Rook (Chess Chronicles Book 2)

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Rook (Chess Chronicles Book 2) Page 10

by Riley Walker

  “Half the men go back to the castle with Winston, the other half stays here and helps us pack up and move it to the Inferiors.”

  “Why am I being sent back?”

  Edrik responds before I can. “Aren’t you needed back at your Kingdom? Besides, we need someone we trust there looking after Chess.”

  “Very well. I do not need half the soldiers with me. I will take back two, the rest can stay here to help.”

  “Fine. Take two of your men and tell the King what we found. We need a plan to find and deal with Armand. Something tells me he knows exactly what is happening right now.”

  Winston takes off, and we continue sorting and preparing for Hawkeye and our men to return.


  In the Shadows (Winston’s POV)

  I had to hold back a laugh when I walked into Gretchen’s kitchen and saw my Princess covered in a red sauce. I could not help but to touch her at least once. Damn traditions for forcing my hand into marriage, and damn my father for dying before I was ready to take over the crown.

  The past few days have been exhausting. Not only do I have to deal with my upcoming crowning ceremony, I had to go on a mission with King Bastian and this motley crew of misfits. Fortunately, we were able to uncover the mine that Armand had been using to horde supplies meant for the Inferiors. I still cannot understand what he needed with such a vast amount of supplies. Everything from medicines to foods to clothing all being kept in a hidden mine along with more minerals than I have ever seen. What was he thinking? What is his end plan?

  King Bastian thinks that Armand wishes to control all minerals, denying any to us. He knows we draw not only our powers, but our very life force from these minerals. What I cannot figure out is why he wishes all the Royals dead. He wants the Light Fey crown he believes belongs to him. If that were all he wanted, then why go after the Dark Fey?

  My crowning is approaching, and Mother is adamant that my marriage to Franchesca be announced that day. No matter how much I despise the tradition that has forced us together, I cannot deny that I do have feelings for her.

  I stay hidden in the shadows of the kitchen, a rare smile breaking across my face. The happiness she is experiencing right now with her two friends somehow brings me a sense of peace.


  Shipment Delivered (Rook’s POV)

  “Well, what do we have here?”

  I see my old friend Roy approaching us. Coincidentally, the same old friend I found almost completely naked in a poker game with my Cara not too long ago. I should shave the old man's beard off. That would serve him right.

  “Supplies, Roy. Lots of supplies. We need help unloading all of these, and I need to speak to you in private.”

  “Sure. Let me go round up the fellas, and I’ll meet you back at your tent?”

  I nod, and signal for Hawkeye to come over. “I’m going to go talk with Roy. Make sure they get everything unloaded and hidden. We can’t have Armand becoming suspicious and finding out it was us who took everything.”

  I head to my tent, getting my thoughts together on what to tell Roy. He has been a Renegade longer than I have. Getting him to believe that Armand is behind this will not be easy.

  “Rook, what the hell is all this? Did you raid the castle or something?”

  “You’d better sit. Did you know that Armand is King Bastian’s brother?”

  “What are you talking about, Rook? The King of the Light Fey?”

  “It’s true. Hawkeye and I found proof. We also found a map to a hidden mine he has. When we got there, we found supplies meant for the Inferiors. Everything we brought back here today, we took from that mine. Medicine, planting seeds, clothing, and more minerals than I have ever seen.”

  “You have any idea what you are saying, Rook? You’re accusing our leader of stealing from us? He started the Renegades for the sole purpose of bettering the lives of the Inferiors! Now you stand here and tell me, there were always supplies and help, but he kept them for himself?”

  “I know how difficult this is for you to hear, but you know me, Roy. You know my relationship with him. I would never accuse him without definite proof. It didn’t seem possible to me until I saw it with my own eyes.”

  “Rook. . .”

  “Listen to me, Roy. I need your help. King Bastian and Prince Winston want to help us. In fact, the King insisted that I bring everything we uncovered here.”

