Secret at Pebble Creek

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Secret at Pebble Creek Page 2

by Lisa Jones Baker

  A boy who looked to be about sixteen years of age, stepped forward to join them. Eli turned and motioned. “This is my brother, Wayne.”

  Jessica shook hands again.

  “Wie bist du heit.”

  Jessica assumed he was saying Nice to meet you. His grip wasn’t quite as firm or confident. But the smile that met hers was every bit as friendly as his older sibling’s. Of course, his fingers were rough, too.

  “Thanks for making it here on such short notice. You come highly recommended.”

  With an inviting wave, she motioned them in and shut the door. As they followed her into the kitchen, she grabbed a pad of paper from the tiled countertop and looked at it a few moments before meeting their curious gazes.

  “I haven’t been here long, but I’ve managed to jot down some things that need doing to the kitchen.” She looked at the wooden floors that stretched to two open rooms. “Of course, you’re the professionals, so I’m eager to get your input.”

  Eli took the paper from her and regarded it as Wayne made his way outside. His gaze drifted to her new book of crossword puzzles on the table.

  She smiled a little. “They’re my sport.”

  As he nodded and regarded her list, she took advantage of the opportunity to study him more carefully. He was ruggedly handsome. She noted a light scar on his neck, dark hazel eyes, tanned face, and his taller-than-average build.

  Looking back at her, he returned the smile and said, “By the way, welcome to Arthur.”

  She tried not to grin in amusement. She’d not been here long, but she already knew that the town was much too small for her, and too quiet. She looked around and took in the sparseness of the room—the few pieces of furniture. No pictures. No phone. A delicate-looking blanket in soft blue covered one end of the couch. A jacket hung from a peg on the wall, while a pair of large, worn black shoes rested neatly on the edge of the doormat. As she considered the Plain Faith, she found herself curious about the people who were so disciplined and tied to their faith as to not use electricity or drive cars.

  Eli’s voice broke her thoughts. “Where are you from?”

  Jessica returned her gaze to him. “St. Louis, Missouri.”

  When he didn’t say more, she went on. “There hasn’t really been much time to digest all of this in …” She made a wide motion with her hands. “The moment I learned that Sam’s four sons had already passed and that I was the single heir to my great-uncle’s estate, I got time off of work, packed, and drove here.” Fortunately, she had a small check coming in from last year’s unused vacation days at her job as a checkin clerk at a hotel. She’d miss the extra money she made from waitressing part-time.

  Suddenly, she wanted to explain. She wasn’t sure why. “I’m the only child of an only child. When my folks were alive, Sam Beachy was mentioned on rare occasions. Sam’s brother, who was my grandfather on Dad’s side, never joined the Amish church.”

  Eli’s voice was soft. “Poor Old Sam came down with pneumonia several months ago.” He lifted his chin as if he’d remembered something. “By the way, I want you to know that there’s no need to worry about animals on the property. Neighbors found good homes for his horse and dog.”

  “Thanks for letting me know. I can’t imagine the amount of work that goes into hitching a horse to the carriage. And the maintenance. Isn’t it costly to feed them?”

  An amused smile curved the corners of his lips. He nodded. “Jah. But they’re a necessity. We Amish rely heavily on animals, especially horses.”

  Her eyes widened. “Until now, I’ve never known anyone who even owned one. But I’ve seen plenty of them at night in the city when people take horse-drawn carriage rides. However, that’s for pleasure.”

  “We use them to work and for travel.”

  She motioned. “Can I show you something?”


  Wayne reentered with what appeared to be a tool box as Jessica led Eli outside to the back yard, where tall trees hovered. Leaves danced with the light breeze. She motioned to the pasture that was encompassed by a wire fence, and the huge old red building in the near distance. “The barn needs a fresh coat of paint.” Then she turned to face the large tank next to the side of the house.

  As if reading her thoughts, Eli offered, “We use propane gas for stoves, refrigerators, and water heaters. And the Amish who live close enough to town can tap into natural gas.”

