Waiting in the Shadows

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Waiting in the Shadows Page 21

by Trish Moran

  Isaac could see a small, hooded figure edging towards Yuri; their eyes met. He cleared his throat.

  ‘What makes you think you can build a better future on your own, Yuri? Wouldn’t it be better for all the Labs to pull together? Many are working with Non-Labs; we’re all getting somewhere …’

  ‘No! There are too many substandard Labs! I will build a perfect world. Get rid of the flawed Labs. Only the best will survive! Has transport been arranged?’ As he glanced towards the door the figure jumped up, pulling the glass from Yuri’s hand and pushing Johnny’s head to one side. Isaac leapt forward and pulled Johnny out of the way as Abel threw himself on top of Yuri.

  There was a scream as the two remaining capsules were pushed open and one of the figures leapt upon the bloodied rescuer.

  ‘Milly! Milly! Are you OK?’ she cried, tearing strips of her suit into makeshift bandages which she wound around her twin’s hand.

  A sudden crash caused them all to look around.

  Abel had been flung back against one of the capsules which had collapsed on top of him. The next moment the doorway was filled with police and security men. Amidst the shouts and crashing of glass, Lena opened her eyes and gave a weak smile as she watched Yuri slip out of the door.

  ‘So we missed all the action!’ Dette was saying a few days later as they all sat around in the Centre office. She smiled at the people around her.

  ‘We found out that Celia and Vince had been pretty busy themselves!’ Abel smiled.

  ‘Yes, when Rafe Maher sent out the order to destroy certain documents on the Laqaar Medicentre computer system, he found he was too late! Celia and Vince had already barred access to the system and emailed copies of incriminating files to Scotland Yard!’ Isaac slapped his thigh; then grimaced in pain. ‘I wish I had your quick healing powers!’

  ‘One thing that bothers me is that Yuri escaped,’ he added.

  ‘He will not be able to contact Braxman or Sven this time,’ Celia said.

  ‘Are they both being held in custody?’ Ruby asked.

  ‘Braxman is in a high-security prison block. Sven is in a psychiatric prison unit,’ Celia told her. ‘Neither will be granted bail before the trial. I doubt if Sven will ever be released.’

  Lena, who had gone back to her old name of Fiona now that she was no longer part of Yuri’s scheme, gave a sad smile, ‘Sven cannot be held guilty for his part in all this. He lives in another world; a real mad scientist!’

  She pulled two memory sticks from her pocket. ‘And Yuri does not have the data he thinks he has. I substituted blank memory sticks for his own. I do not think he represents a future threat.’

  She passed the memory sticks to Abel and looked at him.

  ‘I was surprised that you did not inform the police of my role. Why did you tell them I had been planted there to monitor Yuri’s activities?’

  ‘The same reason you did not inform the police of Yuri’s escape route, Fiona. We could not hand a Lab over to the Non-Lab justice system. They do not understand all sides of the story. And we could not let a Lab be incarcerated in a Non-Lab prison. We have already been imprisoned by Non-Labs!’ Abel answered.

  ‘And we don’t think you will be a threat to any Lab in the future,’ Leon added.

  Fiona shook her head, ‘No, I … I was so foolish, so blind! But I could never cause harm to another Lab!’

  Isaac shrugged as the other Labs nodded in agreement.

  ‘You Labs certainly stick together.’

  ‘Milly, you were so brave!’ Lily said, looking in admiration at her sister. ‘I have never seen you so fearless before!’

  ‘Yes, I surprised myself!’ Milly grinned. ‘I don’t know why I was so reticent before. We must be more assertive, Lily!’

  Her sister gave a weak smile, ‘Yes.’

  ‘Thank goodness you were feeling brave!’ Johnny said, rubbing his throat.

  Silence spread over the company as they all considered the events of the last few days. Johnny pulled a plaster off his finger and began to whistle softly.

  ‘What’s that you’re whistling?’ Leon asked him.

  ‘Brahms violin concerto,’ Johnny replied absently, ‘Sort of soothing, isn’t it?’

  Leon gazed at him with an incredulous expression.

  ‘How do you know anything about Brahms or violins?’ he gasped.

  Fiona sat forward, ‘Yuri inputted extra data into your brain. And for Milly he extracted something, your timidity. Hence your new strengths, or interests.’

