Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight

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Light & Dark: The Awakening of the Mageknight Page 36

by Daniel Fife

  Danny had only seen the King of the Light from a distance, now, in such close proximity, he found himself awed in the king's presence; he was so overwhelmed that he stared without blinking.

  The king wore a fine white robe, accented with golden trim and stitching, his robust physique accenting the form-fitting fabric. His beard, as white as freshly fallen snow, sported two long braids that fell just beneath the corners of his mouth. His right hand lingered on the hilt of a golden sword at his side. The pommel of the blade was engraved to depict a detailed crusade of angels and demons locked in endless combat.

  The longer Danny stared at the King's Bonded, the more he thought he saw those represented upon the hilt actually move. However, before Danny could contemplate the Bonded any further, the King of the Light stepped forward and stopped just at the edge of his bed, Alonso and Anthony parted to let him through. Drawn to the smooth crown on the king's head, Danny found himself mesmerized by its soft white glow which looked like a halo.

  "It is good to see you have regained your wits, Squire Firoth," said the King of the Light, his voice bold and commanding. Placing his hand on the baseboard of the bed, he asked, "How are you feeling?"

  Forced into conversation, Danny looked closely at the king, finding the large man's golden-brown eyes rather startling. "…Fine, my king."

  The King of the Light eased himself forward, putting most of his weight on his frontward hand, causing the bed to creak. "Please, call me Sire Koltair. There is a time and place for formality, but this is neither that time nor that place. That is, of course, unless you would rather I address you as Mageknight."

  "Honestly, my king… I mean, Sire Koltair, I haven't gotten used to being called by that title, and I'm not sure I ever will."

  Sire Koltair smiled. "To be completely honest with you, Squire Firoth, I have never truly gotten used to the title of king myself. You see, I was not placed in this role due to traditions of nobility or royalty. The King of the Light is more a political title than anything else. It was not the predisposition of my blood that earned me this role, but, rather, my ambition to obtain it. It is not beyond reason that you could someday become the King of the Light yourself, or, perhaps, someone else in this room, for that matter."

  "I could become king?" Alonso questioned. His eyes grew distant, as if, at that very moment, he was imagining his future as the King of the Light.

  "If that is your ambition," the King stated. "But I digress. I did not come here to discuss politics. As all of you know, the Light has suffered a grave betrayal. However, the Light has also been blessed with the return of the Mageknight, you, Squire Firoth."

  "I'm still not sure what that means."

  "Nor am I, Squire Firoth, the ancient text is quite limited on the subject; I know you are well aware of that." Turning around, the king shot Calador an accusing look.

  Danny eyed the same Elf curiously.

  "Calador has been most forthcoming, Squire Firoth. He has revealed all to me," Sire Koltair said, turning back to Danny.

  Shame filled Danny's heart as he dropped his gaze. "Oh," he said softly.

  Sire Koltair sighed. "Do not blame yourself for doing something that you thought was right, Squire Firoth. I understand what your reasoning was at the time. However, in the future, I would ask that you be more open with your superiors, myself included."

  "Yes, Sire Koltair."

  "I would also ask that you meet my eyes when you answer me, Squire Firoth. One can tell much from another's gaze."

  Looking up, Danny met the king's golden-brown eyes. "Yes, Sire Koltair," he said again.

  "The blame is not yours alone, Danny," said Alamber, taking a silent step forward. "None of us, Calador included, could have known the depth of Syndil's betrayal."

  "I understand that Syndil has turned to the Dark but why did he take my father's sword?"

  Calador stepped forward. His blindfolded gaze focused in Danny's general direction. "You do understand that the blade Syndil stole is not simply your father's sword?"

  "Yes," said Danny, dropping his eyes once more. "The sword Syndil took is a Bonded created from my father's soul. Sir Bartlett told me."

  "…What?!" Sabrina said, looking to Calador, Alamber and then to Sire Koltair for an answer. When no answer appeared to be forthcoming, she held Danny's bandaged hand in her own. "I am sorry, Danny. I had no idea."

