Evolving Urges (Gasoline Book 2)

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Evolving Urges (Gasoline Book 2) Page 28

by Bella Jeanisse

  Tommy glanced toward the hallway, which had gone quiet. “Uh, well.” He sighed. “She’s actually my girlfriend.”

  “That makes sense.” Chris smiled. “I thought you were gonna take my head off that time at your place. You shoulda told me.”

  Tommy felt a bit of relief. “Long story. She had a great time that night.” He turned to the foyer. “Any idea what happened?”

  “Nah.” Chris shrugged. “We can go look.”

  When they entered the foyer, Jon, Dominic, Crystal and Giovanni stood around. Tommy figured if something was up, someone would tell him. He scanned Crystal before he approached Giovanni. He hoped to convince Giovanni a foursome was in order that night, although he had already turned it down.

  “Hey, I wanna show you something,” Tommy whispered to Giovanni. Less than a minute later, they walked down the hall that led to the back porch. “Jon almost never uses this room.” He opened a door on the right side. “There’s so many places to get away from all these people.” He winked and turned on a light.

  The small den was furnished for Josie when she lived there. She worked from home. Since then, most of the rooms had been changed, to ward off memories. That section of the house was untouched, though. The office beyond was where she did most of her work, though. Jon hadn’t stepped foot in there in years.

  After that, Tommy brought Giovanni to the basement to check out the studio. “Winter Winds recorded here, for the most part. We don’t have everything, but it was good enough.”

  “Wow.” Giovanni was in awe. He hoped one day they could afford a huge house like that.

  * * *

  Still in the foyer, Dominic talked to Chris and Crystal. “At least Dean didn’t ruin everything.”

  “Yeah,” Crystal muttered. Then her fiancé returned and distracted her.

  Dominic laughed when they walked away and turned to Chris. “You ready for the tour?”

  “Yeah.” Chris looked around. “Have you seen Chad?”

  Dominic sighed. “He walked out after Giovanni proposed.”

  “Oh, damn.” Chris frowned. “He needs to give up on her already.”

  Worried, Dominic nodded. “I agree. I’m gonna call and check on him.” He walked into the man cave and closed the door. Then he brought up Chad’s name and hit “call.”

  “Hey,” came a sad voice from the speaker.

  Dominic sat on a couch. “Wow. OK. So, as bad as I thought. Anything I can do?”

  “Get rid of Giovanni.” Chad sighed. “Sorry. Things were good between us, before he got in the middle.”

  As he rolled his eyes, Dominic replied, “Now you’re deluding yourself. She’s happy. Try and think of that.”

  “Right now I need to work on not ending my life.”

  Dominic jumped up. “What? I’ll be right there.”

  “No.” Chad was in bed, a hand over his eyes. “I’m not serious. I could never do that to her. She’d be devastated. Even if she don’t love me like I want her to. I’m fine, Dom. Just sulking. I’m gonna go to sleep. I’ll call if I get overwhelmed. OK?”

  Relieved, Dominic closed his eyes and sat down again. “OK. Anytime. Seriously.”

  “Thanks.” Chad did feel a bit better.

  * * *

  Back at the party, Tommy drained a bottle of beer and grabbed another. He nodded at a few people who also stopped to get a drink. “Having fun?” he asked Brandon Knight as he approached.

  “Yeah. Good party. Glad Dean left, though.” Brandon’s right hand curled into a fist. “He started mouthing off. Then Vince took him away. It wasn’t easy holding back. Really wanted to deck him.”

  Tommy wasn’t sure what went down. “Glad you didn’t.”

  “Hey, Brandon.” Mitchell smiled. “Tommy, I think Dominic wanted to talk to you.”

  “Thanks.” Tommy turned to look for Dominic. He was across the room. “I’ll be back.” He passed Jon and Emma a few feet away.

  “Had a problem with Dean.” Jon sighed. “I may have to cancel our plans tomorrow. I need to deal with him.”

  “It’s fine. I get it.” Emma knew about Dean’s recent issues, at least when Jon had told her.

  “What problem?” Tommy asked as he backed up a few steps.

  Jon groaned. “Not here.” He kissed Emma’s cheek and started toward the other side of the house. “Things got serious tonight.” He walked into his man cave and bumped into Dominic. “Sorry, but maybe you should be here, too.” They sat on couches and faced each other. “Dean had to be high. He was a fuckin’ mess.”