  ‘Does that mean you are not so good at football?’ Leon asked his twin.

  Johnny’s jaw dropped, ‘Come on! Let’s go and find out!’

  Ruby stood in the doorway watching the two boys playing football with some of the Labs from the Compound. The others were deep in conversation with Fiona on the experiments Yuri had carried out. She became aware of someone standing beside her.

  ‘His new interest in classical music has not affected his football, has it?’ she said to Isaac.

  ‘No,’ he replied. ‘When I think back on all that has happened since I first confronted you about the number of twins you knew! I didn’t know what I was letting myself in for! And I bet you had no idea what the future held for you when you first met the Labs, did you, Ruby?’

  ‘Not at all,’ she laughed. ‘But I don’t regret a single thing about my life now.’

  ‘Nor me. They are a wonderful group of people. Just look at what Celia can do with a computer! She’s amazing!’

  They both looked up as Abel joined them.

  ‘Isaac! You can’t use any of this story but we still have the possibility of the twins signing up for one of the premier football teams. And of course, there will be a definite story for you when Beth, Frank, and the baby come here in a few days’ time! It will hopefully coincide with the government announcement of the rights of Labs. Let’s sort out some details, shall we?’

  ‘All this happening at the same time! Wow, what a news story!’ Isaac smiled.

  Ruby followed them inside and joined Celia and Dette.

  ‘So, you are going to meet up for the first time!’ Dette exclaimed.

  ‘Vince?’ Ruby said.

  Celia nodded, ‘He will be here in a few days! He is anxious to meet everyone, especially after all this excitement!’

  ‘He’ll get to meet Beth, Frank, and the baby, too!’ Dette smiled. ‘They will be moving back into the Compound at the end of this week!’

  ‘The news reporters have been less interested in them since the reports of three other mixed couples expecting babies!’ Ruby said.

  ‘And Simon wants to announce his engagement to Sakura soon, too,’ Dette added, ‘though his parents are not that keen. Especially his mother. She is doing everything she can to break up their relationship!’

  Abel smiled and looked around at the people gathered in the Compound hall. Labs and Non-Labs mingled together. Isaac was busy organising Beth and baby Frankie for a photograph.

  ‘This is Vincent Craig, Abel,’ Celia said proudly, introducing a smartly dressed man seated in a wheelchair.

  ‘Pleased to meet you,’ Abel said, holding out his hand.

  ‘I’m very pleased to meet you, too, Abel. You have done so much for your people! It can’t have been easy!’ Vince said. ‘It’s so good to put faces to the names I have heard so much about over these last few weeks!’

  ‘Mr Craig! I’m so glad you are here!’ Dette shook the older man’s hand. ‘Celia has told us so much about you, too!’

  After a while, Abel wandered over to Beth and Frank who were chatting to Johnny and Leon.

  ‘Can he walk yet?’ Johnny asked, looking at the baby in Beth’s arms.

  ‘No, not yet; it will be another year before he can do that, according to the midwife,’ Beth told him, ‘Although, she says Frankie is developing a lot faster than most babies. Here, hold him, Johnny. It’s OK, he won’t break!’

  A smile spread over Johnny’s face as little Frankie looked up at him wit
h wide blue eyes.

  Leon stroked the baby’s kicking feet, ‘It’s so strange to see such a little person moving about; young Labs just sleep!’

  A worried look passed across Johnny’s face as the young child began to squirm and then let out a loud howl. ‘Oh, Beth! Something’s wrong!’

  ‘Don’t worry, he’s just letting us know he’s hungry!’ she smiled, standing up and taking the baby from Johnny. ‘He probably needs changing, too. We’ll see you later.’

  ‘He takes some looking after for such a small person!’ Leon shook his head.

  ‘Well, yes, children brought up in a Non-Lab way do take some looking after, but it’s worth it!’ Frank smiled. ‘I wouldn’t like to see him grow in a capsule. I want to teach him things myself. Like football!’

  Leon nodded enthusiastically, ‘We can help you there, Frank!’

  ‘And he should learn about music, too! Not all classical music is boring, you know, Leon!’ Johnny said.

