A Bride For The Bear (Bear Brides #1)

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A Bride For The Bear (Bear Brides #1) Page 6

by Natalie Kristen

  Abby smiled. “Tell me about her.”

  Cole pulled her to him and lay back on the grass. Staring up at the stars, he began to talk. He hadn't talked about his family in such a long time, but the memories and images came easily. He saw them all, and he saw himself as a young, carefree, daring cub. He shared all his memories with her, happy ones, sad ones, long-buried, painful ones.

  They talked through the night, telling each other everything, sharing all their hopes and fears, and laughing as they revealed tiny tidbits about themselves.

  Abby listened quietly as he told her about his clan, and her comments revealed just how perceptive and intuitive she was. “Nightfire,” she whispered. “The name of your clan is a reminder of that night. The night you lost your family.”

  “Yes.” Cole closed his eyes, forcing away the image of the burning houses and bodies. “One night. One fire. And everything was destroyed. I have to remind myself, control myself, discipline myself. I don't want to make a mistake that will cause my clan to be razed to the ground in a night fire.”

  As the stars gradually faded from the sky, so did their whispers and murmurs. The sky had turned a deep, impenetrable black by the time his mate finally fell asleep in his arms.


  Cole carried Abby to his bed and dragged the covers up over her flushed, sated body. The sight of her naked body made him rock hard again, but he forced himself to step away from the bed. He had taken her so hard, man and bear claiming and marking their mate with a primal, possessive ferocity. When she murmured his name in her sleep, his heart swelled with pride and love.

  “My mate,” he growled low and kissed her soft, brown hair.

  His phone beeped on his bedside table. Cole frowned at it but answered immediately. Dalton wouldn't call him at this hour unless it was an emergency.

  “Graig is leading a bunch of Blood Shadow bears into our territory,” his Beta said without preamble.

  “How many?” Cole said tersely.

  “I reckon Graig had around fifty bears with him.”

  “That's about half of the Blood Shadow clan.” Cole narrowed his eyes. “Mobilize our people. The entire clan.”

  “Yes, Alpha.”

  Cole clicked off. Even with the entire Nightfire clan behind him, they were outnumbered. But Graig had just declared war by invading their territory with fifty Blood Shadow bears. Cole suspected that Haluddin, the Blood Shadow Alpha, knew nothing of this invasion. Graig was going behind his Alpha's back, using his clan's power to settle his petty grievances and grudges.

  Cole pulled on a pair of old jeans and walked out of his house, bare bodied and barefoot. He would be shifting into bear form for the battle. His bungalow was built on an incline, allowing him to see anyone coming up towards the house before they even realized they were being watched.

  In a few minutes, he saw members of his clan converging at the bottom of the slope before marching up grimly towards him. Dalton was at the head of the group, while Tony and Brad brought up the rear of their tight-knit clan.

  “Alpha.” His clan stood before him, awaiting his orders. They had all been roused from their beds, but they stood ready and alert.

  “So the Blood Shadow bears are itching for a fight,” someone muttered. “I'll shred them, and be home in time for breakfast.” There were chuffs of assent and the sound of cracking knuckles.

  Cole put up his hand for silence. His bears were fearless and loyal. They were all powerful, deadly fighters, but still they were outnumbered. “If I can avoid sending you into battle, I will,” Cole told them quietly.

  “There is no avoiding this battle,” Tony snarled.

  Cole took a deep breath and carried on, “I will battle Graig. Alone.”

  Shocked, indignant protests rippled through the ranks.

  “You can't do that!” Dalton exploded.

  Cole smiled tightly. “I've battled men like Graig. Graig won't be able to resist my challenge. He won't want to look weak in front of his men. He will take me on, just to take me down.”

  “Yes, but if you lose...” Dalton snapped in frustration.

  “If I die, Dalton will be your Alpha,” Cole announced to the clan. “Obey him, and fight for him.”

  “Yes, Alpha,” his bears muttered unhappily.

  He had given a direct order as Alpha. No one, not even his Beta, would challenge that order. Cole's keen eyes found Brad's. His younger brother held his gaze for a beat and nodded. He understood what Cole was going to do and he would back him up.

