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Spank Her Bundle 1 (Books 1-3)

Page 8

by Holla Dean

  Eve poured a couple of glasses wine and when Stephen got up to go back to the living room she said, “Stephen, I need to talk to you. Can we sit here for a few minutes?”

  “Sure, babe. What’s wrong?”

  “Something happened today. I…uh…I was a bit reckless in my driving.”

  “Did you have an accident? Are you hurt?”

  “No, nothing like that. But it almost was an accident.”

  Eve stopped talking and Stephen gave her time to get herself together. When she didn’t say anything else for a long time, Stephen asked, “Are you afraid that what happened is going to mean a spanking for you?”

  She nodded and said, “I know it’s going to mean a spanking. And I know it’s going to be bad one.”

  “All right, Eve. Let’s hear it. What happened?” Stephen spoke in his steel edged voice, reminding Eve of the officer’s tone this afternoon.

  “I was driving, and listening to the radio. You know, singing along like I always do when I’ve got a long drive. Then, all of a sudden I was about to run into the car in front of me and I had to slam on the brakes. It looked like I was still going to hit the car so I swerved onto the emergency lane and stopped there. When I looked in my rear view mirror there was a highway patrol car behind me with its lights flashing.”

  She stopped again. Stephen could see she was scared and he thought, She should be scared. The woman speeds too much and she knows she’s supposed to follow the speed limit.

  He said, “Okay, so you were speeding and I take it you got a ticket?”

  Eve nodded her head in an affirmative manner and said, “There’s more.”

  “What more is there, Eve?”

  She took the two citations out of her purse and pushed them across the table towards Stephen.

  He picked them up and looked them over.

  “Reckless driving?! What were you thinking, Eve? And eighty-nine miles per hour? Jeez, you’re lucky you didn’t have an accident, kill yourself and a few other people.”

  Eve hung her head. Oh, it’s going to be so bad. Especially when I tell him what the officer said. I have to tell him, I can’t have it be another lie of omission.

  “Well, what do you have to say for yourself, Eve?”

  “There’s a little more I have to tell you. What the officer said.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I was actually doing ninety-three but the officer gave me a break on the ticket. He said that when I get home I should tell my husband that he needs to take me in hand. So I told him I thought you’d already done that and he said, ‘tell him to use a firmer hand.’ And when he first came to my door he yelled at me right away telling me if I was his wife or daughter he’d pull me out of the car and take me over his knee.”

  “He’s right; apparently you do need a firmer hand.”

  They sat there, Eve looking down at her lap and Stephen looking at Eve.

  “So what do you have to say, Eve?”

  “I guess just that I know I messed up. That I was speeding way over the limit and maybe a little recklessly. The officer said he was trying to get me to pull over for nearly thirty miles. I never saw him and I guess that’s where the reckless part comes in.”

  “All right, Eve. Let’s go to the bedroom and take care of this.”

  “Now?” She asked. Eve had hoped it would be later, maybe much later.

  “Yes now. Come on.” He took her hand and they went to the bedroom.

  He sat on the side of the bed and Eve swallowed hard. Stephen opened the drawer of the night stand and removed the paddle. “Take off your jeans, honey.”

  Eve did as she was told, hoping if she made no objections, it would go easier on her. But the paddle told her this was not going to be a quick spanking. She lay down across his lap with her panties still on.

  Stephen rubbed her bottom with his hand and said, “I suppose we’ve already had our talk. You know what you did was very reckless. You could have been seriously injured, you could have been the cause of some else being injured or killed.”

  “I know, Stephen. I know and I’m sorry.”

  “I’m going to spank you now, Eve. First with my hand, and then with the paddle. It’s going to be a very hard and very long spanking. I want to be sure you understand the seriousness of this and I don’t want you to ever repeat this again. Do you understand?”

  “Yes, I do understand.” Eve was already crying and all Stephen had done so far was rub her.

  Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

  All five of the first spanks were on her left cheek, stinging sharply.

  Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

  The second five were on her right cheek, stinging just as sharply.

  Another five landed on the left cheek and then another five to the right.

  “Ow! That hurts!” She cried out.

  Stephen gave each cheek another five and said, “It’s supposed to hurt. You’re butt is going to hurt a lot worse before I’m through.”

  Each cheek got five more hard smacks. That’s twenty spanks per cheek! Eve told herself. A total of forty! And he plans to use the paddle!

  “Ow! Stephen, please! Ow!”

  Stephen paused and rubbed her ass for a few minutes, giving Eve time to catch her breath and get her breathing under control. She was crying, but not sobbing hysterically.

  He pulled her panties down to her thighs and picked up the paddle. He began to methodically paddle her butt. Hard, steady blows. One after another, without any pause.

  Eve kicked her legs up, but Stephen threw his right leg over her legs, effectively capturing her legs in a scissor lock so she couldn’t move them.

  He continued to steadily paddle her rear, while she continued to cry out, begging him to stop.

  Eve had lost count, it hurt too much. It was all she could do to just keep begging. “Stephen!” She gasped. “I can’t take anymore, please stop!”

