Sassy Shifter Brides: Complete Series - BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Mail-Order Romance

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Sassy Shifter Brides: Complete Series - BBW Paranormal Shapeshifter Mail-Order Romance Page 10

by Anya Nowlan

  “Because I love you. And what kind of woman would I be if some snippy family members drove me away?” she laughed, brushing her fingertips over his chest. “I’m pretty sure everybody has some proper crazy in-laws. Lord knows, I come from a whole bag of crazy as far as insane families go.” Rake gave her a look, and she giggled at the cool questioning in his eyes. “Fine, fine. Only my daddy is likely to come and try to shoot you for fraternizing with his youngest. My mother wouldn’t wield a butter knife unless it was Cartier and worth at least a quarter of this ranch. So your family takes the cake this time.”

  “So we’re okay?” he asked softly, cocking a brow. Liza scooted up on the bed, smacking a kiss on his lips. Just the brush of his mouth made her body stand on edge, wanting and waiting.

  “I would prefer it if we could go out for a ride without a bunch of half-crazed lionesses wanting my head on a pike, but as far as anything else goes, yes. We’re okay. It was scary, horrifying even. And I still hate knowing that I’m a cause of strife between you and your kin, but like you said, it’s not just me. This had been going on far before I ever came into the picture, and I get the feeling that it would be happening even if there was any other woman in my place, shifter or human.”

  Rake squeezed her, kissing her on the top of her head. Her nails scraped down his chest, making him hiss in a breath. The next thing she knew, she was on her back, staring up into his dazzling green eyes.

  “There wouldn’t be any other woman,” he said, and the insistence in his words made her stomach knot. “You’re the only one for me. I knew it the first time I laid eyes on you at the wedding. I knew I had to be with you, no matter what.” He kissed down her cheek and neck, making his way down to her chest. Her skin tingled underneath his lips, and she moaned softly as he reached the swell of her breasts. His erection was thick against her thigh, and she parted her legs with the kind of eagerness that would have made her blush with any other man. With him, it just felt right.

  Her fingers pulled at his hair as he teased her nipples with his hot mouth, first one, then the other. The swirl of his tongue made the nubs harden into small peaks and her back arch against him, urging him on. He slid a hand down her body, lighting small fires that spread throughout her, claiming everything in their path. The coarseness of his work-hardened hands against her smooth, dark skin thrilled her, and she pressed against them, always wanting more. His hands met her wetness, and she groaned as he pulled away, only to guide his hard cock to her opening. There was no shyness. Any insecurity she might have felt with a man before, about her body or sharing it with someone, had evaporated with Rake. He worshipped her curves, and she gave them to him gladly, blossoming under his touch.

  Liza slipped her hands behind him, and grabbed his ass. She pulled him against her, making him thrust into her. A shudder erupted through her, and he growled, the beast just under the surface. It was like the floodgates had opened. He stroked into her, hard and unabashed, claiming what was rightfully his. Heat bubbled and boiled in her, thrumming against her veins and taking over all senses. She loved the feeling of his hard body against hers, as desperate for her touch as she was for his. Rake plowed into her with a kind of savage ownership, and even through the haze of passion, she knew what drove him on. She was his mate, truly and completely.

  His big body wrapped around her, cocooning her and telling her that she would always be safe. He would be there to protect her, to keep her standing even when she thought she couldn’t. Liza gasped as Rake pulled out almost completely, only to sink back in to the base. His hands cupped her ass, raising her hips to thrust harder into her. When she gave in to her release, it washed over her as the most intense wave of pleasure she’d experienced, taking all thought and feeling with it and leaving nothing but delight. Rake came shortly after, her nails digging into him as he bucked into her and then paused, every muscle in his body flexed as he crested.

  Liza pulled him tightly against her, locking her legs over his lower back.

  “I’ll crush you,” he murmured, nevertheless resting his head on her heavy breasts. She huffed, her body flush with enjoyment. She stroked his hair, watching the light catch in the blonde locks.

