Falling for the Rookie (Fan Girl Book 1)

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Falling for the Rookie (Fan Girl Book 1) Page 14

by Trish Williford

  “That’s not a bad idea.”

  “Come on, Ross! You’ve been a worthless piece of shit this year! Hit the damn ball!” Clay was getting worked up behind us, and I turned around to calm him down.

  “Keep your hair on, Uncle Clay. It’s only the bottom of the fifth and we’re ahead two runs. We’re in good shape.”

  At that, Ross swung and received his third strike, heading back to the dugout.

  “See? He’s a piece of shit. I don’t know why we picked him up.”

  Carson was up next, and before Uncle Clay could start his grumbles about Carson, I put my hand on Carson’s mom’s arm. “Ms. Lawrence, this is Clay Scott, probably the most passionate fan of the team. Clay, this is Ms. Lawrence, Carson’s mom.”

  “Melody, I told you to call me Lynnette.” She turned to Clay and extended her hand. “Nice to meet you, Clay. I hope my son hasn’t disappointed you this season like Ross has.”

  Clay’s cheeks turned red, and I watched as he worked up compliments in his head. “Carson is a great asset to the team. I’m happy we have him.”

  Lynnette had a prideful smile, one that showed just how much she loved her son. “Thank you for saying that, it’s always been his dream to play for this team.” She turned back in her seat when Carson came up to the plate, and I glanced at Clay. He gave me a dirty look and I giggled, enjoying the fact that he has to be nice to Carson for the rest of the season.

  “You’re getting sick pleasure out of this, Little Mel. It’s not right.” He whispered in my ear.

  I shrugged and pointed to the field. “I have to pay attention, my boyfriend is up to bat.”

  Carson managed to hit a double, both Lynnette and I jumped up and down once he reached second base. He looked over at us and grinned before returning his focus back to the game. We sat back in our seats, Lynnette sighing contently. “I’ve never been so proud of another human in my entire life.”

  “You should be, you did an incredible job at raising him. He’s an amazing man.”

  A sad smile came upon her face. “I didn’t always make the right decisions for him. Carson had a rough go during his childhood with his father. He still does, as you probably know.”

  I nodded, but allowed her to continue. “Carson’s Dad, Ed, he wasn’t the father figure I had hoped he would be. When we first got married, he had just passed his bar exam. I knew he was focused on his career, and I respected that. I just…I thought when we found out that Carson was on the way, he would make an effort to be involved with our home life more. It turned out to be the complete opposite, actually. He made partner at the firm shortly after Carson’s second birthday, which only had him working longer hours. Carson adored his father, but Ed was too busy to care.”

  I put my hand on her arm. “That wasn’t your fault, you know. He’s the one who missed out.”

  Her eyes were rimmed with tears. “Carson grew to resent his father. When we finally split and Carson and I moved to New Mexico, I asked Carson to call Ed once a month. It didn’t have to be an hour long conversation, but I wanted him to still have contact with his father. I didn’t want Carson to write off his father completely, then regret it later. He’s done as I asked, but not happily.”

  “He does it out of respect for you, though. He would do absolutely anything you asked of him. Carson adores you. You were the best parent you could be to him, and he’s turned out to be a remarkable person. You shouldn’t hold any guilt about decisions you made. I’m sure everything you did was in his best interest.”

  She exhaled a shaky breath, then reached for my hand. “You are so good for my Carson. I was a little nervous when he told me he was interested in someone at first. I was afraid he may hurt some girl’s feelings with his rules about baseball coming first. But the more he talked about you, I knew you were different to him. My thoughts were only confirmed when I saw him with you yesterday. I’ve never seen my son so smitten as he is with you. You are exactly what he needs, and I really, really hope you can see how much he cares about you.”

  A knot of emotion gathered in my chest at her approval. “I really care for him too. He is everything I didn’t know I needed. I hope this goes the distance, because I’m not sure if I want to know what life without Carson would be like now.” I was a little surprised at my confession, but it was true.

  She pulled me in for a hug. “I’m fairly certain you don’t have to worry about that, sweetheart.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five: Carson

  Melody was wrapped around me snuggly in her bed. The morning light was peeking through the blinds, covering us in warmth. "Have you heard if you made the all-star roster?" She asked casually, although I knew she was downplaying it. The All Star game is an annual game that is held during the halfway point in the season between players from both leagues. The players selected to play in the game are chosen by fans and managers. I’ve always dreamt of playing in the all-star game, but I’m aware with my rookie status it’s unlikely for me to be picked this year.

  "I'll find out today. We have a meeting this afternoon, then the press will receive the roster tomorrow morning."

  Her big green eyes looked up to mine. She so fucking beautiful in the mornings. Her hair is messy as hell and her eyes still full of sleep. She rubbed her hand over my day old stubble. "Will you be upset if you don't make the team?"

  I half shrugged. "I mean, I'll probably be a little disappointed. I think as a rookie it would be pretty awesome to be on the roster. But if I don't, then it's okay. I'll get four days off in a row, a break would be kind of nice.”

