Hyde's Absolution: Sydney Storm MC

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Hyde's Absolution: Sydney Storm MC Page 2

by Nina Levine

  He didn’t have to think about his answer. “I knew you’d make a fucking good VP.”

  I stared at him, processing that. King had been twenty-three at the time, seven years off becoming president. I was twenty-two and a man with no future. King had helped me win that fight, and then he’d given me a reason to live. He’d also spent months making sure I kicked my drug habit. “How the fuck did you figure that?”

  He held my gaze, his eyes hard. “You were almost as crazy as me, but every now and then you hesitated and thought shit through. And you never failed to tell me when you thought I was wrong. I knew I’d need someone like that.” He glanced around the pub for a moment before looking back at me. “Turns out I was right to fight for you. Some of the shit you’ve done for me….”

  I shrugged. “It’s what we do.”

  He lifted his drink to his mouth. “You gonna tell me why your wife thinks you’re dead?”

  I ran my finger around the rim of the glass in front of me. “There was a fire, and our home burnt to the ground. My remains were supposedly found in it.”

  King didn’t blink, didn’t show any reaction at all. He simply said, “Why?”

  I emptied my glass and signalled to Jilly to bring us another. Getting into this with King wasn’t something I had the patience for without more alcohol. “Let’s just say I was young and made a fatal error about where to put my loyalties. The guy I worked for, Gibson, was being investigated for all sorts of shit, but mostly they were desperate to pin two murders on him. I was the guy he called on to handle any problems in the business, so the cops hauled me in for questioning. After I was released, Gibson gave me an ultimatum—fake my death and walk away or he’d get rid of me his way. Part of the choice involved Tenille and Charlotte’s safety. If I didn’t choose to walk away, he’d kill us all.”

  King frowned. “Walking away doesn’t sound like your style, Hyde.”

  The guilt I’d carried with me for fourteen years roared to life, squeezing the fucking air out of my lungs and coming dangerously close to flipping the switch that sent me from controlled to crazed in under a second. “Jesus, King, I was a fucking twenty-two-year-old with no family and no fucking resources. They caged me in and threatened me, beating the shit out of me and almost killing me in the process. It wasn’t like I had much fucking choice. And back then, I wasn’t the man I am today, that’s for fucking sure.”

  “Why didn’t you use Storm’s resources once you had access to them? I would have helped you get your family back.”

  I scrubbed my hand over my face while my gut churned with regret. “I was damned if I did and damned if I didn’t. In the end, though, I didn’t want to put Tenille through that. She remarried within a year and was happy. I’ve kept an eye on them, and the guy seems to have done right by Charlotte. Me going back would only have stirred shit up for them.”

  “So now you’re ready to deal with this Gibson asshole?”

  “No, now I’m simply heading to Melbourne to find out what shit my family is in and help get them out of it. Then I’m back here.”

  King stared at me like I had two fucking heads. After drinking more of his whisky, he said, “Who the fuck are you today? Because you aren’t the Hyde I fucking know.”

  I scowled at him. “You know much about Gibson Transport, King?”

  His movements slowed as understanding dawned on him. Whistling low, he said, “Fuck me. Shane fucking Gibson is the asshole you used to work for?”


  The hard determination King was well known for returned to his eyes. “Storm is behind you, brother. Whatever you need, you have.”

  Fuck. No. Not what I was looking for. “It’s not as clear cut as you think. I need to think about how anything I do could affect Tenille and Charlotte.” And how it will affect Storm. No fucking way was I involving King or any of the club in this shit.

  King was smart, but he always proved you didn’t know the half of it. Leaning forward, he said, “I don’t give a fuck who he is or who he’s connected to. And I sure as hell don’t give a fuck that you’re trying to protect the club. Storm doesn’t let a brother handle shit on their own, especially not when the stench of that shit comes from the places I suspect it comes from. You go see what your family is dealing with. I’ll give you enough time to do that, and then I want you checking in with me so we can figure out how to take this motherfucker down.”

