Heir of Draga_A Space Fantasy Romance

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Heir of Draga_A Space Fantasy Romance Page 8

by Emma Dean

  As the doors closed behind her, Joslynn found Sirus standing exactly where she’d left him and she smiled. “That went well. Now, let’s go find our seats.”

  “I’m glad,” Sirus said, patting her hand.

  Joslynn leaned into her future husband and breathed him in. Anything was possible with him by her side.

  Chapter Seven


  Royal Dressing Room

  Draga Royal Palace

  Planet Draga Terra

  As she buttoned each of the one hundred buttons down Adelina’s spine, Nadyah decided she would tell her friend and lover and pupil the truth. Once they were up in space she would tell Adelina about her tryst with Stefano. She owed her that much, but she would wait until after the wedding, for this was a celebration.

  Nothing should mar her love’s happy day. And it was clear to anyone with eyes the goddess had blessed Adelina, for Nadyah had never seen such a smile on her face. The amethyst of her eyes sparkled and twinkled like sunlight on water.

  Adelina was content to let them all fuss. She stood still as Adele settled the tiara on top of her head while Elara adjusted the veil that trailed to the floor. The two mated females wore matching gowns of black spidersilk and they were stunning together.

  Even Veri smiled as she adjusted the diamonds in Adelina’s hair. She chatted with the princess about the aquamarines Asher had given her. It seemed the princess was a bit jealous she’d never gotten her hands on gems like that before.

  Nadyah smiled indulgently as she plopped on the couch next to Roxy.

  The last minute wedding might have been a little suspicious had they not been at war and about to depart, but the citizens had eaten up the interview with Adelina and Varan on their reasons for binding their lives together before the departure. The people also seemed a bit disappointed there wouldn’t be a child in the near future.

  After so many cycles of pining after the thief Nadyah could confidently say she felt nothing for him romantically any longer. Her heart and mind were at war, but only because she had to watch her lover marry someone who was not her – knowing Adelina wasn’t her mate didn’t help one bit.

  Because deep down Nadyah knew Adelina would have thrown out the rules and married her if they’d been mates. A male would have been the mistress for the sake of children. But no, Nadyah’s mate was the quiet prince, the male everyone overlooked, the one lovingly called ‘the scientist.’

  And since their discovery he’d kept his word. There’d been no time for a walk in the gardens or a ride through the forest, but Ian had come to her after the funeral. He’d said nothing as they’d watched the sun rise together. Nadyah had felt compelled to comfort him, holding his hand as they stared out over the ocean from the balcony, pretending not to see his tears for his sister and father.

  Every few hours she received a cast from Ian asking her some asinine thing or another. The last cast had been to ask what her favorite dessert was. It was so mundane Nadyah had answered, but she still couldn’t decide how she felt about it all.

  As she watched her princess sneak looks at her, Nadyah wondered if she would ever feel this way about Ian without the mate bond. That would be her preference. To love him before they were bonded. At least then she would know it was real and not just their genetics.

  As Ian would say though, knowledge was power. The knowledge that Varan was not her mate, the understanding that it had simply been lust for the forbidden made this wedding a thousand times easier than it would have been otherwise.

  Everything Nadyah had seen between Adelina and Varan told her this had been the right choice for all of them. The Three-Faced Goddess had known those two belonged together, that Adelina needed a male like Varan. Without him Nash would not come into the fold. The thief had to be the first husband – the dominant one. As Nash wouldn’t have allowed multiple spouses with his Kharan culture. But as Adelina grew and flowered, Nadyah knew without a doubt this was the right path for her pupil.

  “How are you handling this?” Roxy asked, sipping her champagne delicately.

  The female was a vision in bright, scarlet red. Nadyah had caught her assessing stare enough times to know if she proposed the option she could take Roxy to bed. It was something to consider asking Adelina about while she enjoyed her time with Varan.

