Rook (Chess Chronicles Book 2)

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Rook (Chess Chronicles Book 2) Page 2

by Riley Walker

  “I had a very interesting visitor today,” I inform him.

  With his back to me, he answers, “Really? And what was so interesting about your visitor?”

  “Oh nothing. Other than the fact that your beta is the same hawk I kept seeing all over the Earth realm and again outside the castle. You should tell him to be more careful about where he drops his feathers. They are very distinctive.”

  I watch as his muscles tense at my words. When will this man stop underestimating me?

  “What do you want? I have plans for the night, and they do not include you, Princess.”

  “I want answers, Rook. I want to know what Hawkeye means when he says the Inferiors are dying for the Royals. I want to know what you did to Shelby while she was here. I deserve to know what the hell is going on!”

  “I do not have the time to answer all your questions right now. Again, I have plans that do not include you. Make yourself at home, Princess, but don’t wait up for me.”

  Rook turns on his heel and storms back out of the tent. This man is infuriating.


  Poker Night

  What is the point of keeping me here if he’s not going to tell me what he wants? He is so confusing. If he wants me here to learn how the Inferiors are living and being treated, then he needs to communicate with me. Right now he is out there doing who knows what while I sit doing nothing. Why in the midst of all this, do I feel a sudden pang in my heart thinking Rook might be entertaining a woman tonight? I have Edrik, my fated, back home most likely going crazy with worry. Well, if he thinks I’m just going to sit here on my butt waiting for him to return with answers, he has another thing coming.

  I leave Rook’s tent determined to get some information. Maybe Hawkeye will be more forthcoming. Walking around, I notice that most of the people seem to be gathered around various tables and fires while enjoying each other’s company. It looks like a big extended family. I hear men laughing on the other side of the fire where an entire boar is roasting on a spit.

  I walk casually around the fire and find Rook sitting at a table with Hawkeye and three other men I haven’t met. I am surprised by the relief I feel knowing he is not with another woman. I’m standing there glaring down at Rook when Hawkeye clears his throat. This gets Rook’s attention.

  His gaze roams over me before placing the cards in his hands facedown on the table. “Princess, I didn’t expect to see you walking around out here amongst us commoners. To what do we owe this pleasure?”

  “I needed a breath of fresh air, and you still owe me some answers.”

  Hawkeye and Rook share a knowing look. Hawkeye speaks up, “Do you care to join us? We’re playing poker. We can explain the rules to you.”

  “Don’t mind if I do.” I pull out a chair between a red bearded man and Hawkeye, and prepare to kick some butt. I spent countless nights playing poker with Shelby and Colton at the frat house. Weekday nights could be long and boring. Playing poker at the frat house helped the time to move a little faster. Of course, I have no intention of telling them this information. I sit here patiently listening to Hawkeye tell me the rules and pretend to concentrate on his instructions.

  Rook hands me some poker chips and proceeds to deal out the cards. Several hands later, I have most of the poker chips and five men glaring at me with either confusion, awe, or anger. Leave it to Rook to be the angry one.

  Hawkeye looks completely confused. “Where did you learn to play poker?”

  “Did you not see me playing poker when you were spying on me in the Earth realm?”

  Hawkeye looks over at a laughing Rook. "What is so funny?"

  “I’m laughing at something she told me earlier, about noticing some very distinctive feathers.”

  I look over at Hawkeye’s bewildered face. “We played at the frat house on the nights we were bored.”

  He shakes his head saying, “That frat house was so juvenile. I usually left when you were hanging out there.”

  “Let’s go. It’s time for bed, anyway.” Rook grabs my hand, pulling me up and dragging me along behind him. I am so shocked by the tingling in my hand that I don’t notice he is taking us back to his tent until he opens the flap and pushes me inside.

  I look around in confusion. There is only one bed in here, and Rook is already taking off his shoes and shirt.

  “Where am I sleeping? There’s only one bed.”