  Stephen didn’t stop. It wasn’t anger that kept him going; it was a determination to see to it that she never did anything like this again. However, when he looked down at her bottom, he saw that it was enough. He needed to stop or he could hurt her badly.

  Eve was sobbing loudly and pitifully. Her fists were clenched around the bedclothes.

  Stephen stopped and repositioned her on his lap. He cuddled her close and told her he loved her. “Eve, you must never do anything like that again. You have to pay more attention to what’s going on around you when you’re driving. You cannot let yourself get lost in your music to the point that you don’t even hear a police siren. Do you understand, sweetheart?”

  Eve nodded her head, still sobbing, and said, “Yes, I do understand. And I’m sorry, Stephen. It won’t happen again.”

  “Good. I’m glad to hear that. Now Eve, I’m afraid this was a very serious matter. Your punishment is not over yet. I want your bottom to sting for the next several days to remind you of the seriousness of this. But I don’t want to hurt you. So I am taking the officer’s advice of using a firmer hand, and you will receive a hand spanking, and not a light one, for the next three nights at bedtime. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, but Stephen…don’t you think...”

  “No, Eve. You will not have a say in this. This is not negotiable. The three hand spankings stand.”

  She caught her breath, continued to sob onto Stephen’s big chest, and just nodded her understanding.

  Eve did not swear, was not snippy or sarcastic, she broke no rules. The three additional nights of spankings stung her ass something fierce with the condition it was already in. But she thought Stephen had used lighter spanks than he originally intended. Still, her ass had not been this uncomfortable from any previous spanking.

  They had not made love until the morning after her final hand spanking. Oh, but when they did, it was something to remember. The feelings Stephen brought out in her were incredible. And she thought the remaining stinging in her butt somehow enhanced the lovemaking.

  Finally, it was th
e end of the thirty day trial. Stephen came home from work and after dinner he said, “Well, this is it. Our thirty days trial is complete. Show me your office and then we’ll talk.”

  Eve took him into her work area. It was nearly done. She had two shelves that had not been cleaned up. She knew she was going to get a spanking, but it should be a light one. She had resigned herself to it.

  “Honey, this looks great!” Stephen lavished praise on her efforts. “I am so proud of you!”

  Didn’t he see the two messy shelves?”

  “It’s not quite finished, Stephen. Those two shelves still need work. I know that means I’ve earned a spanking and I can only hope it will not be too severe since it’s such a small part of the room that’s not clean.”

  Stephen put his arm around her shoulders and said, “I think we can let it go. You’ve done a remarkable job in here. Don’t you find it better to work in a clean environment?”

  “Yes, I have to admit that I do. Stephen, when you say we’ll let it go does that mean no spanking?” He could hear the hopefulness in her voice.

  “That’s exactly what it means,” he answered her with a smile.

  Eve gave him a brilliant smile and hugged him. “I love you.”

  They went to the living room snuggled together on the sofa.

  “Tell me, Eve. What’s the verdict on our trial period?”

  Eve took a deep breath. She’d been thinking about this a lot. Her last spanking had been a week ago; it had been the last of the three additional spankings for her driving incident.

  But she had to admit that her swearing was almost completely under control. Stephen rarely had to give her more than one warning. She couldn’t remember the last time he’d given her a warning for being snooty towards him. So that took care of the disrespect issue.

  Lying had never really been a problem, though she had in the past committed lies of omission. Dishonesty was definitely under control since it had never been a real issue.

  Disobedience wasn’t a problem. Stephen wasn’t a man that required his wife to jump up every time he said something.

  The final component of the four D’s was danger or dangerous activities. That one had been seriously violated with her reckless driving and speeding. And it had been seriously punished. There would not be a repeat of any dangerous activities. At least not purposefully.

  Eve felt wonderfully free, and happy. She never felt guilty over anything because she came to Stephen with all her problems. If she went to him before the problems became serious, he helped her straighten them out. She truly felt like a cherished, loved woman. She felt taken care of and secure.

  As for Stephen; he’d come into his own. He was confident and secure with himself as a man. He was fair in everything he did. This lifestyle had turned him into a real man, in control and in charge, without being overbearing.

  And the sex had become so intense that there was no way Eve was risking the return of boring, once a month sex. She had especially come to like the play spankings that they sometimes did before sex. She supposed the arousal she felt during and after a spanking might make some people think she was some kind of freak. But she didn’t care.

  Some people might think her a weak, submissive woman for letting her husband discipline her by spanking. But she knew she wasn’t weak or submissive. She had come to respect her husband and she always treated him with respect. She made her own decisions concerning her business. She voiced her own opinions on anything they discussed; she was not swayed by his beliefs. The difference now was that they discussed things calmly, intelligently, and without Eve throwing sarcastic and belittling remarks at Stephen.

  The trial period had worked. She looked at her incredibly handsome husband and saw the hope and anticipation of her answer in his eyes. She smiled at him, leaned up to kiss him and said, “The verdict is in, and it is a resounding yes. We will continue for another six months and then re-evaluate again. But I doubt there’ll be any change then.”