  Dominic fought to keep his voice even. “He was yelling at people and acting crazy.” He didn’t want to mention Dean muttered about Amanda at one point. “We need to replace him. This is the last straw.”

  “I know.” Jon scrubbed his face with a hand. “Rick took him home and is gonna babysit him tonight. It’s too late for rehab again.”

  Dominic exhaled loudly. “I told him we’d have Chris replace him on tour. I say we do it.”

  “I wanna see what he has to say first.” Jon was sure something was wrong.

  Tommy glared at Jon. “Seriously? Another chance? Why the fuck’s he deserve it? All he’s done this year is fuck up. I’m over it. If you wanna confront him, I’m going, too. Then we kick him the fuck outta the band!”

  Chapter 36

  “No talking, just kick him out!” Tommy shouted as he climbed into the back seat of Jon’s Cadillac. They met at Dominic’s so they would arrive at Dean’s together.

  Jon turned. “Look. I agree that this is the last straw. But there was something in his eyes last night, and Rick said he holed up in his room and hasn’t come out for anything.”

  “Wait.” Dominic grew concerned. “Why didn’t he break down the door and check on him?”

  “He’s talking,” Jon explained. “But just says to go away. I got a bad feeling.”

  When they arrived, Rick answered the door. “He’s still in there. I tried to give him a bottle of water, but he won’t take anything. He’s gonna come down hard.”

  “Bet he already has.” Dominic rushed past him and went straight to Dean’s bedroom. He knocked loudly. “Dean. Dean. It’s Dominic. Open up. Talk to me.”

  Dean was in bed. He didn’t want to help himself. “Go away!”

  “No.” Dominic knocked again. “Jon’s ready to bust down the door.”

  Dean groaned and got to his feet. “Fine.” He opened the door an inch and went back to bed. “Not gonna help.”

  “Let me talk to him.” Dominic put a hand up when Tommy and Jon moved forward. “Alone. Just give me a few minutes.” He stepped into the room and closed the door. “Tell me why.” He sat on the bed next to Dean. “Something set you off.”

  As he turned away, Dean whispered, “Amanda.” His entire body shook from withdrawal.

  “What’d she do?” Dominic hoped she didn’t give him the drugs.

  Dean sighed. “I asked her out—on a real date—and she just laughed. Said I was nothing more than a good lay. That I—I…” He closed his eyes. “I was a useless sack of shit with a big dick.” He squeezed his eyes shut. He didn’t want to cry again. The words cut through him like a knife. He thought they had something special. “Am I?”

  “No.” Dominic laid a hand on Dean’s shoulder. He felt the tremble, and it was worrisome. “You’re just more troubled than most.”

  “Sure,” Dean mumbled into his pillow.

  Dominic sighed and stood. “I’m getting you some water.” He quietly left and waved at his bandmates to follow him. Once in the kitchen, he said, “It’s not good. He’s giving up.”

  “What d’ you mean, giving up?” Jon asked, eyes wide.

  After he retrieved a bottle of water from the refrigerator, Dominic turned to him. “On life. He thinks he’s worthless. I can hear it in his voice. It’s starting to make sense. Little comments he’s made over the last few months. I shoulda seen this. I focused on the drugs.” He hurried back to Dean and handed him the water. “How abou
t you get up, and I make you something to eat?”

  Dean shook his head. “I’m fine.” He did take the water, though. His mouth felt like cotton. After a few sips, he muttered. “Just leave me alone.”

  “Not doing that.” Dominic might not be close to Dean any longer, but he wouldn’t let him suffer. “Twenty minutes. OK? We can go in the kitchen.”

  Sure Dominic wouldn’t relent, Dean reluctantly got to his feet. “Whatever.” He trailed him to the kitchen and sat at the table. “Doubt I can keep anything down. I was hurling all morning.”

  Tommy stayed with Jon in the living room. They both seethed. Dominic babied Dean. It was ridiculous. He turned to Jon. “Why we puttin’ up with this? I thought we came here to confront him, not make him dinner.”

  “Give Dom some leeway.” Jon slapped his knees, then turned on the television. “I trust him.”

