UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT (Gods of the Gridiron Book 1)

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UNSPORTSMANLIKE CONDUCT (Gods of the Gridiron Book 1) Page 24

by Shanna Swenson

  Sky swooned as his words hit her where she needed them most. “Oh Travis.”

  She leaned into him and unleashed twenty-eight years of reservation, self-hate, and doubts and let him heal every scar she’d ever been given, verbally and physically. She thrust her tongue in, warring with his in a passionate dance that left them breathless and aching and before she could get her urges fully out, the door was opening and they were gaping up at a shocked Madi and Hunter.

  “Well, well, looks like we interrupted just before they attempted to make a baby.”

  Madi gasped and swatted at a laughing Hunter. “Sorry, guys. We always did have poor timing.”

  Skyla’s face reddened, and Travis thankfully was the first to recover as he pulled them out of the car and adjusted himself.

  “I see you made up fairly quickly.”

  “All is right as rain,” Travis noted and cleared his throat.

  “Sky, you look amazing. I love that lace.” Madi oohed and aahed over Sky’s elegant black lace cocktail dress and pulled her in for a hug.

  “You look stunning as always, Madi.”

  Madi waved her hand, bashfully, but she did look stunning as always, in a form-fitting rust-colored silk halter gown with a train.

  “Two fine-looking ladies, dude.” Hunter nudged Trav’s arm.

  “We’re damn lucky.”

  “Luck had nothing to do with it, I’m hung like a—”

  “Hunter Lawrence Thomas,” Madi scolded and took his arm.

  Sky laughed even as Madi and Hunter moved ahead of them and she took Travis’s arm, getting a bright grin and a peck on her cheek.

  They moved into the beautiful Italian restaurant that Madi had chosen. They were sat right away at a table in the back of the restaurant, far from the crowd in a spacious alcove. Having money came with perks, Sky saw right away as a waiter came right over with waters and menus.

  “It is my pleasure to serve you, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas, Ms. Larson, and Mr. Redmond. I’m Vincenzo and if you have need of anything, please do ask.”

  They started with wine and appetizers, fried calamari, and eggplant rollatini. Then came fresh salads with plump heirloom tomatoes and burrata, sizzling rotisserie meats, chicken, sausage and meatballs, fresh handmade tortellini and pappardelle pasta, and finally, gelato.

  Sky had never tasted finer foods and imagined that was about as close to true Italian as she was ever going to get. She was stuffed and enjoying dining with Travis, Madi and Hunter.

  Hunter, much to her surprise, had a generous side once he put his over-inflated ego away. He and Madi were sweet together, and she could easily understand why they were attracted to one another; they complimented each other well and laughed a lot. Madi was a gracious hostess, making sure everyone got their fill and didn’t want for anything. Skyla was glad Madi had suggested this. It made her realize that despite their money, their big houses, and their hectic and over-hyped jobs, deep down they were just people too, who had the same wants and needs as others did.

  Madi and Hunter discussed the fact that they were trying to get pregnant, and Sky wished them luck, touched that they’d included her in on their “little secret.” Madi spoke of how proud she was of the team, her father, her husband, and her family as a whole. They’d really given back to the community, donating both their money and their time to veterans, underprivileged children, and victims of domestic abuse to name a few. Sky was blown away by her generosity and how humble she seemed. Madi also mentioned how glad she was that Travis had joined their ranks and spoke of his accomplishments in the few months since he’d come to them. She could see that Travis was truly happy here in Atlanta and was so grateful things were finally looking up for him, despite all that had gone on with Geraci and his men. It was hard to believe that mere weeks ago, they’d been sneaking around and hiding out in a shack in the Rocky Mountains. My how things have changed.

  Travis’s thoughts must have been in line with hers and he laughed. “This was delicious but not quite as good as my little Aphrodite’s feasts in the cabin.”

  “Uh oh, I sense a story coming on here.” Hunter’s brow raised in question.

  “I beg to differ. I never made a feast quite like this.”

  “I dunno, those chicken and dumplins were mighty hard to compete with.” Travis’s grin said he was referring to something other than the dumplings.