  “I guess you’re stuck sleeping with me. It’s a big enough bed, and I don’t trust you not to try to sneak out. If you don’t like this arrangement, I can take you to a cell where you can sleep on a cot.”

  Rook pulls back the covers waiting for my response. “Fine, but you better keep your hands to yourself.” I pull off my shoes and crawl into the bed on the side farthest from him. My hand is still tingling from his touch. I get the same feeling from touching Rook as I do when I touch Edrik.

  He smirks at me and turns off the lamp. “Do not worry about me, Princess. I’m sure you have your hands full with the other three men that follow you around.”

  I decide not to respond to him and try to force myself to sleep, but I can feel the heat radiating off his body, and the sheets are covered in his scent, the smell of sandalwood and musk. I eventually nod off and wake up with a feeling of claustrophobia. Rook has rolled over in the middle of the night and has managed to wrap his body completely around me. He has one arm under my head and the other across my stomach pulling me tightly against him. One of his legs, which is the size of a tree trunk, is thrown over my hip and keeping me pinned in place. There is also something else the size of a tree trunk hard against my backside.

  “Good morning, Princess,” Rook breathes onto the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine.

  I pull away, trying to dislodge myself from his massive body, only to be pulled back into his hard chest. I can feel him grinning in the crook of my neck.

  “I thought you said you would keep your hands to yourself.”

  “That was before I had your sexy ass pressed into my groin and heard the little moans you make in your sleep.”

  I won’t deny that this man is sexy as hell, but I have Edrik waiting for me, and I need to find out exactly what I am doing here. With great resolve, I manage to slip out from under him and get out of the bed. The very comfortable bed that still has a delectable man laid out in it. Rook stretches his hands above his head, making all his tan muscles ripple and his pants slide down his hips. Thank the stars he left his pants on, since he clearly is not wearing any underwear. He notices that I am watching him and gives me an amused look.

  “See something you want, Princess?”

  I turn around, trying to hide my reddened face. “What are we doing today? Are you finally going to tell me why you are keeping me here?”

  Rook stands up out of bed, and begins making his way to the tent opening. Before he leaves, he turns to me and replies, “We will get to that, but first, I need a cold shower.”


  Inferior Camp

  Rook returns with our breakfast and a wet head. I am not sure which one I want more right now, the breakfast or the man. I am undeniably attracted to him, but Edrik keeps playing through my mind. How can I feel like this for two men?

  Rook and I eat in uncomfortable silence, both stealing glances at each other. After our plates are clean, he stands and holds his large, callused hand out to me. “What are you doing?” I ask Rook as I accept his hand and stand to my feet.

  “It’s time I showed you exactly what the Renegades are fighting for.”

  He leads me out of the tent and starts heading toward a large group of people. As we walk, I take in the rest of the camp. Tents are thrown up haphazardly, some with holes, some leaning and about to collapse. The terrain is flat and dusty. I can see the mountains of the Dark fey Kingdom off in the distance.

  “Is this where all the Renegades live?”

  “No, Princess. This is where the Inferiors live. The Renegades are in the surrounding area. They stay close
r to the forest. We surround the Inferior camp to protect them from any outside threats.”

  I watch as a group of young children, in old tattered clothes, chase each other in between the tents. They are all dirty and too skinny, but each one is wearing a smile on their face. A few notice Rook and run over to us yelling his name. “Rook! Rook!” He smiles at them and reaches into his pocket, pulling out a bag of jerky. They stand at attention, waiting their turn to receive a treat from a man they obviously worship as a hero. As soon as all the jerky has been handed out, they leave to catch up with the other children and start up their game of chase again.

  “Those children look too skinny, Rook. The tents are falling apart, and everything is worn and filthy. Why do they choose to live like this?”

  “We don’t choose to live this way, Princess.”

  “Well, your tent doesn’t have holes, and you have nice things. If you are so passionate about the Inferiors and the way they live, why do you have it so much better than they do?”

  Rook tenses at my words, almost like I have slapped him in the face. He tightens both of his fists and his nostrils flare out.

