Falling for the Rookie (Fan Girl Book 1)

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Falling for the Rookie (Fan Girl Book 1) Page 5

by Trish Williford

  Maybe jealous?

  "Are you okay?" She asked, her face concerned.

  I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. "So, you and Paco?"

  She frowned. "Me and Paco...what?"

  "How do you know one another?"

  "Oh, Lexi and I come here all the time. It's one of our favorite places to eat. It's cheap and good."

  That made me feel a little better. "So what do you usually order?"

  "The taco platter, it’s all you can eat. But everything is so good, you really can't go wrong."

  I looked over the menu, deciding I would do the same by the time Paco came back with a pitcher of beer and two glasses. "So what will it be?"

  I held my hand out for Melody to order. "The platter, please."

  "Of course. And you, Carson?"

  "The same."

  Paco nodded. "Yes sir, I'll be back."

  Melody poured beer into both our glasses and handed me one. "Thanks. I didn't really take you for a beer girl."

  She shrugged. "Alcohol is alcohol. Plus, it goes well with the tacos."

  “Do you bring all your dates to eat tacos?” I teased.

  “One, this isn’t a date. And two, you’re going to be sorry you doubted Paco’s.”

  “You didn’t answer my question.”

  She smirked. “Do I bring all my dates here? No. Usually I only come here with Lexi. I’m not much into the dating scene.”

  “Why not?”

  She shrugged. “I’ve been burned a few times. I seem to have a sixth sense on how to pick all the losers.”

  “Thanks.” I said, pretending to be wounded.

  “Not a date, remember?”

  “If you say so.”

  She shook her head slightly. “What about you? Do you date often?”

  “I don’t have a lot of time with baseball. I had a girlfriend in college, it was semi-serious. She didn’t like that I traveled with the team a lot and that I was busy with practice and work outs. I hated to see her upset that I wasn’t spending enough time with her, so I broke it off before I left for Norfolk for minor league. She was a really nice girl, but one that needed a lot of attention, which was something I couldn’t offer her. I felt bad, but it was for the best. My career comes first.”

  “I’m sure that had to be stressful for you.”

  “It was, and it started to show in my performance. Since then, I’ve made a rule to not date during baseball season. I’ve worked too hard to be where I am to let a relationship complicate my career.” Ryan’s words of wisdom the other night at the bar have rang loud in my head since, but there’s no way in hell I’ll ever tell him that.

  She nodded, but didn’t say anything. Then I realized I probably sounded like such a dick. “I’m sorry, I’m probably coming off like an asshole.”

  Her eyes got wide. “No, you’re not. Everything you’ve said is absolutely true. You shouldn’t put yourself in a position that will cause your mind to not be in the game one hundred percent. This isn’t the minors anymore, you’re in the big show now. You should definitely be focusing on your career.”

  I could tell by the way she said everything that she actually felt that way. It was refreshing to have a girl understand and not just try to say what she thought I wanted to hear.

  Or she doesn’t like me.

  “Besides, you don’t want to be like Nathan Ross, do you? Flaunting his relationships with supermodels all over the tabloids makes him look like a total douche.” She gagged.

  I laughed loudly. “You’re not in the Nathan Ross fan club?”

  “Not exactly.” She made a sour face. “Don’t get me wrong, he’s attractive, but he’s arrogant. He acts like he’s the best player the league has ever seen, but over the last year or two his game has dramatically weakened. I know the fans were super excited to gain him to the team this season, but I don’t know what the big deal is over him, honestly. I think the team made a bad decision.”

  This girl actually knows her shit when it comes to baseball and can see through Ross’s fake ass front. I’ve never been so turned on in my entire life, and I’m thankful the table is hiding the proof. She gasped a moment later and covered her mouth. “I’m so sorry, you’re probably friends with him and I’m trashing him.”

  I held my hand up and smirked. “No, we’re definitely not friends. Don’t apologize, you’re only telling the truth.” She breathed a sigh of relief and I decided to move the conversation away from him. “So, how do you think the team is doing so far?”

