
Home > Contemporary > Breezy > Page 5
Breezy Page 5

by Kelsie Rae

  Laughing at his bold remark, I can’t help but wonder what the big deal is.

  “And why is that such a huge deal, exactly? I’m a big girl, Jude. I’m not going to go crying to anyone if it doesn’t work out. I mean, I might cry, and I will definitely have a date with Ben and Jerry, but it’s not like he’ll get in trouble or anything. He’s the owner of the company for Pete’s sake. What’s the worst that can happen?” I roll my eyes. “We’re both mature adults who know how to handle a break-up without all hell breaking loose, and we definitely know how to separate business from pleasure.” I can feel my cheeks turn pink as the word pleasure leaves my lips.

  Maybe I’m not that mature after all. Ha!

  Jude politely ignores my embarrassment and leans forward in his chair, placing his elbows on the plastic table that separates us. “That’s where you’re wrong, love. The only serious relationship that Derrick has ever been in…” he hesitates, trying choose his words carefully. “Well... let’s just say it did not end as smoothly as you’d like to think. It ended up costing him a lot of money, a lot of time, and his complete trust in the opposite sex.”

  He holds my gaze from across the table, the gravity of his words weighing heavy in the air.

  Licking my lips, I let his statement marinate before replying.

  “Money?” I just have to ask.

  Tsking at my nosiness, Jude continues. “I’ve already told you too much, love. I’m sorry, but you’ll need to ask him if you want further clarification. However, I believe we do still have much to discuss concerning your fishing abilities.” He smirks in my direction, obviously intrigued by what I have in mind.

  “Honestly?” I murmur. “I have no idea what I’m doing. I have a habit of being a lil’ bit impulsive.” I use my forefinger and thumb to create a tiny space between the two. “And you just so happened to have been caught in the crosshairs of my latest slip up.” I shrug my shoulders and grimace at my confession.

  Jude’s laughter booms, causing Garrett to glance into the breakroom.

  I jump out of my seat, terrified of drawing attention to our conversation, and slam my hand against Jude’s mouth in hopes of quieting the guy before Garrett asks any questions.

  This only seems to make Jude laugh harder, the muffled sound echoing throughout the room. He grabs my wrist and pulls me onto his lap, nuzzling my cheek as soon as my butt lands on his jean-covered thighs.

  “Might as well get the rumors started now, don’t you think?” he whispers quietly while eyeing Garrett from across the room.

  Swallowing thickly, my mouth suddenly feels like the Sahara desert.

  I nod slightly, the movement so tiny I’m sure Jude would’ve missed it if we weren’t cheek to cheek.

  As soon as Garrett is out of sight, Jude shoves me playfully, instantly reminding me of my relationship with Luke and how similar the two feel.

  “So, apparently we’re getting together this afternoon? Or is it this evening?” Jude questions, wanting to make sure we’re on the same page.

  Shrugging my shoulders, I try to remember my conversation with Derrick so I don’t get caught in my little white lie before it’s even able to flourish.

  “Um… I think we said afternoon?”

  “Well then, how do you feel about sushi?”

  “Love it,” I reply enthusiastically, my tummy already grumbling at the idea of a delicious California roll.

  “Well that’s a shame now, isn’t it? Because I prefer Mexican food,” Jude returns jokingly, a teasing grin plastered on his face.

  I laugh out loud at his silly sense of humor. “Well, alrighty then. But you’re buying!”



  Lunch is a blast. Jude takes me to a cute little taco stand a few blocks from work. It might not have been sushi, but it is still amazing. We make sure to keep it to the hour break we are allowed, so we don’t get in trouble with HR.

  Ha. That’d be me.

  As we’re walking back into the building, I’m busy searching through my giant purse for a piece of gum. Jude casually places his hand on my lower back, ushering me into the elevator. I give him a funny look over my shoulder, surprised by the sudden intimate touch. Jude clears his throat subtly and nods his head in the direction of the other person in the elevator.

  Why, hello Derrick.

  “Oh. Hi.” I smile sweetly in his direction.