  "We will get him back, man," Chris assured, placing a comforting hand on Danny's shoulder.

  Briza gasped, covering her mouth with her hand. "That's horrible."

  Danny could feel his heart pounding faster with every passing second. His sadness turned to rage as he balled his left hand into a fist, ignoring the searing pain that followed. "Why'd he take my father?" Danny asked, raising his head, meeting Sire Koltair's gaze.

  Everyone turned their attention to the King of the Light, awaiting an answer.

  Sire Koltair looked straight at Danny. "Ten years ago, your father, along with a cohort of other Knights of the Light, set out on a secret mission to obtain a rare artifact of legend, the Black Bonded. Said to have been created from the essence of a Shadow, the possession of this weapon would strengthen the Shadow hordes beyond the capability of the Light. If they possessed this weapon, Squire Firoth, it would allow the Shadows to fashion Bondeds of their own. This could not be allowed to happen." The king paused to allow the full weight of his words to sink in. "Your father was successful, his fellow Knights of the Light were slaughtered.

  "Before your father passed and allowed his essence to be placed within the shell of a Bonded, he hid the Black Bonded in a location known only to him. The reason Syndil wanted the Bonded containing your father was to locate the final resting place of the Black Bonded. Because a Bonded will only awaken when touched by its eventual Bond mate, we were unable to question your father about the resting place of the Black Bonded. However, even if we could have, the transition from body to blade can be most confounding, and it is unknown whether your father even remembers its location anyway.

  "Most likely, it is Syndil's intention to force your father's Bonded to consciousness and coerce him to reveal the location of the Black Bonded."

  "Why wasn't I told about this?"

  "Only a handful of Knights of the Light were privy to this information. Additionally, it was your father's wish that you be kept as far away from the conflict between the Light and the Dark as possible. He did not want this life for you, Squire Firoth. However, it seems that it was your destiny regardless, as the Mageknight, you would have been pulled into this ancient struggle whether you wanted to be or not. Syndil must have chosen you because of your father, hoping that some clue concerning the whereabouts of the Black Bonded may have been passed down to you. Syndil must have considered it an added bonus that you actually turned out to be the Mageknight."

  Danny dropped his eyes. "Yes, he said as much, he used me."

  "Syndil used all of us, Danny," Calador said in a calm voice.

  "What happens now?" Danny asked, taking comfort in Calador's words. "What'll be required of me now that I'm the Mageknight?"

  The King of the Light smiled. "You are the Mageknight in title only, Squire Firoth. I am afraid that, in mind and body as well as ability, you are still just a Squire of the Light. Thus, you shall fulfill only the requirements of that duty at this time. You will remain a Squire at the White Rock Academy of Illumination, being no different from the friends gathered around you. You have reached the end of your first year as a squire and as such, you must make a choice. You may choose to continue your training to become a Knight of the Light, or, if it is your wish, you may return to the life you knew before. No one within the Light will stop you."

  "You're saying I could simply go home and not have to return."

  "…If that is your choice, Squire Firoth."

  "…Even though I am the Mageknight?"

  "Even so, the Light will not force you to fight."

  In turn, Danny met the eyes of his friends. He wondered what
they would choose to do, given recent events.

  "You should know that your friends have already decided," said Sire Koltair, as if reading Danny's thoughts.

  Danny looked closely at his friends. "I'd like to know their decisions before I make my own."

  The king responded with a slight nod and said, "Of course."

  Chris was the first to speak. "You know me, man. I've never been one to back down from a fight. I have chosen to return next year and continue my training to become a knight."

  Danny smiled at his oldest friend, the truth of his words was heart-warming. Chris was forever faithful. Once he put his mind to something, he would allow nothing to stand in his way.

  Alonso spoke up next, "I had already planned on returning, now that I know I could become the king, I want to come back even more."

  Sire Koltair shot the black-haired squire a quizzical look. Alonso's stone-faced expression caused a series of small chuckles to erupt from his friends.

  Matt sighed and shook his head. After adjusting his glasses, he said, "Who wouldn't want to come back to a place like this, where magic exists alongside creatures of legend and fantasy? I'll return, even at the risk of my own life. I can't go back to being the nerdy kid at school, being bullied on a daily basis."