  As she took in the acres of farmland that seemed to go on and on, she spoke in a soft voice filled with wonder. “The property’s absolutely beautiful. In fact, it reminds me of a fairy tale.”

  He nodded in silence.

  “During my drive here, I saw quite a bit, but what’s unique about this place is the hill.” She arched an amused brow. “It seems out of place.”

  Eli nodded in agreement. “It is unusual. Because Central Illinois is predominantly flat.” He grinned. “I guess you’re right. About the hill being a bit out of place.”

  Suddenly, pent-up emotion overcame her, and her voice cracked. “I never knew my great-uncle, and he left me this house and beautiful property.”

  She teared up and lifted her hands in the air before dropping them to her sides. “I don’t know why I’m so emotional when I think about him.”

  Jessica was quick to notice the moisture that sparkled on Eli Miller’s eyes. She could glimpse Wayne through the small kitchen window, unloading something. “There was no better man than Old Sam.” Eli smiled a little. “And don’t worry. I’m going to make sure you’re well taken care of.”

  His words prompted her to sigh in relief. But the soft, mesmerizing way he’d assured her, along with his hazel eyes, made her pulse pick up to a speed that she was sure must be illegal.


  Inside the Beachy house, Eli considered the new owner of Sam’s home, who looked to be in her early twenties. Honey-blond hair with long bangs framed a lovely set of green eyes. Even though the Amish focused on a person’s inner beauty, he couldn’t help but think that this girl in her nice, conservative dress and high heels was pretty.

  As Eli and Wayne measured the countertops, Jessica’s soft voice floated over from the kitchen table where she sat. “Sandy, my real estate agent, told me that your father’s the best builder around and that you’re following in his footsteps.”

  Eli turned to offer her a small nod of appreciation before continuing what he was doing. “I don’t know about that, but denki.” He glimpsed suitcases against the wall. Wayne stepped outside while Eli made his way to the table and pulled out a chair across from Jessica. He breathed in the light flowery perfume that hovered in the air. He smiled a little, noting how very different that scent was from the woodsy smell of Old Sam.

  A few minutes later, Wayne returned with a handful of things, including a metal tape measure. Eli nodded to his brother. “Go ahead and confirm those measurements on the countertop. Looks like it’ll be coming out.”

  He returned his focus to Jessica and offered his most reassuring voice. “Wayne will help me get your place fixed up.”

  Eli scooted closer to the table and adjusted in his seat for a more comfortable position. Without warning, an odd sensation swept up his spine and landed at the base of his neck. He rolled his shoulders to rid himself of the uncomfortable tenseness. The feeling had nothing to do with being so close to Jessica. Or hearing her kind, gentle voice.

  On the contrary, it was because of who wasn’t there. Old Sam. As reality hit him, Eli swallowed an emotional knot that obstructed his throat. He pressed his lips together as he thought through the situation.

  He’d been here many times. At Old Sam Beachy’s. But now things were different. Much different. This was the first time he’d been here without the hope-chest maker. A sad breath escaped him.

  Remembering his purpose, he glanced at the woman across from him and tried a polite smile. But as he did so, reality continued to sink in. It was no longer Old Sam’s place. Even the favorite oak chair that he sat on belonged to the new

  And although he’d heard that there was an Englisch niece from out-of-state, he hadn’t known exactly what to expect. He still wasn’t sure. But he wondered how she could walk in such high heels.

  As Jessica shuffled through some loose papers, Eli recalled the recent funeral of his dear friend. A pencil made a light noise as it hit the wood floor. As Jessica bent to pick it up, it was impossible not to notice the slender curve of her waist. He forced his attention on the former owner of Pebble Creek, and the corners of his lips lifted.

  Hundreds of people had come to pay homage to the most well-respected man around. Eli’s family was still receiving cards of sympathy.

  As Jessica’s gaze connected with his, she asked, “Have you lived here all your life?”

  For some reason, the question surprised him. He paused as she eyed the oak chairs that Old Sam had made long before Eli was born.

