Daddy's Best Friend: Complete Series

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Daddy's Best Friend: Complete Series Page 1

by Sasha Scott

  Daddy’s Best Friend

  Complete Series

  By Sasha Scott

  Copyright © 2016 Sasha Scott

  All Rights Reserved

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner.

  All characters depicted are 18 years old or older. For adults only.

  You can check out all of my other stories and follow me for updates about my new releases at my Amazon author’s page!

  Sasha Scott at


  Puppy in Training

  Under Hypnosis

  Becoming Obedient

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  Puppy in Training

  “But I want it now!” she yelled out, “Now, now, now!”

  “Sweetie I don’t think you know how big a responsibility it is owning a dog.”

  “Don’t treat me like a kid. I want a puppy.”

  She may have been eighteen now but she still acted like a kid in the way she demanded things. Jasmine was a brat through and through.

  Jasmine had been raised in a wealthy family by her mother and step-father and throughout her life had been spoiled with anything and everything she wanted by her doting mother. All the toys she wanted she got, all the parties went just as she demanded and she was always wearing the very best and most expensive clothing. Jasmine was the family's perfect spoiled princess.

  The man of the house, Russell, had always wanted to be stricter with her but it was his wife who had the first say when it came to parenting and what to do with her daughter so instead of being strictly molded into a model student she was instead left to run wild and turn into the perfect model of a spoilt brat.

  When his wife passed away Russell thought he’d found the perfect opportunity to take control of Jasmine and point her in the right direction. She may have been eighteen but she didn’t bother going to university, she had no interest in looking for a job and seemed content to spend her days lounging and sponging off of him. It was time for him to give her the guidance she needed; however giving it and her taking it were separate issues.

  She refused to listen to his pleas. She’d been brought up getting everything and anything she wanted. Being told no was inconceivable, being told to go out and do something she didn’t want to was out of this world.

  The relationship between the two of them quickly began to strain as Russell tried to battle her brat tendencies and make her a decent and responsible human being and Jasmine just tried to continue on getting everything she wanted. Jasmine wanting to get a puppy was just another in a long list of arguments over things that she wanted which he was refusing to get her.

  “You aren’t responsible enough to own a pet,” he complained to her, “Until you learn some you can’t be trusted being an owner.”

  “Well isn’t that why you’re here? You can do all of that stuff?”

  “So you expect me to feed it, walk it and clean up after it for you?”

  “Well obviously? You’re my dad that’s your job to look after my pets for me.”

  She was just being as selfish as usual, not to his surprise, wanting her own way and not taking the thoughts of feelings of others into consideration. The way that she thought of him was really taking him to boiling point.

  “I am your father not your slave.”

  “Tell me about it,” she sighed out, rolling her eyes, “You talk back to much to be a good slave. So can I have the dog now?”

  “No,” he said to her sternly, causing her to hiss out with a piercing scowl.

  “It’s like living in a third world country here! You never let me do anything anymore!”

  After her sudden outburst she stormed off out of the house. She was completely out of control, he just wasn’t getting through to her at all. It was going to take some drastic measures to teach her some manners.

  “And what do you call this!?” Russell yelled as he greeted Jasmine back at the front door. Usually she just got under his skin with her selfish attitude but today she’d gone too far. The slender brunette had came home with a small chocolate Labrador pup nestled in her hands.

  “Look at her, isn’t she just the most adorable pup you’ve ever seen?”

  “I said no. I said we were not getting a dog.”

  She shrugged her shoulders, “Well we’ve got one now and her name is Coco. Wave to daddy Coco.”

  Jasmine wiggled one of the puppies paws at Russell as he fumed on the spot. If this was a cartoon smoke would be hissing out of his ears.

  “This is not acceptable. I said no dog.”

  “And I said yes dog and now we have a dog so I guess that means I win,” Jasmine sticking her tongue out like a small child.

  “You’re not keeping it.”

  “Duh, yes I am.”

  “It’s my house and that means my rules. We’re taking it back.”

  Jasmine always kicked off every time she didn’t get her way and sometimes would spend days at a time sulking but this was the first time she’d openly gone ahead and disobeyed him on something like this. Usually it was because she couldn’t afford it though.

  “Sorry,” she giggled, “No refunds, you’re stuck with her.”

  “That’s fine, it’ll teach you how to be more careful with money. How much was that dog?”

  She swayed from side to side, suddenly averting that confident gaze elsewhere, “Erm, I can’t really remember.”