  I pushed out a harsh breath. “Fuck, King, this isn’t something Storm needs at the moment. Not with all the heat we’re under. That you’re under.”

  His chair scraped against the floor as he abruptly stood. “I won’t leave you out in the fucking cold on your own, Hyde. That’s not how I operate. And if it brings me more heat, so fucking be it.” He threw some money down on the table before stalking out of the pub.



  Shane Gibson was not a man that Storm wanted to cross. Any power that King had, Gibson had it ten-fucking-fold. I threw back the rest of my whisky as I resolved to make it my mission to find a way to keep King out of this shit.

  Chapter 2


  My wife was a beautiful woman. Even half drunk, stumbling across her front lawn screaming at her husband, she was stunningly beautiful. Fourteen years after I’d last laid eyes on her, she still took my breath away.

  Tenille had made some changes, though. The long black hair I’d loved had been replaced with a shorter cut that hit her shoulders. Still looked good, but not my preference. And the curves I’d loved on her had been ditched. Her body was stick-thin instead, and that was a fucking shame as far as I was concerned.

  I stood in the shadows of her neighbour’s house watching her argue with her husband, Craig. It was just after nine at night, and he’d come home late. She’d started in on him immediately, until they’d brought the fight outside. He’d exited their home first, and she’d chased after him. Her drunken state didn’t help her. She’d almost tripped in her haste to catch him before he got in his car. He’d caught her before she fell, but had pushed her away while they continued arguing about her drinking and the money missing from their bank account.

  I’d arrived in Melbourne late that afternoon and had intended to get eyes on Tenille’s place, suss out the area and then crash at my motel before going back to see her in the morning. I didn’t want our first conversation after fourteen years to be late at night when everyone was tired. However, my plans changed when their fight became physical. No fucking way would I stand by and watch a woman get hurt. Especially not my wife.

  I covered the distance between the three of us fast but not fast enough to stop his palm from connecting with her cheek. Everything that happened in the few moments after was a blur. Between them yelling at each other, Tenille trying to hit him back, me trying to intercept, and Tenille’s shock when she realised who I was, I wasn’t sure how it all went down. But I would never forget the look on her face as recognition set in.

  “Aiden?” My name fell from her lips on a strangled cry. I felt every ounce of her pain and confusion in that cry. And the knowledge that I’d caused her any kind of agony cut deeper than it had in the past fourteen years.

  “What the fuck?” Craig’s confusion mirrored Tenille’s. We’d never met, so he had no way of knowing me, but he knew my name.

  “No… it can’t be. You’re dead,” Tenille said as she lurched my way, bewilderment splashed across her face.

  “Tenille,” I started, but stopped when she gasped.

  “Oh my God!” She stood in front of me, eyes wide, and placed her hand against my cheek. “You look different, but I would know that voice anywhere,” she said as she brought her other hand to my face also.

  I did look different. I’d packed on a fuckload of muscle, inked half of my skin and grown a beard. I sure as hell wasn’t the scrawny kid she’d married.

  She madly moved her hands over my face, as if she was trying to feel for something she recognised. I gave her a few moments and then r
eached for one of her hands to stop her. “It’s me.”

  Her breathing slowed at the same time her hands did. Her body stilled also. And then she slapped me, right about the same time her eyes flashed with anger. “You fucking bastard! Where the fuck have you been?”

  I deserved that slap, so I took it. But when she started in on me by punching my chest, I shut that shit down fast. Grabbing both her hands, I pulled them away from my body. “I see some things haven’t changed,” I muttered. Tenille had often used physical violence in an attempt to get her point across.

  “Yeah, well when I discover my husband didn’t really die, but rather just left me without another word, you can bet your fucking ass I’m going to react this way.”

