CONQUEST: The Dungeon Core Gambit Book One

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CONQUEST: The Dungeon Core Gambit Book One Page 28

by Antony W. F. Chow

  The Secretary then approached the throne and handed the envelope to the queen.

  Levioda examined the front of the red envelope. It was addressed to her. The back of the envelope had a golden wax seal with a stamp from the Clerk's Office in Bethmund. She took a moment to recall the face of the sender. She held out the envelope to Merilda, who used a letter opener to break the seal, took the letter out of the envelope and unfolded the letter.

  The queen accepted the letter and started reading it:

  "To Her Majesty, Queen Auriola Tyffany Levioda,

  Your Excellency may have undoubtedly heard of the unbelievable story of a young, fascinating man named Sibalt, who has presented himself as the emissary of a reincarnated dungeon core, named 'Markos Turloch,' and is seeking to petition a charter to establish a new town near the Bulddinger Mountains.

  Unfortunately, the Clerk's Office in Bethmund lacks the resources necessary to investigate this claim of the appearance of a new dungeon. Your Servant has contacted the Adventurer's Guild and learned that they are sending a team to explore this dungeon but it may take some time to arrive at the alleged dungeon.

  Since it takes approximately a half week to travel by carriage (or up to a week on foot) from Bethmund to Lamour, the Adventurer's Guild may have confirmed the existence of the dungeon by the time Sibalt's group has arrived in Lamour with this letter.

  In any event, it is your Humble Servant's lowly opinion, as an official Clerk in Bethmund, that this matter should be decided personally by Her Excellency.

  Forever Your Obedient Servant,

  Malle Ponfi, Assistant Administrator

  Clerk's Office in Bethmund"

  When Levioda finished reading the letter, she passed it to Merilda who began to read it. "Lord Emmu, has the existence of the dungeon been confirmed?" the queen asked.

  "Yes, Your Majesty. The Adventurer's Guild in Bethmund has sent a group to investigate and confirmed its existence. The dungeon has six floors, mainly with traps that are difficult for non-thieves to pass through. It has fewer monsters than usual. The guild is also lending its support to this petition. They wish to establish a local branch office in the new Town of Markos," the clerk explained.

  The queen maintained her poker face. She was well aware of the risks and benefits of having a dungeon within her kingdom. But what truly interested her was the young man himself. He was extremely handsome and she couldn't help but stare at him. And she wanted a taste of his manly nectar.

  She quickly came up with a plan to keep Sibalt inside the castle. Levioda turned toward Sibalt and said, "I have a number of questions but due to some prior engagements, I lack the time to discuss your petition in depth right now. Instead, I would invite you and your entourage to stay in the castle as my guests."

  The queen turned toward Merilda. "Please have suitable rooms prepared for them." She turned back to Sibalt. "I invite all of you to dine with me tonight. We will discuss the petition further at that time." She waved her hand in dismissal.

  Sibalt bowed deeply. "Thank you for your hospitality, Your Excellency." Keeping his head low, he backtracked a few steps and then turned around to exit the throne room. His entourage, along with Merilda and Herb, followed him out of the room.

  Once the visitors were gone, Kaylein approached the throne and stood to the queen's right. "What are you thinking? That man is dangerous." Her voice added to her disapproval.

  Levioda smiled slyly. "I'm thinking of sneaking him into my room at night and feeling his cock inside me."

  "Urgh!" her childhood friend made a face. "I understand that you want to add him to your collection of male concubines. But his master may not appreciate it," Kaylein warned.

  "But you heard the report from Herb! The dungeon has only six floors! And it lacks the energy to create monsters to fill up its floors! What can the dungeon core do about it if I take its emissary for myself?" the queen smirked.

  The sorceress shook her head. "You're taking it too lightly."

  Levioda rolled her eyes. "Oh, fine! If you're THAT worried, you can stay with me tonight, too!" Her eyes danced dangerously in anticipation.

  Chapter 55

  Dinner with the Queen

  While their guest rooms were being prepared, the visitors were made to wait in the hallway outside the throne room. But they were not alone; there were numerous people milling about awaiting an audience with the Queen. In addition, knights positioned in front of the doors kept a watchful eye on everyone.