  “Spit it out.”

  “Don’t wanna.”

  She didn’t seem too bothered about the concept of wasting money, he had a sneaking suspicion. Her allowance had been cut back on a lot lately after all.

  “Hmm, maybe I should go ahead and check my wallet just to make sure that nothing is missing.”

  There was a sudden look of shock across her face and her voice came out in a squealing shudder.

  “D-daddy, I would never.”

  “I knew it. Not only did you buy a pup without my consent you even went ahead and used my money for it, didn’t you?”

  He expected her to go back on the defensive to try and worm her way out of it but instead she hissed back out at him aggressively.

  “Well it’s your fault for not letting me buy one, what other choice did I have!?”

  “To listen to me!”

  “Yeah but I wanted it!” she screamed before running past him with her dog in hand, running up the stairs with heavy stomping feet, escaping to the sanctuary of her room, leaving Russell fuming. Just what was he going to do with that child?

  Suddenly an idea popped into his head, a case he remembered from his work as a lawyer. He wasn’t sure if it would work with her but he didn’t really have much option. He went off to his study to draw up some paperwork.

  “Jasmine?” Russell called through her bedroom door, knocking on the front, “Can I come in?”

  “Go away!” she screamed out from within. As expected. He simply went in anyway, pushing the door open. “I said go away! Don’t just come into my room!”

  He pushed the paperwork out in front of her, “Here, read this.”

  Slowly she snatched it up, skimming through the contents while she hugged her pup tightly to her body to try and protect him from her dog hating father.

  “What’s all this garbage?”

  “It’s a contract. I’ll let you keep that dog as long as you can prove that you fully know what it means to take care of one and proper responsibilities.”

  “But I already do!”

  “That’s not what I’m talking about. I want you to obey me for the next week and I’m going to teach you so
me respect.”

  She rolled her eyes, “This sounds stupid.”

  “Either you listen to me for the next week or it’ll be no more pup,” that got her hugging her dog nice and protectively.

  “But, but, but…”

  “I’m serious. I’ll make you pay that dog back and I’ll make you pay back every single dollar which you took from me.”

  Taking the dog back would be a blow for her but the money was even worse. A pedigree puppy wasn’t cheap and she didn’t get any money from anywhere but Russell providing it for her. Having to pay him back was inconceivable!

  “Fine then just gimme a pe… oh there’s one here already. Alright, here,” Jasmine leaning in and signing her name down along the dotted line along the bottom of the page.

  Russell had tried to drill into that girl that she should always read over anything before she signed it; always read the small print and all that. For once he was glad that she hadn’t taken his lessons on board because now she had fallen right into his trap.

  “Good,” he said, fishing around in his back pocket where he dragged out a dog collar, throwing it down onto the bed in front of her, “Put this on.”

  She picked up the collar and tried to place it around Coco’s neck but her lips curled up into a pout when she saw the size he’d given her.

  “It’s too big!” she whined, the collar far too big for a small pup like him.

  “Oh it’s not for him,” he confessed, “That collar is for you.”

  “For me?”

  “To you, to wear during your training.”

  “What are you talking about? Have you lost a few screws?”

  “I’ve told you before to make sure you read the paperwork. It clearly states that you have to do everything I tell you, including outfits.”

  She tried to grasp a hold of the paperwork but he’d already snatched it away. He couldn’t risk her instantly tearing it up; that would waste his only chance at making this work.

  “What lemme see that, this is bullcrap!”

  “Language young lady.”

  “Language my ass, this is bull! I’m not going to wear a collar just because you tell me to,” Jasmine throwing it across the room like a makeshift frisbee once she was done complaining.

  “Well I’m not going to force you to do it Jasmine, not if you’re that against it.”

  “Thank you!” she sighed out, rolling her eyes.

  “Of course though you’ll have to pay the proper fine for breaching the contract you just signed which is ten times the amount you stole from me in the first place which I’m making out to be close to ten thousand dollars.”

  “W-w-what!?” she screeched out at a pitch that almost shattered all the windows in the house. “You’re joking right? You don’t expect me to pay you that much. There is no way you’re doing that.”

  “Darling you signed the contract, it’s in paper now. Either you follow what we agreed on when you signed this or you’ll have to pay me ten thousand dollars in breach of contract.”

  She’d been well and truly cornered. She may have been a spoilt rich girl but that was all on her family's money, not hers. She didn’t really have a penny to her name and her name alone, all the assets belonged to Russell to begin with.