  She perked up at that. “I think the season is off to a great start. We have spot on pitching, Cruz is seriously one of the best pitchers in the league this year. Both the infield and outfield are like an unstoppable force. Our batting is fairly strong, so as long as we can keep it up, I think this will be a promising season.”

  I loved how she was using “we” instead of “the team” or “you guys”. She really does love the game, and this confirmation just made it ten times harder not to reach across the table and kiss her senseless. The conversation came to a halt when two large platters of tacos was sat in the middle of the table. Melody glanced at me, a smirk coming to her lips. “Ready?”


  One quality I find more attractive than anything else in a woman is when she isn't afraid to chow down in front of me. Eat some meat, sweetheart. Throw that damn salad out to the rabbits. I like when a girl is confident enough to not care what I think of how much she eats.

  If my feelings about Melody were strictly based on just this simple quality, I would fucking marry this girl tomorrow.

  We started out with a platter of tacos, and I assumed I would end up eating at least two-thirds myself.

  That wasn't the case.

  We went taco for taco, beer for beer for at least an hour. Paco came back several times to exchange an empty platter for a full...until I tapped out. "I feel like I'm going to puke all over the place if I eat another bite." My head was resting on my arm that was laying on the table as I moaned.

  "Wuss." She laughed.

  I looked up at her, wincing from the ache in my stomach. "You can't tell me you're not uncomfortable right now."

  She shrugged. "Lexi and I have eaten more."

  "Shit." I groaned. "I'll admit, they are some pretty delicious tacos. I will be back."

  She held her hands up in victory. "See! It was better than going to Vander's and you spent a fraction of what you would have paid there. And we even had better views here."

  "You're right, this location is fantastic. But to be honest, I think tonight would have been great anywhere we would have gone. I've had a lot of fun Melody."

  She tucked a piece of windblown hair behind her ear. "Thank you, Carson. I did too."

  "So does that mean you'll let me take you out on another date?"

  "Another date? This isn't a date, it was just dinner as an apology." She teased.

  "It will be a date by the end of the night."

  Her cheeks flushed. “You don’t date during baseball season, you can’t break your rule.”

  “I’ll just bend it a little, sweetheart.” I winked. I knew I shouldn’t push this and say just goodbye to her tonight, but I have a feeling that not seeing her again will not be an option.

  We walked slowly back to her apartment, and knowing the night was coming to an end was dulling my spirits. She never answered me about the second date, so I felt like everything was up in the air. Needing some type of security, I grabbed her hand, and much to my surprise, she allowed me to slide my fingers threw hers. We walked quietly to her apartment building, and she stopped once we reached the entrance.

  "Thank you for dinner. I really had a great time." She said sincerely, still letting me hold her hand.

  "I did too, Melody. I would like to take you out again. But this time I promise to pick a better place for dinner instead of making you choose."

  She laughed and shook her head. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have been a brat about it."

  "You weren't." I correc
ted her. "You were being yourself, and I happen to like that." I was having a hard time reading her, and it was killing me to not know what she was thinking. "So...are you going to let me take you out on another date?"

  She smirked. "Another date? I don't believe we've been on a first date yet, Mr. Lawrence."

  I lifted our tangled fingers. "I'd say we have. Do you let friends who take you to dinner hold your hand?"

  She pursed her lips together, and I wanted to kiss her so badly. Right here, right now. Those pouty lips looked so inviting, but I knew it wasn't the right time. The last thing I wanted to do was to scare her off. "I hate that you're right." She squeezed her fingers against mine. “Why do you want to go out again? You said you don’t date during baseball season, and I’m fine with that.”

  I looked her directly in the eyes and decided to tell her exactly what I was thinking. “I don’t, but I need to see you again. Maybe only friendship will come of this, but I need another night with you. I can’t explain it.”

  I could see the debate in her eyes as she bit her lower lip. Finally she released a breath. "Yes, I'd like to go on a second date."

