Daddy's Best Friend: Complete Series

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Daddy's Best Friend: Complete Series Page 3

by Sasha Scott

  “That is correct.”

  “I’m not doing it.”

  “Jasmine, I made this food for you. I expect you to eat it.”

  She looks down at the bowl and swings her foot, striking the side and kicking the bowl over, scattering the food that’d been made for her. She hadn’t been fed dog food like Coco, she’d been fed a nice stew simply in a bowl which had now been scattered everywhere.

  “I can’t handle this! I’m not playing your games! I don’t give a shit about the dog anymore or the more or anything. I’m not letting you treat me like some animal! I hate you! I hate you!” she screamed out before she turned and ran away quickly, darting back upstairs, locking herself into her room.

  Russell followed up after her but by the time he’d gotten there she’d already pushed something heavy up against the door, making it impossible to open it up.

  “Jasmine, open up,” he cried out, knocking on the bedroom door.

  “Never! Go away you monster!”

  She’d managed to jam that door shut properly, there was no way that he was going to be forcing himself into that room, no matter how much he tried. He’d gone ahead and poked the bear too hard and now it’d came back to bite him. However he was still determined to solve this, he’d just have to make things more intense.

  It wasn’t until the early hours of the morning where Jasmine finally stirred once again and slipped out of her room. The house had been cast into darkness so the spoilt princess took this as an opportunity to slip free and sneak downstairs to get herself some real food. She’d been starving all night after all.

  Russell though had not been wasting the time since she’d locked herself up and now doing nothing. He’d express ordered a few things to come to the house. It’d cost him a bit more than he would have liked but it was necessary for his personal taste of discipline.

  When Jasmine was sneaking her way through the house it was time to strike. Under the cover of darkness, only being illuminated by the faint glow of the world outside, Russell pushed up behind Jasmine and wrapped his arms around her.

  “Get off me!” she squealed out before she felt something round and firm being pressed down into her mouth. It was a thick gag which was being squeezed between her lips and locked in place behind, keeping her mouth shut for the time being.

  Her hands, held behind her back, where locked up in place by a pair of handcuffs, removing the option of being able to take off the gag. She’d been silenced in one fell swoop.

  “I’ve had enough of your attitude,” Russell growled at the squirming teenager, “I didn’t want to resort to anything like this but you leave me no choice.”

  Russell had just wanted to have a bit of fun and to turn the tables on her usual bratty ways but now he had to take some serious measures to keep her in line.

  He hefted her up onto his shoulders and carried her through the house, dropping her body down onto the padded basket with a poof as her body dropped into the fluff. He had another pair of handcuffs at his disposal which he used to lock her ankles, even as they kicked around and tried to escape.

  It took him some time to get away from her swinging feet but eventually he got the metal in place, containing her legs together. Between her cuffs, from wrists to ankles, he ran a chain down to pull the pairs together and lock them up, effectively hogtying her up in place.

  She looked up at him with glaring eyes as she swayed from side to side, not really able to move apart from rocking her body; not even able to say a word.

  From out of one of his pockets Russell took out a music player complete with headphones, squatting down in front of his daughter, pushing those large cups around her ears.

  “Here, listen to this for the night. Maybe it’ll teach you some manners.”

  From the internet he’d downloaded some hypnotic files to help with the discipline of his naughty pet. He didn’t want to resort to such serious measures but he didn’t have much choice in his eyes.

  Jasmine tried to squirm around but there was no escape for her. She was stuck, she was locked in place, she was made to listen.

  “I’ll see you in the morning,” Russell said as the hypnotic voices began to play through the headphones to the squeaky pet.

  For Jasmine it was going to be a very long night indeed.

  Under Hypnosis

  “Good morning Jasmine.”

  The teenager fluttered her eyes as she drifted back into consciousness after a deep and refreshing dream. She hadn’t felt so relaxed in a long, long time. She had no memories of dreaming, she simply remembered being in a state of total relaxation. She needed to dream again like that more often.

  Her state of contemplation was shattered the moment that she tried to move and all her memories came back from last night. That bastard of a father of hers had tied her up and let her trapped in a dog basket like some sort of animal. Even now she was still handcuffed into a makeshift hogtie and was unable to wiggle her way free.

  Jasmine couldn’t even say anything about from gurgling out some whines and growls. She had a large ball gag pushed into her lips, making any speech completely impossible.

  Now that she was fully awake her body shook from side to side on the spot, trying to somehow snap her way out of the cuffs. She was a normal girl though, not some sort of superwoman. Those cuffs weren’t just going to snap all of a sudden through her strength, she was helpless. All she did was topple the headphones off of her head through her violent movements.