  Derrick’s baby blues scan me from head to toe before zeroing in on Jude’s hand that’s still resting on my lower back. He shakes his head almost imperceptibly before staring straight ahead at the closed metal doors.

  “Hi,” his gruff voice replies curtly.

  “Coming back from lunch?” I probe. He might want to ignore me, but that would completely ruin my master plan of making the guy jealous enough to ask me out on a date himself.

  “Yeah, had to grab a quick bite before heading back to the grind.”

  “That’s nice. What’d you eat? We just got back from that cute little taco stand a few blocks away. Jude introduced me to their fish tacos. They’re to die for!”

  I can see his chiseled jaw ticking from my angle as I try to keep my mischievous smirk from making an appearance.

  “Yeah, Jude and I like to go there for Taco Tuesday. Apparently, we’ll be skipping Mexican tomorrow, since he already had it today.”

  Shit. He’s pissed. At me? Or at Jude for kind of ditching their tradition?

  “Oh no! Well I was dying to try their steak tacos, too. Isn’t that right, Jude?” I turn toward him quickly before focusing on Derrick again. “Maybe we could all go tomorrow? I’m a huge fan of Mexican. Gigantic fan, actually. So really, that’s all I ever want to eat. You’d be doing me a favor. No one messes with Taco Tuesday, and we can’t break tradition! I’m also a really big fan of traditions.” I’m rambling. I know I am. But now I’m feeling all kinds of guilty.

  Why would Jude suggest Mexican if they were going to get it tomorrow?

  “I’m actually busy tomorrow, love. But why don’t you go with Derrick? That way you can try those steak tacos, and Derrick won’t miss his precious Taco Tuesday.” Jude winks at me, silently letting me in on his ingenious plan.

  How the hell did he just manipulate Derrick and me into going to lunch together tomorrow?

  Apparently, I underestimated my partner in crime.

  “Um… that sounds great to me! What do you think, Derrick?” He finally breaks his staring contest with the elevator doors and turns in my direction. It’s as if the entire elevator has been sucked of its oxygen, causing Jude to disappear right along with it.

  There’s only me and Derrick in this small square box together. Derrick’s baby blue eyes pin me in place. I couldn’t move even if I wanted to. My breathing quickens, my lungs trying to fill with some much needed air before I completely pass out from the sexual tension flowing between us.

  Derrick zeroes in on my mouth, causing me to lick my lips in anticipation. For what? I’m not sure. It’s not like he’s going to kiss me, but it’s a subconscious response nonetheless.

  I feel myself leaning closer to Derrick, Jude’s hand slipping from my waist.

  Hell, he might’ve nudged me further into Derrick’s space for all I know.

  Knowing what an evil genius he is, he probably did.

  Just then, the elevator bings, telling us we’ve reached our floor and effectively bringing us back down to reality, even though we’re twenty-five floors up.

  “I can’t make it. Sorry,” Derrick mumbles, his eyes breaking contact. He practically sprints toward his office before I can think of a reply.

  I look at Jude, my confused expression on perfect display for the guy.

  He chuckles quietly, his shoulders moving up and down before patting me on the head like a puppy and whispering under his breath, “We’ve got him right where we want him, love. I give it less than a week before you two are shagging like cute little rabbits.”

  My cheeks are on fire as I shove him out of the elevator.
br />   He’s lucky he didn’t get an elbow to the ribs, too!

  “You can’t say something like that to me! It’s embarrassing!” I roll my eyes, my cheeks still flushed. I head down the opposite hall, leaving Jude in the reception area bent at the waist, holding his belly as he cracks up over my total embarrassment.



  I think I’m going to be sick.

  I knew it would be unpleasant to see Bree with someone else, but to feel like I got kicked in the balls was a little unexpected. And freaking sucks.

  I make my way down the hall toward my office as quickly as possible, barely restraining my anger enough to quietly close the door behind me instead of slamming it like I want to.

  As I sit down behind my desk, Jude opens the door without knocking and casually saunters over to the chair across from me, taking a seat as if he owns it.