  ‘There’s more than just classical music,’ Sakura added as she joined them with Miyu and Jade. ‘You should meet some of the talented musicians we have been working with!’

  The two other girls nodded.

  Simon joined them, putting his arms around Sakura’s waist and pulling her to him.

  ‘You are all wonderful musicians!’

  ‘Your final concert is on Sunday, isn’t it?’ Abel said. ‘It is definite now; the prime minister is going to make an announcement about the legal status of the Labs on Monday morning!’

  ‘It has worked out perfectly! We have decided that now is the time to reveal our true identities!’ Jade said.

  ‘No more hiding!’ Miyu added.

  ‘Whoever chooses to accept us or not,’ Sakura looked in to Simon’s eyes.

  ‘They will be the losers, not us!’ he said softly. ‘We’re standing together!’

  ‘No more hiding!’ Johnny repeated, looking at his brother. ‘We’re going public!’

  ‘Yes, we are signing for Manchester Central as Labs!’ Leon nodded.

  ‘Show the world you are proud to be Labs!’ Simon said. ‘Hey, why not get all this together? Let the Labs who are ready to reveal their true identities do so when Johnny and Leon sign up for Manchester?’

  ‘Keith! Isaac!’ he beckoned them over. Isaac nodded eagerly as Simon explained his ideas.

  ‘This could be the most spectacular event of the year! The Labs will have really arrived!’ he rubbed his hands together.

  When Beth re-entered the room a short time later she made her way over to Celia, Ruby and Vince.

  ‘They seem excited about something,’ she gestured towards Isaac and the others.

  Ruby explained what they were arranging.

  Beth frowned, ‘I don’t want to seem ungrateful, but I don’t want Frankie to be part of a circus every time we are seen in public. I just want a normal, family life …’

  Ruby patted her arm, ‘You are entitled to that, Beth. Go and speak to Isaac and Frank now. Make sure they understand your point of view. Here, let me hold the baby for a while.’

  She watched Beth join the group, ‘I hope they listen to her. I can understand how she is feeling, can’t you, Celia? Celia?’

  Celia’s mind was far away as she gazed down as the sleepy child, a look of wonder and also fear on her face.

  Vince cleared his throat, ‘Ruby, go and make sure they listen to Beth. Give me the child, he’s nearly asleep. Celia, we’ll go for a walk outside, help the little chap to nod off!’

  Celia stood up awkwardly, ‘Are … are you sure, Vince?’

  ‘Absolutely! Let’s go!’ he replied.

  It was peaceful outside. Only a few of the Labs were playing football and basketball near the hall.

  ‘It’s been quite a week so far, hasn’t it, Celia?’ he said softly.

  Celia nodded, ‘It has. I knew the past few months have been leading up to this, but now it is all happening, I feel, I don’t know really …’

  Vince nodded, ‘It is all happening so quickly. And you still have a few issues to sort out yourself, don’t you?’

  Celia turned her face away as if to hide her expression.

  ‘Sit down on that bench there, Celia,’ Vince nodded towards a wooden bench shaded by an overhanging tree.

  Celia settled herself and looked at Vince.

  ‘Here,’ he said. ‘Your turn to hold the baby. Gently now; he’s almost asleep!’ he said, silencing her protests.

  Celia’s hands trembled as she held the sleepy child. She looked down into his face as he struggled to keep his eyes open.

  ‘Just like Marissa was at that age!’ Vince chuckled. ‘Can’t let himself go to sleep in case he misses something important! Isn’t he beautiful?’

  ‘He is,’ Celia smiled as his tiny fist close around on of her fingers.

  ‘Vince … there’s something I want to ask you …’ she said softly.

  He waited.

  ‘I don’t know how to say this … I don’t want to upset you …’ she was almost whispering now, rocking the child in her arms.

  ‘I know, Celia,’ he answered.

  He took a deep breath.

  ‘You are afraid to ask me what it feels like to have a child, like this little person; to hold her in your arms, to love her, to have so many dreams for the future as you watch her take her first steps, to feel in your heart you would die for her! And then to lose her.’

  He turned to look at Celia. She nodded tearfully.

  ‘I couldn’t do that! Look at him – so peaceful, so trusting – yet I cannot promise that I will be able to protect him against all the dangers of the world! I couldn’t risk it!’

