Stellar Transformations Book 10

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Stellar Transformations Book 10 Page 48

by I Eat Tomatoes

  In just a while after they channel their internal energy into this formation, the whole formation starts to shine. At the same time, the space around it starts to shake. A light then flashes and the 3 of them immediately disappear from the Golden Tree Island.

  In the Southern Territory, there is a similar island -- the Snowfish Island.

  This island is covered in snowflakes all year round. There is a lake at the very top of a small mountain on the island. This lake has a special kind of fish which is totally white. Because of this and the fact that the island is covered in snow, it is called Snowfish.

  On the Snowfish Island, there is an ancient teleport formation not far from the shore of that Lake Snowfish.

  A light suddenly flickers in the formation for a short time. When the light disappears, 3 young men appear in the formation. They are none other than Qin Yu, Hou Fei and Hei Yu.

  “Big brother, do you know who those killers are?” Hei Yu asks.

  Qin Yu forcefully suppresses the grief and fury in his heart, saying with a shake of his head: “I don’t know at all. But … it’ll only take me a while to find out who they are.” After saying so, he takes out a transmitter.

  “Dame Yan Ji, I’m Qin Yu. That day I listened to my Uncle Lan’s order by leaving my Heaven-Sundering Diagram with my 2nd brother. I just found out that the diagram had been taken away by someone. Do you know who took it and where it is now?”

  The first target of Qin Yu’s inquiry is none other than Dame Yan Ji.

  “Little brother Qin Yu, that day, Lord Wu Kongxue and other experts went to the Qian Long continent. Your 2nd brother knew his place very well so he handed that Heaven-Sundering Diagram over to Lord Wu Kongxue. Who could have thought that Reverend Ming Liang would suddenly appear and snatch the diagram? Even though Lord Wu Kongxue fought a fierce battle with Ming Liang, he still couldn’t take the diagram back. Humph, Lord Wu Kongxue and my school’s Dame Lian Yue both are extremely furious. Now over 10,000 loose devils are already gathering in my Yinyue Palace. Lord Wu Kongxue and the other experts will definitely snatch that diagram back.” Dame Yan Ji keeps no secret at all.

  In fact, this information is basically not a secret on the Teng Long continent. Nearly all the loose immortals and loose devils of both sides know it.

  Because of this, the side of loose immortals is in a festive mood whereas the side of loose devils is in a towering fury.

  Dame Yan Ji does not keep this information a secret from Qin Yu because she thinks that there will be absolutely no problem after she tells it to him.

  Now Qin Yu has found out what he wanted to know.

  “Wu Kongxue, Ming Liang, so it was the loose devils and loose immortals, just about as I expected.” He already knows his targets.



  *** C ***

  - Cun: 寸 -- unit of length in the story, ~ 3.33 cm.

  *** D ***

  - Da: 大 -- big -- friendly way to call someone older and close to you. For example: Da Shan

  - Dacheng stage: 大成期 -- basically means the stage of completeness. The final stage, it’s after the Dujie stage.

  - Demon: 妖 -- what Xiuyaoists aim to become; neutral on the whole.

  - Devil: 魔 -- what Xiumoists aspire to become; evil on the whole.

  - Dongxu stage: 洞虚期 -- basically means the stage of hollowness. It’s between the Yuanying stage and the Kongming stage.

  - Dantian: 丹田 -- the energy center of a person.

  - Dujie stage: 渡劫期 -- basically means the stage of overcoming tribulation. It’s between the Kongming stage and the Dacheng stage.

  *** F ***

  - Formation: an arrangement of objects and/or energy to produce intended effects, for example, the Stone Sentinel Maze (

  *** G ***

  - Golden immortal: aka Universal golden immortal (大罗金仙), a high-level immortal, literally means an everlasting immortal.

  *** H ***

  - Houtian: 后天 -- Post-Heaven, i.e. something that is Acquired.

  *** J ***

  - Jin: 斤 -- unit of mass in the story, ~ 0.6 kg.

  - Jindan: 金丹 -- solidified internal energy in the form of a compact golden ball, representing a high level of martial arts, vital to the practitioner. This is a Taoist term, literally meaning Golden Ball.

  - Jindan-stage: the stage at which a practitioner’s entire internal energy is condensed and solidified into a jindan.

  *** K ***

  - Kongming stage: 空冥期 -- basically means the stage of void and darkness. It’s between the Dongxu stage and the Dujie stage.

  *** L ***

  - Li: 里 -- unit of length in the story, ~ 0.6 km.

  - Liang: 两 -- unit of mass in the story, perhaps ~ 50 g.

  - Liu Xing -- 流星 -- Qin Yu's fake name, which literally means Meteor.

  - Loose Immortal: 散仙 -- basically means a wandering, free immortal. In this story it means a person who keeps practicing using their yuanying without their physical body after the body has been destroyed by a tribulation.

