Hyde's Absolution: Sydney Storm MC

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Hyde's Absolution: Sydney Storm MC Page 16

by Nina Levine

  Her upper body angled backwards and her eyes found mine. “See, that’s why I said before that I wished you’d called me first. It’s that time of the month for me where I don’t share a shower with anyone. And before you tell me I can suck your dick instead, I’m not in the mood for that either.”

  My lips twitched again. “And here I was thinking you thought about dick 24/7.”

  “Oh, I do. I just have a few days a month where I don’t want one anywhere near me.”

  “How many more days we talking about here?”

  “I think I’d like to keep you hanging. I’m not going to tell you.”

  “You have no idea how much you keep me hanging. Get inside and we’ll find other ways to pass the time.”

  Fuck, I just wanted to be with her. At this point, I didn’t care if that meant I was inside her or not. So long as we were in the same room. Being with Monroe felt good. And I hadn’t felt good like this in a long fucking time.

  Chapter 23


  Hyde’s arm hooked around my waist and he pulled my body to his. Sunday mornings had never felt so good.

  He’d showed up last night waving his possessive flag all over the place marking his territory, making me fall for him more, even though I tried hard not to fall for that shit. But damn, knowing a man wanted me that much was always going to cause me to fall.

  There was no sex to be had because I had my period, but he’d sat through reruns of Friends with me, helped me cook spaghetti for dinner, ordered me to stay on the couch getting my Friends fix while he cleaned up the kitchen after dinner, and then stayed the night. While he hadn’t been able to keep his hands and mouth off me, he hadn’t tried to force anything more. In my book, that shit earnt him a fucking medal.

  I placed my hand over his. “Morning, tiger.”

  His leg curved over mine, pressing his erection against my ass. Having my period sucked. All I wanted was Hyde inside me, but I wasn’t a woman who ever had sex on her period.

  “Fuck, Roe, I need your hand around my dick,” he said as he nuzzled my neck.

  “I told you I don’t do dicks when I’m on my period.”

  He groaned and ground himself harder against me. “Fuck, woman, you’re a savage.”

  I decided to play with him a little longer. The truth was, though, that I wanted his dick as much as he wanted me to have it, so I wouldn’t be able to drag this out for too long. “I’m down with watching you take matters into your own hands.” I made sure to push my ass back against his dick.

  While he kept grinding against me, one of his hands moved its way up my body to cup my breast. Tweaking my nipple, he rasped, “You wanna tease me with that ass of yours, you’re gonna end up on your back so I can fuck your tits.”

  Desire exploded through me. Fucking my tits sounded like heaven. I teased him some more, making sure to really rub myself against him hard.

  He didn’t fail me. Before I knew what was happening, he had me on my back, his knees either side of my body as he knelt over me. Grabbing my hand, he wrapped it around his cock. Eyes to mine, he ordered, “First your hand, then your tits. Next time you wanna tease me, think twice, sugar.”

  I licked my lips as I pumped his cock. “I’ve decided that teasing you is fun. And that you are changing my mind about dicks at period time.”

  A deep, guttural groan came from him while I got him off. “As in you want my dick deep in your cunt instead of between your tits?”

  Hyde had a way with filthy words. They got me hot, even during the time of the month when nothing usually got me hot. But no way was I into what he suggested. I squeezed his dick harder as I moved my hand up and down it. “No. There’s no pussy for you today, but I’m definitely into this tit sex.”

  He stopped what I was doing so he could position his dick between my breasts. I squashed them together and held them there so he could focus on fucking them.

  The visual of his cock pumping between my breasts, his body driving him towards his release, and the erotic grunts coming from him turned me on far too much. I was going to be left with a need I couldn’t begin to fulfil.

  “Fuck,” I muttered while I kept my tits pressed together. “I’m so fucking horny right now.”

  He kept thrusting his dick between my breasts. “I can take care of that for you.”

  “Yeah. No.” I was still being stubborn. Maybe one day, if we were together for a long time, I’d be into period sex with him, but not yet.

  “Christ,” he growled. “This is gonna be fast.”

  He only managed two more thrusts before he came. Holding his dick while he directed the cum onto my breasts, he met my gaze and said, “Your tits and my cock need a standing date.”

  “I’m on board with that. Especially because you’re gonna cook me breakfast while I take a shower.”

  His lips curled up at the ends. “Really?”

  “Yes, really. You wanna shoot your jizz all over me, you’re in charge of making food while I clean that shit up.”

  “You fucking love that shit, sugar.”

  “That may be the case, but I also love food. Almost as much… no, some days, more…. No, scrap that, I always love dick more, but right now I am starving, so you need to feed me if you’ve got hope of ever getting inside me again.”

  He chuckled, and I had to say, I loved that sound coming from him. Moving off me, he said, “You got bacon and eggs in your fridge?”

  “I’ve got eggs. No bacon. How about scrambled eggs?” I really was hungry, but I also wanted to see how domestic he was.

  “Fuck that, we need bacon. I’ll go grab some while you’re in the shower.”

  A man after my own heart. I grinned. “Thank God you love meat.”