  Cole's nostrils flared as the wind carried the hostile scent of the Blood Shadow bears. “They're here,” he growled.

  As his clan members prepared to move out to the periphery of their territory to meet the threat head on, Cole glanced over his shoulder and saw Abby standing at the front steps of the house in his large t-shirt. Her eyes looked stricken and she was pressing her fist to her mouth in an effort not to make a sound. He stared at the mate mark on her neck and smirked. She was his, and he would protect her, fight for her and live for her.

  Cole wasn't one to take unnecessary, foolhardy risks. He always calculated his chances and his odds before embarking on any course of action. He had brawn, but he used his brain more. His resourcefulness, incisive judgment and quick-thinking had ensured the survival and growth of the Nightfire clan. His clan might be small, but they weren't weak. Under his leadership, the Nightfire clan had grown swiftly in influence and power. They were a force to be reckoned with in Moonstone Creek. Cole knew that if he gave the order to fight, his bears would be able to hold their own against the Blood Shadow bears even though they were small in number. But if he could help it, he would avoid spilling the blood of his people.

  Cole saw Abby stand tall in front of his house and ball her fists at her sides. Her lips quivered as she mouthed the words to him.

  I love you.

  His lips curved up. His Abby might be human but she was strong. She was the mate of the Nightfire Alpha. She was worried for him, but she wasn't afraid. Her stoic stance and silence showed that she understood shifter politics. He had explained to her that packs and clans valued their honor above their lives. They would stop at nothing to avenge their loved ones and they would fight to the death to defend what was theirs. Violence was inevitable in his world. It was kill or be killed. Walking away from a challenge, a war, was not an option. Enemies and rivals were always watching and waiting, waiting for your back to be turned. All it took was one mistake, a show of weakness, and everything, everyone you loved would be destroyed.

  Abby understood his world. She had listened to him, talked to him, asked him questions and even countered his arguments. But she knew, instinctively, intuitively, immediately that there was no place for fear and hysteria at a time like this.

  What had to be done simply had to be done.

  Abby watched him in silence, her eyes conveying all her intense, powerful emotions eloquently and clearly. She loved him, believed in him and trusted him to come home to her.

  She didn't wave. This wasn't a farewell. Neither did she scream and flail hysterically, crying and begging him not to go.

  She simply stood behind him, watching him, supporting him, loving him. A hundred percent.

  Cole smirked, his eyes flashing as his predator rose. His mate was standing at his door, waiting for him to come home.

  His protective and killer instincts flared.

  His bear was ready to make the kill.

  He would come home to Abby, whole and alive.


  Cole let his claws slice out and roared out a command to his clan. He led his men down the incline and cut through the streets to reach the large field behind their territory. The Blood Shadow bears had already breached the dividing line and were advancing steadily towards them.

  Cole put up his fist and his clan stomped to a halt behind him. Detaching himself from his clan, he walked towards Graig and jerked up his chin.

  “What can we do for you, Graig?” Cole was according Graig the civility and respect that his rank deserved. He was the Beta of the Blood Shadow clan, but he behaved more like a ruffian than a leader.

  Graig spat noisily and stepped up to Cole. “You are a dead bear, Cole Jameson.”

  Cole stood his ground, letting Graig push his hooked nose into his face. “I didn't think the high and mighty Alpha of the Nightfire clan would be interested in human scraps,” Graig jeered.

  “Were you scavenging for human scraps, Graig?” Cole asked evenly.

  Graig snarled and stabbed his claws into the bottom of Cole's chin. Cole saw his men lurch forward and he put up a hand to stop them.

  “I saw her first. I got my hands on that human female first, and if you hadn't interfered, I would have gotten my dick in her,” Graig spat.

  Cole's eyes turned completely feral and he gripped Graig's thick wrist and wrenched his arm down. “You touch her, and you're dead,” Cole growled.

  “Oh, oh I see. You got a thing for that human chit,” Graig taunted. “Tell you what. Since I was first in line, I'll have her first. After I'm done with her, I'll let you have the leftovers. That way, everyone's happy. And we won't have to fight over a human whore.”