  Clerk Emmu excused himself to return to his office.

  Meanwhile, Secretary Merilda relayed the Queen's order to a servant and then returned to the throne room.

  The servant asked Sibalt and his entourage to wait in the parlor room while their guest rooms were prepared. Then the maid, wearing a traditional white and black outfit, scurried off.

  With nothing to do, Alethea pulled on Sibalt's arm and dragged him along as she examined the fine paintings on the walls in the long hallway. There were numerous portraits, all of them women, with their names and years in power. In other words, the portraits depicted the previous queens of Vessar.

  Periodically, the secretary would escort visitors out and then corral the next person or group of people with an appointment to see the Queen.

  Thankfully, the maid returned in a little under an hour. She escorted Sibalt and his party to the end of the hallway, up to a flight of stairs and then took the group to their guest rooms. Sibalt and Alethea shared one room, the two dwarven guardians took the second room, while Ryota was provided with his own room.

  To Alethea's delight, awaiting them in the room was a wooden tub full of hot water! She immediately stripped her dirty clothes and climbed into the tub. "Come in and join me!" she yelled.

  Sibalt took a look at the tub and shook his head. He doubted there was enough room in the tub for two people. "I'll wait for you to finish, dear." He sat on the bed, which was big enough for two people and felt extremely soft and comfortable. He laid on his back and soon drifted off to sleep.

  While Alethea was bathing, the maid returned with a fresh change of clothes for each guest.

  When the dwarfess put on the clothes, Alethea discovered that the maid had given her a red dress with a lower neckline which revealed her collarbone and her ample cleavage. It had long sleeves and the length of the dress fell to her ankles. The dress was tight fitting and accentuated her figure. She was also provided with white stockings and a matching pair of red shoes.

  Out of curiosity, Alethea checked the new clothes prepared for her husband. She saw that he had received a long-sleeved, navy blue tunic, a red jacket, black trousers, black leggings, and blue shoes. The dwarfess turned her head toward the bed. "Dear, it's your turn to take a bath," she said.

  However, Sibalt had fallen asleep.

  With a mischievous smile, Alethea silently crept onto the bed and peered into the handsome face of her husband. She was VERY tempted to pull down his trousers and awake him with a fellatio. But she was also keenly aware of the queen's strong desire for him; after all, the queen was practically devouring him with her eyes while they were in the throne room!

  However, Alethea understood that if the queen demanded that Sibalt visit her private chamber as the price for granting the charter, Alethea wouldn't forbid her husband from going. Pleasing the dungeon core was THAT important to her husband and to the clan as well.

  With great reluctance, Alethea slapped her husband's cheek gently until he awoke. "Good morning, sunshine!" she grinned. "It's your turn to take the bath. Shall I assist you in undressing and bathing?" she asked mischievously.

  Sibalt blushed at her words and shook his head. "No, that's fine, darling." He walked over to the wooden tub and began to strip. He sat inside the tub and began scrubbing his skin furiously. He looked at her and saw that she was wearing a wonderful looking dress. "You look beautiful," he complimented her.

  Alethea blushed. "You got a change of clothes, too," she noted while showing him the set of clothing.<
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  Sibalt quickly bathed and then put on the clothes. It made him feel like a new man.

  Once he was dressed, Alethea approached him with a serious facial expression. "I wish to make a request of Master Markos," she said.

  The dungeon core immediately took control of Sibalt's body. "Yes?"

  "You made an alliance contract with my grandmother. I would like to do the same with you," she requested and bowed deeply to him.

  "Okay," he answered. Markos made the Befriend request and it was accepted immediately. "Befriended: Alethea Nowrins Galgot, Level 9."

  The dungeon core had once made a promise to the Spirit of the Bulddinger Mountain not to assimilate Alethea. But the spirit had never forbidden him from befriending the young dwarfess. He recognized the importance of staying in contact with her through the alliance contract and thus, accepted Alethea's request.