  Rick leaned on the wall next to the entertainment center. “Should I have broken the door down when he was tossing his cookies?”

  “Nah.” Jon rolled his eyes. “Mr. Prima Donna woulda fought you tooth and nail. Thanks for watching him.”

  Dominic called from the kitchen. “I’m making scrambled eggs. You guys want any?”

  “No.” Jon and Tommy replied together.

  Rick laughed. “I do.”

  Several minutes later, Dominic handed out plates of food. He waited until Dean had taken several bites and held them down. “OK. So when did that thing you told me about happen?”

  “Just before I left for the party.”

  Dominic frowned. “And when did you take the coke?”

  “Wha—” Dean’s mouth dropped. “How’d you know?”

  With a glare, Dominic responded, “Who d’ you think you’re talking to? It was obvious. Who, Dean?”


  “I’m gonna have a talk with that boy. Enough is enough.”

  “I know.” Dean stared at his plate. “I don’t know how to deal anymore.”

  Guilt washed over Dominic. “We have to figure it out.”

  “Why you throwing your life away?” Jon stood in the doorway to the kitchen, Tommy at his side.

  Tears threatened as Dean stated, “You guys all got someone. I got nobody. Do you know what it’s like spending Thanksgiving alone? Or Christmas? I been doing that most of my life. Nobody gives a shit about me! If I died tomorrow, who would give a flying fuck? You guys? The fans? Maybe. Not for long. You guys don’t get it. I can’t deal anymore. I hate feeling nothing. When I’m high, I don’t think about it. I’m sorry I got outta hand. You gotta give me something.”

  Dominic sighed. “What you need is help.” He put a hand on Dean’s slumped shoulder. “Professional help.” He turned to his bandmates. “Let me make a call.”

  “He had enough chances,” Tommy shouted.

  Jon rolled his eyes. “Rehab doesn’t work with this idiot.”

  “I’m not going back to rehab!”

  Dean rushed to his room and locked himself in. He paced, unsure if he could really go through with it. Since Dominic was most likely onto him, he had to hurry. The last thing he wanted was to live in an empty soul. His hands shook fiercely. The come down from the binge the night before had been brutal. He hadn’t admitted to how much he took. It was close to an overdose. An argument ensued on the other side of the door. It’s now or never.

  “This is not just addiction.” Dominic lowered his voice. “He’s suicidal. I can feel it. All the signs are there. He’s still asking for help. So it might not be too late.”

  A gunshot rang out. Jon didn’t waste a second. He busted down the door. “Dean!” He rushed to his friend, who sat on his bed.

  Dominic rushed in. Jon and Dean wrestled for a gun. “Dean, don’t!”

  “Oh, shit!” Tommy’s jaw dropped. He thought Dean pulled one over on them again.

  Tears fell down Dean’s cheeks. “Let me fuckin’ die.” He was pissed off that he missed. “Please. I can’t take it.” He fell back on the bed when Jon snatched the pistol from him.

  “Listen to me.” Dominic didn’t care where he got the gun at the moment. “Dean.” He sat next to him and brushed the hair from his face. “This is withdrawal. You need to fight it.” Defeat was all he saw in Dean’s eyes. “You can do this.”

  Dean shook his head. “Don’t want to.”

  “That’s just the pain talking,” Dominic explained. “I’ll get you into a different kind of place. One that can help with all your demons.” He was glad Noelle was still in Seattle. A commotion in the next room caught his attention.

  Jon groaned. “Shit. Somebody called the cops.”

  “We got a report of a gunshot.” One officer entered the room. His eyes landed on the handgun, which lay on the bed. “Sir, was that weapon fired?”

  Ready with a story, Jon stood. “Yes, sir. It was an accident. The gun is legal. Dean tripped while putting it away. He’s a bit shaken up.” Most of that was true. He was glad he knew Dean bought the gun.

  When the officer stepped out of the room, Dominic grabbed Jon. “Why didn’t you tell me he had a gun?”

  “I didn’t think about it.” Jon sighed, annoyed at himself. “He bought it after that chick burned Tommy’s house down.”

  Tommy sat next to Dean and laid a hand on his leg. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know you were goin’ through so much. You were acting like such a dick. Next time talk to me. We can’t help if you don’t ask for it.”