  He chuckled again. “I always did have that going for me.”


  Yes, he did.

  The man could cook. Good God, could he cook. I hadn’t had bacon and eggs that good in a long time. And then he’d cleaned the kitchen again. Without me even asking. He’d taken charge and ordered me to put my feet up while he cleaned. What man did that?

  “How long have you lived on your own?” I asked from the kitchen table where I sat watching him clean.

  “Fourteen years.”

  “Were you always this domestic? Or did that just come from all those years by yourself?”

  “Always. My mother didn’t lift a finger most of her life, so I learnt pretty fucking fast that if I didn’t cook and clean, I’d be hungry and living in filth.”

  My heart squeezed at the thought of any child going through that. I’d been blessed with my family. “How old were you when you figured that out?”

  His eyes met mine, and I saw the pain there. “Seven.”

  He went back to loading my dishwasher while I sat in silence wondering about his life. Now that we were doing the dating thing, I wanted to know everything there was to know about him. But I wasn’t convinced Hyde was the kind of man to share that kind of information easily. I decided to push him a little.

  “Are you close to your parents?”

  He was bent over the dishwasher, and I saw his body tense at that question. Surprising me, he glanced up and said, “I never knew my father. My mother died when I was twenty-one. She and I were never close.”

  I’d figured he wouldn’t be close to them if they treated him like that as a seven-year-old, but I always held out hope that people could change. Mostly, though, they didn’t.

  “I love that you’ve chosen to parent your daughter differently.”

  He straightened, his body still tense. By the look on his face, I decided I must have said something wrong. “Charlie’s only just come back into my life. My fault, not her mother’s. But yeah, I would never raise a child the way I was raised.”

  I frowned. “You haven’t had anything to do with her until now?”

  “I was there for the first two years of her life. Shit got in the way of that until just recently.” He watched me closely. It felt like he was trying
to judge my reaction.

  I stood and walked to him. “Something you need to know about me, Hyde, is that if you’re in my life, I don’t judge you.”

  His eyes searched mine for a beat and then he nodded. “Good. I judge myself enough for everyone.”

  I knew he was being honest with me. It was right there in his body language and his voice. I realised then just how much Hyde carried his pain with him, and I wondered what he’d been through in life to cause that anguish. I hoped in time he would share it with me so I could help him through it.

  He kissed me before smacking my ass—something he seemed to like to do—and saying, “Yesterday you told Fox you were excited about some plans but not sure you could pull them off. What plans are these?”

  Figuring that changing the subject was his way of dealing with whatever he had going on, I ran with it instead of forcing him to talk about something he didn’t want to. “I want to convert some of the space in my shop so I can add another room and bring in someone to do waxing. There’s a dress shop a few doors down from me that is flat out, so I figure between the women I have coming in and her customers, there’re enough women to target for waxing. But, I don’t really have the cash to pay someone to do the work, so I’m gonna have to get creative to make it happen. Fox had some ideas. Now I just have to go through them and see what I can do.”

  Someone knocked on my front door just as I finished telling him about my plans. When Savannah called out my name, I said, “Shit, I forgot she was coming over.” She was here to tell me all about her big date the previous night.

  “That’s your sister?”

  “Yeah. Sorry, but we already had plans to go out for lunch today.”

  “Let her in. I’ll grab my stuff and get out of here.”

  I gripped his shirt as he turned to go into the bedroom. “We need to discuss you taking me on a date.”

  “As in out to dinner?”

  Honestly, the man had no idea. It had clearly been too long since he’d dated a woman. And it was clearly my responsibility to teach him what he needed to do. “Yeah, as in out to dinner. If I’m gonna do this with you, you’re gonna have to earn it.”

  Those lips of his twitched again. I seemed to amuse him a lot. “Noted. I’ll pick you up for dinner tomorrow night.”

  I was free tomorrow night, but there was no way I was allowing him to dictate terms to me. I liked to start a relationship the way I intended it to go on. Him always making the decisions was not the way I saw our relationship going.

  Shaking my head, I said, “Tomorrow’s no good for me. How about Tuesday night?”

  Full points to him for not even blinking an eye. “I’ll pick you up at seven.”

  I smiled and pulled his face down for a kiss, ignoring the fact my sister’s knocking had grown louder. “I can’t wait to see where you take me.” The first date was everything in my opinion. It set the course for the future. I had high hopes of Hyde rocking my world on a date, just as much as he did in bed.

  Chapter 24


  “I’m just saying I think it might be wise to choose our battles,” I said to Tenille late Tuesday afternoon. We were discussing Charlie and the fact Tenille felt like she was out of control.

  “So you’re the expert now, are you? A week or so of parenting and you know everything?” We’d been going over this for a good half hour, and I didn’t see the end in sight.

  I raked my fingers through my hair. “No, but I’m not a fucking idiot, Tee. I’ve been watching you two fight and listening to what she’s saying about it all, and I think that you fighting every damn battle is just pushing her further away.”

  “Oh, so you think I should just let her smoke and drink and give me attitude, do you? Not to mention cutting class and letting her grades slip.” I saw where Charlie got her attitude. It rolled off Tenille in waves.