  “What do you mean?” Nadyah asked, looking out the window at the completely full inner courtyard. The guards on all the ramparts eased some of her concern. Nadyah didn’t think anyone would try to take Adelina’s life at her own wedding, but one always had to be on guard.

  “I see the way you look at her.”

  Nadyah shrugged and smiled as she set down her champagne glass. “We are not mates.”

  Roxy snorted. “Yeah, all right, perhaps not, but it’s not like you couldn’t just ignore that bit. You could stay with Adelina if you really wanted to.”

  The future thief queen was far more observant than Nadyah had originally given her credit for. The very same thought had been circling in her head over and over. How long would Ian wait for her to agree to the mating bond? How would Adelina take the news that she was mated to her brother?

  There were so many variables, and then there was the issue that she and Varan had had romantic moments of their own. Now Nadyah wasn’t interested at all, but if Adelina asked her to join them would she deny her?

  “It’s something to consider,” Nadyah admitted to Roxy. “But at the moment I am simply happy for my closest friend. Adelina deserves this and more.”

  Roxy said nothing as she finished off the glass of champagne and Nadyah heard the music start to rise. The signal that the event was about to begin set the room into chaos and Nadyah stood as Elara and Adele each kissed Adelina’s cheeks. It was time to check on the males across the hall.

  “Nadyah,” Adelina called, lifting up her skirts as she crossed the room.

  She waited at the doors for her. “Yes, Princess?”

  Adelina took her hands in her own and stared up into Nadyah’s sapphire eyes, unblinking. The way she looked at her had Nadyah’s heart pounding and a blush rose to her cheeks. “I wanted to tell you this marriage changes nothing about my feelings for you.”

  Tears pricked Nadyah’s eyes but she blinked them back. It was not the time or place for such silly things.

  “I love you and always will,” Adelina confessed, dropping her voice to a whisper and taking a step closer to Nadyah. “I still want you, and I dread the moment you will have to leave me. Just know nothing can change the way I feel about you, not even marrying Varan.”

  Nadyah pulled Adelina in for a tight hug. “I know, my love. And I want you to understand that I couldn’t be happier you’re marrying Varan and that he makes you so joyful. A courtesan couldn’t possibly wish for more for her pupil.”

  Adelina held her face gently and stood up on her tiptoes to press her lips against Nadyah’s. The kiss was sweet, but so full of passion and promise it made Nadyah’s knees a bit weak.

  The scent of jasmine filled her senses. Nadyah smiled and pecked Adelina’s lips before stepping back. “Your happiness is all I could hope for,” she told Adelina before slipping through the doors.

  Nadyah took a deep breath out in the hall to steady herself, running her hands over the sapphire silk and lace of her dress. They all had time to figure out the new dynamics once they were up in space and on their way to the Drakesthai dragons. She had time to understand her own feelings and decide for herself what she wanted.

  Destiny and fate were fickle. Nadyah didn’t believe her path was already chosen for her. And as such she would take the time to find out what exactly it was that she wanted.

  Chapter Eight


  The Main Temple

  Draga Royal Palace

  Planet Draga Terra

  Varan straightened his evening tunic. The belt around his waist was a bit tight, but it felt too light. He wasn’t used to being so bare. Varan never went anywhere without at least a few blades on his
person. But this was his wedding. The sword William held was ceremonial, dull as a spoon; though he didn’t doubt he could cause adequate damage with it if necessary.

  Asher glared at the fabric as the dark prince tugged and pulled until the cape over Varan’s shoulders lay just so. The heavy gold chain of command across Varan’s chest glittered with diamonds and held a single dark opal in the center.

  “Weddings are supposed to be joyous occasions,” Varan said, eyeing Asher as the dark prince adjusted his belt next.

  Varan was dressed as a royal prince, even had the small circlet around his forehead to prove it. It felt a bit odd after so many cycles of having the title ‘prince’ as a thief.

