The Neighborhood (A Twin Estates Novel Book 2)

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The Neighborhood (A Twin Estates Novel Book 2) Page 13

by Stylo Fantome

  “I was seventeen,” she blurted out. Both men glanced at each other, then back at her.

  “When you went to Carmel?” Liam checked. She crossed her eyes at him.

  “When I lost my virginity,” she replied.

  “I want details,” he insisted.

  “I want to know with who,” Wulf added, speaking slowly. She wouldn't look at him, though. She was still reeling from his comment, plus she was pretty sure he'd know the guy.

  “It was with a boyfriend,” she replied. “We'd been dating since I was fifteen. It was totally stereotypical – he was a senior, we went to his prom. It was held in a fancy hotel in Monterey. We'd talked about it, he got a hotel room for the night, there were rose petals everywhere. I cried after he fell asleep, and I was positive my mother was going to know just by looking at me. Ha! She thought I was a virgin till my third boyfriend.”

  “That is … kinda boring,” Liam sighed. She threw a piece of bread at him.

  “Who was it?” Wulf asked again, and she finally glanced at him.

  “You probably don't know him, he would've been five years younger than you,” she pointed out. He shrugged.

  “Then it won't hurt to say his name.”

  “Kelsey Hochstein.”

  “Hochstein?” Wulf's eyebrows shot up. “You went out with one of the Hochsteins? Actually had sex with one?”

  “What's so bad about them?” Liam asked while Katya groaned.

  “Nothing. Nothing at all – their dad is a surgeon, and their mom is a therapist. Great family, nice boys. He was very sweet, and it was actually really good the second time, and it got better from there on out,” she insisted. Wulf snorted.

  “Did he need to step on a stool to kiss you?”

  “He wasn't that short.”

  “They're all short.”

  “Like how short are we talking?” Liam asked, looking between them.

  “Not that short,” she insisted.

  “Extremely short,” Wulf spoke over her. “As I remember it, the oldest kid was around five-foot-four.”

  “So he was shorter than you?” Liam chuckled. She rolled her eyes.

  “You know what? Yeah, he was. But he was also amazing in bed and is now worth more than both of you combined, so shut up.”

  There was silence for about three seconds, then Wulf cleared his throat.

  “Wow, you really missed the boat, Tocci.”

  Liam burst out laughing and Katya couldn't even be mad. It was pretty funny, and it was also sort of amazing – the three of them, sitting together, and all smiling. All having a pretty good time. She would never admit it out loud, but it was kind of … nice. It made sense, she supposed. She'd gotten along immensely well with both of them in the past, so it stood to reason they'd have a good time now. So long as they all conveniently forgot just how fucked up their little threesome was.

  Their drinks were eventually delivered and they ordered dinner, but after the waiter left, Liam realized his cocktail had gotten screwed up. Instead of waiting for their server to return, he decided to head to the bar on his own to get it remade. Katya smiled as she watched him go. He cut across a large dance floor, moving in between people, flirting with girls, stopping to even twirl one.

  “He has so much charm, it should probably be illegal,” she laughed, finally looking at Wulf. He wasn't watching Liam, though. He was watching her.

  “Come dance with me.”

  “What, now?”

  “No, tomorrow. Yes, of course now.”

  He didn't give her a chance to accept or deny, Wulf just grabbed her arm and hauled her to her feet. She stumbled onto the dance floor behind him and before she could kick up a fuss, he had his arms loosely draped around her waist. She frowned at him, but eventually put her arms around his shoulders.

  “Tell me something,” he started talking after they'd been moving around for a minute. Katya glanced up at him once, but standing so close to him made her nervous, so she leveled her gaze to just over his shoulder.


  “What are you getting out of all this?”

  She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment. Could feel him staring down at her.

  “Closure?” she offered finally.

  “Hard to get closure when you're the one prolonging it all.”

