The Skin of the Gods

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The Skin of the Gods Page 27

by Phil Armstrong

  The Doctor registered a slight smile, as he reached deep into his overcoat pocket, to retrieve a black invitation embossed with gold lettering. The invitation was simple, showing an address and a time. On the bottom of the invitation was an embossed name, “Dr. Thomas Adler.” At the center of the invitation was a distinctive emblem. It depicted a seated hound dog with a raised right front paw. A serpent was also shown below the dog. The serpent had its forked tongue protruding. This subtle, yet important marker was a sign. It signaled a meeting of the Elders and a meeting that should not be missed. The hound was the symbol of the British Chapter of Elders. The Order of the Serpent had grown, with a few select chapters internationally.

  The Doctor handed the embossed card to the doorman. He glanced at it quickly. “Welcome Dr. Adler,” he said, with an even thicker accent. He moved his large frame with surprising ease. The warm welcoming light bled forth from the vestibule inside.

  Dr. Adler advanced and was met by a smart attendant who checked his coat. The attendant behaved in the customary manner. He smiled ensuring he was polite and subservient. He showed Dr. Adler to the King’s hall. He swept a white-gloved hand in a circular motion. The invitation was for Dr. Adler to join the small group, assembled in the King’s hall.

  The King’s hall was an impressive oblong shaped room. It had a wooden floor, with dark wood paneling, rising high upon the walls. Above the paneling, rose a solid stone wall decorated with gold frames. The wall contained old oil paintings of men in uniforms. The wooden panels housed recesses that displayed silver trays. The walls were decorated with ancient spears, axes and lances. Mounted within the wooden wall was an ornate clock. It was decorated in colors of blue and gold. It sported a white face with gold hands and a loud rhythmic ticking sound. At one end of the hall, three red-carpeted steps elevated the eye to a stone archway. Beyond, lay a roaring fireplace topped with a gold-framed painting. Faded tapestries hung precariously from the stone wall. The room was topped with an impressive hammer beam vaulted ceiling. Dr. Adler remembered a guide telling him that the original Lord Armstrong was a friend of the King of Siam. He immediately thought of Yul Brynner and Deborah Kerr in that famous movie. The ceiling was made from expensive teak, imported from Siam. Siam is called Thailand today and the King of Siam was said to have loved to work with wood. He helped carve some of the intricate designs, hidden within the roof.

  At the other end of the King’s hall was a round window set high into the wall. The stained glass window was decorated with a six-pointed star. A circle of decorated glass lay within its center. The six-pointed star was long known as the mark of the beast. Staff had cleared the room and a small table with five chairs had been carefully arranged. Dr. Adler had been the last to arrive and was quickly shown to his seat. The table was round and he recognized the four occupants facing him. The attendants backed away, after lighting candles. They closed the doors to the King’s hall and sealed the occupants inside.

  The man opposite Dr. Adler scowled. He reached outwards and with his palm facing downwards, extended his fingers. He displayed a ring, slipped upon the longest finger of his right hand. The ring was gold with an Onyx center. Embedded within the black Onyx was a gold design; it was a five-pointed star. Each of the men extended their hands, touching their fingertips. The inspection was complete; five identical rings validated their attendance.

  Each man sat in silence. Dr. Adler felt tension in his chest, he was nervous. The men looked at a large black cloth covering the contents of the table. A man leaned forward and removed the cloth. He revealed a board with a strange serpent design. A seated hound was carved into the board, which appeared to be made from inlaid wood. Mother of pearl letters reflected the candlelight. They formed an arch across the top of the board. In the center of the board, lay a bone carving of a hound. It sat upon its haunches with one paw outstretched.

  The outstretched paw acted as a pointer. An Elder leaned to one side and referred to a bound manuscript. He started to chant verses in an ancient language. As he continued, he swayed to the guttural noises spilling from his mouth. He closed his eyes and energy swept through his body and down his arm. Each man placed a finger upon the carved bone hound. The Elders pressed their fingers into the bone pointer. The energy pulsed through each person and the pointer seemed to elevate from the board. A strange purple glow leaked from beneath the pointer.

  Over the next hour, a communication channel was opened with a sympathetic spirit. An accord was struck that would change the destiny of the Order of the Serpent forever. The spirit communicated through the board and an agreement was outlined. Instructions were imparted, involving a gateway to the spirit world and the promise of assistance. The spirit promised to help locate sacred artifacts. The spirit would help the Order but he needed to be released, like a genie in a bottle.

  The spirit introduced himself as Paul Smith, a businessman who needed to strike a deal. He refused to use his spiritual name, Badra. He neglected to inform the group of his Gieging training. He knew the location of secret artifacts that, when used together, would open the access to the spirit world and great power. The Order of the Serpent had tried to locate these artifacts for thousands of years. Paul would help from beyond the grave, but he had his own agenda. He needed to attend to unfinished business. Paul had been selected for Gieging. He had been trained in the ancient art of spiritual separation. Gieging was a process that allowed a spirit to separate from the collective universe and manifest for a short time, in the physical world.