  "Hmm...A little mini vacation. What would you do with your abundance of time?"

  I grinned lazily. "You."

  "Pervert." She giggled. "Would you want to stay holed up in your place or go somewhere?"

  "I'd be up for going somewhere."

  A wistful smile came upon her lips. "If you don't make the team, let me plan something."

  I scrunched my brows. "What are you thinking?"

  "It's a secret."

  I pulled her on top of me and ran my tongue along the curve of her neck, one of her most sensitive spots. "Tell me."

  "Are you trying to seduce the secret out of me, Mr. Lawrence?"

  "Maybe I am, Ms. Carrick.”

  She ground her hips against my hardness. "Hmm...Luckily I'm good at keeping secrets."

  Challenge accepted.

  I flipped her over onto her back and pinned her hands above her head. "We'll see how good you actually are."

  An hour later, her secret was still in tack...but I'd be willing to go for another round or two of interrogation.


  The clubhouse was buzzing with excitement over the all-star announcements. Coach was closing in on the end of our usual pre-game meeting, and a nervousness came over me. I know there is nothing I can to do increase my chances of being put on the team so I’m not sure why I am stressing over it.

  “And last, but not least, I have the list of players who will be heading to San Diego for the All-Star game in two weeks. To those of you who don’t make the team, enjoy a four day break. You’ll be expected to report to Kansas City the day after the all-star break ends.” He pulled out a small sheet of paper from his pocket and cleared his throat. “Three of you made the team. Cruz, Timmons and Ross. Congratulations. All right, everyone, let’s head out for warm ups.”

  Cruz. Timmons. Ross.

  Not Lawrence.

  Ryan bumped his shoulder against mine, pulling me from my daze. “Sorry you didn’t make it. It would have been cool to have you as my catcher.”

  I was more disappointed than I expected I would be. I guess I wanted it more than I thought. “Congratulations, man. There is always next year.”

  Ross scoffed from behind Ryan. “Yeah, keep dreaming, kid.”

  I hated that fucking prick. “Fuck off.”

  “How does it feel, Ross?” Ryan asked.

  “What? To make the all-star roster for the fifth year in a row? Pretty damn good.”
/>   “No, that’s not what I meant. How does it feel to only make the roster because you had it written in your contract as a guarantee? Considering you have one of the worst batting averages in the league, it looks like there is more substance to that rumor.”

  “There’s no way to prove that and you know it.” Ross spat. He stalked off without another word.

  “That fucker doesn’t deserve to be on the team.” Ryan fumed on the way to the bullpen.

  “No, he doesn’t. But karma will bite him in the ass eventually.”

  “I hope so. Anyways, what are you going to do with your break? I am a little jealous of that.”

  “Melody mentioned she wanted to plan a trip if I didn’t make it. I have no idea where.”

  Ryan blew a low whistle. “Shit. Four days of endless sex. That sounds better than that fucking game.”

  Come to think of it, that does sound more enticing than a locker room full of dicks.

  Chapter Twenty-Six: Melody

  Carson strolled up to the wall in front of my seats, confusion plaguing his face. “Why are you sitting in Clay’s seat?”

  I stood and walked down to the wall, just inches from him. “Clay is bringing a date to the game.” I wiggled my eyebrows. “He has a lady friend. He asked to use my seats today.”

  He arched a brow. “Damn. Do you think he’s still has sex at his age?”

  I swatted his arm. “Carson! I don’t want to think about that shit, that’s gross.”

  “Hey, one day I’ll be his age. I want to know if I’ll still be able to get it up or if my life will be over.”


  He chuckled and leaned into my ear. “I won’t have to worry about that with you around, even if I am one hundred and seventy.”

  I kissed his cheek and leaned back. “Well…did you find out about the game?” I asked quietly.

  He shook his head slightly. “Looks like you have a trip to plan.”

  Although he looked as if it didn’t bother him, I knew better. Carson strived to be the best. “I’m sorry, sweetie.”

  “It’s fine.” He answered, placing a chaste kiss on my mouth. “I gotta go. I’ll see you tonight.”

  On the way back to my seat, I noticed Clay walking down the stairs carefully, his “lady friend” following behind. Clay had his thick white hair combed to the side and a polo on.

  Yes. A polo.

  I bit my lip to contain my smile. He gave me serious side eye as his friend settled into her seat before sitting down in his.

  “These seats are fantastic, Clay.” She mused.

  He turned slightly in his seat and nodded towards me. “They are Melody’s seats. She’s sitting in mine. Little Mel, this is my friend Marsha. Marsha, this is Melody. She’s the next biggest fan this ballpark has seen other than me.”

  Marsha extended her hand and smiled politely. “It’s nice to meet you, Melody.”

  “You too, Marsha.”