  “How can you be so sure it was Armand hiding all this?”

  “It was his map, he had guards there, and he had personal items in the mine. It’s his, Roy. Believe me or not, but it was definitely his doing.”

  Roy looks off in the distance and rubs his hand down his face. He takes a deep breath before looking back at me again. “Okay. Tell me what you need me to do. I know the kind of man you are, and a liar you are not. I’ll do whatever I can, especially if it means helping our people.”

  “We need to make sure all the supplies, especially the medicines, get distributed among the Inferiors. We have to do this without Armand finding out. We also need to be extra careful of who we trust. I don’t know who is working with him and until we do, no one but your closest can be trusted.”

  “You don’t have to worry about Armand finding out anything right now. He left the camps shortly after you did. We haven't seen or heard anything from him since then.”


  “Roy, I need to leave and get back to the Princess. I don’t trust him not to go after her. Send word if you need me . . .”

  “Go. Tell my poker buddy I said hello, and I’m holding her to that rematch she promised. I’ll take care of everything on this end.”

  “Thank you, Roy. I’ll tell her, although I don’t think I want to see her with my men in nothing but their underwear again.”

  Roy and I separate, him going to grab some more men, and I head back to Edrik and Hawkeye.

  “We need to leave now. Armand left soon after we did and hasn't been seen or heard from since. I don’t like this at all.”

  “I don't either. Our men can stay here and help. Let's get going.” Edrik has a look of unease on his face, and I agree. I don’t like this situation either.

  Once we begin our journey back, I look over to Edrik and speak words I never thought would come out of my mouth. “One of us needs to stay with her at all times. Either me or you. I know this is a crazy predicament with both of us being fated to her, but if I have to share my Cara with anyone, I guess it could be worse.”

  “I agree. It isn’t how I pictured my and Chess’ life together, but at least I am not having to share her with that human boy or Winston. I am not sure I could ever get on board with that.”


  Dinner And A Show

  I decided to take advantage of the afternoon and spend some time alone in my favorite place, surrounded by my favorite books. I hear a commotion down the hall, and before I can get up, the door to the library opens, and in walks Edrik, Hawkeye, and Rook.

  “Chess, I have missed you.”

  I run into Edrik’s arms, squeezing him tightly. “I have missed you, too.”

  He steps back, his gaze going over me from head to toe. “Are you alright? Nothing too exciting happened while we were away did it?”

  “Not unless you count a failed cooking lesson with Gretchen yesterday, then no. Nothing too exciting happened here.”

  “It could not have been any worse than when you attempted to learn to bake. That poor dish towel was beyond saving.”

  “Haha. You are such a comedian, Eddie.”

  “Alright, I am going to head up and take a shower. Hawkeye, you want me to show you to your room?”

  “That would be great. Later, Princess.”

  Edrik gives me a quick kiss on the lips, and Hawkeye winks at me before leaving.

  “Oh, Rook, there's an empty room on the other side of Chess’s you can take. That way she will be in between us.”

  What is going on? Am I in another dimension?

  “Why do you
look so shocked, Cara? You didn’t think your Knight and I could get along?”

  “No. I mean, I know you two were friends when you were kids, but no. I didn’t think you would become friends again, especially not without someone getting punched.”

  “We came to an understanding. We both want nothing more than for you to be happy, and neither is willing to let you go. It won’t always be easy, but we will figure it out.”

  I stand on my tiptoes and give Rook a kiss. I have dreamed about having this man's lips back on mine. He’s right, it won't be easy, but I know we can make this work somehow.

  “Oh my. I didn't mean to interrupt anything.”

  I look over Rook’s shoulder to see Gretchen with a big grin on her face. “It’s okay, Gretchen. I was just welcoming Rook home.”

  “Home? Does this mean you are going to try and work things out permanently?”

  Rook leans down and whispers in my ear, “You shouldn't have used that word, Cara. Next thing you know she'll have us married and babies running everywhere.”

