Chocolate and Italian Wine (Music and Mayhem Book 1)

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Chocolate and Italian Wine (Music and Mayhem Book 1) Page 12

by Lili Porter

  Her mother stood over her helplessly, rubbing her head and trying to offer some comfort. She’d been in that situation once before, herself, but the love had come for both her and her husband. “Oh Maria Elena, I know you must be feeling awful right now. But listen to me. Paolo Montovani is his father’s son. And Don Raffaelo is a man of his word. He arranged for the two of you to be united in marriage when you were just ten years old. The arrangement still stands. You’re getting married shortly for goodness sakes! I will contact your father. He will take care of this once and for all. Now, dry your eyes,” Carlotta said.

  “But he doesn’t love me, Mama,” Maria Elena whined.

  “Those feelings will come later, after you spend time together and make a family,” Carlotta said.

  “Did they ever come for you and Papa?” Maria Elena asked earnestly.

  “Your father and I care for one another deeply, Maria Elena. Paolo will care for you when you are husband and wife.”

  “Paolo. Has. Another. Woman,” she said emphatically. “He doesn’t care about me or this marriage arrangement.” She looked her mother and shook her head.

  Her mother asked, “Who is she?”

  Maria Elena looked at her mother. “Karisma Montgomery. The famous singer.” She got up and looked around, knowing that the maids and her mother loved celebrity magazines and saw one in the corner and grabbed it. Of course, Karisma was on the cover. She tossed it on the table. “That’s her,” she said, stabbing her finger like it was a knife into Karisma’s face.

  One look into the sultry brown eyes of Karisma Montgomery and Carlotta Bianchi knew her daughter had one hell of a fight on her hands.


  It had been eight days since Paolo and his brothers had fled the states for the safety of the Montovani clan in Reggio, Calabria. The deaths of the Dons had made it necessary for them to remain under the protection of their father until business could be ironed out and their re-entry into the US deemed clear of danger from their enemies, as well as the authorities. Kari believed Paolo had been called away on business, and she missed him more than she wanted to admit. Being this attached and attracted to someone she’d just met—who was technically engaged—was reckless, but it felt right. They video chatted and texted each other daily, exchanging intimate conversations that made her feel like she’d known him forever, not just two weeks.

  Her IPAD lit up and her heart skipped a beat as giddiness took over. She pressed the accept button and grinned broadly. “Hi, Paolo!”

  “Hi, beautiful,” he said. “Damn, baby, it’s good to see your face.”

  “Yeah, yours too,” Karisma said. She breathed in and looked at the sexy man on the other end more closely. Something seemed wrong. “You okay? You look tired. Have you had a rough day?”

  He smiled softly. “A little bit.”

  “Wanna talk about it?” she asked.

  “Just some family stuff,” he said. “I can handle it. The Maria Elena thing has proven a little more difficult to extricate myself from than I thought, but I’m working on it.”

  What could she say to that? So, she chose silence.

  He sensed her anguish and said, “Karisma, I’m getting out of this. I promise.”

  She sighed and said, “I believe you.”

  Unwilling to belabor the point, he changed the subject. “Yesterday you said you’d received more roses and another note. Anything today?”

  “They were sent to my office at Goldtone,” she said.

  “Shit! Are you alright? Were you there?” he asked, pissed.

  She hesitated. “I wasn’t there, and yes, I’m alright. I guess it was their only option with all the amped up security around here.”

  “No, you’re not alright. I can tell, baby. That’s it, I’m cutting this family powwow short. I need to get back to you. This shit is fucked up. I’m sending some of my men out to your place as we speak,” he said, giving her a determined look.

  “No, look, don’t do that. I told you that Amani and his team are very good. Nothing like this has ever happened before. They’ll get it under control and find out who’s behind it.”

  “I understand and don’t want to tell you what to do, but humor me. I’m sending over back up. They’re better than good. And I won’t take no for an answer,” he said when she started to object.