  Stephen took her in his arms and kissed her deeply. “Darling, you have made me very happy. Let’s go to bed, I have a sudden need to make love to my beautiful wife.”

  Eve gave him a playful little pout and said, “I think I might have been a naughty girl, but I just can’t remember what I did. I might need a little discipline before we make love.”

  “I’ll tell you what you did, you little minx. You teased your husband and now you’ll have to pay the price.”

  “Oh dear, what do you think that price will be?”

  “I think a nice sound spanking on your bare ass is in order. Now get in the bedroom.” He playfully swatted her ass as she headed in that direction.

  Eve felt the thrill of anticipation roll over in her belly and almost ran to the bedroom.

  The End



  She knew she was driving too fast. Way too fast. The speed limit was seventy-five on this stretch of highway and the speedometer was hovering just under one hundred. Frank would kill her if he knew. But then, she was driving away from Frank so he wasn’t going to get the chance to know about this.

  Maggie was driving so fast to put as much distance between her and Frank before he woke up. She had an irrational fear that he would get in his car and follow her, come after her, and then drag her back to their small home that sat on a five acre lot in southern California. She needed to get far away, and she needed to do it as fast as possible.

  She pushed her dark brown hair behind her ears and glanced up at the rear view mirror. All she could see were headlights from the cars that were far behind her. She told herself to calm down, to slow down. There was no way Frank was coming after her. He wouldn’t have any idea in which direction she was headed; most likely he’d think she’d be headed for her parent’s home in Chicago.

  Maggie tried to think how Frank would react when he awoke and found the note she left on the kitchen table. It was a very short note, saying only that she was leaving him and that he should not come looking for her. She thought he’d first call Emily, her best friend. That’s where he’d expect her run to. Then he’d call her few other friends, and after that he’d call her folks in Chicago. But no matter who he called, he’d strike out on every single one. No one knew where she was going, including herself.

  She had planned this very carefully. Running to a women’s shelter was not for her. Those places usually required that you undergo some sort of counseling or psychiatric evaluation. Maggie knew she didn’t need that. She knew exactly why her marriage failed and she knew she should have left Frank no later than after the second time he’d beaten her. Probably after the first time. But she always went with the old saying: The first time someone hurts you, it’s their fault; the second time that person hurts you, it’s your fault.

  Well, by that reasoning it was pretty much all her fault. Because Frank had hurt her again and again and again. Frank had hurt her so many times that she had long since lost count. She felt like she’d wasted the last three years of her life by staying with him, hoping that she could change him. Her father was right; leopards don’t change their spots and tigers don’t change their stripes. But she had loved Frank and was sure that he would change, but instead he’d beaten the love right out of her. She felt nothing for Frank anymore.

  Frank was always remorseful after beating her. He would hug her, kiss her, tell her he was sorry and promise that it would never happen again. Frank would be a model husband for the next three or four days and then the downward spiral would begin again and something, anything, would set him off and it would all start over again.

  Maggie had spent the last six months planning her departure. Once she made up her mind to leave Frank, once she had faced the fact that her marriage was over, that Frank would never change, that she no longer loved him and therefore was done trying to convince herself that she could change him, she slowly began the process of leaving him in such a way that it would be difficult for Frank to find her. It wouldn’t be
impossible to find her, but Frank didn’t have the computer skills to hunt her down.

  Having calmed herself down by thinking rationally about the virtual impossibility of Frank tailing her, Maggie slowed her SUV down to a respectable eighty miles an hour, just five miles over the speed limit. As she drove, she sipped at her coffee mug, thinking over all the steps she’d taken in the last six months.

  The first thing she did was quietly revert back to her maiden name. It wasn’t difficult; she had gone to nursing school before she married Frank Osborn and her nursing degree was in her maiden name of Margaret Mallory. She had been working at a regional medical center and had used her married name when she first got the job. But it would be easy to get another job under her maiden name for any future employment.

  Her driver’s license and credit cards had all been under Margaret Osborn. She had gone to the motor vehicle department and claimed she lost her license. Telling the clerk that she was now divorced and wanted her new license under her maiden name, she had used a copy of her nursing degree and her birth certificate to get a new one.

  By claiming the original license was lost, she did not have to surrender it. It sat in her wallet with the new license tucked behind it. If Frank should ever go in her wallet he would see the old one and never think to check what was behind it.

  Once she had the driver’s license she obtained a mailbox at one of the mail center stores that used a street address with what appeared to be an apartment number. Then she opened an online checking account in her maiden name. She did not order paper checks and had the credit card and debit card sent to her new mailbox address.

  The next step had been to apply for a few other bank credit cards. She began to have her paychecks deposited directly to her online account. Frank had made this part very easy. He always had a thing about the man supporting his family and providing all necessities. Frank felt it was demeaning for a man to have his wife contribute to expenses. He told her she could save all her money for vacations or their old age.


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