  It had been torture spending the majority of the day with Adelina’s brothers, but they all meant well. None of them quite knew what to do with him, knowing his history – his current position. They’d all said about five words between them. But Varan was too anxious now to play the game with them any longer.

  He needed to know where they stood.

  “This is a joyous occasion,” Asher stated. “Which is why you must look like a true prince. After all, you’re not just marrying a princess, you’re marrying the heir.”

  “I’ve always looked like a prince,” Varan said, grinning at the three males. His attempt at easing the tension seemed to be appreciated by Ian, but the smile was weak.

  He certainly hadn’t forgotten Adelina was now the heir, not since he’d found out. Varan had never intended to play at being king for real, but with war upon them it certainly was a very real possibility. He would take Adelina’s lead on the matter though as she was the one who held all the actual power.

  Varan sighed and ran his hands through his hair so it slicked straight back the way he preferred and not to the side as Ian had put it. “Look, I love Adelina. I will spend the rest of my life with her, protect her, die for her if necessary. Why do you all look as though this is a funeral and not a wedding?”

  William fidgeted. He tied the ceremonial sword to Varan’s belt. “Adelina is precious to us all. For so long she’s been the submissive one we all had to watch out for. Despite her being older than me I always felt like I had to look out for her.”

  Asher nodded. “Then not an hour ago she tells us about her genetics, that she and Ian are more than half-siblings and somehow her dominance can shift? We are frightened for her. And we aren’t sure how you will handle it.” The dark prince scowled and tugged on his own tunic until it lay perfectly.

  Varan glanced between the three brothers and breathed a sigh of relief. “She told you then?”

  “You knew?” Asher demanded. It sounded like the prince had already suspected, but had wanted it confirmed.

  “Of course I knew. In some ways I’d always known.” Varan clapped a hand on Asher’s shoulder and then squeezed. Despite their difference in age Asher was mature beyond his cycles in ways Varan doubted he would ever fully understand.

  All those cycles he knew her as Lina, Varan had known there was something strange about his bride, but he’d never anticipated something so wonderfully secret and romantic.

  “What is there to be frightened of exactly?” Varan asked, fixing the crown he’d mussed. He’d never had to wear a bloody crown as a thief. Someone would’ve tried to snatch it off his head as a jest at some point.

  “If the people find out, they could demand her title be stripped,” William stated.

  Varan arched a brow. He highly doubted that would ever happen. “Legally they could do this?”

  “Well, they could demand her blood be tested for the royal genes,” Ian explained. “Though her Draga genes are more than enough to be legally a royal by blood. One must have at least half the royal blood to be eligible to rule. It seems whoever the doctor was kept this in mind as she is one half royal, one quarter Elara, and one quarter Adele.” The scientist part of Ian looked impressed at the information, admiring the science of it all.

  “It isn’t simply that,” Asher said with a shrug, slipping his hands into his pockets and stepping away from Varan with a nod of satisfaction at his wedding garb. “Adelina has always been the people’s favorite. I don’t know what it would do to her if they turned on her.”

  Varan grinned and adjusted his sword. “I don’t believe you give her the credit she deserves. She’s more the wolf than the rose.”

  Then Asher grinned and those sharp teeth glinted. “You’re not wrong, brother. Welcome to the family.” The dark prince held out his arm and Varan took it gladly. Asher out of them all was the ally he desperately needed. There wasn’t anyone as dominant as he…except Adelina – when she felt like it.

  “Yes, we are glad there is love in this marriage,” Ian murmured, stepping forward to hug Varan. “It could have gone a completely different way, and my spy says Adelina is excited. This will be good for her.”

  William smiled and he looked so sweet and innocent in that moment Varan’s heart clenched with dread as he remembered Philomena. This boy who was barely eighteen would be on the front lines with all the other warriors. There was a good chance he wouldn’t come back.

  Varan would do anything and everything in his power to keep them all alive for Adelina’s sake.

  “Are all of you ready?” Nadyah asked, poking her head into the dressing room. Varan didn’t miss her glance toward Ian.