  So this is what happiness feels like, she thought to herself, closing her eyes. Who knew it had been in Idaho all along.


  “What do you think?” Liza asked, considering the painting with a slight frown. Rake snaked both arms around her waist and pulled her against him from behind, his head resting on the top of hers. It was the dead of winter, and Shifter Grove was about as quiet as it was ever going to get. The bears were hibernating, which meant that they maybe showed up in town once every few weeks, grouchy and sleepy. All aside for Deacon, who for some reason seemed livelier than ever, but that was a tale for another time. Most of the other shifters didn’t seem particularly active during the winter, preferring to preserve their energy. It all meant that Liza had plenty of time to live out her artistic frustrations on some of the more prominent blank walls in town, like the one she was staring at now.

  The mural ran the expanse of the back wall of the makeshift town hall, a low building intended for town gatherings. It depicted shifters of all shapes and sizes standing in front of the town sign with a few humans sprinkled in between. After Rake had told her all about the town and how he, Deacon, Tyler and Warren were hoping to make it into the one place where shifters and humans could live, safe from their histories, she had thought of it immediately. It had taken weeks to paint, but finally, it felt ready.

  “Well, you’ve captured Deacon’s likeness perfectly. Grouchy and chubby,” Rake said, smirking as he eyed the big white bear on the mural. She jabbed him in the ribs with an elbow, making the man hiss in a breath and catch her wrists in his palms. “Hey, that’s a compliment for werebears. They’re very proud of their body mass. I think it’s gorgeous, baby. Really livens the place up.”

  Liza smiled to herself, looking across the mural. She hadn’t felt quite this in touch with her artistic side since a brief, flickering moment in her early teens. Everything had fallen exactly into place, giving her days the meaning she hadn’t known she was looking for. She’d quickly proven herself as the best horse trainer in Rake’s ranch – an absolute natural with the animals. She rode for hours every day, taking in the lands and getting acquainted with the neighbors. To her own surprise, she had seamlessly fit into the easygoing flow of life in Shifter Grove. Everything just made sense. Being outdoors all day made her creative juices flow, and when the light went out, she’d rush in and grab for her paints and easel. It was only expected that she’d graduate to bigger canvases, and luckily for her, Shifter Grove was full of those.

  Liza hadn’t missed Dallas for a moment. That life seemed like a million years ago, lost in the shadows of the past. The only thing she’d really loved there was Kacey, and she was just a few miles down the road in Shifter Grove. In Idaho, Liza had found both the love of her life and the creative and personal confidence she’d been lacking. The community became her family and they were a hell of a lot more supportive than any of her actual family members – no wonder Rake and Warren felt so strongly about them.

  Rake spun her around to face him and kissed her deeply before she could say a thing. The smudges of paint on her face smeared his cheeks, and when he pulled away, he was dappled with paint. Liza grinned, wiping a spot from the top of his nose.

  “What was that for?” she asked, though it scarcely mattered. He kissed her a hundred times a day, and she met each kiss with her own. The man was maddening, wild and caring. There was never a dull moment with him, and that was just how she preferred it.

  “For being you,” he said, smirking. When she looked at him, she could see the ferocious protector that had shown himself those months ago during the drive, but most of all, she saw a loving man and a mate for life.

  “What an easy crowd!” she exclaimed, garnering a small playful snarl from Rake. “Not that I mind.”

  “You know, I’v
e been thinking. Spring’s coming fast.”

  Liza nodded, not entirely sure where he was going with this. Rake stuffed a hand into his pocket, fishing out a black velvet box. He popped it open, and Liza gasped, the gorgeous jade stone catching the light just right. She looked up at him, a question wavering in her eyes.

  “Spring’s coming fast, and I think I’d like a spring wedding. Right here. In front of your mural, with all of Shifter Grove around us to cheer on as we walk down the altar. How does that sound? Will you be my wife, Elizabeth Kamilla Perelli?”

  She didn’t need to think about it. Not even for a second.

