Mix'n Business With Pleasure

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Mix'n Business With Pleasure Page 2

by Hadley Raydeen

  “He told me he helped you pick out the samples. They were really good choices.” She tried to diffuse the situation. “No, I told them what colors you like and gave some ideas to his assistant. She said they would work on the order and send someone out,” Braedon countered. “Well, when I left the house today, he was up on my roof. You’re welcome to come over and check him out.” Bevin hoped her brother was just overacting, per usual, and would realize it but no such luck. Braedon nodded his head, getting up from his seat with no regard for the leftover fries. She wanted to finish.

  “You can bet I will check him out. Let’s go.”

  Chapter 3

  Bevin Thomas was everything he could want in a woman— smart, successful, gorgeous. What man wouldn’t want those things in his lady?

  He couldn’t help the smile that crept across his face. Yea, she’s a fine piece, alright. A fine piece of work, with an even finer ass.

  He almost fell off the roof when she opened that shade wearing a sheer nightgown, barely covering her ample delights and smooth caramel skin. His cock twitched at the very thought of her tantalizing body. What he wouldn’t give, fuck, what he wouldn’t do, to please every inch of her.

  She didn’t know who he was yet, but he knew her. He knew what he had to do, but after he had read and heard all about her, he couldn’t wait to meet her for reasons beyond the original purpose.

  He considered it pure luck when his assistant told him Braedon Thomas requested someone come out and do work on his sister Bevin’s house. He thought he would have to wait to meet her, but this opportunity just fell right into his lap.

  Of course, his workers and his assistant thought he was crazy to take on this simple paint job. He hadn’t been out in the field in a couple of years. He usually ran the show from behind the air-conditioned scene. It felt good to be working on a project again out in the field getting his hands dirty for once, especially if it was for someone as gorgeous as she.

  There would be time, soon enough, for her to learn his identity and how their paths would cross. But besides that, after getting to know more about her, he wanted to win this woman’s heart over. Yes, that was the goal. I want to get to know Bevin Thomas much more than originally planned. He saw the way she looked at him, could feel the electricity in her gaze and the way she got lost in thought while he spoke to her. He wished she’d take a penny for her thoughts. To know exactly what made her gaze cloud over with apparent lust while in his presence, and then he would.

  He turned slightly when he heard a car pull into the drive. He watched her emerge from her dark grey sports car, pulling a couple of bags with her.

  A shopping errand, he deducted, with a smile. I would spoil the hell out of you, if you’d let me. I’d buy you anything you wanted.

  He watched her curvaceous form walk around her car. Her back remained to him as she waited for an SUV to pull into the drive behind her.

  A rather large black man stepped out of the ride and eyed him suspiciously. He nodded his greeting and turned back to his work. Damn it. Who is this? A husband? He didn’t think she was married. He hadn’t noticed a ring before. Perhaps a lover? The thought of another man’s hands on her caused his insides to simmer. Not what he expected or wanted to see at all. He turned his gaze from them and focused on the job he was hired to do.

  “Jax?” he heard her say. The sound of his name in her voice made every nerve in his body vibrate to attention. He would give the world to hear her moan his name in bed, but for now this would do just fine.

  He turned slowly, cognizant of his position on the roof. “Hey, Miss Bevin.” He offered a smile. She smiled back at him, causing his heart to thump wildly in his chest. Damn, girl. If you only knew what that smile does to me.

  “I want to introduce you to my brother, Braedon; the one who hired you for the project.” She pointed at the man standing to her right. He did not appear pleased.

  Her brother. That could be good and bad. Good, he isn’t her man, and bad, if he is the overprotective type. Judging from the expression on his face, he would be the ever attentive brother type.

  Jax carefully moved his body to line up with the ladder and descended to meet up with the pair. He held out his hand.

  “Jaxon Stewart. Mr. Thomas, nice to meet you.” He waited while Braedon gave him the once over. The large man finally took his hand and squeezed it tight pumping it once in a brief shake.

  Some grip this son of a bitch has. This guy obviously isn’t playing when it comes to his sister. Jax wouldn’t back down. He leveled his own gaze on the man and squeezed right back.

  “A pleasure to meet you, I’m sure,” Braedon finally spoke, and let go of Jax’ hand. “The colors look good so far.” He checked out the blue shutters. “It will look really nice once it’s all done,” he said to his sister.

  “Yes, I agree the colors look great.” She smiled at Jax.

  “Bev, do you want to take your bags in the house? I want to have a word with Mr. Stewart.”

  Oh hell, here it goes. Jax noticed the look Bevin shot her brother, but the older sibling was oblivious. Maybe he just doesn’t care.

  Jax wasn’t quite sure what to make of this man. He didn’t want to get into a pissing match over a grown woman who could make her own decisions with an asshole older brother who obviously couldn’t care less.