  Vince’s eyes were moist, too as he lay a hand on her arm.

  ‘No, we want to make these promises, we can offer to lay down our lives for our children; but sometimes even that is not enough!’

  There was a long silence. Celia watched as a tear fell onto Frankie’s blanket and was absorbed into the soft material.

  Eventually Vince continued.

  ‘But we can take these risks. We have to. It was too painful to think of them at first, but as the time went by I got great comfort from the sweet memories Marissa had left behind. All the happy times we had shared together. Eventually, after a long time, I was able to look at the photos and think about the good times, too.’

  Celia remained silent beside him.

  ‘I know you have one more question to ask me, Celia,’ Vince said. She looked up and waited.

  ‘Yes. It was worth having Marissa, even though we lost her so young. The four years she spent on this earth gave me and Vanessa so much pleasure; we would never want that to be taken from us. I know Vanessa thinks so, too. She was the first to realise that, while I was so lost in my grief I could not see anything clearly.

  ‘So be brave, Celia. Don’t deny yourself the greatest gift of all just because you are afraid you are not strong enough to protect him or her from everything! No one can guarantee that. We are all human – however we came to be here. The risk is worth it!’

  Most of the others were grouped in a large circle when Vince and Celia rejoined them. Beth rose and came to take the sleeping child.

  ‘Oh, you got him off to sleep. Thank you, Celia. You certainly have a way with him, it usually takes us ages to get him to nod off!’

  Celia smiled at her, ‘Any time I can help, Beth, now that you’re moving back to the Compound, just ask!’

  Dette and Ruby exchanged glances.

  ‘Come and join us, you two, we’ll explain our plans for Monday. The Labs will finally be legal! Simon has some great ideas for publicity,’ Isaac called out, pulling up a chair for Celia beside him.

  ‘I’ll get Frankie into his cot now,’ Beth said to Frank.

  ‘I’ll walk up with you and get the phone book from the office, and we can make a start on some of the calls we need to make,’ Ruby said, getting up too.

  Abel also stood up, ‘I need a file from the office.’

; ‘Oh, if you tell me which one, Abel …’ she began; but he followed them from the room.

  They walked with Beth as far as her apartment.

  ‘Are you sure you have everything you need, Beth?’ Ruby asked her.

  ‘Yes, thanks,’ Beth smiled. ‘It’s lovely to be home again.’

  Ruby and Abel turned back down the pathway.

  ‘It will be interesting having such a young person amongst us!’ Abel began.

  ‘Yes. And I’ve heard that at least one of the mothers-to-be is planning on moving to the Compound!’ Ruby said. ‘It would be lovely to have children around here!’

  ‘You seem at ease with young Frankie,’ Abel said.

  ‘I love babies!’ Ruby smiled.

  As they neared Ruby’s apartment she stopped.

  ‘I think I’ll pick up my jacket, it’s getting a bit cooler now,’ she said. ‘I’ll catch up with you in a minute, Abel.’

  As she opened the door she was surprised to find he was still beside her. He pushed the door closed.

  ‘Ruby, I would like to ask you something …’ he began nervously.

  ‘Yes, Abel?’ she waited.

  ‘Over the months I have got to know you, well, we have got to know each other, you have made me realise, well, first of all, that not all Non-Labs are our enemies! Some in fact can become special friends.’

  Ruby smiled, ‘I remember at first, Abel, you didn’t like Non-Labs at all. You were quite scary! Isaac and I were terrified of you!’

  He nodded, ‘Yes, I was a difficult person to get on with. I realise that now. All I thought about was protecting the Labs. I never wanted to ask for help, especially from Non-Labs. How wrong I was!’

  ‘I am so glad things are finally working out now. You have fought long and hard for the Labs!’

  ‘With help, Ruby. I could not have come this far alone,’ he replied.

  She had picked up her jacket and had turned towards the door when Abel caught her arms.

  ‘Ruby, I must ask you this,’ his face was close to hers now. She could feel her heart quickening. ‘Ruby … would you, would you like to, would you think about …’

  ‘Yes, Abel?’ she whispered.

  ‘… producing young with me?’

  She gave a sudden laugh; Abel dropped his hands to his sides. She put her hand to her mouth, ‘Abel …’


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