  She extended her arm across the table to hand him her notes. As he retrieved them, he took in her plum-colored nails, considered the simple, reasonable question and nodded. “Jah. In the same house.”

  He nodded. “For nearly twenty years.”

  Then he skimmed her list and tapped the toe of his boot against the wood floor while a long silence ensued. He focused on what was in front of him, gently strumming his finger against the white papers. Finally, he waved the top page in the air and locked gazes with hers. He arched a doubtful brow.

  But before he could speak, a soft, anxious voice interrupted what he was about to say. “How long do you think it will take to do the work?”

  Her innocent question prompted a chuckle from his throat. Not because the question was humorous, but because the jobs couldn’t possibly be accomplished overnight. The to-do list might be short, but some tasks were time-consuming.

  But when he started to explain, the hopeful expression that filled her eyes was so sincere, he forced a smile and tried to ascertain how to best explain. It didn’t take long to decide on a simple and realistic approach.

  One thing he’d learned from his daed was to never be overoptimistic with a customer. In carpentry, the unexpected could occur. Things happened to push back the finish date. Setbacks that weren’t anticipated.

  Without a doubt, it was far better to offer the most conservative prediction. As Old Sam had always said, “Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.”

  His daed referred to it as taking a precautionary measure and had always stressed how it was better to finish earlier than planned than later.

  Eli offered a reassuring nod. “There’s good news and bad.”

  Pausing to lean forward in her chair, she looked at him with an eager expression.

  He lowered the pitch of his voice for emphasis. “All this can be done, no doubt about it, ma’am.”


  “Jessica,” he corrected. “But projects of this size …” He hesitated while giving the list another glance. “They take time. One thing I learned from Old Sam was to put out my best quality work, not to rush workmanship centered around detail.”

  Her eyes widened with interest. “My great-uncle said that?”

  Eli nodded. “He was a perfectionist. Especially with the hope chests he designed for people all over the US.”

  “Okay. So how long are we talking?”

  As if realizing she’d said something wrong, she immediately straightened and cleared her throat. “I’m sorry … I didn’t mean to sound abrupt. It’s just tha—”

  He looked at her to continue. When the tape measure snapped closed, Eli glanced at his brother. “Better get some numbers on those cabinets, too.”


  Finally, she lifted her palms in a helpless gesture. “It’s just that … I’d like the house looking good in a month.” She looked away before turning back to him. “I’m taking a few weeks off work to get this place salable. Then I’ll place it on the market. And head back to St. Louis.”

  Her surprising words stopped his thoughts, and he straightened. List the property? The place he and his family and friends had fallen in love with over the years and considered a large part of their lives?

  Eli decided on direct honesty. “You must be aware that this isn’t just any parcel. It’s Pebble Creek.”

  “I thought …”

  Eli waved a hand. “Pebble Creek isn’t the real name; it’s what my parents call it. When they were young, they used to meet here. It’s where they fell in love. In fact, my daed asked Maemm to marry him there. They carried flat stones all the way up to the top of the hill, to sit on.”

  “It really must be a special place.”

  Eli nodded.

  Several heartbeats later, she softened her voice and asked, “Is something wrong? The look in your eyes … Are you okay?”

  He nodded. “Of course, the house is yours to do with as you please. I just assumed you were hiring us to remodel so you could live here.”

  After a slight hesitation, he gave a conciliatory shrug and frowned. “I guess I never considered that it would go on the market.”

  Breathing in, she nodded acceptance and crossed her hands over her thighs. Her voice remained calm and logical. “That’s my plan.” She grinned, and for a moment he thought she was going to laugh.

  “What’s so funny?”

  A bright ray of sunshine floated in and lightened the green shade of her eyes a notch. When he realized he was staring, he looked away in embarrassment.

  “Eli, I have to be honest.” Her facial muscles seemed to relax a little and she sat back into her chair. “I’m new to all of this, and if I seem a bit edgy, I apologize.” She lifted her shoulders in an apologetic gesture. “I’m a bit uncomfortable.”