  “Alright, mate. We’re going to have a little heart to heart, shall we?” He looks at me pointedly. I squirm in my seat, dreading any conversation that will involve me opening up about my… feelings.

  “Not in the mood, Jude. I have plenty of shit to take care of without worrying about you and your newest love interest.” The words taste bitter in my mouth.

  “So you’re telling me you don’t mind if I date Bree.” Although it’s a question, Jude says it as a statement.

  “Why would I care who you date?” I squeeze my jaw so tight I can practically feel my molars cracking.

  “Because you like her. And I don’t mean you like her as a person, although you do. I mean you like her, like her. And you haven’t liked anyone since Bethany.” Her name alone causes a rock to land in the bottom of my stomach and rage to seep from my pores.

  “Don’t, Jude. Don’t go there,” I warn, my hackles rising.

  “I’m not trying to go anywhere, mate. But we both know how close her betrayal hit home.” He eyes me pointedly through his nerdy glasses.

  Rubbing my hands up and down my face, I exhale loudly, wishing I could erase Bethany from my memory. Unfortunately, I still see her throughout the year during various tech conferences and management seminars.

  “Jude, I swear if you bring up one more thing about Bethany right now, I’m honestly going to lose my shit. You’re with Bree. Congratulations. What do you want? A freaking medal?”

  Jude laughs good-naturedly, even though he can practically see the steam coming from my ears.

  “Thanks. I’m glad to see there won’t be any unnecessary drama with me dating Bree. I was a little worried it would possibly cause a rift in our friendship, but since you seem so gung-ho on us being together, I guess we’ll give it a go.” He smirks mischievously, but doesn’t budge from his seat.

  Apparently, he’s wanting me to confirm my lack of romantic feelings for the new girl in HR.

  If only I could.

  “Yup. Not a problem at all, Jude. Be sure to invite me to the wedding,” I lie straight through my teeth, praying he doesn’t see right through me.

  Jude chuckles. “Of course. You’ll be the best man.” He smirks, brushes his palms against the denim jeans he’s wearing, and stands from his sitting position.

  “Just so you know,” he states, leaning against the doorway, “Bree and I aren’t exclusive yet. We’re moving slowly and seeing how things go.” He knocks his knuckles against the doorjamb after his last little tidbit and retreats to his desk.

  Two words are on constant replay in my head throughout the rest of the day.

  Not. Exclusive.



  I spend lunch on Tuesday alone.


  However, I do buy two extra steak tacos and deliver them to Derrick’s office. He isn’t in, so I place them on his desk with a sticky note saying, “It’s Taco Tuesday! Don’t forget your sombrero!” I finish the note with a little drawing of a stick figure wearing a giant hat with a taco in one hand and a maraca in the other.

  I’m so clever.

  The rest of the day is spent organizing a team-building activity for the company at the local gun range. Apparently, shooting firearms together develops unity within a company.

  Why couldn’t we go get pedicures or something, instead?

  I just finished renting out the entire range as well as choosing a handful of guns at random that will be at our disposal for the activity.

  What’s the difference between a Glock and a Remington, anyway?

  Afterwards, I head home for the day, stopping at Luke and Liv’s house for dinner.

  I pull up to their cute little four-bedroom home just before 6:00 pm. It’s about a five-minute drive from my parents’ house, and a twenty-minute drive from my apartment. Their door is painted a gorgeous sunshine yellow with a decorative wreath hanging on the front, and a welcome mat on the ground.

  I would normally walk right in, but it’s locked.

  After knocking, Liv opens the door with my adorable nephew on her hip. Her short, wavy hair is in a low ponytail with wispy strands framing her beautiful face.

  My brother is one lucky dude.

  “Hey Little Man!” I squeal, immediately grabbing him from his mama’s arms. “I’ve missed you so much! How are you already getting so big? You need to stop growing up right now, mister! Aunt Breezy says it’s not OK! No more getting big!” I lift up his green dinosaur shirt and blow a raspberry on his cute little round tummy, causing a giggle to erupt from his precious miniature body. He’s almost seven months old, though it feels like he was only born yesterday.