  “Yes! Of course I will, Rake!” Liza said, wrapping her hands around his neck and hugging him tightly. He picked her off the ground, squeezing her against him and breathing a sigh of relief. No matter how cool he played it, Liza knew she had got under his skin, hard. But she was going to make sure that neither one of them ever regretted the decision to be together. Whatever had happened in their past, now it was time for the future. And there was no one in the world she would rather spend that future with than him.

  He put her down and carefully slipped the ring on her finger. It sparkled just as beautifully on her hand, the bright green contrasting beautifully with her skin. Tears welled in her eyes, and she didn’t bother trying to swallow them. After all, wasn’t she allowed a few happy tears on one of the best moments of her life?

  “I thought I was going to have to ask you myself!”

  “That’s not the way things work with me, you know that,” Rake said, giving her one of his wolfish grins. She giggled, and he drew her closer, kissing her with the kind of scorching heat that made her want to get home right that instant. Against all odds, Liza was actually excited for a wedding once. And a lifetime with the protective, wonderful werelion who had found her against all odds seemed better than anything she could ever have dreamed of. Perhaps art wouldn’t have to be a lonely endeavor after all?



  BOOK 3




  Not this again, Aubrey thought with a sigh, tucking a red lock of hair behind her ear. A heavy fist pounded on the door of her office, and she raised her weary eyes from the computer screen in an effort to welcome whoever the damn brute trying to break into her sanctuary was.

  “Come in,” she called, feeling a sting of aggravation in her tone.

  No need for that, Aubrey. Be civil, she chided herself. Her hazel eyes tracked over the screen of her smartphone, hoping to see the little green blip notifying her of a new message. No such luck. Waiting for a message from the mysterious stranger on SassyDate was turning into something of a personal game of self-deprecation for Aubrey. There was something truly gut-wrenching about clinging to a phone, hoping that the man who had captured her attention over the past few months would send her something to brighten up her day. Something to worry about later.

  The door was flung open and the pudge form of her grouchy boss strode in, his face severe and pinched. Aubrey stifled a laugh bubbling in her throat. Tony always reminded her of a sad child of an especially expressive bulldog and a Chihuahua, having all the folds of one and the buggy-eyed, irritated look of the other.

  “What can I do for you, Tony?” she asked, trying to conjure some sweetness into her tone and, frankly, coming up a mile short. Tony ambled right to her cluttered desk and dropped what felt like a ton of paperwork on the edge of the table, making it rattle precariously. Aubrey considered the pile with mounting worry, keeping the frustration off of her face and, instead, managing a look of utter blankness.

  “I need those checked by Monday. Tempest Inc. is getting audited and we need to be sure there’s nothing wrong with their books,” Tony stated matter-of-factly, straightening up to his less than impressive height of 5’7’’ and puffing up like a blubbery peacock. It made little to no impression on Aubrey, what with the man’s balding head and too tight dress shirt straining around his belly. Glancing at the pile again, Aubrey could see her weekend slowly wafting away from her, waving a sorrowful little goodbye as it disappeared like ether.

  “But,” she started carefully. “Isn’t Tempest your client, Tony? I’d hate to get something wrong with a big client like this.” Aubrey knew that she was playing with fire. Not the oh-my-god-the-house-is-burning-down kind of fire, but the I-will-scorch-your-favorite-tablecloth kind of fire. Really, Tony wasn’t that scary. That of course didn’t mean that she could sass him too much, what with him being her boss and all.

  Tony snorted with indignation, an additional layer of crimson lighting up his already beet-red face.

  “Yes, but it’s Friday, and I have plans that can’t be cancelled. And this just came to my attention,” he answered curtly, brushing a crumb of what appeared to be puff pastry from his chest. Aubrey’s thoughts rolled over with darkness. She could feel the storm clouds rowing in, taking permanent residence in her head and her chest growing tighter with irritation.

  Just? Just!? The notice came in Monday! she screamed in her head, but not a word of it rolled over her lips. They did, though, narrow into a tight line, and Aubrey bit down on her tongue in an effort to keep what she thought of it all to herself. It was a hard struggle.