  *** N ***

  - Neidan: 内丹 -- literally means an internal ball. This is a variant of the jindan, formed by animals which practice the Xiuyao way. The term 'jindan' is often used to refer to the 'neidan' in the story.

  *** Q ***

  - Qian Long continent: 潜龙大陆 -- literally means the Hidden Dragon continent.

  - Qi Men Dun Jia: 奇门遁甲 -- roughly means The Mysterious Gates Escaping Technique -- an ancient Chinese metaphysical art. (You only need to know that much. But if someone feels interested in it then here's the wiki link:

  - Qin Yu: 秦羽 -- Qin as in Qin Shi Huang; Yu as in Guan Yu -- main protagonist; also called endearingly Yu'er or Xiao Yu.

  *** S ***

  - Samadhi flame: 三昧真火 -- a term half borrowed from Buddhism; literally means the true flame of meditative concentration.

  - Shangxian: 上仙 -- literally means a superior immortal being.

  - Small Round: 小周天 -- xiaozhoutian -- an important path for energy circulation in Qigong.

  *** T ***

  - Tribulations: tests/punishments that a practitioner has to undergo upon reaching certain levels of power.

  4-in-9 Heavenly Tribulation: 4 thunderbolts, aka the Minor Heavenly Tribulation. (Xiantian --> Jindan)

  6-in-9 Heavenly Tribulation: 6 thunderbolts. (Yuanying --> Dongxu)

  9-from-9th Heaven Tribulation: 9 thunderbolts, aka the Major Heavenly Tribulation. (Dujie)

  *** X ***

  - Xian: 仙 -- immortal beings, or related to them, or supposed to be related to them.

  - Xiantian: 先天 -- Pre-Heaven, i.e. something that is Innate.

  - Xiao Hei: 小黑 -- literally means Little Black, Qin Yu's black eagle and a secondary protagonist.

  - Xiumo: 修魔 -- basically means practice to become a devil -- the supposedly evil way of Xiuzhen, kind of similar to the Dark Side of the Force.

  - Xiuxianist: 修仙者 -- people who practice martial arts to become immortal beings. They are mostly based on Taoists. You can think that they are Taoists on steroids.

  - Xiuyao: 修妖 -- basically means practice to become a demon -- the animal way of Xiuzhen, used exclusively by self-aware animals.

  - Xiuzhen: 修真 -- roughly means pursuing universal truths through practicing martial arts.

  - Xiuzhenist: 修真者 -- roughly means a person who pursues universal truths through practicing martial arts. It is a much broader term than Xiuxianist but oftentimes they are used interchangeably.

  *** Y ***

  - Yuanying: 元婴 -- literally means the child of essence; a vital, solid body of internal energy in the dantian which looks exactly like a miniature version of the practitioner; when a jindan’s energy reaches a certain level in both quality and quantity, it will transform i
nto a yuanying.

  - Yuanying-stage: the stage at which a practitioner’s entire internal energy forms a yuanying.

  *** Z ***

  - Zhang: 丈 -- unit of length in the story, ~ 3.33 m.

  *** Stages in practice (in ascending order of power) ***

  Xian (immortals) + Mo (devils) + Yao (demons):

  Houtian --> Xiantian --> Jindan --> Yuanying --> Dongxu --> Kongming --> Dujie --> Dacheng/3rd tribulation loose practitioner --> Standard immortal and equivalents (lv1 -> lv9) --> Golden immortal and equivalents (lv1 -> lv9) --> Mystic immortal and equivalents (lv1 -> lv9) --> ...

  Stellar Transformations:

  Houtian --> Xiantian --> Nebula --> Meteor --> Core --> Planet --> Dujie --> Star --> ...

  *** Weapon levels (in ascending order of quality) ***

  Mundane (incl. normal iron -> black iron -> black gold) --> Xian grade (incl. low -> middle -> high) --> holy class (incl. low -> middle -> high -> top) --> immortal class and equivalents (incl. low -> middle -> high -> top) -->

  *** Types of cultivated energy (in ascending order of quality) ***

  Houtian internal energy --> Xiantian energy --> elemental energy --> immortal/devil/demon elemental energy -->

  *** Media of elemental holy energy (in ascending order of quality) ***

  Deposit --> Elemental holy ore --> Elemental holy rock (incl. low -> middle -> high -> top) --> Elemental holy essence.

  *** Schools and factions (in alphabetic order) ***

  Heifeng Island = Black Wind Island (yao)

  Lanyang school = Blue Center school (xian)

  Lianyun Island = Island connected to the clouds (yao)

  Qingxu Temple = Temple of Pure Emptiness (xian)

  Yanmo school = Flaming Devil school (mo)

  Yinyue Palace = Negative Moon Palace (mo)

  Ziyang school = Purple Sun school (xian)

  (to be updated ...)

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