  “Guess I can’t talk you out of that, but caution them, they’ll have to pass Amani’s stink test and he’s in charge,” Karisma said with great determination. She’d never discredit Amani and had no reason to. “Just don’t come back on my account. If you have to stay, then…stay as long as you need, Paolo.”

  “Stay as long as I need? I need to get back to you, beautiful. Sooner, rather than later. I kind of miss you,” he said teasingly, wanting to change the tone.

  “Kind of? Well, I sort of miss you, too, boo.” Karisma teased back, blowing a soft kiss to the camera that was their link.

  He chuckled. “I happen to know that you more than sort of miss me.”

  “Oh really? How would you know that?” She was smiling at him.

  “I have my ways, girl,” he said to her in a joking manner, licking his full pink lips. She wanted to lick them too.

  “Hmm. I bet you do,” she replied, delivering a flirty wink.

  “I do. But in all seriousness, sweetheart, I can find the asshole who broke in. Let me help,” he said.

  She smiled at him. “Do what you can—working with Amani. Now, let’s talk about something else.”

  He was grinning at her. “You’re beautiful,” he said.

  She giggled. “Thank you Paolo. So are you. I was thinking about you when you called. I’ve wanted to see you all day.”

  He’d wanted to see her, too. He’d thought about her throughout his meetings, prompting his father to comment on the need to eliminate distractions. She’d become his every waking thought. He had to admit, when he’d first met her, he’d hunted her like the male predator he was. He’d just wanted to fuck her. Over and over. He was, after all, a man, and she exuded a hyper-femininity that called to him like a siren to a love-starved sailor. He couldn’t help himself. Her charm and presence were irresistible to him. Her beauty hypnotized him, and he’d fallen hard. The hunter had quickly been captured by the prey.

  So why didn’t you call me earlier, then?” he asked, unmasked adoration showing on his face.

  “I’ve been swamped. You know how my days have been. This is the first time I’ve been able to relax. I’m not coming out of my room the rest of the night. What time is it there?” she asked.

  It’s 7:30, Friday morning. And you work too hard, sweetheart,” he said.

  “It’s what I do, Mr. Montovani, and look who’s talking. I think you work too hard,” she countered.

  “Touché,” he said. “I’d love it if I could work less and feel you more, if you know what I mean.”

  “I know what you mean,” Karisma giggled. She didn’t want to get herself worked up, knowing she wouldn’t find the relief she wanted without Paolo doing it.

  “You make me feel good, Kari.”

  “Whenever you get back, we’ll make each other feel good,” she said. He chuckled. “What’s so funny?” she asked, smiling at him.

  “With no makeup, you look really young; 15 or 16. I’m feeling a little guilty for some of the thoughts I’m having right now,” he said.

  She laughed, too. “That young?”

  “Yes, jailbait,” he chuckled.

  “And your thoughts are getting freaky?” she asked.

  “Oh, yeah,” he said, wiggling his brows at her. “I miss you. I want you.”

  “I miss you, too, Paolo. When will you be back?”

  “I should be returning on Saturday evening,” he said.

  She paused.

  “What?” he asked.

  “Nothing,” she shrugged.

  “I can come back sooner. But I thought you didn’t want me to leave before I needed to? I have just one final thing I need to do before I’m o
n my way back. You okay with that?” he asked.

  “Of course,” she said. “I have a full plate. I was just thinking…we just met. I can’t be making demands on your time. Especially since...” She trailed off.

  He finished her statement. “Since I’m not exactly free, but I will be. When I get back to you we’ll be free to pursue a relationship with nothing hanging over our heads,” he said.

  “That would make me happy,” Kari replied, breathing a visible sigh of relief.

  “This is good! I want to make you happy,” he replied.

  She smiled at him and his heart melted. It was a sexy smile that had him wishing he could touch her, had him wanting to jump through the computer and do more than just touch her.

  “I wish you were here right now,” she admitted.

  “Me, too,” he said.

  Paolo watched as she licked her red lips. His groin, which had been at attention since her face popped on the screen, jumped. What a temptress, was it intentional? “Let me see what you have on.”