  “I'm having fun,” she snapped, finally looking him in the eye. “Seeing you and Liam having to interact with each other, knowing he's going to be sleeping down the hall from you. Watching you both fall all over each other for something that will never happen.”

  “Hmmm, never. That's a bold statement. Almost seems like a challenge,” he said.

  “No,” she replied quickly, shaking her head. “It's closure. If you two can feel a small modicum of what you made me feel, then I will have closure. Get it?”

  He didn't look annoyed or intimidated or crestfallen, like she'd kind of hope for – no, he still had that annoying smirk on his face. His eyes still looked at her like he knew more about her little scheme than even she did.

  “Do you really think it's that simple?”


  “It didn't work so well for me and Eden when we decided to have fun with someone,” he pointed out. Wow, she hadn't been expecting that, at all. She finally looked away.

  “Well, there's a big difference between the two situations,” she said.

  “And what's that?”

  “With you two, the end goal was me,” she reminded him. “But with me, the end goal is just to be left alone.”

  “See, I don't think that's true.”

  “Oh, really?”


  “And why's that, Mr. Stone?” she asked in a bored sounding voice.

  He suddenly stopped moving, surprising her a little. She glanced around, but there were still surrounded by other people dancing. They were near the edge of the terrace, which was lined with tiki torches. The flames danced off Wulf's face, making him actually look a little warm and inviting as he stared down at her.

  “Because at that wedding,” he said.


  “You were challenging yourself, when you kissed Eden,” he informed her. “But with me, you didn't do anything. I kissed you. And you couldn't handle it. And do you want to know why?”

  She refused to look at him. She stared into a flame until she felt his hand on the side of her neck, his thumb pressing underneath her jaw. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, trying to fortify herself against him.

  “Because despite everything,” he spoke softly, moving closer to her. “The fighting and the lying and the game playing,” his lips were actually brushing against her. “You still feel … exactly ... the same … about me.”

  A person could stand as strong and steady as they wanted, but they were no match for something made of stone. He bowled her over, always. Knocked her down and suffocated her and boxed her in. She gasped against his mouth, moaned as both hands moved to cup the back of her head, tried not cry when his entire body came into contact with hers.

  He's not right. He's not right. He can't be right. Please, god, this isn't right. I don't want to care about this man anymore.

  “See what I mean?” he sighed when he pulled away, his fingers massaging her scalp lightly.

  Disgustingly, she felt like crying. For a moment, she really thought she was going to. But she refused. Refused to let him see that he'd gotten to her. She took a huge breath, held it in for a second, then blew it out quickly.

  “Mean about what? A half rate kiss in the middle of a cheap bar? Geez, Wulf, I expected better from you.”

  Without waiting to see his reaction, she turned around and strode back to the table, her skirt sweeping along behind her.


  The rest of dinner had just been an awkward shit show. Any of the joviality from before had been swiftly murdered by Wulf's kiss. When she'd gotten back to the table, Liam had been standing there, looking like a wounded puppy. She'd actually felt bad for a moment, b
ut then she remembered that none of this was her doing – it was all them. If they had just been decent goddamn human beings, none of them would be there and she would be at home, prepping for work the next day.

  And basically being the most boring bitch that ever lived. I hate everyone.

  Wulf ate without any outward sign that he was bothered by the uncomfortable tension. Liam and Katya pushed their food around, refusing to speak unless absolutely necessary. Eventually, Wulf got up and paid for everything, then their depressing group marched out to the car.

  She reminded them of the barbecue the next day, then she hurried into her house and went straight to her room and changed into her pajamas. Then she walked around and double checked that every window was locked. No surprise visits that night!

  She was about to lay down when she realized the pool was reflecting light into her room. Casting memories onto her walls. So she went around and lowered all the blinds.