  Craig took that moment to step in. Finally. If I were him, I would have involved myself from the beginning. “You’ve got a fucking nerve showing up like this. I dragged Tenille from the shit you left her in. If you think I’m about to let you back into her life, to screw her over again, you’re seriously mistaken, asshole.”

  I’d held my temper in check because I owed Tenille the space to be angry and hurt. But I didn’t fucking owe this asshole a thing. My shoulder’s tensed as I met his gaze. “I don’t want a fucking thing. But let’s get something straight here, Craig. You didn’t drag Tenille from any-fucking-thing. I made sure she was set up financially before I left. I made sure she had everything she needed. By the time you came on the scene, she wasn’t in any shit. But you’ve sure as fuck put here there now, haven’t you, motherfucker?”

  “Fuck you!” he spat as he threw a punch at me.

  I’d seen that coming and blocked it by grabbing hold of his arm and shoving him with enough force to knock him flat on his ass. Ignoring Tenille’s shocked gasp, I stepped over his body and pushed him so he was on his back. Pinning his hands to the ground, I said, “A lot of shit has gone down in this family, and I’m here to sort it out for you. I may have walked away from Tenille and Charlotte once, but I’ll be fucked if I’ll stand back and watch them suffer again. I suggest you get on board with that or else you and I are gonna have trouble. And trouble with me is the last fucking thing you want.” Men like Craig—small men who paraded as big fucking men—were best dealt with fast. He needed to know where we both stood. And although he was married to Tenille, that meant very little to me. As far as I was concerned, it was my job to make sure she was okay.

  “Mum, what’s going on?”

  The air in my lungs disappeared at the sound of my daughter’s voice. It felt like a hammer had hit my chest, causing my heart to beat in erratic, painful throbs that roared in my ears and screamed through my body.

  I stood hunched over Craig, frozen to the spot, unable to look up. Fourteen fucking years without that voice in my life, without her in my life, had caused me more torment than anything else had ever come close to causing me.

  I desperately wanted to look at her, but my greatest fear stood between us, almost suffocating the life out of me. I hadn’t expected that, and it threw me. I didn’t fucking acknowledge fear in my life, but this one had haunted me for so long that it had rooted itself deep inside.

  What if Charlotte refused to accept me?


  “Go back inside, Charlotte,” Tenille urged.

  “Not until you tell me who that is and why he’s threatening Dad.”


  That word slashed right through me as the world began to spin. Jesus, I was losing my shit. And still struggling for fucking air.

  It was Craig who snapped me out of it when he pushed me away and yelled, “Charlie, for fuck’s sake, go back inside! This has nothing to do with you.”


  She was my fucking Charlie, not his.

  My head snapped up, and I finally caught a glimpse of the child I’d missed every single day since I’d left. If I thought I’d been frozen a moment ago, I was completely and utterly rooted to the spot now. Every inch of my skin shivered with a sensation I hadn’t felt in sixteen years. It was as if I was seeing her for the very first time again. This was the same feeling I’d felt when I’d laid eyes on her at birth.





  As I stood staring at her long dark curls that were an exact replica of my mother’s, and lips that were the same as Tenille’s, she placed her hands on her hips and snapped, “God, you can be such an asshole!” With a huff, she spun and stomped back into the house.

  I tracked her movements until I couldn’t see her anymore. Craig took the opportunity to attack while my attention was elsewhere.

  His fist smashed into my face hard, leaving the kind of pain that usually sent me into a rage. This time, however, I locked that shit down tight. The last thing I wanted to chance was Charlotte seeing that from inside the house. Instead, my hard glare met his as I moved directly in front of him. “The only thing holding me back from knocking you the fuck out is my daughter. You do that—”

  “She’s not your daughter, asshole. You gave up that right the minute you left town and never looked back.”