  I wanted to tease Clay a little, but the pleading look in his eyes was too pathetic. I kept to myself for the most part, only jumping in to conversation when spoken to. I loved seeing Clay so attentive to Marsha, it was wonderful to observe such a different side to him than I’m used to seeing. Clay was married once, but his wife died of cancer in her early thirties. He never remarried, and for as long as I can remember, I don’t recall him ever talking about any females. Marsha must be one special lady for him to bring her to the game.


  I typed away on my computer, confirming the arrangements for the all-star break. I shut the laptop and glanced at the bathroom door. I can tell its bothering Carson that he didn’t make the team. His usual playful demeanor has been exchanged for a gloomy mood, which is very unlike him. His plane is due to depart this afternoon for the next series, and I don’t want him to leave town like this. The water from the shower was still running, so I quickly undressed and slipped into the bathroom. I could see him through the glass of the shower, his face tilted into the steady stream.

  “Mind if I join you?”

  He looked over to me, his eyes turning dark as they ran over my body. “Please.”

  I opened the door and stepped directly into his waiting arms. He held me against his slick body for a few minutes, the water splashing against the floor the only sound. I backed away slightly and ran my fingers down the sculpted plains of his abs until they rested on his hip bones. I lowered myself to my knees, Carson watching my every move intently. I ran my tongue along the underside of his eager erection, watching him the entire time. His eyes fluttered shut and his head leaned back as a strangled gasp left his perfect lips. I swirled my tongue around the head teasingly before covering it with my entire mouth. He fisted his hands into my hair with a grunt and pulled me closer to his hips. I allowed him to set the rhythm and followed his pace. I took him further than I have ever before, gagging a few times when he hit my reflex. I lowered my teeth down onto him slightly and was rewarded with a low moan. “Fuck, Mel.” I braced my hands on his strong thighs as his pace grew faster and more urgent. When I ran my fingernails against his balls his eyes popped open. “If you don’t want me to come in your mouth, baby, then-“

  I gripped the back of his thighs and continued until he stilled suddenly, hot jets of liquid running down the back of my throat. He began softening in my mouth instantly. He pulled himself from my mouth and brought me to my feet. Carson lowered his mouth to mine, thanking me with a passionate kiss. He lifted me and pressed us both against the tile wall. “How do you know what I need and when I need it?” He asked breathlessly.

  “I wanted to make you feel better. I hate to see you upset.”

  His eyes roamed over my face for a long moment. “You’re perfect, do you know that?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Hardly.”

  “You’re perfect for me, and that’s all that matters.” He rested his head in the nook of my neck and held onto me tightly. I wasn’t perfect. He wasn’t either. But when we’re together, it feels pretty damn perfect.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven: Carson

  The loud beeps of Mel's alarm clock jolted me awake, and it scared the living shit out of me. Even with half open eyes, I could tell it was still dark outside so it had to be early as fuck. I reached for her warm body to press against mine, but she wasn't in bed.

  "Morning." Her voice brought my attention to the doorway as she was brushing her hair.

  "Why aren't you in bed? The sun isn't even awake yet." I groaned.

  "Because our flight leaves at six-thirty. I let you sleep as long as possible, you need to get up and ready."

  "Flight? Do I need to go home and grab my passport?"

  She crawled up the bed and laid on her stomach beside me. "No, we're not leaving the country. But you need to get up."

  I rolled over and buried my face in the pillow, groaning loudly. I'm not a morning person. At all. She pulled the blanket off me and smacked my bare ass. "Up. I'm not going to tell you again. Otherwise I'll leave you here and Lexi will babysit you while I'm gone. She'll take you to have lunch with Clay."

  I jumped out of bed and pointed to her. "That's not funny."

  "Yes it is, it's freaking hysterical." She giggled as she straightened the comforter on the bed. I rounded the bed and pressed my front to her back as she was bent over. I kissed the back of her neck and felt her ass move backwards into my pelvis instantly. "You can't do this, Carson. We'll miss our flight."

  I knew she was right, but her ass in the air while making the bed was too fucking tempting. I dropped my forehead to her shoulder and groaned. "You should have woke me up fifteen minutes ago."

  She turned in my arms and kissed me quickly. "I tried. You were unconscious. Now there is no lovin' until we get to where we're going."

  I sighed heavily and shuffled into the bathroom, trying to figure out where in the hell we were going. She told me to pack for hot weather and to pack my bathing suit. That wasn't much help, considering its July and hotter than balls. She said we're staying inside
the country, so we could be going literally anywhere. It really doesn't matter what she is taking me, honestly. I'm still a little bummed about not making the all-star team, but I'm happy to get a few much needed days off. I'm looking forward to spending time with Melody, whatever she decides to do. It is pretty adorable to see her so damn excited about making plans.


  Four hours later, we are walking through the airport in Fort Myers, Florida. I've only ever been to this airport when the team was flying in and out for Spring Training. Our training facility is located in Cape Coral, about fifteen miles south of Fort Myers. "So, we're staying in Fort Myers for a reason?" I asked, trying not to sound like a dick.


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