  Then she laid in bed and stared at the ceiling. Her new favorite past time. She tried to distract herself, going over outfit choices for the next day in her mind, but her thoughts eventually wandered back to the last time she'd visited home. When she'd been in bed, feeling antsy and disturbed. When someone had crawled through a window and fulfilled a long standing sexual fantasy. She was squirming around under the blankets, recalling the way Wulf had touched her and talked to her, remembering that kiss from the dance floor, when her phone dinged.

  When she picked it up, she saw that it was almost one in the morning, and that it was Wulf who'd texted her. She grimaced, and debated whether or not to open it. Figuring it was probably some excuse to get out of the party the next day, she finally slid her thumb across the screen, reading the message.

  I know exactly what you've been thinking about, and yes, it makes you a very, very bad girl.

  She didn't fall asleep for a long time.


  “This is actually fun.”

  “See? You just need practice.”

  “Let's not get out of control, angel cake.”

  Katya laughed and wiped at her forehead with the back of her wrist, glancing over at him. They were making crescent rolls together. His looked a little … unique, but she didn't mind. She appreciated the help, and he was right, it was actually a lot of fun.

  He'd turned up early in the morning, shocking both her and her mother. She'd been in her pajamas and her mother had been in a housecoat – it was only seven, after all. While Mrs. Tocci scampered off to make herself descent, Liam had asked about what they were doing so early. When Katya explained that they were prepping stuff for the party, he'd rolled up his sleeves and joined them.

  She was impressed, Liam peeled potatoes, helped set up tables and chairs, and received a lesson in table setting from her mother – who was, as predicted, completely in love with him already. He teased her and flirted harmlessly with her, making her blush and giggle. It cracked Katya up, seeing her mother all red and fidgety.

  I really do take after her.

  Most of the food was prepared and ready by the time guests started showing up, but her mother had nearly had a breakdown over the fact that she'd forgotten crescent rolls. Why the simple baked good was a necessity, Katya wasn't sure, but there had been crescent rolls in Mrs. Tocci's vision for the barbecue, so goddammit, there was going to be crescent rolls!

  “It's been a good party,” she commented, wiping her hands down the front of her apron and glancing out the kitchen door out to the back yard.

  “It has. Your parents are awesome, Katya,” he told her, sliding the last rack into the oven. He spun the timer, then they both trooped into the pantry, where there was a large utility sink.

  “Thanks, they're pretty okay,” she laughed while they washed the flour and dough out from under their fingernails.

  “I honestly thought this weekend was going to be awful,” he said, grabbing a towel and drying off his hands. “But the beach was fun, and then today has been nice. I guess I haven't taken a weekend off in a long time.”

  “Liam, your entire life is a weekend,” she teased him. The towel was thrown in her face.

  “Shut up,” he laughed. “I work, and you know it. That club doesn't run itself.”

  “I know, I know, I just like to give you a hard time,” she snickered while she wiped off her own hands.

  “You like it too much,” he said, then walked past her. He stopped at the end of the counter by the door. “What is this?”

  She turned and watched as he picked up a large mixing bowl. He lifted the large towel that was covering it, then let out a moan.

  “Oh, I made that earlier, but then my mom decided she wanted something more 'exotic' – that's why I made those rosewater shortbread cookies,” she explained, standing next to him and looking down into the huge batch of chocolate chip cookie dough that was inside the bowl.

  “So what, you're going to just let this go bad!?” he asked, sounding offended at the very idea. She shook her head.

  “No, I was going to bake them after everyone left – I know how you are about your cookies, I figured we could take them home with us,” she assured him.

  “Good girl, solid plan.”

  She gasped when he stuck his finger into the bowl, swiping up a chunk of the batter. Then she swatted him in the arm when he shoved the finger into his mouth.

  “Stop it! That's so bad for you,” she hissed. He glanced at her, then put his finger back in the bowl.

  “Are you kidding? If eating cookie batter meant certain death, then I would go with a smile on my face.”

  “You're an idiot.”