  As soon as the police finished a report and left, Dominic made some calls and found an inpatient clinic for depression with an open bed. He hoped Dean would be clean for the tour.

  Dean resigned himself to it and went willingly. He had no faith it would work. His bandmates didn’t give him a choice, though. He pretended he was ready to change again. To disappoint Dominic again hurt. It was something he never wanted to do. He looked to him like a father at times.

  “I’m listed as your next of kin,” Dominic explained to Dean as they filled out paperwork in the reception area. “If you need anything, you call me. You need to start talking to me; don’t let this eat you up.”

  Dean nodded. Then he leaned his head on Dominic’s shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

  Across the room, Tommy rolled his eyes. He was sure Dean used his situation for all it was worth. Attempted suicide or not, he didn’t think Dean had a place in the band anymore. They didn’t need him off the rails on the tour. With all the bands, there would be temptation all around him. He was sure Dean couldn’t handle it.

  Chapter 37

  Dominic was exhausted when he walked into his apartment Wednesday afternoon. He glanced around at the scattered boxes. The last day and a half, he had packed as much as he could. He turned to Noelle. “I got a head start yesterday.”

  She walked in, and her mouth dropped. It finally made sense why he wasn’t all over her at the airport. The last time she returned from Seattle, they almost had sex in the car; he was so full of desire. That day, he kissed her and just held her hand.

  “Were you up all night?”

  “Kinda.” Between Dean’s relapse, the move and Noelle gone, he couldn’t sleep. “At least, it’s half done.”

  She closed the door. “True. When is everyone coming?” She set her carry on down next to the couch.

  “I think in a few hours. Some band is recording at the studio.”

  Noelle nodded. “Good.”

  “What?” Dominic was surprised by her tone of voice. He turned to her, and his eyes widened. She stalked toward him. “What’s wrong?”

  She grinned. “Nothing.” She sometimes wished she had a vibrator for when they were apart. Days without sex had her pent-up. “Just you.” She grabbed the waistband of his jeans. “Missed you a lot.” She had his pants open in seconds then got to her knees. “Hope you missed me.”

  “You know I did.” Then he took in a sharp breath as she sucked his limp cock into her mouth. “Noelle… Ah, God.” He grabbed her shoulders to steady himself. “Missed this, too.” Sex had been
the furthest thing from his mind with her gone.

  Noelle smiled when she had gotten him to his full length. “Come to the couch.” She was sure he was too tired for anything more than cowgirl. As she tugged him with her, she licked her lips. “Lay down.”

  Dominic did as he was told and watched her undress. First came her boots then jeans and last her panties. He was surprised when she pounced on him, half clothed.

  “Can’t wait.” She straddled his body and lifted his erection.

  He sighed as she came down on his cock. She engulfed it slowly. His hands moved to her thighs and squeezed. If he had more energy, he would thrust up. However, he was beyond exhausted. She sank down on him faster, and his eyes rolled back. Pleasure coursed through his entire body.

  “Noelle,” he whispered, his voice laced with desire. “God, Noelle.” Her hips met his and he groaned. “Feels so good.”

  She leaned down and kissed his lips. “That it does.” She let her lips brush his cheek, jaw and neck. His head went back when she tensed inside on purpose. She took advantage and placed soft kisses on his throat, which made him shiver. Her hands wove into his hair, and her hips rocked forward then back. His moan made her smile.

  “Like that?”

  “Yeah.” He moaned as she rocked again. His grip on her thighs tightened. “Ride me, sweetheart. Gimme your love.” His eyes had closed, and he couldn’t open them. It amplified the sensations. “Ah, God.”

  Noelle grinned as he reacted to her rhythm. They both needed the release, as much as they needed the connection. She tugged his hair as she moved faster. Her knees sank into the cushion beneath them. His hands slid up her legs to her ass and spread her cheeks apart. Her eyes opened wide afraid he would try to finger her ass, but he didn’t. When she ground their hips together, she realized she took more of him in than before he moved his hands. Ah. That was his intention.

  With a gasp, Dominic wasn’t sure he could hold his orgasm at bay. He liked how deep he was, so didn’t want to move his hands. Somehow, he needed to make her catch up to him. His body shook. His balls tightened. He shifted his hips a bit and heard a whimper. His knees bent slightly, he thrust up. She pushed against him and cried out loudly.


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