  Paul, or Badra, was devastated to hear that his tutelage had ended. He had failed to progress through the training. He needed to get back to the physical world. He needed to correct the failings of his past. He knew of the crystals of Lemuria. These crystals could be programmed to physically house spirits and sustain their energy. Paul was fuelled by hate, disappointment and desire. He had lived for Claire and would do anything to win her heart. Paul had died, writhing from wretched pain, inflicted from severe burns. Paul needed to get back to the physical plane. He could track down the elusive Golden box and the Amulet. Securing these artifacts would give him access to the portal. This would provide a gateway back to the past and back to Claire.

  These imbeciles would be easy to mislead, wrapped up in their own visions of power and grandeur. Paul would play them. When the time is right, he would teach them a lesson in life. He needed the Lemurian crystal. The crystal programmed by Cryanna, would provide him a safe refuge for a while. He instructed the group to purchase the relic and told them where they could find the artifact. A traveler had pawned the necklace to pay debts. The necklace lay undisturbed in a small antique store in Kuala Lumpur. For seven years, it was tucked away untouched within a box of junk. A sign was attached to this small box, it read, “Make me an offer.”

  Paul described the necklace in detail. He provided exact instructions for locating the Malaysian store. He would not reveal the location of the portal artifacts until the necklace had been secured. He described the importance of finding the necklace. It was a necessary step in securing the artifacts the Order so desperately desired.

  Matt was an eager foot soldier. He desperately sought acceptance into the Order. It appeared to be an exclusive, powerful world. Matt knew of the dark underbelly but its secretive nature, appealed to him. An introduction from his University roommate had exposed him to a world of potential.

  Matt was delighted to be trusted with an important task, assigned by a powerful Elder. His task involved traveling to Waterford, in Eire, Southern Ireland. Waterford had been hit hard. The recent economic downturn had not been kind to the employment situation. Matt was whisked through Cork airport and before he knew it, was riding in a taxi through the emerald isle. He stared at the green fields, sheep and dry stone walls. The roads were narrow, but not busy. He indicated to the taxi driver that he didn’t want to talk. The taxi driver was not cooperative, asking Matt where he was from and why he was visiting Waterford? Matt tried to sound evasive but the driver was persiste

  Matt arrived in Waterford on time. It was a quaint place that had a village feel. Small cars zipped about and young Mothers stopped to chat, while pushing prams. It felt nice but he had to concentrate, he could not fail his first important mission for the Order.

  “Well, we’re here mate. St. Saviours as requested,” the young man grinned and pointed to a black sign.

  Matt reached for his wallet.

  “It’s on account mate, including the tip. We aim to please in Waterford.” He pushed a small white card towards him. “Take this. It has my number on it. Just be sure to give me a call, when you’re ready to go back to the airport. I’m assuming you’ll be going back to Cork today?

  Matt took the card, “Yeah, thanks.”

  “Okay Sir, you’ll need to hop out as I’m blocking traffic.”

  Matt opened the door and stepped out. He found himself standing on the stone pavement in front of the Church. The car sped away followed by a stream of small cars, each moving quickly. He turned his back to the road and looked at the black Church sign. “1876” was written in gold letters, contrasting against the glossy black sign. In larger gold colored letters, he could see the words, “St. Saviours.” Beneath was a patterned shield, in a black and white cross design. Below that were the words “Dominican Fathers,” the various mass times were also indicated.

  Matt studied the exterior of the Church. The Church had an impressive façade with two figures carved in stone. They surrounded a centerpiece with an elaborate design. On the left, a statue of a man dressed in monk’s clothes, wearing sandals was standing proud. He held a bible in his left hand and a rosary could be seen dangling from his right hip. He held his right arm high but the statue was damaged. The man’s right hand was missing.

  On the right, was a statue of a woman dressed in a Nun’s Habit. She was holding a heart shaped bottle in her left hand and clutched a cross in her right hand. The two statues flanked a square centerpiece, carved with intricate designs. Surrounding the centerpiece was a crown and a rosary with a cross. Matt strained his head backwards as he looked upwards.

  “Wow,” he said audibly. Positioned in the center of the shield was a hound. Carved into the stone it looked odd, out of place. Surrounded by religious icons, it was clearly a seated hound with its right paw raised. It was there for all to see, but who would notice? Above the hound was a five-pointed star. This reminded him of the rings he had seen on the Elders. Who would know? On a busy high street in Waterford, the Church of St. Saviours displayed a hound with a raised paw. The Order of the Serpent had deep roots and this brought a smile to Matt’s face. If he did this right he would belong to a powerful secret society and he felt the rush of acceptance flow through him. He felt the power and the exhilaration.