  “Oh, hush you. I was coming to find you, Frannie, to let you know your parents will be dining in their quarters tonight. I thought you might want to have dinner out on the patio?”

  “That sounds perfect, Gretchen. Thank you. Can I come help do something?”

  “No! I mean, no thank you. I have it all under control. Why don't the two of you run along and get cleaned up? Dinner will be ready in an hour.”

  I feel Rook’s shoulders vibrating in silent laughter. Sometimes, he can be such a turd.

  The food is great, the weather perfect, and the Fey wine is flowing. This has been a perfect night. I look around at the most important people in my life. From my left is Edrik, Shelby, Colton, and Hawkeye; and Rook is on my right. Winston couldn't be here because of his duties at home. I doubt he would enjoy this kind of night, but I will admit that I miss his banter.

  From out of nowhere, Colton starts giggling like a little girl.

  Rook looks at me funny, then turns his head toward Colton. “What is so funny over there, Colton?”

  “I’m just surprised to see both of you back. I figured one of you would have killed the other by now.”

  “Why would we kill each other?”

  “Because you have to share Franchesca. Duh.”

  “What makes you think they would be the only two sharing the Princess?” Hawkeye responds, making both of my eyebrows shoot up.

  Colton just stares, wide-eyed at Hawkeye, and I decide we need a change of topic.

  “Edrik, I forgot to tell you about Shelby's little secret.”

  “What secret?”

  “Well, it seems that when Shelby crossed over into the Fey Realm, her shifter genes emerged.”

  “Oh really, and what is our little Shelby? A panther or maybe a house cat?”

  Shelby gets out of her chair and immediately shifts. There is an Emperor Penguin standing before us. She is lucky her animal is smaller than her, and she doesn’t have to get naked to shift. Her clothes just slide right off her.

  Edrik spits his mouthful of wine out across the table. “What the fey? I have never seen a penguin shifter before. She is so cute.”

  “Watch it, Edrik. She will hit you with one of those flippers, and she may or may not rub her butt feathers in your face,” Colton says.

  Edrik look shocked, “Butt feathers? Do I even want to know?”

  “Probably not,” Colton chuckles.

  Rook laughs. “Don’t I know it. I have been slapped on the butt more than once by that little penguin.”

  I can tell Shelby is getting irritated. “Okay, that’s enough boys. Besides, I have not seen your beast yet, Rook. Are you an opossum or a raccoon? Oh I know! You’re a rabbit! No, you had claws, so . . . a sloth!”

  “Ha, ha, ha. You are so funny. You really want to see my beast? I’m not so sure you could handle him.”

  “Oh, I am pretty sure I can handle anything you or your beast gives me.”

  Rook stands up and begins to unbutton his shirt. “Dude! We don’t need to see all that. Can you go somewhere else before you start to get naked?” Colton asks with his hands covering his face.

  Rook says nothing and continues to remove all his clothes. Looking me directly in the eyes, he winks and the next thing I know I am staring at a very large tiger. With fangs.

  I hear Colton scream, then watch him tumble over in his chair. He stands and begins pointing. “What the hell? You’re a sabertooth tiger?”

  I slowly walk over to Rook, extending my hand asking permission to touch him. He leans his head to the side, and his tongue rolls out. I think he is smiling at me.

  “You are beautiful, Rook.”

  He sits up and licks me from chin to forehead. Yeah, he's not so cute anymore.

  “Okay, your fun is over.” Edrik points at Shelby and Rook. “Both of you change back and get dressed.”

  In the next moment, I am looking at Rook and Shelby. A very naked Rook and Shelby. Colton rips off his shirt and throws it at Shelby, hitting her in the face. “Please put that on. Not everyone wants to see your bits!” He turns around trying to hide his very red cheeks.

  “My bits? What are you , Colton? Twelve?”

  “Cara, want to help me find some clothes?”