  Cole grabbed Graig's collar and dug his claws into the scoundrel's neck. With a snarl, he tore Graig's bloodstained collar off and flung it to the side.

  Graig roared and staggered back. At the corner of his eye, Cole saw Brad pick up that ragged piece of cloth that reeked with the scent and blood of the Blood Shadow Beta. Brad gave him a quick nod and disappeared swiftly into the shadows.

  His younger brother knew exactly what to do.

  Cole bared his teeth in a smile.

  Slowly, he turned back to face Graig. He had thrown down the gauntlet. He knew Graig would rise to the bait. His ego wouldn't let him live down the insult.

  Tearing off his shirt, Graig bellowed, “You are challenging me? I will fucking kill you, Cole. I will bleed you slowly. You will beg me to kill you! Come on! Are you afraid to fight me? This is just between you and me. You will pay, oh yes! You will pay with your life!”

  With that, Graig charged straight at Cole, shifting as he ran. Cole was ready. His bear emerged with a roar, and met Graig head on.

  The two huge bears wrestled and rolled on the ground, snarling and snapping their jaws at each other. They were evenly matched in size and strength, but not in skill.

  Graig's uncontrollable rage made him reckless. He attacked blindly, too eager for Cole's blood. Cole parried his blows and let Graig wear himself down. He danced out of the way with some fancy footwork, subtly poking fun at Graig. As expected, Graig exploded in rage, his bloodshot eyes bulging as he tore towards Cole. The black bear lashed out viciously, aiming for Cole's eyes and throat. Razor sharp claws whistled past Cole's shoulder, and Cole bit down hard on Graig's forepaw as it swung in front of his nose.

  Graig roared in pain and tore into Cole's side with his claws. Cole unclamped his jaws to release Graig's bleeding paw and managed to score a forceful kick at Graig, toppling the panting black bear. Staggering up, Graig charged again and again, working himself up into a murderous rage.

  Graig's attack was chaotic, without thought and direction. He reeled and stumbled to the side, losing energy and focus. He wasn't going to last long. Cole knew he only had to bide his time and keep circling and baiting the big, black bear. Graig was going to make a fatal mistake soon, and then it would be all over.

  Cole swiped Graig's massive paw aside and raked his claws down the black bear's shoulder. Graig lashed out and aimed his fangs at Cole's throat. His teeth found Cole's leg instead and Cole roared at sharp fangs pushed deep into his flesh.

  They both sported injuries all over their bodies, but Graig's energy was running low. His wounds were deeper than Cole's and he lacked Cole's patience and stamina. Cole raised his head, and caught his brother's scent. Brad was returning from his mission. And from the scent and sound of it, he had succeeded.

  It was time.

  Cole launched into a full-scale attack, rearing up with his fangs bared. He smashed into Graig, and toppled the black bear. Cole didn't give Graig a chance to get up. His claws slashed down mercilessly, shredding Graig's face and tearing out chunks of fur and flesh.

  Graig bellowed in pain, but Cole wasn't done. He clamped his jaws around Graig's throat and tightened his hold. He bit down just hard enough to draw blood, but not to kill.

  He looked up just in time to see Brad shift back to human form. Behind his brother stood Haluddin, the Blood Shadow Alpha and the rest of the Blood Shadow clan.

  Cole shifted swiftly to human form, but he left his claws unsheathed. He held Graig firmly by the throat, his claws lodged in the bear's bleeding neck. All it took was one powerful thrust and he would rip out Graig's throat. He was literally holding the life of the Blood Shadow Beta in his hands.

  “Haluddin,” Cole greeted the elder werebear.

  “Cole,” Haluddin replied without inflection. Despite the speed with which he had traveled here, not a strand of Haluddin's thick silver hair looked out of place.

  The Nightfire and Blood Shadow clans were gathered on opposite sides, watching the grisly scene before them in silence. Cole was covered in blood, and his claws were embedded in Graig's furry neck. The black bear struggled and bellowed in agony, but no one moved a muscle. The slightest movement would mean his instant death.