  Sky laughed. “You’re just buttering me up, Travis Redmond.”

  “That’s exactly how I like you, baby.” He pulled her in for a smooch even as Hunter smarted off with, “Maybe these two could teach us a thing or two about this whole baby-making process.”

  Travis snorted in a laugh and got them all cracking up. “Now don’t get any ideas, Hermes. I’m not into exhibitionism.”

  “Well damn, it was worth a shot. Sorry, honey.” Hunter looked apologetically over at Madi, who rolled her eyes and smacked her head with her hand dramatically.

  Once they were done and heading out, Madi pulled Sky in for a big hug. “This was so much fun. We must do it again, I insist.”

  “I couldn’t agree more. I had a wonderful time.”

  “Enjoy your day off tomorrow, man. I’ll be preheating the oven, if you know what I mean.” Hunt winked to Travis, who gave him a knowing smirk.

  “The key is not to babysit the timer.”

  Hunter brought his hand up to his chin thoughtfully, jokester that he was.

  “Lord, I don’t know whether I’m making a child or a turkey,” Madi stated.

  Sky tried hard to hold back a laugh but didn’t succeed.

  Finally, she and Travis said their goodbyes and slid back into the limo where Travis pulled Skyla to his chest, resting her head against his pec.

  “That was fun,” he said.

  “It was. Thanks,” Sky replied.

  “For what?” he asked, looking into her eyes as he stroked her hair.

  “For inviting me.”

  “Madi invited you, so I guess it should be me thanking you.” He winked and leaned in for a kiss. It was a soft, sensual, slow kiss, unhurried as they savored it. Finally, Travis pulled back. “I’m glad you approve of them.”

  “Me approve of them? You got it backward, Trav.” Sky shook her head.

  “Negative, Aphrodite. You need the approval of no one. That’s what you keep forgetting.” And the look in his admiring eyes almost had her believing it to be true.

  Skyla blinked and December was almost over; Christmas was upon them.

  She’d gotten to attend her first Atlanta home game—as a player’s girlfriend—on the first Sunday of the month. She’d been excited to meet Travis’s mother, Fiona, and brother, Tucker, who favored Travis very little, surprisingly. Travis definitely got his looks from his mom—and her eyes. She was thrilled to meet a woman she called “stable” in Travis’s life, and they’d all eaten dinner together following the end of the one o’clock game. Tucker still had some bruising and lacerations to his face, but had healed up well considering. He was excited about starting college next semester—Forensics, how intriguing.

  Sky had also gotten to meet Madison’s mother, Amelia, and fun-loving and blunt-speaking sister, Brooke, at the home game, where the luxury box seats were even nicer than the ones in Cleveland.

  The Gladiators had won that game and the next, following a bye week. This past game had also been a win, and they were heading to the play-offs next week in the Wild Card Round. It was as if the shift that had turned her and Travis’s life around was affecting everything; she was grateful to be witnessing the spectacular show. Travis’s skills never ceased to amaze her. He was tough, fought hard for every yard, and crushed every goal he set. He’d beaten a team record as well as a cumulative rushing record. He and the rest of the team had come back from a six-game loss to be undefeated, and now they had a prospective Super Bowl in their future.

  They’d had dinner with the team last night, a holiday celebration at Madi and Hunter’s where he’d introduced her as his girlfriend which made
her heart happy. Their home was extremely luxurious and big, and Sky had enjoyed meeting all the other players, their ladies, and kids. Linc and Valeria’s baby boys were little angels, and Sky simply adored how attached Travis was to them. Seeing him holding them and how they’d responded to him made her ovaries ache. He noticed how her eyes glazed over as she’d watched him interacting with the little toddlers. They’d gone home after a scrumptious dinner and drinks to literally tear the sheets up.

  Geraci had been denied bail and was looking to serve thirty years to life, possibly even the death penalty so long as their witnesses came through. The trial was set to begin in February, despite that his lawyer was attempting to work out a deal with the state. DA Jeffers was leery of any type of bargain and was seeking the max penalty for each charge.