  “You don’t know what you are talking about, Princess. Do you think I enjoy seeing my people living like this? To know that their homes are one strong wind away from crumbling? To see so many starving, knowing I cannot command the ground to grow enough food to feed them? Princess, do you think you have any authority here? I have no doubt you think you know what is going on with the Inferiors, but you are a child and are clueless. Each time I try to rebuild new homes for the families here, they are destroyed. Who do you think is doing that, Princess? Your precious Royal guards destroy everything! What they don’t kill, the hunger and illnesses finish off. So, don’t try to judge me, Princess. These people you see around you? They have given their best to me, their Alpha, to show respect because I am fighting for them. Every. Single. Day.”

  Before I can respond to him, Rook turns from me, storming off, and I lose him in the crowd of people ahead. Feeling foolish and saddened by what he just told me, I decide to head back to his tent. It is time I learned more about the Inferiors and exactly what they need from me.


  Don’t Go Chasing Waterfalls

  I am pacing in Rook’s tent, trying to figure out how I can help the situation involving the Inferiors. He is truly devoted to this cause as am I now, but where do we go from here? He seems to think I have some part in this travesty, which I understand. The Royals have been mistreating the Inferiors for generations. It is one thing to hear from my Dad, but another to see it with my own eyes. Getting both Light and Dark Fey Kingdoms to change their minds on this matter will not happen overnight. He has a reason for keeping me here. I just need him to come back and lay all his cards on the table.

  After a couple of hours of pacing and thinking until I can’t focus anymore, I hear a noise and look up just in time to see a sheepish-looking Rook come in.

  “Princess, look, I know I was harsh earlier. I should not take out my frustrations on you, but you have to understand. I have given my life for this cause. I am honor bound to see my people get the treatment they deserve and to see them live better, stronger lives. I am willing to take any and all measures to make this happen.”

  “I understand, Rook, I do. I just do not understand exactly what you expect from me.”

  “Not now, Princess. We can talk about all of this later.”

  I take the olive branch he is offering and decide to let the issue go for now. “I need a shower. Or a bath. Or a bucket of water. I am filthy, and I just want to get some of this dirt and grime off of me. Do you think that would be possible?”

  Rook surprises me with a real smile and tells me to wait. He leaves again, but this time returning only moments later carrying a stack of clothes and a towel. He passes the clothes to me. “These are from a female Renegade, so they won’t be the most comfortable, but for this area, they are practical.”

  I take the clothes and return his smile. I can’t help but wonder, in the back of my mind, exactly which female Renegade he got these from. Could he have a girlfriend or a lover that I haven’t seen yet? Stop it, Franchesca! You have your fated back home probably going out of his mind with worry over where you are. Edrik! Remember Edrik!

  I stand and follow Rook out of the tent. This time, we take a turn and follow a path through the woods for about half an hour before coming upon a blue lagoon. I hear it long before I see it. A waterfall about thirty feet tall is straight ahead. It is the most magnificent thing I have ever seen.

  “Let’s go, Princess. You wanted a bath, well here you go.”

  He passes me the towel and a small piece of soap. I motion for him to turn around and watch him roll his eyes before he finally complies. I quickly chuck off my old, nasty clothes and run into the cool water. As soon as the cold water hits my skin, I can feel all the tension in my muscles relax. I decide to start by washing my hair. I lean back, letting the water soak my weary head. When I raise my head and start scrubbing it with the soap, I see a flash of skin before hearing a huge splash not ten feet away. I see Rook’s head pop up and he slings it around, throwing water everywhere.

  “What are you doing in here?”

  “You aren’t the only dirty one, Princess. I gave you privacy to get in the water.”

  “I am still IN the water! You need to get out.”

  “Don’t worry, Princess. I promise that I can keep my hands to myself. Now hurry up and finish, so I can use the soap.”