  "Somehow, I do not think that will be a problem for you anymore, Squire Mickler," said Calador.

  It was true. Danny glanced at Matt. The training they all had undergone had transformed Matt the most. The plump bulge of his belly had disappeared, the once-soft places of his body had been replaced with hard muscle.

  "Besides, everyone here will never let that happen," stated Chris. "If anyone is going to bully you, it will be us."

  "I agree with Matt," said Doug. "Not about the bullying part, but the allure of this place." He glanced over at Briza. "I find the Elvin race fascinating and I could never continue to have a normal life knowing such amazing things exist in this world. I'll continue my training."

  Briza returned Doug's look. "I am Lightborn. It is my duty to continue my training."

  "Of course, I have chosen to return," added Anthony, puffing his chest out. "I hope to become the strongest of the knights."

  Danny turned to Sabrina and awaited her response.

  Sabrina smiled. "I am a second-year squire. There is no reason for me to quit now."

  Danny returned her smile and glanced back to meet the steady gaze of Sire Koltair. "I choose to return and continue my training as a Squire of the Light, as well as the Mageknight."

  Sire Koltair smiled. "So shall it be, Squire Firoth, Mageknight of the Light."

  With that, loud joyous whoops escaped the mouths of Danny's friends.

  "Quiet," shushed Sir Virgil, coming up behind Chris and Alonso. "Please, I still have other patients who need their rest. Speaking of which, I believe Squire Firoth has had enough for the day. That means you as well, my king."

  Out of respect, Sire Koltair nodded in the healer's direction and said, "Of course, Sir Virgil." Turning in the direction of everyone else present, he continued, "Come, let us allow Squire Firoth to rest." To Danny, he said, "Should you need anything more, Mageknight, let Sir Virgil know and I shall see to it." With that said, the King of the Light began ushering everyone out before turning to leave himself.

  One at a time, Chris, Alonso, Matt, Anthony, Briza and Doug said goodbye to Danny; Sabrina lingered at Danny's bedside.


  Sire Koltair stopped and turned. "Yes, Squire Firoth?"

  "What about my father's Bonded?"

  "That should not be your concern, Squire Firoth. Please leave that to the Light. I have some of our elite knights looking into the matter. I recommend that you concentrate on recuperating your strength, maintaining your studies and completing your training."

  Danny hesitated for a moment. Losing his father at such a young age had been such a hard experience, a tragedy he'd never fully recovered from; to lose him for a second time left a deep pit of despair in his stomach. "I'll try," was all he managed to say.

  "That is all I could ever ask for," encouraged the King of the Light. His gaze lingered on Danny a moment more before moving to Sabrina as she stood at the side of the bed. "Will you be joining us, Squire Drake?"

  "I will only be but a moment."

  "As you wish," said the king. He turned, escorted everyone out of the infirmary and closed the doors behind him.

  "He really does need his rest, Squire," said Sir Virgil, stopping on the opposite side of the bed. "His wounds should be fully healed by the morrow. You will have plenty of time to talk on the journey home."

  Sabrina nodded. "I will really be only a moment."

  Returning the nod, Sir Virgil said, "Of course, but only a moment." With his rounds complete, he retreated, leaving the two of them alone.

  Sabrina waited a few seconds before turning to Danny. "About what was discussed a few months ago before your duel with Squire Rigil?"

  "About me being a distraction for you?"

  Sabrina visibly hardened; her posture became more erect and her expression stern. "I have come to think it is the other way around, Danny."

  "I don't understand."

  "You are the Mageknight. As such, your duty is to lead the Light in the extermination of the Dark. For this task, you will require focus and dedication. I cannot allow your feelings for me to cloud the path before you."

  "You can't be serious," said Danny, pushing himself up, ignoring the pain that would follow.

  "I have already made up my mind."

  "Fine, but first, look me in the eyes and tell me that you don't feel the same way."

  "My feelings for you are secondary to the fate of the Light, Danny."

  "So you do have feelings for me?"