  Now, Skyla was sitting in Travis’s living room, finally alone with him as they sat on the couch sipping their coffee on Christmas morning. Travis seemed lighter than he had and each day with him made her appreciate him even more, fall in love with him even deeper, and thank God that he’d been planted in her path.

  She’d not been sure what to get the man who pretty much had it all. He’d insisted that she not get him any gifts, stating that he’d been given the world when they’d been thrust together in San Antonio almost two months ago. Still, she’d gotten him a few presents, including a customized Yeti with the depiction of a running back and the word “The Mighty Ares” beneath it because she needed something; she couldn’t not give him gifts on Christmas. He’d loved them all.

  She told him the same and balked as he brought out a present from beneath the giant tree, twinkling with multi-colored lights and a star atop it.

  “Travis!” she scolded. “We said no gifts.”

  “Yeah well, you didn’t follow the rules, Aphrodite. What makes you think I was going to?” The sly grin he gave her made her want to take him back to the bedroom and violate all the rules, despite that they’d already made love like there was no tomorrow. “Besides, this isn’t a gift so much as it’s Ares staking his claim.”

  She gaped as Travis took the present, lifted the lid off it, and knelt in front of her. She held her breath as he pulled a velvet box from the package and cupped it, grinning at her as if he were the happiest man alive.

  “My sexy Aphrodite,” he began and took her hand. “It’s been two amazing months since you took me by storm. The guys told me it was too early to propose, even though I really wanted to. They said it was—and I quote—creepy, inappropriate, and in the words of Hunter Thomas, ‘highly irrational.’ Sooo, I resorted to my own good judgement and decided to show you how much I love you, with something almost as good as an engagement ring.”

  Skyla looked down at the little blue box from Tiffany and Company and gasped as it opened to reveal a gorgeous rose gold olive leaf band inset with diamonds.

  “Oh, Trav.” She felt tears come to her eyes as she looked back up into the love that shone so brightly in his.

  “Skyla Larson, this ring isn’t just a promise that you’ll be mine. This represents so much more. It’s my promise to you. My promise to never disappoint you. My promise to be faithful. My promise to be yours. Baby, I want everything: the wedding, the house, the kids, the white picket fence. I want it all. And I want it all with you. But I also know how important your career is, and that you’re striving to become DA one day soon. I don’t want your plans to change because of me. Our careers are in their prime after all, but I do want you to know what you mean to me. I’m your god and you’re my goddess, and it would make me the happiest man on earth if you’d wear my ring and show that to the world.”

  Sky’s heart threatened to explode as he lifted the ring in his thumb and index finger. She nodded vigorously, and he moved it onto the ring finger of her left hand where she admired the sparkle of it in the sunlight.

  She looked into the eyes of the man who held her heart as he leaned in to kiss her. She savored his plump lips and how her heart swelled in that moment, knowing that she’d never been happier.

  When she pulled back, tears ran down her face as she observed the gorgeous promise her god had made to her, sparkling vibrantly on her finger.

  Travis “Ares” Redmond, the god of war, had finally found something worth fighting for; it was the heart of his Aphrodite, Skyla Larson.


  Skyla laughed over at Travis, rolling her eyes as he sweet-talked their chef into another few shrimp tacos.

  “Thank you, Marcel. It’s absolutely delicious.”

  “Of course. I’ll be back in un minuto, señor Redmond.” Marcel rushed back to the grill, beaming brightly.

  “You pig,” Sky scolded. “You’ve had three already, and rice and beans.”

  “You’ve made me work up an appetite, my goddess.” He kissed the back of her hand.

  They’d both worked up an appetite following a day on the beach and sex in the stone shower, bed, and downstairs on the couch before Marcel came to make their dinner.

  They’d come for a week in Cancun to Lincoln’s beach house. Travis had a commercial that was filming there, and Geraci’s trial started next week so they’d wanted a fun and quick Valentine’s Day trip. Linc had volunteered the house and Travis had jumped on it, thanking him profusely for letting them stay.

  “Any time, brother. Glad to have someone stayin’ in it,” Linc had told him.

  “Well, it’s much appreciated. It’s a great place.”