  “Here let me help you with that,” her step-dad, Russell, said down to his puppy in training, reaching around to unfasten her gag, pulling it free of her mouth.

  “Let me go this instant!” she screamed out as soon as she could. “You’re sick, I’m gonna see you put in jail for this!”

  “Don’t be like that, it was a good sleep wasn’t it?”

  It was a good sleep. It was an amazing sleep, but that didn’t matter and she certainly was not going to share that with him.

  “Untie this instant creep before I sue you for everything you have!”

  “Do you even know how to do that?”

  “Just untie me now!”

  Russell wagged a finger down at his mutt, “No no, not until you behave and act like a good girl. Until then you’re staying like that.”

  She growled out, “But!-” but was cut by his voice again.

  “Which must be a shame as you haven’t eaten for almost a full day now, you must be absolutely starving.”

  Almost on cue her stomach began to rumble. He was completely right. After she skipped dinner last night she was cut off trying to grab herself a snack in the middle of night which meant she hadn’t eaten until the previous lunch. She was absolutely starving.

  “You can’t do this,” she growled out aggressively.

  “Yes I can. Have fun like that.”

  Russell threw up a hand as he turned around and started to walk away across the lounge.

  “W-wait!” her voice squealed out, “Just don’t leave me like this, please!”

  “So you are hungry after all?”

  Jasmine hung her head down but gave a solid nod. She could eat a horse right now she was feeling that peckish.

  “Well are you going to stop screaming and start being a good girl?”

  She nodded her head again, only growing beneath her breath, “Yes…”

  “Then I’ll go and prepare you some food. Just wait a few moments.”

  The man of the house marched offwards into the kitchen, leaving Jasmine to squirm around in her basket, arms and legs still locked behind her back. She glanced over at Coco, the pup which had triggered all of this trouble, happily skipping over the carpet.

  “Stupid dog, I never should have gotten you,” she huffed free as Russell soon made his way back.

  In his hands he held the object which last night had caused so much trouble. It was the dog bowl he’d presented to her to eat from, the one she’d sent flying across the room. It was back and this time it was filled up with milk and
cereal, Jasmine’s normal breakfast meal.

  “Here you go, dig in,” he said as he squatted down and placed the bowl just outside of her basket.

  “You’re kidding?” she growled, “This again? And you ain’t even gonna let me go?”

  “Well if you aren’t happy with it I can always take it back. Then we can try again at lunch.”

  This was hopeless. She knew now that he was just going to keep doing this same thing over and over again. As long as she was chained up like this and unable to feed herself she either had two options. Each from this bowl like a common mutt or go hungry, and she really didn’t want to starve here.


  She’d made her decision, sighing out as she squirmed to position her head forwards so it was hanging above the bowl.

  It didn’t need to be said that eating like this was not easy. With her hair already hanging down into the milk she lowered herself into the bowl and began to awkwardly lap up the cereal with her tongue, not wanting to fully bury her face inside and getting stained with milk.

  Her eyes glanced upwards to see if she was being watched doing this embarrassing act. Of course she was, Russell was watching with his arms folded and a wide grin on his face while even Coco was around to see what was going on. It was totally humiliating.

  Jasmine managed the best she could to actually eat up the food but it was beyond hard to catch the bits of cereal which floated around the milk, especially as every time she slipped and splashed her chin into the bowl she sent the milk levels running lower and lower, really having to push in deep to satisfy her hunger.

  When finally she’d finished she flicked her head back, hair and face covered in milk, with an annoyed look plastered over her face.

  “Aww did you finish it all up?” Russell asked in his best patronizing voice.


  “That’s a good girl.”

  He reached down to pet along the top of her head, Jasmine unable to really avoid it due to her current unfavorable movability. She could only sigh out.

  “So can I go now?”

  “Almost. I noticed you removed this. I thought I told you to keep this on at all times?”

  It was the collar he’d forced her to wear which she’d ripped off once she’d gotten back into her room that night. He must have went and retrieved it from her room and now he was wrapping it back around her neck.

  “Fine I won’t take it off again. Now let me go.”

  “Try asking again. Asking. Remember your place. You don’t command me.”

  “Fine, will you let me go now?”

  “And is there a magic word you should use with that?”

  “Please,” she sighed out. This conversation was so stupid in her eyes.

  Finally her pleas were answered as he reached around to the cuffs, unfastening her from her restrictive confinement, unlocking each pair of cuffs in turn.

  “Now before you even try it don’t think about attacking me after you get out. You know that won’t end well, I’ll just put you back like this.”