  The Blood Shadow bears who had come with Graig were utterly silent and tense in the presence of their Alpha. Cole could see some of them trembling.

  “I did not authorize this invasion of Nightfire territory,” Haluddin said, his black eyes glittering. He raked his gaze over the fifty shamefaced Blood Shadows bears. “Are you under his command—” Haluddin pointed at Graig. “Or mine?”

  As one, the fifty soldiers lowered their heads and fell to one knee in a display of submission and allegiance to their Alpha.

  Haluddin's lined face was stony as he pronounced, “I will not banish you. But every one of you will be duly punished.”

  At a command from one of Haluddin's lieutenants, the fifty soldiers joined the rest of the Blood Shadow clan and took their place behind their Alpha.

  Graig wheezed and snarled, but the more he thrashed, the deeper Cole's claws pierced into his flesh.

  Cole could smell Graig's blood and anger. Cole held on to his human form even though his bear rammed against his shields, claws and fangs out, wanting to finish the fight and finish the bastard off. But Cole held his bear back.

  It was tempting to kill.

  Every cell, every nerve in him was tingling to kill.

  He was an alpha predator, a lethal killer.

  But this had to end.

  Blood begets blood. He knew that all too well.

  Slowly, Cole stood up, pulling his claws out from Graig's flesh. He stepped away from the groaning black bear and faced Haluddin.

  “I hereby spare the life of your Beta,” Cole said, his voice carrying clearly over the field. “The Blood Shadow clan owes this debt in blood.”

  The entire Blood Shadow clan was present. Every Blood Shadow bear bore witness to his words and deed. They would be bound by the blood of their Beta and the word of their Alpha.

  A dangerous glint entered Haluddin's black eyes. “We will honor the debt. I am prepared to execute him in front of your clan.”

  “No,” Cole answered. “I do not want his life.”

  “What do you want, Cole?”

  “I want the Blood Shadow clan to leave me and mine in peace.”

  Haluddin held Cole's eyes for a moment. A curt nod. “You have my word.”

  Cole signaled for his bears to move aside and let the Blood Shadow clan leave their territory.

  Haluddin strode to Graig and snapped out an order. Graig's bear receded immediately. Two of Haluddin's lieutenants hauled Graig's limp human form up and without a sound the Blood Shadow clan be
gan their retreat.

  Haluddin could punish his Beta, maim him, banish him or execute him. Cole didn't care what happened to Graig. He was no longer his problem. The Blood Shadow clan would have to deal with him.

  Cole heard his younger brother come up behind him. Turning to Brad, Cole grinned and clapped him on the shoulder. “Thanks.”

  Brad gave him a crooked smile. “It wasn't hard at all. Once Haluddin recognized Graig's blood on that torn collar, he knew I was speaking the truth. He ordered the clan to go retrieve their Beta, and followed me without further question.” Brad shrugged. “I told him he could have my head if this was a trap. I think that helped too.”

  “The head of the Nightfire Alpha's baby brother is certainly worth a lot.” Tony came up and grabbed Brad in a headlock. “Wagering your head! Who told you to do that? You prat!”

  Brad and Tony fell to the ground in a scuffle.

  Cole didn't stop them. He would let Tony teach Brad a lesson this time.

  Brad was just supposed to deliver the bloodied piece of cloth to Haluddin. Cole knew that Haluddin would come for his Beta straight away. Allowing another clan to kill your Beta was a severe blow to a clan's reputation and would undermine the Alpha's power and authority. If Cole had killed Graig, it would make Haluddin an assassination target for the other predatory packs and clans in Moonstone Creek. An Alpha who was powerless to fight for his Beta was a toothless, ineffectual Alpha, and would be deemed an easy target.

  By sparing Graig's life, he had protected Haluddin's reputation as well.

  Cole knew his plan would work. But he hadn't given Brad the order or authority to use his own life as a bargaining tool. If Brad had allowed himself to be killed, Cole swore he would dig him up and kill him all over again.

  Dalton stood at his side, watching Tony and Brad have at each other. “You should have told me,” Dalton said quietly.


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