  I give him my meanest glare and go back to washing my hair. After hopefully rinsing all the suds out, I start scrubbing my body. I’m not sure how much good I am doing using the soap under the water, but with Rook so near and looking over at me, my modesty has kicked in and will not allow me to stand and wash properly.

  “Do you mind turning around, so I can finish bathing, please?”

  “You don’t have anything I haven’t seen before, Princess. Get over yourself and get clean. We need to head back before it gets dark.”

  I glare at him as I finish washing up. Once done, I swim over to Rook and offer him the small remnants of the soap.

  “Thanks for leaving me something to clean with, Princess.”

  Rook begins moving closer toward the shore and stops when he is waist high. He takes the soap and starts at his chest, moving down both arms and across his stomach. He walks up even closer until the water is only lapping at his knees. He bends over, washing his legs and other regions, all the time giving me a nice view of his tight backside. I know exactly what Rook is trying to do. I may be a Princess, but I am nobody's fool.

  I decide to give Rook a taste of his own medicine and once he’s back in the deep waters grinning like a loon, I swim toward the shore myself. When I get close enough, I put my feet on the lagoon’s floor and begin walking out of the water. When I reach the sand, I bend over, picking up my towel, and slowly and methodically start to dry off. Oh yes, Rook. Two can definitely play at this game.

  I hear him laugh as I begin putting on the clean clothes he brought me. It doesn’t go unnoticed that there is no underwear in the pile. I act like this is nothing new and pull on the pants, followed by the too small shirt. I may have new muscles and be in the best shape of my life thanks to training with Edrik, but I still have some of my curves.

  The thought of Edrik stops me in my tracks. I feel the hot rush of tears threatening to spill over when I think about what he must be feeling right now. I have no doubt he is worried about me and my safety, and I know he is doing everything in his power to get me back. Colton, and even Winston, in his own selfish way, will be helping him figure out a plan.

  I sense Rook before a shadow looms over me. I quickly wipe at the few tears that have fallen on my cheeks. I cannot let this man see me as weak. Stand tall, Franchesca. You can do this.

  “Princess, are you crying?”

  Why does this question sound sincere? I know I am just a means to an end for him. He has no reason to car
e for me. “No,” I lie. “I just looked up at the sun for too long.”

  I watch the shadow of Rook raise his hand then drop it. “Let me get dressed. We need to start heading back to camp. It isn’t safe to be out after dark.”


  Punching Bag

  Rook delivered dinner to me tonight then left. Again. Since our time at the waterfall, he has become even more distant. I have been staring at the inside of his tent for the last two days, my only break coming when Hawkeye would stop by to drop off food or just to goad me. I have heard others talking when they walk by and are not aware that I am eavesdropping. It seems both Kingdoms have been put on lockdown since my capture. I wonder if the Renegades have attacked the castle again, or if it is just a security measure because of me? I will ask Rook if he ever shows his face again. You know what? No. I will not sit here and wait. It's time I go find him and get the answers I need.

  I slip out of the tent and check to make sure no one is around that would be following me. I start walking toward the back of the tent, keeping myself hidden in the shadows. I know exactly how far from the tent I can go before I will be spotted by the Renegades that are set up at the edge of the forest. I definitely do not want to be caught by them tonight. Once I make it to the back of the tent I hear what sounds like grunting. I keep walking toward the sounds, curious about what I may walk upon. The closer I get, the louder the grunts and what sounds like flesh hitting flesh. I know I should not be back here, but my curiosity has won out.

  I walk a few more feet and find the source of the noise. It’s Rook. A shirtless, very sweaty Rook punching a bag hanging from a tree branch. I stand still watching him. His movements are almost as graceful as a dancer’s. I would never tell him that, but the movement of his feet, the bouncing from side to side is so fluid. Not what you would expect from a man like him. He has both of his fists pulled tight to his chin, his head bent down when he suddenly strikes out, punching the bag so hard it begins to spin. The punch is so fast that it shocks me, and I release a small gasp. Rook must have heard me because he whips his head around before the entire sound makes its way out of my mouth.


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