  “So I trust you’ll get this done.” Tony looked at his shiny Rolex, furrowing his brow like a confused toddler. “Look at that, it’s already 4 p.m. Time to head out for the weekend. Have fun, Aubrey,” he offered, flashing a smile that made Aubrey want to ball up her hands and punch him right in his crooked nose. Instead, she managed a faltering smile and nodded as Tony twirled around and headed out the door, saying his good-byes as the door slammed shut behind him. For a moment, Aubrey glared daggers at the door and wished the fires of the seven hells upon it. Then, she considered getting about 3 more locks and having them installed over the weekend so no one could barge into her office and shovel their work on her, claiming seniority.

  Aubrey breathed in once, twice, three times.

  Find your center, she told herself, echoing the words of the perky blonde yoga teacher who’d been tormenting Aubrey at the fitness club. Nope, not going to happen. Instead of finding her center, Aubrey rested her forehead on the table, right next to her laptop. Everything felt off. Her skirt was suddenly too tight around her luscious curves and the room too musty to draw a decent breath. She closed her eyes, sighing softly. Another Friday, another weekend filled with work she shouldn’t have been doing to look forward to. This was the third week in a row. On the one hand, she knew she was supposed to feel valued and needed, but when that valuing and needing never came with a pay raise or even a simple thank you, a girl had to wonder why exactly she was subjecting herself to that kind of treatment.

  I hate this job, Aubrey thought sourly. I miss Idaho. In Idaho, men like Tony would have been sent to sit in a corner and out of the way of the real men a long time ago.

  It was right then that her phone made the small buzzing noise that made her sit up ramrod straight and fumble for the sleek device. She pressed the power button, and when the notification screen told her that it was a message from Dale on SassyDate, she grinned wide. Okay, so maybe not everything in her life sucked currently. But plenty of it certainly did.


  “Well, what’s the use of all that money if you’re hating every moment you spend there?” Delia asked, swirling a spoon in her double chocolate macchiato. It smelled like heaven. Aubrey almost regretted getting her usual – a vanilla latte with cinnamon. She took a sip, letting the delicious coffee swish around in her mouth a little before swallowing. Leave it to Delia to ask the kind of questions Aubrey would rather have not answered.

  “But what else is there?” she asked. As soon as the words left her mouth, she knew they were weak. She could think of a million things more important than money. Love, happiness, family, the pitter-patter of little feet. All the things she didn’t have time for because her job was keeping her chained to th
e desk and her eyes on the screen.

  “Even you can’t listen to yourself and take that seriously,” Delia snorted, giving Aubrey a long look that was equal parts amusement and exasperation. They were sitting in a lovely but somewhat crowded café just a block from Aubrey’s office. It was a sunny, gorgeous Saturday in Los Angeles, and instead of shopping, hiking or lounging with a good book, Aubrey was busy at work, doing someone else’s work. She’d allowed herself a half an hour to grab lunch and a quick shot of caffeine to kick-start her less than enthusiastic mind.

  “I can’t, no,” Aubrey agreed, grinning slightly.

  “So why do you do it?” Delia pressed again, making Aubrey feel more and more like a naughty schoolgirl being told off by the headmistress.

  “I don’t know,” she sighed finally, shrugging. “I got the job right out of college. And they pay me well, but less and less well every year.” It still burned that she hadn’t got a raise in two years. “And when I started, it seemed like everything I dreamed of – solid perks, a 401k, good money, safety, security, dependability…”

  “Boredom, stagnation, desperation,” Delia took over the description, counting them on her fingers and ducking as Aubrey tossed a napkin at her. Delia giggled, her blue eyes sparkling. “Tell me I’m wrong, please.”

  “You’re not wrong. But if I quit, I’ll just have to get another job just like this one, and it’ll be the same problems, just new scenery.” Not that new scenery didn’t sound perfectly tolerable at that point.


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