  Excitement coursed through my body. "Good. I thought I'd have to start singing to you again."

  She giggled. "No singing necessary."

  I pulled her close for a hug, feeling her chest touching mine. "Thank you for tonight." She said quietly.

  "The pleasure was all mine, Melody."

  She pulled away slightly and glanced up at me. "I guess I better head in. Have a safe flight tomorrow."


  She leaned up and kissed my cheek, then took a few steps backwards. "Goodnight, Carson." She was almost to the door when I called her name. She turned around and watched as I jogged up to her.

  I handed her my phone and she frowned. "I think with our impending second date, I may need your phone number now."

  She smiled brightly as she saved her phone number in my contacts. She handed it back and started to walk away. "Wait a second, aren't you going to take mine?"

  A mischievous grin played on those lips. "I'll get it when you call me." And with those words, I watched as she walked through the glass doors and disappeared around the corner.

  Rules were meant to be bent.

  Chapter Ten: Melody

  "You took him to Paco's over Vander’s?! Are you insane?" Lexi scolded.

  I continued to fold the clean laundry that was scattered across my bed. "Vander’s isn't a first date kind of place. It's an anniversary or birthday or special occasion restaurant."

  "First date, huh?" I hated the look of satisfaction on her face.

  "He turned it into a date when he held my hand. So it was only a date for the last fifteen minutes."

  "Nope. Total date. And it's ultra-cute that he held your hand."


  "Will there be a second date?"


  Lexi squealed. "I knew it! You're going to bone Carson Lawrence!"

  "Shut up, I'm not having sex with anyone. We didn't set a time for the next date, so chill out. He may realize later that he's not interested. I'm not getting my hopes up.” But I think it may be too late for that. ”Besides, he said he doesn’t date during baseball season. It’s a rule of his, and I’m going to respect that.”

  “Whatever, you’re going to be such a whore by the end of this season.”

  My phone pinged with a message a few minutes later, both our eyes going wide. She dove for my phone that was laying on the bed at the same time I reached for it. She grabbed it first, looking down at the text. "The number isn't saved in your phone, but I think it's from Carson." She sung.

  "Give me the phone Lex." I demanded.

  "Had a great time last night, can't wait for our next date." she read.

  My stomach warmed at his words. "Okay, give me the phone so I can answer him."

  Her thumbs typed away quickly, so I jumped and landed on her back. "Give me my phone damn it! I will kick your ass!"

  "Annnd…sent!" She declared proudly.

  I snatched the phone from her and read the message in horror.

  Me too. Can't stop scratching the turntable ;)

  I stopped breathing. "I'm going to fucking kill you."

  Lexi let out a squeal before jumping over my bed to the other side of my room. “Guys think chicks rubbing themselves is hot as hell, I just did you a favor!”

  The phone rang in my hand, momentarily saving Lexi's life. "Holy shit, he’s calling. You have a few more minutes of your life left. Live it up."

  She flopped onto my bed and cackled when I left the room and answered the phone. "I am so sorry. That was Lexi, I swear."

  I held my breath until his deep chuckle came through the line. "I thought so, I don't see you as the type of girl to admit to excessive masturbation." His voice was deeper and sexier on the phone. The excitement of talking to him on the phone made me feel like I was a teenager talking to her crush.

  "I'm mortified."

  "It's funny, Melody. Don't kill Lexi, she's entertaining."

  Oh yeah, real fucking hysterical.

  "I'm surprised to hear from you."


  "You know...that stupid three day rule that guys follow. Wait three days after the date to contact the girl."

  "You know my dating rule, and that’s not it. I got this brand new shiny phone number last night, I thought I'd use it. Besides, I wondered what you sounded like on the phone."

  "And how do I sound on the phone?" I knew I was grinning like an idiot. I'm so glad he couldn't see me through the phone.

  "Your voice is a little lower, and I'm assuming it's because you don't want Lexi to hear everything you're saying. It makes your voice a little raspy, which is sexy as hell."