  He briefly watched her walk to the front door. Not wanting to tip Braedon off that he was interested in his sister, he quickly snapped his attention back to the observant man.

  “I must say, Mr. Stewart—” Braedon started talking the minute he heard the front door close behind Bevin.

  “Please call me Jax.” He cut him off, crossing his arms in front of his body, ready for whatever Braedon had to throw at him.

  “Okay, Jax.”

  Jaxon could feel the air quotes with the emphasis Braedon put on his name. Bevin’s older brother cleared his throat and shuffled his feet before he continued. “I’m a little surprised you are out here doing this project by yourself. It’s not every day the owner of a contracting firm comes out and works the jobs—especially something as easy as a paint job. I’m sure you have many workers who are qualified enough to complete a simple task such as this.” He absently waved a hand at his sister’s house.

  “Sometimes I do come out and do the work myself. Depends on how the workload is. I didn’t have any of my guys free to come out and do this particular project in the time frame you gave us and I was able,” he lied. Of course he had people available. He just wanted to do this, for her. “So here I am. I’m sorry if you are unhappy with that,” he tested.

  Braedon raised a brow. “Not at all. I’m just a curious customer. Bevin will tell you I’m over protective of her, but I’m just looking out for her, you know. I want to make sure everything is on the up and up.”

  “Of course.” Jax agreed. Bevin is a big girl. She can take care of her own affairs, business and otherwise. He was quite sure she would be more than capable of the otherwise with him. If she’d give him the chance, of course. He was willing to try his damnedest for that opportunity.

  They both turned when the door opened again and Bevin came out onto the porch with two large glasses of lemonade. She wore a bright grin on her face, warming Jax to the core. She looked from him to her brother. Slowly, a knowing frown dimmed her beautiful grin.

  “What are you doing, Braedon? Don’t harass him,” she chided.

  Her brother accepted the glass she handed him. “Thank you, Sis. I’m not harassing anyone. We are having a man-to-man conversation. Are you feeling harassed, Mr. Stewart?”

  She handed the other glass to Jaxon, ignoring her brother’s comment and question. “Don’t let him intimidate you. He is a big softie and he knows it,” she poked her brother in his fluffy midsection, “in more ways than one. Now finish that lemonade and get back to my sister-in-law and nephews, would you? You are hovering around here like my personal body guard.”

  “To answer your question, Mr. Thomas, I’m not feel
ing harassed, or intimidated for that matter. He is just being a concerned brother, Miss Bevin. I get it. If I had a sister, I’d do the same thing,” Jax interjected. “I’m actually finishing up for today anyway. I have to get back in the office.” He checked his watch.

  “You’ll be back tomorrow?” she asked watching him down the lemonade.

  “Seven a.m., ma’am.” He winked at her and met Braedon’s disapproving glare.

  “It was a pleasure meeting you, sir.” He reached out, pummeling and waging a tug of war of hands with Braedon once again. “I’m going to leave my things, if that is okay. I will pick up where I left off tomorrow.” He directed the question to Bevin knowing he hadn’t quite convinced her brother about his character yet.

  “That is fine. They are safe out here,” she answered, her hooded gaze never wavering from him. Damn it. Don’t look at me like that. Not in front of the enforcer over here. Better yet, don’t look at her. Keep it moving, if you know what’s good for you.

  He dug in his jeans for his keys. “Very well. I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He turned and made his way to his truck, refusing to turn and look at her again.

  Chapter 4

  Bevin stood in the middle of her walk-in closet, dressed only in a lace bra and panties, contemplating clothing options for her work day. She had an early meeting scheduled with the senior management team. She hated having to go into the office when she would much rather work from home. She heard the ladder clanking outside of her house and grin spread across her face. He’s back.

  Her stomach fluttered, other parts of her body immediately reacted. Calm down, girl. She smirked. She tried not to think about him last night, but knowing she would see him again this morning, left her with little sleep, tossing and turning, thinking about those striking eyes.

  She could hear the sound of the ladder at the back of the house and she smiled knowing he kept his promise to not wake her again painting outside her bedroom window.

  She stepped out of the closet and walked quickly out of her room and across the hall into the guest bedroom. She walked to the window and peeked around the shade. Sure enough, he stood on her roof again. He pulled a t-shirt over his head leaving a thin wife-beater tank in its place. Before the tank fell in place, she caught sight of the waistband of the worn jeans he wore dipping dangerously low and showing the waistband of black boxer briefs. The deep V etched in his perfect abs dipped and disappeared beneath the boxers. She wanted to reach out and touch him, to help him unbuckle those jeans and explore the path of the V.

  She licked her lips instinctively imagining his smooth skin beneath her fingertips. She imagined his cock would be like steel, rock hard and silky to her touch.