  She growled, finally being able to move her arms and legs about, rubbing those sore wrists that had been locked in tight steel all night. She jumped up onto her feet and just pushed her way past him.

  “You’re not worth my time. I’m going for a shower,” she reeked of milk after that meal. It was stained into her hair, her hair of all places. She wanted to wash it out ASAP.

  What she didn’t know was that she was playing right into Russell’s hands.

  A nice, hot, shower was the perfect thing to help Jasmine wash away all of that damn stress her bastard step-father was putting her through. What was he aiming for anyway? To make her a better girl? It was just his excuse to be a pervert.

  Now that she could finally be alone it was amazing. Being able to take her time to wash her body under the warm water, all alone with nobody to bother her. Just her, lathering up her beautiful, young body, with no stresses, no worries, no problems.

  All that would end as soon as she left the shower to find that there was no longer a towel waiting for her. Or the clothes she’d stipped off to get in the shower in the first place. Without her noticing Russell had been in and stolen it all away. He was completely frustrating!

  With nothing to cover her body and nothing to dry with Jasmine had no choice but to march her naked, dripping, body straight to her womb to get some clothes to wear. That was when things turned from bad to worse.

  She pulled open her underwear draw to find that it was empty. She flung open her wardrobe to find that all of her outfits were gone. All of her clothing had been completely cleared out. There was nothing for her to wear except for one outfit, one that she hadn’t placed there. This was his doing again, he was forcing her into this humiliating affair.

  Embarrassment may have been strong but it couldn’t stop the force of anger as Jasmine stomped downstairs dressed in the outfit her step-dad had so thoughtfully provided. All that covered her nipples was a tiny, pink, micro bikini while her pussy was only hidden by a black and pink micro mini skirt. Her ass could barely be considered hidden.

  Russell was in the lounge acting casually, reading the newspaper with a large cup of coffee in his free hand when his daughter came storming in.

  “Right, what did you do with them!?” she screamed out.

  “What did I do with what?”

  “Don’t act dumb! You stole my clothes, all of my clothes. Now give them back!”

  “That’s clearly not true. See you have that lovely outfit on right now.”

  “You planted it there for me,” she screamed out at him. “Where are my clothes, now!”

  “I thought I told you to stop screaming,” he complained, rolling up his newspaper which he reached up and used to bap Jasmine right on the nose. That’s what made her snap.

  “I’ve had it with this!” she screamed out as she tossed the sofa side table over, sending everything toppling with a crash. “You can’t do this to me, I’m a princess, not some fucking dog! You can go to hell!”

  He sighed out as she started to throw an incredible tantrum and said one, loud, commanding word.


  Her body took over as she felt her body drop down to the floor into a seated position, exposed ass pressed tightly into the carpet.

  “Eh, what the fucks going on?”

  “Lie down.”

  She felt her body go into a world of its own all over again. This time her entire body moved forwards and pushed along the ground, Jasmine lying down on her front without her given consent.

  “What is happening!?”

  Her cries were cut off as the rolled up paper in Russell’s hand was driven down and slapped across her behind, giving her tush a firm spank.

  “That’s a bad girl, breaking furniture like that. You need to be punished.”

  He’d already found that spanking his little girl had been a very effective method of discipline in the past. Now it was time to find just how far that went, swatting the rolled up newspaper into her exposed cheeks, making her softness bounce around with each slap.

  “Stop it, stop it,” she whined out, head pushed into the ground as her ass was raised as it tried to escape, only giving him an easier target to aim for.

  Each of his strikes caused her ass to glow a shade of red in a thin strip where the rolled up paper had struck. He worked on making each strip as bright as possible before moving slightly higher, working to cover every inch of her soft, meaty, ass canvas in the results of his discipline.

  She sobbed out as he was rough with her backside, making it ache from the force behind his commanding spanks. She hated when he did this, it hurt so much, it humiliated her so bad. While other acts might be more severe or leave a longer impression nothing could make Jasmine feel like a sniffling, naughty child like being spanked on the ass.

  “Are you going to apologize?” he asked sternly as he paused his booty brutalization.

  “Yes yes! I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I won’t
do it again!”

  “How can I be so sure? This is the third time in a day I’ve had to spank you for misbehaving.”

  She didn’t have much of a comeback prepared for that cold, hard fact. Not one that wouldn’t get her in more bother anyway.

  “I.. erm… I promise!”

  “The best you can do is promising? Well I suppose that means that if you break it you’d excuse me for any punishment I’d give you, right?”


  He went back to spanking that ass with his newspaper, “Right?”


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