  Varan smiled at her and was relieved to see how happy she looked. They’d managed to come back to some kind of friendship due to their vested interest in Adelina, all the plans for the trip, and Nadyah was truly glad to see the both of them happy. Something had happened to her he couldn’t explain in the interim, but whatever it was he was thankful for it.

  “My bride?” he asked.

  “Oh, she was ready ages before all you peacocks,” Nadyah teased. “Now Varan, come with me to the dais. Everything starts in five minutes. You all know the cues. I’ll be back before it’s my turn to walk.” Again her eyes strayed toward Ian.

  The three Draga princes nodded and gave Varan encouraging smiles, even Asher.

  Now that the moment was upon him Varan’s heart raced. There were no doubts or regrets, but he did wonder how the galaxy would take a thief as their official prince.

  Varan grinned at Nadyah and slipped his hands into his pockets, and bumped her shoulder gently with his as they walked. “You and the prince?”

  Nadyah blushed furiously. “It’s none of your concern, Varan.”

  “It’s not.” He couldn’t stop grinning. She would be perfect for the quiet male who locked himself in his labs even if they were only friends, but he had a sneaking suspicion it was more than that. His instinct was almost never wrong.

  “Don’t say anything.”

  “Of course not. And you’re all right…with everything?” he asked.

  “It is better this way,” she murmured as they stepped outside. “For everyone. I know things were heated between us for a while, but there was no real future for us. This future you have before you – it is what you were born for Varan.”

  Nadyah looked up at him and Varan paused. The setting sun cast a rainbow of colors on the cream-white stones of the courtyard, the two moons bright in their dim part of the sky. The thief and the courtesan had danced around each other for a bit, but he was as relieved as she they’d never taken that final step into a courtship. There would have been only heartbreak for them.

  Even without knowing about mate bonds, Varan knew as the prince of thieves a courtesan would never marry him. Not because of his title, but because of hers. The breakup would have been disastrous.

  Varan tried not to see how many people waited in the seats, in the courtyard, spilling out into the outer courtyard and all the way to the first circle of Stella di Draga. Adelina had insisted everyone be invited to the actual wedding, seats and standing room by rank. “You truly think the people will accept me after my well-known history?”

  The whole ceremony and celebration would be on the livestream. And his bride had invited his entire court
to this ball with the promise they behaved themselves. It was the first step toward the blending of their two worlds.

  “I know they will for her, Varan. Now don’t mess this up or I’ll gut you myself. You know the words in the Ancient tongue?”

  They stopped just behind the dais, hidden from as many people as possible but he could still hear the recorders flitting about, the nosy things.

  “I’ve memorized them, Mistress. I promise this will go smoothly on my end.” He hesitated for a moment. “She’s not regretting this is she?”

  It was unlikely Nadyah would tell him the truth, but it was something he needed to hear.

  Her face softened and she placed a gentle hand on his cheek. “No she’s not regretting it at all, my friend. You two will be fine. I know it. But she did tell me to warn you her spiders will be in the ballroom as before.”

  Varan smiled despite his dislike for the creatures. “Anything for her. Now go before we’re late.”

  He watched Nadyah slip back into the palace for the wedding and then squared his shoulders. Varan took the stairs up and onto the main dais before thousands of people and countless recorders. He felt a bit ridiculous in his outfit, but knew it was what his soon-to-be-wife had requested and he could deny her nothing.

  Then the music started and he stood to the left – the submissive position.

  Pounding drums, wailing violins, and eerie flutes filled the space. Whether it was a live performance or not Varan didn’t know. His eyes were glued to the main doors of the palace – the place where she would come from.

  The anticipation built and Varan felt light-headed. Never had he been so nervous, so full of expectation and longing. He wished the ceremony could be over and done with already. All this formality was chafing because all he wanted was Adelina. But for her he would wear the flashy outfit and swear whatever oath she asked of him.


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