Blood of Brekkon (The Complex Book 0)

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Blood of Brekkon (The Complex Book 0) Page 13

by Kristen Middleton

  Chapter 34


  At first, when they told me about the engagement, I was angrier than all hell.

  “You’re supposed to marry someone you love. You two barely know each other!” I cried, after Javich and Brekkon left Ria and me alone together.

  “But we do know each other. We’ve been meeting now for the past two weeks,” she replied with a starry look in her eyes. “And he’s everything I’ve ever wanted in a man.”

  “He’s a Dragon,” I said dryly.

  “Yes. So is Brekkon,” she countered. “And that’s good enough for you. Why not me?”

  She had me there. I just didn’t want my little sister getting married at such a young age. To me, she was still a baby and the thought of her being a wife seemed preposterous.

  “Brekkon and I are different,” I said.

  “Oh really?” She put her hands on her hips and jutted her chin out. “How so?”

  “We’re… adults.”

  “Nice try. I’m eighteen. I’m an adult, too.”

  “Yes, maybe. But, Javich is so… immature and he’s not the kind who settles down. Do you have any idea of how many females he’s bedded here already?”

  “Yes. He told me. In fact, we tell each other everything,” she declared.

  “And you still want him?” I replied, staring at her in surprise.

  “Of course I do. Admittedly, he made a few mistakes. But now he’s ready to become the kind of man he’s meant to be.”

  In other words, the man she thinks he should be…

  I let out a ragged sigh. It was just like her to once again, see only the goodness in others. But, I wasn’t so sure Javich really was ready to be the man Ria needed or wanted him to be.

  “Fine. You love him. That doesn’t mean you have get engaged. Brekkon and I aren’t even talking about marriage.” It wasn’t exactly true. He was always hinting about it and I was always changing the subject.

  “Are you sure about that?” she said. “Brekkon is always telling Javich that you belong to him. That you’ll be his wife.” She smiled. “And now, I will be Javich’s.”

  I suddenly had an idea of why she wanted to marry the big oaf. She was afraid of losing me.

  “Ria, Brekkon and I do not have plans to get married. And even if we did, I would never abandon you. You have to realize that,” I said softly.

  “Yes, I do. This isn’t about you,” she replied. “It’s about me and what I want. Not what you think I should have.”

  “And you want Javich?” I said dryly.

  Ria nodded. “And he wants me.”

  I snorted. “I’m sure he does.” My eyes narrowed. “He hasn’t had you yet, has he?”

  “No,” she said. “Although… I tried coming on to him but he wouldn’t allow it. I think he’s afraid of you and Brekkon, to be honest.”

  I grunted. “I guess he’s not as foolish as I thought.”

  Ria let out a frustrated sigh. “I don’t need your permission to see Javich. I only told you because you’re my sister and I want you to be happy for me.”

  “But you’re moving too fast. I’d be lying if I said it made me even remotely happy,” I replied, wishing that she wasn’t being so stubborn about this. The odd thing was, Ria was usually the level-headed one.

  “Obviously, it’s going to take you awhile to accept,” she said. “But, this is going to happen, with or without your blessing.”

  My eye twitched. “When?”

  “I’m not sure. Hopefully next month.”

  The room began to spin. Next month? “Why the rush?”

  “If I were rushing, I’d be doing this tomorrow,” she replied, walking to the door.

  “Ria, please be reasonable,” I said, following her.

  “Reasonable? Just because you aren’t willing to accept this doesn’t mean that I’m being unreasonable. I love him, Natalya. To be honest, I’m a little overwhelmed myself, but only because of my feelings for him. I’ve never felt this way about anyone.”

  “It’s just a crush,” I answered in desperation. “It will pass.”

  “A crush? Tell me something, do you love Brekkon?” she asked.

  “Yes,” I replied, never actually having said it out loud. But, in my heart, I did love him.

  “What if I told you it was just a crush and one that would pass?” she answered.

  “It’s different between us,” I said once again.

  She rolled her eyes. “Why? Because you’ve had sex?”

  Admittedly, our relationship had started with it and, we spent most of our time in bed, but I knew what was in my heart. I loved him.

  “The last two weeks Javich and I have shared everything with each other. Our histories. Our hopes. Our dreams. We’ve spent hours talking to each other. I’m willing to bet that he and I know more about each other than you and Brekkon.”

  I frowned.

  “What’s his favorite color?” she asked me.

  “Green. I think.” The truth was, I had no idea.

  “Do you know how Brekkon and Javich met?” she asked, crossing her arms with a smirk.

  “No,” I admitted.

  “I do. You should ask. It’s an interesting tale. I’m willing to bet that I know more about Brekkon than you do, considering how much time Javich and I have been talking. But, apparently, that kind of intimacy doesn’t mean anything substantial,” she said dryly. “Because there isn’t any sex involved.”

  “That’s not fair,” I said, hating that she was starting to sound reasonable.