  She cocked her head to one side, letting her curls fall to the front of her shoulder. Then she pulled her oversized t-shirt over her head, leaving on her red bikini panties. She looked at him. “Not wearing much, Paolo,” she teased seductively.

  “Fuck, yeah,” he said in his own sultry voice. “Hold those tits for me, baby,” he said. She did as he requested, caressing her mounds, rubbing and pinching her nipples, which were the color of dark berries. She knew how he was obsessed with them. His erection strained against the silk threads of his pajama pants. He rubbed himself. “That’s so fucking hot, Kari,” he groaned.

  There was a knock on his door and they were both startled. Karisma quickly grabbed her shirt and put it back on.

  Paolo yelled at the door in Italian. “What is it?”

  “What are you screaming at me like that for, Paolo?” his mother yelled back at him from the other side of the door. “And why is your door locked?”

  “Sorry, Mama. I’m on an important call. I’ll be down in a few minutes when I’m done,” he said loudly, but not as loud as before.

  Karisma smiled at him through the screen. “Oops, Mommy stopped that action,” she whispered.

  “Yeah,” he said softly. “Some things never change.”

  “But why is the door locked?” his mother asked loudly, still not going away.

  ”Mama, I didn’t want to be disturbed,” he said, annoyed with her. Then in a softer tone, he asked, “Did you make me something to eat?”

  “Of course, but now I might let you starve. Yelling at me like that,” she said, going into a litany of things she does for him and his brothers.

  Karisma couldn’t understand what the other woman said, but by the look on her lover’s face, she knew he was bugged by it. She couldn’t help but snicker at hearing the muffled, Italian rant.

  “Okay, Mama, I love you,” Paolo said in English, hoping his mother would take the hint and leave. Then he was quiet.

  Karisma watched him contently until he said, “I heard footsteps. She’s gone.” She laughed again at his expression.

  “The mood has effectively been killed,” she said playfully. “I better let you go before you get into trouble.”

  “Don’t, she’s just being nosey. You were entertaining me, Beautiful. I miss you, remember?”

  “I remember,” she said.

  “Hey,” he said softly.

  “Hey what?” she asked.

  He paused and smiled, then shook his head. “I’ll tell you later.”

  “What? Tell me now,” Karisma demanded.

  “Not now. But later, I promise,” he said. Should he tell her how he felt? Could he?

  “Fine, be a tease,” she pouted.

  “Do that again,” he said, focusing on her lips.

  “Do what again?” she asked, confused, flopping back on her bed.

  “That thing with your lips. It’s sexy as hell,” he said.

  She laughed out loud. “You’re just horny and your mother cock blocked you.”

  They both laughed and then Paolo said, “No, this damned computer screen cock blocked me, but my mother, well, she’s made an art of that, too.”

  “Oh, yeah? What was she saying to you?” she asked, amused.

  “Don’t scream at her, why was the door locked. My head was so big it tore her open, the usual Italian mama drama.”

  She burst out laughing again. “You’re lying. She didn’t say that.”

  “Yes, she did. She always makes me feel guilty about coming through the birth canal. I was the only one that tore her, she says. It shuts me the fuck right up.” He chuckled.

  “Sssss,” she hissed and made a face. “That would shut me up, too.”

  He traced an outline of her face on the screen. “I’m still horny. I’ll be back on Saturday evening. You won’t be too busy for me, will you?” he asked, feeling a certain kind of way.

  She shook her head. “Not a chance.”

  “Kiss me, Karisma,” he said softly in a voice so sexy she thought she would spontaneously combust.

  She leaned into the screen, puckered and smacked loudly. He kissed his screen at the same time. They pulled back and stared at each other, so emotionally drawn were they that neither wanted to be the first to say goodbye.

  “Have you ever heard that song, Kiss Me through the Phone?” she asked him.

  “No, is it yours?” he asked.

  “No, it’s not mine. It’s by Soulja Boy. Ever heard of him?”