  Travis had stayed at the beach house before a few other times and always enjoyed the comfort of the home and stunning view. The white sands and blue-green waters eased his mind and the warm sun and crystal-clear pool was refreshing. Having Sky here made it all the more enjoyable.

  Vacationing with her for the first time was intensely satisfying. Their relationship had only gotten stronger since he’d given her a promise ring at Christmas. Their team had gone into the playoffs in January, after a stellar end to their season, but lost in week one to the Pats. Even still, Travis couldn’t remember ever being happier.

  After the awesome time they’d had this week, he couldn’t wait to have many more vacations with the woman he loved. They discussed going to Europe in the summer and spending next Christmas at the cabin where their love had originated. He was still trying to plan when and how he would propose, he wanted it to be symbolic and—although she wouldn’t approve—extravagant. He was Travis Redmond, after all.

  He pulled Skyla to him for a kiss, then grunted as his phone buzzed in his pocket. He started to ignore it—assuming it was just another like or comment from the pics he’d posted earlier on Instagram of him and Sky when they snorkeled with sting-rays—seeing as her lips were bringing his desire back to life, but then Skyla pulled back.

  “Baby, your phone’s ringing.”

  Travis groaned and grabbed it. He smiled when he saw Lincoln’s name, hit the green answer button, and put it on speaker. “Hey buddy! I’m just sittin’ here listening to the ocean and about to eat another shrimp taco made by your amazing chef. Whatever you’re paying him, double it, he’s totally worth it!”

  “Trav…I… Jeez, are you sitting down?” Linc sounded frenzied.

  “Yeah, man. You ok?” Trav asked, feeling his gut tighten. He looked to Sky who pulled her lips in with concern.

  “Oh Jesus, Trav. It’s horrible. It’s…” Linc gasped. Was he fuckin’ crying?

  “Linc! What is it? Is Val ok? The boys?” Bile rose in his throat as he imagined something happening to those sweet little twins, and he thought he might be sick.

  “It’s not them. Val and the twins are fine. It’s…God, it’s Hunter. Trav, he’s…he’s gone.”


  “He’s dead, bro.”

  “What? No!” Trav felt his panic rise. No. It couldn’t be true. It just couldn’t be.

  “He and Brett were in his new car. They were T-boned.”


  “He’s fine, not a scratch on him…but Hunter… It hit the side Hunte
r was on. Travis, he’s gone. There— There was no saving him. It’s like something out of a nightmare… How soon can y’all get back?”

  “We’ll leave first thing in the morning.”

  “Alright. I have more calls to make so I’ve gotta go. But please, be safe. I’ll see y’all tomorrow.”

  Sky looked back into Travis’s stunned face as tears flowed down her cheeks. She covered her face with her hands and sobbed as Travis pulled her to him. “Oh Travis. I’m so sorry. Oh God, I can’t believe this.”

  Travis tried to calm his pounding heart as his mind struggled to absorb what Lincoln had just told them. Their best wide-receiver, their friend, their goofball of a teammate was gone before his twenty-ninth birthday. Travis was sick, physically sick.

  Suddenly, Skyla pulled back and gasped. “Oh, Trav. Madi! Oh, God. I can’t even imagine what she’s going through right now.”

  And Travis’s heart ached as he thought of sweet Madison Thomas, Hunter’s wife, now widowed at twenty-eight. She must be devastated, truly.

  And Brett…Brett had been in the car with Hunter. And he didn’t have a scratch, Linc had said. Brett and Hunter were best friends. Jeez; how guilty Brett must feel.

  God, this was bad. So so bad. Just when life had been so good, the unthinkable had happened.

  Hunter “Hermes” Thomas was dead.




  It was the coldest, most dreary day in February that Brett “Brickhouse” McFadden could ever remember. The wind was unrelenting and the rain was merciless, coming down with such force that it stung his back through his thick, black leather jacket. He stood frigid, like stone, at the graveside service of his best friend and favorite wide receiver, Hunter Thomas. The sound of the torrential rain along with the overhead tarp that whipped continuously drowned out the preacher’s eulogy, adding to the already solemn mood of the day.


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