  Little Leo is a great mix of his biological daddy, Adam, and Liv. He definitely got Adam’s friendly smile, hands down. He’s only sporting two little baby teeth, but you can tell he’s got that same contagious grin. Leo has Liv’s gray eyes and white-blonde hair that is currently spiked up with a little bit of Luke’s hair gel.

  Luke and Liv have a pretty crazy history, and while Leo isn’t Luke’s biological son, he’s his baby boy in every other sense of the word. Those three are practically inseparable.

  Luke proposed to Liv a month after Leo was born, and they were married a couple of months after that. It might seem like they rushed into things, but they’ve known each other for years. They’re the definition of living happily ever after. While their joy is adorable, it also makes me a little sick sometimes.

  I’ve dated a bunch of meatheads in my life. Or mouth breathers, as I like to call them. You can thank my addiction to Stranger Things for that fun-filled terminology.

  None of my relationships have even come close to what Luke has.

  My mind drifts to my new boss. I think I feel something with Derrick. Something incredible. Something I haven’t felt with anyone else. Ever. But he’s fighting so damn hard against our pull that it makes me wonder if I should even bother pursuing our potential.

  I shrug off the thought, remembering my adorable nephew in my arms, and I don’t plan on putting him down for the rest of the night.

  Derrick can wait until tomorrow.

  We head into the kitchen and dining area of their cute little home. The floors are covered with a soft gray hardwood, and the cabinets are a stark white with speckled gray granite countertops. Everything has a very clean feel without losing it’s homey touch. The design dances between modern and traditional beautifully. Honestly, Liv should’ve been an interior designer. She’s got quite the knack for it.

  Maybe I should have her come decorate my apartment. I have kitten posters hanging in my room, along with a tattered jade green couch I found on the curb when I was moving in. And let’s not even get started on my plethora of mismatched plates and utensils.

  Over by the stove, I catch a glimpse of Luke stirring what smells like spaghetti sauce. The scent of oregano and tomatoes lingers in the air, making my stomach grumble for a taste.

  Walking over with Leo still on my hip, I nudge Luke playfully.

  “Hey Butthead! Whatcha making? It smells amazing, and have I mentioned that I’m starving? The tacos I had at lunch w
ent right through me.”

  Luke cringes at my TMI comment. “Gross, Bree. You can’t just say that shit!”

  “Ha! No pun intended, right buddy?” I jokingly nudge him in the ribs with my elbow.

  Luke returns the gesture by putting me in a headlock and giving me a noogie.

  Mind you, I am still holding his little boy on my hip, which is not an easy task considering my compromising position. Thankfully, Liv comes to the rescue before I have to knee her husband in the crotch, possibly rendering his testicles useless. Obviously, that would be a shame because I’d really like some more nieces and nephews.

  “Will you two give it a rest? I want to eat before the noodles are ruined! There’s nothing worse than soft noodles.”

  A very unladylike snort escapes my mouth and nose as I register her totally unintentional innuendo.

  “I can only imagine, Liv.” I turn toward my brother. “Luke, why have you been exposing this girl to soft noodles? Didn’t you hear her? They’re the worst! At least serve her up some good ol’ al dente!”

  Liv’s cheeks are flaming from embarrassment as she throws a dish towel at my face.

  “Oh my gosh, Bree! Sit your butt down, right now! There’s a child in the room!” she

  Luke just watches the whole scene from his spot in front of the kitchen sink, chuckling quietly while draining the noodles.

  Wouldn’t want them to get too soft! Ha!

  I’m pretty sure I have the sense of humor of a 12-year-old boy, and Luke is practically immune to my inappropriate jokes.

  With the exception of taco expulsion, that is.

  “I’m sitting, I’m sitting,” I reply before buckling Leo in his highchair and raising my hands in surrender. Liv’s cheeks are still a very cherry red when I pull out a seat and plop onto it.

  That girl is so easy to rile up!

  She busies herself dishing up everyone’s food, because apparently, I’m a toddler and am incapable of putting noodles and sauce on a plate.

  Or maybe I’m getting a mini timeout?


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