  Matt entered the Church, his heart pounding with excitement. “Don’t mess this up,” rang through his ears. It was early and Matt glanced at his watch. It was 10.35am and the Church appeared to be empty. The heavy wooden door closed behind Matt and the noise from the busy high street simply disappeared. Inside the Church a peaceful calm descended. The Church had high walls. Stone columns supported white arches with yellow accents. The Church was a nice refuge from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Matt’s heart continued to beat quickly. His head snapped to the left as he saw something move within the shadows. A man approached quickly and Matt was caught off guard.

  “Can I help you young man?” A small man wearing dark clothes and carrying a walking cane approached.

  Matt struggled to adjust his eyes to the dim light. “I’m looking for Father O’Reagan.”

  “I think he’s in the back, let me see.” The thin man turned and wheeled away, eager to please.

  Matt started to examine the Church and stopped to look at a beautifully carved confession box. He became aware of an approaching figure. Father O’Reagan appeared wearing jeans and a blue woolen sweater. “Father O’Reagan, how can I help you my son?” The Father smiled and offered a large hand to shake. Father O’Reagan was a local man, with a soft Irish lilt to his voice. He was a large framed man standing well over six foot tall with large muscular arms.

  Matt managed to stutter out the phrase he had rehearsed. “Hello, I heard you could help me with my hound?”

  The smile immediately dropped from the Father’s face. He quickly glanced to his left and right. Making sure the Church was empty, he grabbed Matt by the elbow and steered him into the alcove with the large wooden confession box.

  “Who sent you?” snapped the Father.

  “The Elders,” said Matt firmly.

  “What do you want?” asked the Father, sizing up Matt.

  “You know why I’m here; I want the necklace, the crystal.” Matt’s voice was steady and strong. He could sense the panic in the Father, which tilted the balance of power his way.

  The Father stepped towards the confession box as he continued to grip Matt’s elbow. He opened the wooden door and shoved Matt towards the entrance. “Get in here and wait for me,” snapped the Father abruptly.

  Matt made direct eye contact with the Father. He looked spooked and serious. “You’d better come back with the necklace or there will be consequences.”

  “Sit, I will return.”

  Matt closed the wooden door and looked around the small confined space. The wooden floor looked smooth and the kneeling pad was faded and worn. He could see a large square mesh in front of him that would separate the Father from the person making the confession. The wood was carved and neatly fitted together at the seams. The quality was old school. Matt waited a long time before he heard steps and the door beyond the screen open. The wooden structure shook as the Father took his seat. Matt could just see the shape of a figure through the carved mesh screen.

  “I don’t like you coming to my place of work. I have two separate lives and this one is none of your business, the Elders should know better.”

  Matt listened and was starting to get annoyed. “This Church has a five pointed star and a seated hound above the front door. All you need now is a neon sign!”

  “I’m integrated into this community and I don’t want my work here compromised. Waterford is not the stronghold that it used to be. I had a strange oriental visitor here a week ago. He left me with a package that he said would be retrieved by the Elders. I opened it, because I was not going to run drugs or contraband. It was a necklace. Presumably the one you seek. Tell the Elders that I’m not a convenient drop off point.”

  “Would you like me to tell the Elders that you’re not committed to the cause?” replied Matt in a low monotone voice.

  “I don’t think anyone knows what the cause is anymore. Chasing ancient artifacts is not a priority for me, compared to my work here. This community needs me.”

  Matt leaned into the screen. “This Church could meet an unfortunate accident, a fire perhaps? The types of people you’re messing about with are powerful and have long memories. I suggest you cooperate.”

  The screen slid back quickly, making a screeching noise as the stained wood grabbed within the worn groove. A large hand pushed through the gap holding a green lacquered box. “Take it and be gone. I’ve done my part.”

  Matt grabbed the box and stuffed it into his pocket. “It’s been a pleasure Father, I’m sure the Elders will be pleased. I didn’t realize that the Church was part of the Order of the Serpent but obviously we still have deep roots in these parts.”

  “Not quite. Years ago many local businessmen were associated with the Order but across the river you’ll find the remains of a Templar stronghold. The Templar’s waged a war here and eradicated the Order. A local stone merchant belonged to the Order. He survived and helped build this Church. He was responsible for the symbolism. The Church was totally unaware. They were likely given alternate explanations of the symbols,” explained the Father.

  “And you?”

  “My Father was involved, when he passed he left me with this unwanted dubious connection. I was a man of the cloth before I was given
this honor,” said the Father, his tone dripping in sarcasm.

  Matt couldn’t resist, “Do I need to say a few Hail Mary’s?”

  “I think it’s time for you to go young man, I’ll pray for you. I have a feeling you’ll need it.”


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