  Her gaze hungrily took in the sight of his abs through the thin material. What she wouldn’t give to run her tongue along every crevice; hear him moan her name while she tasted him. She ran her gaze the length of his body, appreciating every clothed inch and back again. She froze in place when her eyes collided with his sexy expression. His eyes, more hypnotizing than she remembered, drew her in. Instant wet heat dampened her center and she was sure these panties would need changed before work.

  Oh, shit. I’m still in my… She looked down over her body. Her nipples pressed against the lace of her bra begging to be free…needing his touch.

  “Good morning, Bevin.” His voice was low and gruff. She looked back up at him, shifting the shade so only her head was visible.

  “Good morning, Jaxon.” Her voice was husky and she could hear her own lustful desire echo within.

  “Why are you hiding behind that shade? Let me see you.” He smiled.

  She looked down at her state of dress and the reaction of her body in his presence. “I’m not dressed.” Her voice was a whisper.

  He smiled at her a devilish grin that turned into a daring gleam. “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.”

  She watched as his hand moved over the thin material of his shirt pulling it over his head. He threw it off the roof and she knew it was now littering her yard. When his hand lowered to his belt buckle, she sucked in a breath.

  “Jaxon, someone will see you out there. You can’t strip on my roof!” She looked past him to see if any of her neighboring houses would be able to see him.

  “Then let me in, Bevin. I know you like what you see. This can be your private show.”

  The words rang in her ears. She wanted him all to herself. To have him in her house stripped bare. She only had to say the words. He took her hesitation as a no.

  “I guess I’ll just stand out here and give your neighbors a show. It’s so hot anyway. I’m sure they’ll understand. I need to be out of these clothes.” The sound of the zipper of his jeans caught her attention and her mouth went dry as he dipped a hand in and adjusted the length beneath. He was hard and making no qualms about it.

  “You see what you do to me, Bevin.” He pushed the jeans down more revealing the outline of his thick member through his boxer briefs.

  “Jaxon, no. Come in. Let me help you with that.”

  “Oh, you want to help me, do you?” He moved toward her sliding under the window, pushing her shade aside as he stepped into the guest bedroom.

  His eyes darkened running a heated trail up and down her body, narrowing in on the hard peaks of her breasts as he drew his bottom lip in with his teeth.

  “I’m going to definitely need your help. I’ve been thinking about you. Wanting you.” He stepped toward her, taking her hand. He brought her hand to his lips kissing the palm and then her quickening pulse at her wrist. His plump and soft lips moved over her delicate flesh. With slow moves, he flipped her hand in his, palm down this time as he looked up at her again.

  “Your pulse is beating so quickly, Bevin. You want me just as much as I want you.” His temping stare drawing her in like a male siren would his victim. “Well, I want you more. I need your hands all over me, beautiful.”

  “Yes, Jaxon. I need that, too.” Her breaths were shallow as he dipped her hand lower, closing in on his hardness.

  “Then touch me, Bevin, right here.”

  The sound of her alarm jolted her awake. She groaned and flopped to the side, throwing a hateful glance at her bedside table. She sat up, slamming a flat-handed smack on the button to give her ears a rest. “Son of a bitch!” She’d been so close, could feel that kiss on her wrist, and wanted to touch him. She cursed again, swinging her legs from the bed. She stilled, hearing some voices outside her house. Her mind immediately went to him again… Jaxon. That’s really him this time. Quite like her dream, she stood and walked across the upstairs hall into the guest room in the back of the house.

  I only need a quick look at him. But maybe that wasn’t a good idea. It would just fuel the ache she knew she couldn’t soothe. To hell with it.

  She peered out the window. Oh…wait…that’s not him. Standing in her backyard, a younger guy looked up at her house. I hope Braedon didn’t scare Jax away.

  Disappointed, she went through the motions of her morning, more quickly than usual. Showering, moisturizing and brushing her teeth, she finally walked back to her room and chose a dark blue, power suit, and dressed quickly. She brushed her hair back into a sleek French Roll and descended the steps with stiletto pumps in hand. She wouldn’t bother with coffee this morning. He wasn’t there to share a cup with anyway.

  When she opened her door to leave for work, she caught sight of Jaxon standing in her front yard with the younger man. He turned and locked eyes with her.

  The quick moment between the two of them sent an electric current through her body from head to toe and every womanly part in between reacted to the sight of him. Her gaze ran the length of him and stopped briefly at his manhood, remembering she was so close to feeling him in her dreams the way he rubbed at the hardness in her dreams.

  She couldn’t help her wayward thoughts. She wished she opted for that coffee now, or something to quench the dryness in her throat

  Damn, I thought he looked good yes
terday, but today…he’s outdoing himself. He wasn’t dressed for manual labor. Instead, he was dressed rather casually in a pair of jeans and a polo shirt. He still hadn’t shaved and thoughts of his gruff face in areas of her body, in great need of his oral attention, came to mind.


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