  “No,” he said.

  She sang a few bars of the chorus for him. He smiled dreamily at her.

  “I liked that,” he said with a sexy smile.

  “Good,” Kari replied. “Call me later?”

  “I will,” he said.

  “Even if you think it’s too late and I might be asleep,” she said.

  “I will,” he repeated, hypnotized by her.

  “Good morning, Paolo,” she said, blowing him another kiss.

  “Good night, Beautiful,” he replied, air kissing her.

  Karisma ended the connection and lay on her back. Gawd, she was really falling for him. He was getting into her blood. She wanted to sleep until Saturday, when he was scheduled back. But she couldn’t even go to bed. Chris had emailed her some new material that might work for an animated film they were scoring. It was going to be a long night.


  Paolo sat across from Maria Elena Bianchi in the quaint restaurant in the small seaside village of Monasterace, a municipality of Reggio, Calabria. He had informed her that he wanted to talk about their wedding. Initially, she was ecstatic that he actually wanted to offer input on their nuptials. Then, she wasn’t quite sure he had said that. Something in his tone warned her that she might be jumping the gun.

  As he sipped the red wine from the long stemmed glass, he looked Maria Elena in the eye. She was sort of pretty when you looked at her closely. With her thick, dark brown hair and brown eyes, she was definitely attractive. Tall and thin, she carried herself gracefully. But he found nothing about her to be remarkable or extraordinary. He wondered if he’d always felt that way. Maybe it was because he had met and fallen for a woman who he felt was both remarkable and extraordinary in every way.

  The two of them knew that marriage was expected and Paolo felt certain that Maria Elena was happy about that, but him? How was he going to do this? The bottom line was this: Paolo did not want to marry Maria Elena Bianchi and he was willing to do almost anything for her to let him out of the contract. His heart was taking him to a different place. He sighed heavily.

  “Paolo, are you okay?” Maria Elena asked. She started to reach her hand out to touch his, but retracted it quickly.

  “I’m fine. Just a lot going on,” he said.

  “With business?” she asked hopefully.

  “With life,” he said.

  There was a pause when the waiter came with their food, two lamb dishes. Maria Elena watched the waiter walk away and finally asked, “So, P
aolo, will there be a wedding, or won’t there be?”


  Paolo looked at Maria Elena with his piercing blue eyes and asked her, “Is that what you really want, Maria Elena? To be married to a man who you’ve seen a few times here and there over the past two years? A man who phones you only to return your calls? What do you want for yourself, Maria? Forget what your parents say. What do you want?”

  Maria Elena looked as though she didn’t understand anything he’d said. It was almost like her eyes were vacant. She glanced down at her ring finger and said, “I want to wear your wedding band. I can’t wait for you to be my husband. I want children. Four of them. Two boys and two girls. I want them all to look like you. Just like you…I want the respect that will come with being married to you. I want people to envy me. And most of all, I want you to love me,” she stated, looking into her plate of roasted lamb.

  Paolo could not believe what she had said. She was infatuated with him, it seemed, but had she actually convinced herself that she loved him? How could he be with a woman who evoked so little passion in him like Maria Elena did? He couldn’t.

  He noticed her expression change and now she was looking at him defiantly, challenging him to be that man and make her expectations happen. He sat back and said, “I’m sorry.”

  Then he frowned and shook his head. “What are you sorry for?” she asked.

  “I’m sorry that…that I can’t be the man to make that happen for you. Because I don’t want any of that.” He looked her directly in her brown eyes and hoped to see a flicker of understanding.

  “What do you mean, Paolo? Are you telling me that you don’t want a wedding? A marriage to me?”

  Paolo took a bite of lamb, wanting some time to think about how to answer that question the best way possible, if there even was a best way. He wiped his mouth with his napkin. “Maria Elena, we are not in love. Nothing about this makes sense to me anymore.”

  “What are you talking about?” she asked again, her voice growing louder. “I love you as much as any woman can love a man! We have been engaged our whole lives!”


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