  I took a deep breath as I clenched my fists by my side. “She is my daughter. Yeah, I left town, but I never stopped watching over her. You think you and Tenille have been getting by on your own all these years? Think back to the time you lost your job because you smashed your boss’s face in at the pub that Friday night. You ever wonder how you had a job offer on the Monday morning? And the time you blew through five grand at the casino? You never stopped to ask how that money magically appeared back in your account the next day?” At the shock lining his face, I nodded. “Yeah, you get the idea. We won’t rehash every single time you fucked up and I fixed it before Tenille ever had to know.”

  Craig didn’t have a comeback, but Tenille delivered one that did the work of a thousand armies deployed to destroy. “A man who isn’t there to kiss their child’s fears away, and bandage their wounds, and help with homework, and tuck them in at night while telling them monsters don’t exist, and teach them that they are enough is not a father, Aiden. He’s simply the guy that donated some fucking sperm. Don’t get the two mixed up.” I met her hard gaze right before she added, “Helping me and Craig get by certainly doesn’t make you a father. Whatever help you think we need right now, we don’t, so just go back to wherever you came from and leave us alone.”

  I watched in silence as she stalked back inside, her earlier drunken wobble almost gone completely. The sound of the door slamming closed behind her filled the night air with a reminder that I was going to have to work hard to gain her trust back. I had expected that, but reality was always a harsh bitch compared to expectations.

  Chapter 3


  Tenille and I met when we were sixteen. She was the chick who stood up for the underdog whenever given a chance, and I fell for that trait long before I fell for her beauty. I loved her fire and the fierce way she lived her life—always giving anyone who criticised her the middle finger.

  She was fiery back then, and stubborn as hell. Convincing her to marry me at nineteen took over a year to do. She held strong views on marriage after watching her father control her mother. Tenille wanted to stay single; she didn’t see the need to declare our relationship with a piece of paper. What she didn’t count on was my determination to make her mine. I’d been fucking relieved, though, that talking her into having a baby was a lot easier. I’d always wanted lots of kids, and it turned out Tenille was down with that. Both of us came from shitty families; replacing them with our own was a dream we’d shared.

  As I sat on my bike in the undercover car park of the shopping centre where she worked, the day after she slapped me and told me I was merely a sperm donor, I realised she hadn’t changed much. She exited the shopping centre after work, at the time Sully informed me she would, and began the short trek to her car. Right before she arrived at her old beat-up Corolla, a guy had almost reversed into her. An honest mistake because the 4WD next to h
is car would have blocked his vision. Still as fiery as ever though, Tenille let loose on him, giving him a piece of her mind.

  I left my bike and approached them as the guy lost his cool.

  He ripped his sunglasses off, demanding, “Fuck, are you this bitchy to everyone you meet or just us unlucky bastards?”

  She placed her hand on her hip and raised her brows at him. “Just the assholes who don’t watch where they’re driving.”

  His glare deepened. “Yeah well, lady, I told you I couldn’t see shit because of that 4WD in the way, so back the fuck off, okay.”

  I moved next to Tenille. “This is done,” I directed at him before turning to her. Wrapping my hand around her forearm, I said, in a tone that asked for no arguments, “Let’s go.”

  The guy nodded his agreement and turned to leave. Tenille, on the other hand, didn’t take heed of my tone. Her wild eyes met mine as she pulled her arm from my grip. “What the fuck, Aiden? What are you doing here? And since when do you get to tell me what to do?”

  “Just helping you make a better decision, Tee.”

  “I don’t need your help. I could have done with it fourteen years ago, but not now. And don’t call me that. You don’t get to call me that anymore,” she snapped.

  Her anger was justified. I’d give her that. But letting her make the mistake of riling this guy up any further wasn’t something I was about to do. Hooking my arm around her waist, I lifted her and walked both of us away from him before she could continue her tirade. She fought me all the way, legs kicking and arms swinging, but I managed to keep hold of her until he was settled back in his car.

  When I finally let her go, she straightened her clothes and shot me a filthy look. “Is that how you get women to do what you want these days? Just manhandle them however you please?” Her voice wobbled on the last few words she spat my way, letting me know a softening was coming.


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