brows knitted together. “Boss Lady will be pissed off if her kind offer is refused.”

  “Stop saying Boss Lady,” said Jez. “It’s fucking creepy.”

  Caesar held up his hands. “Fine, can’t say I didn’t try but Toni still has enemies out there.”

  “As you see, we can take care of ourselves.”

  “Suit yourselves. I’ll be off then. Toni also wanted me to let you know that she’ll cover the bill for your stay here.”

  “Too right she will,” said Mikey.

  Caesar turned and headed back to the lift, having to squeeze past Grant and his men, who glared at him until the lift doors slid shut.

  “Wait out here,” Grant told the others before entering the suite and closing the door.

  “What are you doing here?” said Jez. “You were supposed to be keeping a watch back home.”

  “Declan sent me. Everything’s pretty quiet, nothing much going on. I don’t think anyone realised you’d even left the city.”

  “It’s nice to be missed,” sighed Jez.

  “Is Jules back yet?” said Mikey, ignoring the look Jez threw him.

  “Not that I know of,” said Grant.

  “Well now we’ve got that sorted let’s go,” said Jez. “I want to get home to my wife.”

  “Yeah, me too,” said Mikey, feeling it was expected of him when in truth there was another woman he was keen to see.


  Rachel and Ryan looked up from their breakfast when Jules entered the kitchen, her bags packed.

  “You’re not leaving already?” said Rachel.

  “Yeah, it’s not fair to keep Jax hanging any longer,” she replied.

  “You’ve made your decision?”

  “Yep and you’re looking at the future Mrs Driscoll.”

  Rachel smiled and got to her feet to hug her. “You’re doing the right thing.”

  “I know. I just needed time to realise it.”

  Ryan got to his feet to embrace her too, feeling much more at ease doing so after the time they’d spent together. “Congratulations.”

  “Will you give me away?” she asked him. “You and Jez?”

  “It would be my honour. Then you’ll be Jackson’s problem.”

  “Very funny.” She looked to Rachel. “And you’ll be one of my bridesmaids?”

  “I’d love to and thanks for helping out with the whole Valentine mess.”

  “You’re welcome and it was fun. Gave me chance to practice my pick-pocketing skills.” Jules had been the one to steal the phone from Valentine’s jacket pocket and replace it with an exact replica of the phone Emily had given him containing only the footage of Valentine and Kirsty making threats against Billy. A simple swap that had managed to cause so much havoc. Both Kirsty and Valentine had been arrested for attempting to incite violence, although Valentine was currently in hospital recovering from a heart attack. The phone containing the footage of Rachel and Jules torturing the men in the restaurant had been destroyed.

  “Do Mikey and Jez know you’re on your way back?” said Ryan.

  “No, I think they’re still away.”

  “Away?” said Rachel. “Where are they?”


  “What?” Ryan and Rachel exploded in unison.

  “What the hell are they doing there?” demanded Ryan.

  “Apparently Toni’s having some trouble with Uncle Tam, you know, family problems boiling over into business.”

  “You mean, war?” said Rachel quietly, conscious of the children in the house.

  “They’re trying to stop it from getting that far.”

  “I’m calling Jez right now,” said Ryan, storming over to the phone on the kitchen unit. “I don’t know what the idiot thinks he’s fu…oh hello Leah.”

  Leah walked into the kitchen and halted. “Are you going Aunty Jules?”

  Jules turned to face her. “I’m sorry, I have to honey. I’ve got stuff to do.”

  “I like having you here,” she said miserably.

  “And I love being here but I’ve got a lot of planning to do. I’m getting married.”

  “You are?” said Leah, eyes lighting up. “When?”

  “I don’t have a date yet but as soon as I know I’ll let you know because I would love you to be one of my bridesmaids.”

  “Wow,” she exclaimed, delighted. “I’ve never been a bridesmaid before.”

  “There’s a first time for everything and you’ll be great.”

  “Will it be down in Manchester?”

  “Probably. Is that okay?”

  Leah hesitated, nervous about being back down there after what had happened to her mum at the hands of her Uncle Alex. She took a deep breath and nodded. “yeah, fine.”