  Jasmine gritted her teeth together as she’d been caught in her step-dad’s lawyer crap. She had to resort to the only trick she knew. Begging.

  She began to sniffle, looking up at daddy with those big, gooey eyes; long lashes fluttering up and down.

  “Please daddy,” she begged, bottom lip quivering, “Please don’t do this to your little girl. I’m sorry for what I did and I’ll never do it again so let’s drop this and return to how we were before, pretty please daddy?”

  “Ten thousand or the collar on Jasmine.”

  It was funny how such a weak little girl could turn into a sharp tempered devil in just a few moments.

  “Fuck! I hate you daddy!”

  “Language young lady. Using bad language like that will be a breach of contract, as will trying to run away before you even get that idea into your head.”

  That was her second plan already foiled before she could even go through with it. She laid Coco down onto the floor and reached over across the bed and grasped at the collar which had been wedged awkwardly between her pillows. It was a common pink dog collar, not even the kind of stylish one that she’d been planning to pick up for her new pup, Jasmine glaring up at her father as she toyed with it between her fingers.

  “Do I really need to put this on?”

  “Yes, and it won’t be coming off unless I remove it personally, understand?”

  She clicked her tongue and muttered out below her breath, “Yes daddy,” sighing out as she opened up the back and wrapped it around her neck. At least it was new and clean.

  “For the next week Jasmine you will be taking on the role of a pet yourself in order to learn just how difficult it’ll be to be an owner, as well as learning some discipline. When you hear me call your name I want you to come to me immediately. Is that clear?”

  She swung her legs off the side of the bed as she rolled her eyes idly, “Yes, got it.”

  “Okay, I’m gonna go get this faxed. I’ll see you soon.”

  He reached over to pat his hand on the top of her head but she recoiled away sharply, hissing her venom in his direction; maybe she’d have made a better cat than a dog. Russell simply left his brat to stew in her frustrations while he went to get the paperwork secure. He wasn’t letting her sneak out of this one, she was finally going to learn a valuable lesson and have her bratty ways changed for the better.

  “Jasmine!” he yelled up the stairs, “Jasmine, come here girl!”

  The sound he heard wasn’t the happy pattering of little feet dashing merrily to embrace their owner, they were heavy stomps of a stroppy teenager with a face like thunder. With a glare still piercing from her eyes, and with Coco embraced in arm, Jasmine slowly plodded her way down the stairs.

  “Don’t talk to me like I’m a dog. It’s patronizing.”

  “Well if you didn’t act like a disobedient puppy I wouldn’t need to treat you like one.”

  “I came didn’t I!?” she hissed out aggressively.

  “That you did. That’s a good girl.”

  Russell reached down into his jacket pocket, digging around before he pulled out a small chocolate he slowly began to wrap, holding it out in her direction.

  “Erm, what is this?”

  “It’s a treat for following my orders. Now normal dogs can’t eat chocolate so when you’re training Coco you’ll need to find something else to use as a treat but-”

  His words were interrupted when Jasmine swiped her hand against his and sent the chocolate scattering down onto the floor, her face red with anger.

  “Don’t call me a dog!”

  “Well you are my pet right now.”

  “Knock it off you creepy bastard!”

  “I told you to mind your language young lady.”

  “Oh so I’m a young lady again now am I?”

  “Hmm you’re right,” he sighed, tapping an index finger across his bottom lip, “I guess I need to be more consistent with my remarks. I’m sorry. But let’s not dwell on that, we have business to attend to.”

  “What sort of business?” Jasmine asked, tilting her head to the side.

  “Going out to buy some dog things.”

  “So you’ll be letting Coco stay after all?”

  “That’s still to be decided. It’s mainly some dog stuff for you.”

  Her face wrapped back up into another scowl after her momentary glint of hope was wiped away, “What? What are you on about?”

  “Well we need to get a bowl. We need to get a new bed. Maybe some toys as long as you behave…”

  “I’m not eating out of a bowl or sleeping in no basket!” she screamed out at an ear popping volume.

  Russell suddenly pulled out a leash from Jasmine’s blind spot, holding the pink leash in fro
nt of her eyes, resting on the fingers of his outstretched hands.

  “Stop yelling and sit so I can put your collar on.”

  “Excuse me?” she chuckled out, “Are you being serious now? You expect me to sit for you?”

  “I do as both your father and as your owner. When I tell you to sit I expect you to do it.”


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