  “Very funny, tiger boy. Your clothes are right there. Put them on. Not everyone wants to see your bits either.”

  “I want to see his bits.”


  “Sorry, Frannie.”


  Message Received (Gretchen’s POV)

  After breakfast I head to the library, needing to let Rook know that I am headed into town today. The library seems to be the most likely spot to find him since it is Franchesca’s favorite room and Rook does not leave her alone for very long. It warms my heart to see him so in love. He will not admit it yet, but that boy is head over heels in love. I turn the corner and run right into him.

  “Where are you going in such a hurry, Mom?”

  “I was coming to find you. I need to go into town for a few things, and I visit Ruby at least once a week for tea.”

  “That’s fine, mom, but you aren’t going anywhere alone. Armand is still out there, and who knows what he is up to?”

  “Oh, Rook, I will be fine. I visit Ruby by myself all the time.”

  “It’s not safe. Hawkeye will go with you. I need him to pick up a few things for me, anyway.”

  I pat his cheek. He is so cute when he is concerned about his dear old mom. “Okay, Rook. Tell Hawkeye that I will be ready in ten minutes.”

  Hawkeye meets me at the door, and we head out. It isn’t very far to Ruby’s Shoppe, and we make it there in no time. We walk through the door, and Ruby looks up when the bell dings.

  “Gretchen, Hawkeye, it is so good to see you.”

  “Hello, Ruby. I have missed you. Is that your delicious mint tea I smell brewing?” Ruby smiles warmly at us, “Of course, it is. It should be ready soon. Would you like some tea, Hawkeye?”

  “No ma’am. I have a few things I need to pick up. Will you be alright here, Gretchen?”

  “Of course. Ruby and I have some gossip to catch up on, so take your time. I will not go anywhere.” Hawkeye kisses me on the cheek and leaves the shoppe.

  Ruby stares at his back with a mischievous grin on her face. “That boy has sure grown up into a fine-looking man. Could you imagine if he became Franchesca’s next fated mate?”

  “Oh you hush, Ruby! Franchesca has her hands full as it is. How many fated mates do you think she will have? The prophecy was very vague on that issue.”

  “I have no idea, Gretchen, but it is going to be interesting to see how it all plays out. I hear the tea kettle. Why don’t you have a seat, and I will go fix us a cup.”

  Ruby turns around and walks to the back of the shoppe. A few minutes later, I hear the bell ding above the door. I do not turn around, assuming it is only Hawkeye returning. A meaty arm grabs me around the waist, and I feel the blade
of a knife being held against my throat.

  “Hello, Gretchen. Lovely seeing you here.”

  I would know that voice anywhere. My mother practically raised the two royal brothers.

  “Armand, what are you doing here?”

  Just then Ruby returns with our tea. When she sees Armand holding a knife to my throat, she gasps and drops the tray.

  Armand looks up and gives Ruby an evil sneer, “I am here to deliver a message.”

  He slices my throat, releasing me as I fall to the ground. All I can do is lay there holding my throat while blood pools between my fingers. Ruby screams, dropping to her knees and pulling me into her lap. She places her hands over mine, helping to put pressure on my neck, trying to stop the blood from flowing.

  “Nothing you can do will save her, witch. Tell Rook that no one double crosses me, and I will be seeing him and his Princess, very soon.”

  I look up into Ruby’s tear filled eyes and give her hand a small squeeze. The last thing I see before the darkness overtakes me, is Hawkeye bursting through the door.


  A Heart Broken

  We are all hanging out in the library. It has been a pretty quiet day, and we still have no clue where Armand is or what to do next. Winston’s crowning ceremony is in just a few days, and I am expected to attend. Rook and Edrik are scouring the maps looking for some clue as to where Armand might be hiding. Shelby, Colton, and I are playing Go Fish. It is a card game from the Earth Realm that requires no skill. I had to find something to distract Shelby. She was driving the guys nuts with her asking fifty million questions about the maps.


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