  "It does not matter whether I do or do not."

  "Of course it matters. It matters to me."

  Sabrina turned away from him. "I have already decided, Danny. The Light is more important than either one of us."

  "Don't I get a say in this?"

  Sabrina turned back toward Danny, her face as firm as stone. "No, you do not."

  A short period of silence passed between them. Danny slumped back into the bed, unsure of what else he could say to change her mind.

  Sabrina broke the silence. "I will forever be your friend, as well as your comrade in arms, Danny, but that is all I can offer you. I will understand if you desire neither of me from this moment forward."

  "No," said Danny, his focus fixed at the foot of the bed. He refused to meet her eyes due to a growing pit of emptiness in his stomach. "I value your friendship more than anything, and I'd be lost without it. I just need… time."

  "And rest," added Sabrina. "We have a long journey back home tomorrow. You should sleep."

  "Yes," said Danny, feeling awkward, wondering if Sabrina felt the same way.

  "Then, I will leave you to it," said Sabrina, turning toward the door stiffly, her movements lacked her usual grace.

  Danny allowed her to go, confused about what had just transpired. After several minutes, just thinking, he took a deep breath and reached for the hilt of Magear. Wrapping his hand around the pommel, he noticed that the blade felt warm to the touch, like a proper handshake.


  I am here, Danny.

  So, what am I supposed to do now?

  If I may, you might consider that your friend is right.

  "You heard me talking to Sabrina?" Danny asked aloud, his shock caused him to verbalize his words.

  Danny felt Magear's mood lighten. We are Bond mates, Danny. I can feel your emotions and hear your thoughts just as you have equal access to mine.

  Looking around to see if anyone had overheard him, Danny pulled the sword to his chest. …Even if I'm not touching your hilt?

  Even if, for we are connected by a stronger bond than simply the touch of skin.

  That's a little disturbing.

  On the contrary, Danny, I find it rather comforting. It would be most difficult if
I had to bear this isolation without anyone to share my thoughts with.

  I'm sorry. I didn't realize… Danny allowed his thoughts to trail off as he attempted to imagine the loneliness that must come with becoming a Bonded.

  Do not be sorry and do not pity me, Danny. It was an honor as well as my duty to choose the existence of a Bonded.

  Danny adjusted his position in the bed to one that was more comfortable, he relaxed his rigid muscles. So, you were the Mageknight once, right?

  In a manner of speaking, yes, I was.

  Well, from one Mageknight to another, what is it that I'm supposed to do?

  I am afraid that is something you will have to figure out for yourself, Danny. You see, my previous life is nothing more than a flash of images. The details are a confusing mess of garbled memories. See for yourself.

  Danny's grip tightened around Magear's hilt as flashes of random pictures invaded his mind—a great battle, a large black dragon, a glowing green sword, a smiling woman of breathtaking beauty and hundreds more.

  "Stop!" Danny begged, putting his hand to his brow. The visions vanished at once, leaving Danny with a throbbing headache. "What was that?"

  Forgive me, Danny, I did not anticipate your reaction to my memories, his voice soft and soothing as it entered Danny's thoughts.

  Danny slowed his breathing and forced himself to relax. Those were your memories?

  They were.

  Will you ever get them back completely?

  I do not know.

  Then it's up to me to figure out what I'm supposed to do, Danny thought, more to himself than Magear, as he relaxed into the bed and drifted off to sleep.

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  Chapter 36 - Preparing for the Journey Home

  anny packed the last of his belongings into his heavy duffel bag. Dressed in the same khaki shorts and T-shirt he wore on the initial journey to White Rock, he felt odd and almost out of place, no longer wearing the traditional robes of a squire. The clothes he currently wore were tight in some places, loose in others since he'd gained muscle and trimmed excess fat. Hefting the bag over his shoulder, he tensed, awaiting a pain that never came. His wounds had been severe. Thanks to Sir Virgil, he'd healed completely in less than three days, a feat that would've taken months under normal circumstances. However, the wounds of Syndil's betrayal flowed far deeper and would most likely never fully heal.


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