  "That's funny, because I was just thinking your phone voice is pretty sexy."

  "Do you want me to say dirty things to you in my phone voice? Give you something to help your DJ skills along?" He teased.

  Yes. Yes yes yes. "Nah, I'm okay."

  He laughed. "Yeah, it may make things awkward, especially considering I haven't kissed you yet."

  "Yet?" I questioned, my pulse increasing.

  "Yet." He confirmed.

  I bit my lip to not giggle like a damn school girl. "We'll see about that. You’re not supposed to be dating, Mr. Lawrence."

  He was quiet for a moment. “You’re right, but I still really want to kiss you. That’s pretty selfish, isn’t it?”

  My heart was literally in my throat. “Carson…”

  "I know…I’m walking a pretty thin line right about now.”

  I was about to tell him I wanted him to jump over that fucking line when I heard a loud but muffled voice over the line. “I wish I could talk to you longer, but I'm about to board the plane."

  I was sad that he was about to hang up. "I hope you have a safe flight. Good luck on the game tomorrow."

  "Thanks...but I'll talk to you before then, so wish me luck when I call next time."

  Holy shit. Simmer down, heart. "Okay. Bye Carson."

  "Bye Melody."

  I ended the call and held the phone to my chest in attempt to calm down...but instead I squealed.

  Chapter Eleven: Carson

  Today’s game in Denver was cancelled because of snow. We’re being told it’s not uncommon for Colorado to receive snow until early May. We’ll play a double header tomorrow to make up the today’s game. In the meantime, most of the guys have hit up ski resorts or one of the bars near the hotel. Ryan and I always bunk together on trips, and when he said he was going skiing I was thrilled. I was content binging on movies and taking the day to chill the hell out alone, something I haven’t been able to do much of since spring training began.

  I was sitting on the couch in my hotel room watching a movie when Ryan burst through the door in a hurry. “Fucking shit…fucking shit…” he mumbled as he dumped his toiletry bag upside down on his bed.

  “What the hell?” I asked.
r />   He continued to scurry through the contents in a panic. “They have to be here, I didn’t forget to pack more…”

  “What are you looking for?”

  His eyes were wide with terror. “Condoms. I don’t have any in my wallet and there are none in my bag. I always keep spares in there.”

  “There is a convenience store across the street.” I chuckled.

  He grabbed his suitcase and rooted through his clothes. “I don’t have time. The girl is naked on the bed looking like a goddamn daydream a few doors down and I don’t have a fucking condom!”

  Its then I notice that his shirt is wrinkled to hell and his pants are unbuttoned, half falling off his hips. I grabbed my wallet off the nightstand and fished out the condom I had stashed. I tossed it onto his bed and sat back on the couch. “Don’t say I never did anything for you.”

  He grabbed the condom as if it were the last one in existence and looked as if he could cry. “May God bless you eternally, my child.” He was gone just as quickly as he came. I was still laughing when my phone chimed that I had a text message.

  Melody: Too cold to play baseball in the snow? Pansy. ;)

  I loved that she was all about busting my balls.

  Carson: Pansy? I already went for a run downtown this morning before the game was called. A little snow doesn’t bother me.

  Melody: Sure. Whatever you say. :p What are you doing with your time off?

  Carson: Sitting in my hotel room binging on movies, enjoying the quiet. What are you doing?

  A span of twenty minutes went with no response. I flipped through the room service menu, laughing out loud when I saw tacos. I ordered them along with a burger in fries and waited for it to be delivered. The text alert went off again, but my eyes bugged out of my head when I read the message.

  Melody: I’m lying in my bed, thinking about you. My fingers have slipped under the cups of my bra, imagining they were yours instead.

  Holy fuck.

  She was writing another message, the three dots appearing on the screen. They disappeared for a moment, then reappeared. That happened for a solid two minutes. I wondered if her hand was elsewhere now, making my cock stir at the thought. Shit, I had no clue Melody would be into this type of thing…


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