  With nothing to do but to await their summons, the couple sat shoulder to shoulder on the bed with their backs leaning against their pillows. Unfortunately, the room had just one chair and neither was inclined to have the other stand or, even worse, sit apart. Thus, the newlyweds (having been married for under a month) were content to lean into each other and enjoy the warmth of their young bodies.

  When the clock on the wall struck six in the evening, the couple heard the sound of steps approaching their door. Knock-knock!

  "Come in!" Alethea called out.

  A maid unlocked the door and entered. "Her Excellency cordially invites you to dine with her in the dining hall," she announced.

  The couple quickly got off the bed, spent a little time straightening their clothes, and then followed the servant out of the room. In the hallway, their companions were already waiting. United once more, the group were led down the stairs and soon arrived in a long dining hall. To their surprise, however, there were no other guests.

  Instead, only one table had been set up. The table was relatively small with seating for eight people. The queen sat on one end with the secretary to her right and another woman wearing an olive green dress to her left.

  Sibalt took the seat on the opposite end. His wife sat to his immediate right, followed by Ryota. The two dwarven guardians sat to his left.

  "Thank you for joining me," Queen Levioda said with a bright smile. "You have already met my secretary, Merilda. To my left is my trusted adviser, Kaylein. She is an expert in Nature Magic." Once the introductions on her side were completed, she turned her attention to Sibalt.

  The young man nodded. "Seated next to me is my lovely wife, Alethea of the Bulddinger Clan. Next to her is Ryota, an old but wise warrior I had met on the road. To my left are Tensa and Pewma, also of the Bulddinger Clan."

  Once the informal introductions were made, servants soon entered while pushing carts. Each person received a plate of venison steak served with carrots and mushrooms and biscuits. In recognition of the presence of dwarves among the guests, dwarven ale, which had been acquired from The Golden Ax, was served with the meals.

  Being an undead, Ryota could not eat. Instead, he spent his time cutting the steak into pieces and pretending to eat.

  However, this pretense did not escape the attention of the queen. But she chose to remain silent. She once heard that some old warriors followed unusual practices and superstitions, such as abstaining from eating meat on particular days of the week.

  Besides, the ruler was more curious about the young emissary, Sibalt, and his relationship with his wife, who was absolutely lovely, too! After a substantial portion of the meal was eaten, Queen Levioda started engaging in light conversation. "Sibalt and Alethea, may I ask how you came to be married?" she asked.

  The couple glanced at each other and then Alethea spoke up. "My grandmother, the clan elder, arranged the marriage," she admitted.

  "A political marriage," Merilda realized aloud.

  However, the young wife placed her hand over her husband's in a rather possessive manner and squeezed. "But we're very much in love," Alethea added while offering a pointed look at the secretary.

  "How long have you been married?" the queen asked.

  "Under a month," Sibalt answered.

  Suddenly, Kaylein cut into the conversation. "Sibalt, how did you become the emissary of a dungeon core?" she asked. "I have never heard of any dungeons having a representative roam the surface before," she explained the reason for her curiosity.

  The young man grimaced at the memory of how Markos saved his life. Finally, the dungeon core spoke through Sibalt's lips. "It's a secret I'm afraid."

  The sorceress' eyes danced at the answer. "Does it relate to your enormous magic power?" she pushed him.

  Sibalt grimaced again.

  "Are you human?"

  "Kaylein!" the queen intervened. "This dinner was meant to welcome Sibalt and his companions. Please stop being rude to them," she admonished. The matriarch then offered an apologetic smile. "Please forgive her. When it comes to the subject of magic, Kaylein tends to lose her mind a bit."

  "Please forgive me for not being more forthcoming," Sibalt bowed. "There are certain matters that my master prefer not to reveal."

  Queen Levioda was silent for a moment. Inwardly, she was grinning. Now that he was disoriented, it was time to dangle the carrot! "I would like to discuss your petition privately. Can I trouble you to come to visit me later tonight?"

  "Of course, Your Excellency!" The emissary bowed deeply to hide his blush.