  “I’m suggesting you work on a couple of those things at a time. Pick the most important one, say her grades, and go to war with her about that. The rest, tread carefully. Have you seen her smoking or drinking since you got here?”


  I nodded. “She and I had a talk about it. I told her not to do it in the house. I figure I can’t control what goes on outside the house, so why fight her on it?”

  “You’re delusional, Aiden, if you think that by simply telling her not to do it here will stop her.”

  “I know it won’t stop her doing it. But I’m hoping that by not alienating her completely, I’m keeping the communication going between us. And that by giving her some room to figure shit out on her own, she will come to respect me and want to show me she can make better choices.”

  My phone buzzed with a text. My dick stirred at the thought of it being from Monroe. We’d been exchanging dirty messages all day.

  Monroe: You know how I didn’t want dick the other day?

  Me: Yeah.

  Monroe: I’m over that. Just so you know.

  Me: Thank fuck.

  Monroe: I want it every way I can have it tonight.

  Me: Ass?

  Monroe: Steady on, tiger. A man’s gotta prove himself first.

  Tenille cut in, “Are you just going to ignore me now? Your woman’s got all your attention, has she?” She spat her words out like they tasted awful. I imagined they did, and I hated that I’d caused her to feel this way. I needed to fix whatever issue we had here.

  “Tee,” I started, but the sound of glass smashing outside distracted me. Placing my phone down on the counter, I said, “Hold that thought. I’ll be back.”

  Jogging outside, I discovered that some kids were playing ball on the road and had smashed one of my neighbour’s windows. He was already outside dealing with it, and waved me off, letting me know he had it under control.

  By the time I got back inside, Tenille had my phone in her hands and had scrolled my messages with Monroe. She looked at me with a level of hurt I’d never seen coming. “I thought you didn’t really know Monroe.”

  “Fuck,” I muttered. Yet another conversation I wasn’t prepared for. Scrubbing my face, I said, “I didn’t when you asked. Now I do.”

  She shoved my phone at me. “So you coming back to us wasn’t you wanting me back?”

  I frowned. “You’re married, Tee. While I’m not a fan of Craig’s, it was never my intention to break up your family when I came back.”

  “Do you still love me?” she demanded.

  “It’s been fourteen years. I never thought I could come back, so I had to find a way to move on.”

  “So that’s a no, then?”

  “I’ll always love you, but I’m not in love with you, no. You can’t stand there and tell me you’re in love with me. You moved on years ago.” Christ, this was a fucked-up mess.

  Her breaths came hard and fast while she stared at me. She seemed lost, and I tried to figure out how to deal with that, but I was out of my fucking depth here. “I did move on, but you coming back has stirred so many feelings in me that I never knew were buried. I only moved on because I thought you were dead. Not because I stopped loving you.”

  “You’re telling me you don’t love Craig?”

  “I don’t know anymore. My thinking is all screwed up.”

  “Where is he?”

  “He’s working. Splitting his time between Melbourne and Perth.”

  “No, I mean why isn’t he here? Why isn’t he fighting for you to go home?” She’d hardly heard from him as far as I knew.

  She wrapped her arms around herself like she was trying to warm up, even though it wasn’t a cold day. “I don’t know,” she said quietly.

  I moved to her and pulled her into my arms. Tenille would always be the woman I’d loved first and the mother of my child. I’d never stop loving her, but there was no way back to each other as far as I was concerned. However, my guilt at what I’d put her through over the years ate me alive. Some days I was sure it would consume me. They were the days I hit the whisky the hardest. If I had any chance at defe
ating my mother’s genes in me, I had to find a way past this guilt.

  “I’ve got a guy looking into what’s going on with him,” I told her.

  She jerked out of my hold. “What? Why would you do that?”

  “To help you find some answers as to what the fuck’s going on in your marriage.”

  “That’s none of your concern, Aiden,” she snapped.

  “Is there something going on here I don’t know about, Tee?” She seemed cagey all of a sudden. Like she wanted me far away from her marriage and all the shit going on with it.

  “No.” But she’d shut down completely on me, so I had to wonder the truth of the matter. As she turned to leave the kitchen, she threw out, “And Charlie isn’t getting that hair colour. If you say yes, there will be hell to pay.” She stalked towards her bedroom, leaving me clueless as to what the hell was going on.

  Grabbing my phone, I tried to call Sully, but he didn’t answer. I hadn’t heard from him since he arrived in Melbourne a few days ago. That concerned me; Sully always stayed in contact. I sent a text to Bronze asking him to look into it for me. If anything had happened to him down there, I was hoping the cops would know.

  After I had texted Bronze, I shot Monroe another text.

  Me: What kind of proof are we talking?

  She came straight back.

  Monroe: Ever considered getting your dick pierced?

  Me: That’s how a man proves himself to you?

  Monroe: No. I was just throwing that out there for your consideration. Proof = time getting shit right.

  Me: Noted. I’ll be there soon.

  Monroe: If you come early, we could fit a quickie in. Just sayin’.

  Well that was a fucking no-brainer. Ten minutes later I was on my way to her house.

  Chapter 25



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