  “You cannot tell me you don't sample cookie dough as you make it,” he said, eating more chocolate chips and dough.



  “Well … not when I'm at work,” she was honest. “And I try not to when I'm at home – it really is bad for you. You could get E. coli, or any number of other – stop it!”

  She cut herself off when he started shoving a dough coated finger into her face. She pressed her lips hard together and grabbed at his wrist, trying to hold it away from her face.

  “Oh, c'mon, it's delicious. Eat it,” he urged, laughing as they tripped around the room.

  “No! That finger was just in your mouth! I don't want it in mine!”

  “Uh, angel cake, you've had way more interesting parts of my body in your mouth before – a finger isn't that bad, in comparison.”

  Katya burst out laughing and he used it to his advantage, shoving the dough into her mouth. He was right, of course – she loved eating cookie dough, if truth was told, and she moaned as she curled her tongue around his finger.

  “Okay, okay,” she mumbled when he'd pulled his hand away from his face. “It's good.”

  “Sooooo, good,” he sighed, moving to pull the towel back over the bowl.

  “Oh, you're done now? You sure you don't want anymore?” she asked, jumping forward and swiping up her own fingerful of the uncooked dessert. “C'mon, it's good! Totally not gross!”

  She laughed while she turned the tables, jumping to try and force her finger into his mouth. He shook his head and backed away from her, easily swatting her hand away.

  “No way, I don't know where your finger has been.”

  “My finger!?”

  “Yeah. I mean, you did date Wulfric,” he pointed out, then made gagging noise.

  The struggle became real after that, with Katya digging her hand into the bowl and trying to shove a whole hand's worth of dough into his face. He laughed and held onto her wrist, twisting her around and away from him. Her back connected with the door, knocking it closed, and then he shoved her up against it.

  “Okay, okay,” she laughed, squirming as he forced her own hand closer to her face. “I give up! I give up. Truce. Truce!”

  They were both laughing and breathing hard, Liam still holding her hand up near her face. Then without warning, he leaned down and wrapped his lips around two of her fingers. Sh
e stopped laughing as he worked his mouth all the way down to her knuckles. She felt his tongue swirling around, then he slowly pulled the digits free.

  “Delicious,” he murmured, staring down at her.

  Katya swallowed thickly, staring back at him with wide eyes.

  When he kissed her, she wasn't as shocked as when Wulf had done it, but she was a little taken aback with the strength of the kiss. He fell against her, sending them crashing sideways into the counter, knocking the bowl of cookie dough over. She tried to catch her breath, but when she opened her mouth, his tongue quickly invaded, taking up the space.

  They'd gone from playful banter to a scorching hot kiss in zero seconds flat. What was going on!? She was acting on autopilot and moaned, standing on her toes and curling one arm around his shoulders. Her free hand she held aloft, trying to keep the sticky dough away from them.

  “Did I ever tell you that I love your goodies?” he mumbled, his lips moving along her jaw as he started yanking at the apron strings behind her back.

  “Liam,” she breathed, trying to catch her breath.

  “Baked goodies, of course,” he chuckled, sucking at the sensitive skin under her ear. She shivered, then licked her lips, trying to focus.

  “Liam, stop,” she whispered, then bit back another moan when his hands ran up the back of her shirt, his palms hot against her skin.

  “Okay, okay, all your goodies,” he corrected himself, his tongue making a course for her collarbone.

  You are in your parents' home – get it together!

  “Stop,” she said loudly, pressing her clean hand against his chest. He finally heard her and he backed away, one of his hands gripping her hip and the other shoved down the back of her pants.

  “What? What's wrong?” he tried to catch his breath.

  “Well, first of all, we're in my parents' kitchen,” she pointed out.


  “So, even if I hadn't made a solemn promise to never, ever have sex with you,” she reminded him. “I certainly wouldn't in the middle of the day, in a pantry at my parents' home, with fifty of their guests just a couple feet away.”


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