  He waited for her to continue.

  “It’s my first time in the country. I just got here, but already I can tell that it’s way different than what I’m used to. It’s so quiet. And on my way here, I hardly saw any stores. Or restaurants.”

  He grinned at her accurate observation. Before he could get a word in, she went on. “All I know is city life. In my ninth-floor apartment, I’m used to hearing music from the neighbors’ radios. Traffic. An occasional ambulance or fire truck siren. When I look down from my window, I see cars upon cars.”

  His jaw dropped as he listened. She must be glad for the change.

  “Eli, please don’t take this the wrong way. I’m grateful for this.” She looked around before meeting his gaze. “I want to learn everything I can about my dear great-uncle. It’s just that … If the truth be known, I feel like a fish out of water. I mean, there’s no air-conditioner. No TV.” She continued with a small shrug. “No electricity.”

  She lowered her lids a moment before focusing again on his face. “I don’t mean to sound disrespectful, that’s the last thing I want.” She looked down before meeting his gaze with a curious intensity. “How do you live like this?”

  Inside, he chuckled. Now he better understood her. She was out of her comfort zone. A city person who couldn’t in the least comprehend how her great-uncle had survived without electricity. A dressed-up girl who believed she’d have time for crosswords. Finally, he couldn’t suppress his laugh. To his surprise, she joined in the laughter.

  Several heartbeats later, Jessica sighed. “Here I am talking you to death when there’s so much to do. Maybe I should just seal my lips and help you get started?” She ran a finger across her mouth.

  Eli grinned in amusement. Again, he glanced at the list. “I can give you a rough estimate. But first, I need some clarification.” He stood and moved into the kitchen.

  She followed him. “Sure.”

  He raised a brow and pointed to the partial wall that stood between the kitchen and dining room. “First of all, you want this out, right?”

  She nodded. “Yes. To open up the area.”

  He motioned to the fireplace in the dining room. “And you’d like to change the brick?”

  “It looks dirty. Is there any way we could have it cleaned to avoid the c
ost of replacing it?”

  He stepped closer to the fireplace and ran a hand over the stonework. “We can do a wash on it to give it a fresh new look. And if that does the job, it’s a whole lot cheaper than tearing it down and starting from scratch.”

  “Good. Then let’s try that.”

  “Okay.” He went to the cabinets.

  “And you want all new cabinets?”

  She pressed her lips together while she ran a finger over one of the edges. “What I’d like is something more cream-colored. To lighten the room,” she added. “These are so dark. And new handles. Maybe brass?”

  “I have a suggestion.” He tapped his foot to an anxious beat while he thought about how to best serve her needs. “A good friend of mine might be able to redo your cabinets for you. He’s highly skilled. And it would save you a bundle of money.”

  She offered an anxious nod.

  Eli frowned. “The only thing is, he’s in high demand. I’d have to ask him if he could get them done within your time frame.”

  “Would you?”

  Eli nodded. “I’ll ask him at church, but there’s no guarantee he’ll be able to meet your deadline. But let’s check before we think about brand-new cabinets. Because even if you go that route, we’re definitely talking about more than a month to get them done and installed.”

  She lifted her palms and nodded approval. “Okay. Hopefully, your friend will have time to refinish them.”

  Eli jotted down a note to remind him to talk to William Conrad. After he did so, he glanced at her list before turning his attention to the wood floor.

  When he looked up at her, he asked, “So you want to replace the wood flooring with tile?”

  “I think so. And the countertop. Between the flooring, cabinets, countertop, and taking this wall out, I think the room will look a lot lighter. Don’t you agree?” She snapped her fingers in recollection. “Oh, and I’ll pick out new gas appliances. But my real estate agent suggested wiring for electricity … to increase my chances of selling.”

  He took in the drastic changes before offering a simple nod. “The changes you’ve mentioned will give the room a whole different appearance.” He glanced out the window and frowned.


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