  Chapter 56

  Nighttime Visit

  Queen Levioda finished her meal soon thereafter and excused herself to retire to her room. Her two aides remained at the table, partly to keep an eye on the guests and partly out of courtesy. They were keenly aware that the atmosphere had changed in the absence of the monarch but the guests remained wary of Merilda and Kaylein.

  The guests did not engage in any conversation. Instead, they focused on finishing their meals. Of course, Ryota's plate remained full and no amount of cutting of the steak could change that fact. Finally, Sibalt and his entourage bid the two women a good evening and they, too, retired for the night.

  Once Sibalt and Alethea returned to their room, the couple stared at each other wordlessly.

  The wife gave him a hard look that said, "I told you so," while the husband shrugged helplessly.

  "I could always decline the invitation," Sibalt suggested out of a sense of duty to remain faithful to his wife.

  Alethea shook her head. "Darling, I appreciate your offer but obtaining the charter is the top priority for your master. Forging a relationship with the Queen of Vessar is more important than maintaining relations with the Bulddinger Clan. Thus, I will not hold it against you if you visit the queen in her room tonight . . . and don't return until the next morning." The dwarven priestess looked away to prevent him from seeing her anguish at the thought of the older woman touching Alethea's man.

  The unbalanced birth ratio of males and females had resulted in polyamorous relationships and even a conservative woman like Alethea must acknowledge this. Her husband was truly handsome and the object of affection and admiration from most women that he encountered. If Sibalt needed to utilize his manly charms to accomplish his mission for his master, then Alethea must stand behind him as his supportive wife.

  The couple sat in bed, again, leaning their backs on soft pillows placed upright against the wall. They watched as the clock ticked on the wall until the sound of footsteps echoed almost an hour later. The steps stopped in front of their door. Knock-knock!

  "Yes?" Alethea answered.

  "Her Majesty has summoned you." The servant unlocked the door and held it open.

  Sibalt quickly got off the bed and rushed out of the room.

  However, the servant kept the door open. "She has asked for both of you."

  Keeping her composure, Alethea got off the bed and joined her husband in the hallway.

  The couple was led past many doors until they stood in front of an ornate door at the end. The door was painted red and gold. Ther
e were two knights standing guard next to the door.

  The servant knocked on the door.

  "Enter," a voice called out.

  The servant opened the door for the couple and they peered through the doorway.

  Inside the room was an immaculate, queen-sized bed. There were many paintings on the walls, which were colored red. A large window near the bed was shuttered. The queen was seated on a luxurious looking sofa with Kaylein. She was wearing a thick robe lined with expensive looking fur.

  The sorceress, on the other hand, was still wearing her green dress.

  There was a fireplace nearby and several pieces of logs were burning.

  "Please come in. We wouldn't want the warm air to escape, now would we?" the monarch grinned.

  Sibolt and Alethea quickly entered the room and the door was closed softly behind them. The couple sat on the sofa across from the queen and her aide.

  Queen Levioda smiled broadly, trying to put the newcomers at ease. However, the two remained visibly nervous. Finally, the woman decided to drop her pretense. "Let's talk frankly about the charter. I will allow a town to be founded near the dungeon entrance as a personal favor to the two of you. But there is something I want in return."

  The older woman grinned like a shark as she rose from her seat. She adroitly untied the belt around her waist and dropped it to the ground. She then casually opened her robe and allowed it to fall to the ground. Underneath, she wore . . . nothing. "You will pleasure me tonight. Both of you," she demanded.

  Sibalt stared at the body of the monarch. Despite being at least twice his age, the queen kept her body in great shape with a smooth stomach, a narrow waist, and those full mounts of womanly flesh.

  Alethea's jaw dropped. She had expected her husband to serve the queen in bed tonight. But never did she imagine that the queen would require her personal participation in a threesome!

  The queen was fully enjoying their reactions. Standing tall and proud of her figure, the older woman leisurely strolled past their sofa and climbed onto her bed like the cougar that she was. She turned around and saw that the two were still staring at her. With a lecherous smile, she beckoned them to approach with a finger.


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