  “Great. Give your Aunty Jules a hug,” she said, opening her arms wide.

  Leah hugged her warmly and Rachel thought how strange it was that Leah adored her Aunty Jules, who was a criminal and assassin, but hadn’t been able to stand her Aunty Lexie, who had no real criminal history to speak of, although she was a bit of a spoilt brat.

  Rachel went to round up the boys, who were just as disappointed as their older sister that Jules was leaving.

  “I’ll visit again soon,” she promised. “And you’ll be coming to Manchester for the wedding anyway.”

  This appeased them somewhat and after lots of hugs they all walked her to the door.

  “It’s been nice having you here,” Ryan finally admitted.

  “We did make some progress, didn’t we?” she smiled. A meow had her looking down at the floor. “See you soon too Teddy. Don’t be too much of a pain in the ar…I mean bottom.”

  Ethan and Aaron started to chuckle at her use of the word bottom.

  “I’m going to miss you,” said Leah, hugging her again. “It’s going to be so boring without you here.”

  “Oh thank you,” said Rachel.

  “I don’t think boring can be used to describe your mum and dad,” said Jules, hugging her back. “And thanks, I’ve had a great time.” The taxi was already waiting for her at the bottom of the drive, which would take her to the airport.

  “Take it easy you,” said Rachel. “Let Jackson pamper you.”

  “Ooh the possibilities,” she said before falling into a pleasant reverie.

  “Err, the taxi,” said Ryan.

  Jules snapped herself out of it. “Yep, I hadn’t forgotten. Take care all of you. Don’t get up to anything the second my back’s turned,” she grinned.

  “I’ll help you with your bag,” said Ryan, picking up the large holdall at her feet and carrying it down the drive for her.

  “Wow, thanks big brother,” she smiled. “Shall I give you a tip?”

  “That’s really not necessary but allow me to give you one. You’ve got a chance at a great life with Jackson, so keep away from Mikey.”

  “Are you suggesting I would cheat on Jax? Because I wouldn’t.”

  “I don’t want you to mess things up just when you’re about to get everything you’ve ever wanted. I almost lost Rachel once. She wanted to go legitimate and I didn’t. Truth be told I was afraid, I didn’t think I could survive in the legitimate world and s
he dumped me, to protect herself and Leah. It was Jez who made me see sense and I will always owe him for that. If it hadn’t been for his intervention I wouldn’t have all this now. I’m just trying to do the same for you.”

  “I appreciate that but I’m not going to mess this up. Jax is the man I want to be with.”

  He nodded. “You’re making the right decision.”

  “I know and that’s because my IQ is higher than yours.”

  “Hmm, I never did see proof of that.”

  “Oh, did I forget to show you?” she said, taking a piece of paper out of her jacket pocket and holding it out to him.

  He took it off her, scanned the paper and frowned before handing it back. “There’s only one point between us.”

  “Yes but the important thing is that the extra point belongs to me.”

  “I demand a recount,” he said wryly.

  “Anytime. Right, I’d better go or I’ll miss my plane. I’ll see you when you come to Manchester for the wedding?”

  “Try and keep us away.”

  They hugged again and Ryan watched as she got in the taxi. It pulled away, Jules frantically waving at him from the back seat. He waved back, watching the car turn the corner, feeling a little sad when it had gone.

  A meow drew his attention downwards to Teddy rubbing his head against his legs. Ryan scooped him up, the cat purring contentedly in his arms and stroked his head.

  “Yeah, I’ll miss her too,” he said.

  “I miss Aunty Jules,” said Leah, sat at the dining table, staring miserably into her dinner. “She was fun.”

  “It is a lot quieter around here without her,” said Rachel.

  “Yes,” said Ryan. “Isn’t it lovely? I’m joking,” he added when they both glared at him.

  “Aunty Jules,” said Aaron, clapping his hands together, making Ethan laugh.

  “Can I really get a tattoo done by her?” said Leah eagerly. When she caught her dad’s look she hastily added, “when I’m eighteen I mean.”

  “We’ll talk about it then,” said Rachel, secretly hoping that would put an end to that conversation, getting up to answer the phone when it rang. “Hello?” she said into the receiver.


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