  “Neither is how you’re handling this situation.”

  Sighing, I crossed my arms under my chest. “I’m sorry. I just think you’re being silly about rushing into things.”

  “I know you do. Just don’t rain down on my parade because this doesn’t feel right to you.”

  “I just—”

  “Uh, uh, uh,” she interrupted, putting a finger to my lips. “You’re not changing my mind, so save it.”

  I sighed again.

  Ria smiled sadly and then hugged me. “I love you. You’re my sister and I know you only want what’s right. But this is my life. Let me live it.”

  I reluctantly decided to give in. I wanted her to be happy and it was obvious that she thought she was. I also knew how stubborn she could be, and if she wanted this, there was nothing I could do to stop her. “Okay,” I said, closing my eyes and holding her tightly. “If he hurts you, though, I’m going to rip his wings off.”

  “I know you will,” she said, a smile in her voice. “He won’t though, Natalya.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “I could ask the same thing to you about Brekkon,” she replied. “Nobody knows what the future holds. All we can do is love one another and hope for the best.”

  She was right, but deep down, I still had some major doubts about Javich being the one for her.

  Chapter 35


  Javich and I returned to our apartments, not saying much during the walk. When we arrived, however, he cleared his throat and said what was on his mind.

  “I know you are having a hard time with this,” he told me. “But, I also hope you’ll give me the benefit of the doubt.”

  “I think you’re making a mistake,” I said simply. “I just hope you’ll take more time to think about this before Ria gets her heart broken.”

  “I would never do that,” he said, looking hurt. “I wish you’d listen to what I’ve been trying to say and quit questioning my intentions with Ria. I mean, you’re supposed to be my best friend and yet, you don’t have any faith in me.”

  I let out a ragged sigh. He was right. We were best friends and had been since the day we met. “Do you love her?”

  “I’ve never been in love, but my heart is telling me that I do.” Javich stared ahead, his eyes sparkling as he spoke. “She brings meaning to my life.”

  I frowned. “And there wasn’t any before?”

  “Before, it was always about ke
eping myself entertained, as stupid as it sounds. But now, I wake up every morning and all I can think about is her. Her laughter. The way she smiles at me when I’m carrying on too long about a story. That little dimple on the side of her face. Even the way she sneezes. She makes this tiny, little noise. It’s so adorable. I’m telling you—she brings joy to my heart, and if that isn’t love, then I don’t know what is.”

  “I just hope you know what you’re doing,” I replied as he opened up the door to his apartment.

  “Do you know what you’re doing with Natalya?” he asked. “I mean, does anyone really know what they’re doing?”

  “Yes. Of course they do. Natalya and I are going to get married.”

  “Does she know this?”

  “Yes. Kind of. I mean, we’ve spoken of it several times.”

  He gave me a funny look.

  “Okay. She hasn’t exactly said ‘yes’ but I think she’s warming to the idea.”

  Javich laughed. “Just what I thought. You worry about your relationship and let me worry about mine.”


  Ten minutes later, Natalya called me and we both agreed that there wasn’t anything we could do about Javich and Ria.

  “I guess we’ll just have to watch and see what happens from the sidelines,” I told her.

  “I guess so,” she said sadly. “Brekkon, you’ve been friends with him for a long time… do you think he really loves my sister?”

  “Honestly, I believe he really might.”

  Natalya was about to say something when suddenly, she looked ill.

  “I have to go,” she said with a sour expression.

  “What is it?”

  “I’ll call you back,” she replied and then her hologram vanished.


  Ten minutes later, Natalya called me back. She was very pale and had a frightened look in her eyes.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked, noticing that she looked upset.

  “I just vomited,” she replied.

  “Oh. Are you okay now?”

  “I’m still feeling unwell. Brekkon,” her eyes became watery again. She put her hand to her mouth. “I’ll be right back.”

  Concerned, I decided to go back to her place. Natalya wasn’t one to get sick. Her being a Healer made it even odder. I put my boots on and walked out of my apartment. Unfortunately, there was a surprise waiting for me in the hallway. Two Intra officers and the last person I’d expected to see at the Complex.

  “Hello, Brekkon,” said Talon with a triumphant smile. “Long time no see.”

  Chapter 36


  After vomiting again, I drank some water and tried calling Brekkon back. Unfortunately, he didn’t answer so I left him a message.

  “I’m still queasy. I must have something lingering from the ill Meta I helped earlier in the day. Anyway, I’m going to sleep. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” I smiled. “By the way… what is your favorite color?”

  Ria was right about one thing—Brekkon and I spent far too much time in bed and not enough time talking. I didn’t know much about his family, other than he was the middle child of two steadfast Dragons. He had an older brother, who could do no wrong in his parents’ eyes, and a younger one, who was always getting into trouble, even more so than Brekkon, if that was possible. But, I loved him and if we did have a future together, I needed to know what I was getting myself into. Especially now that my sister was hell-bent on marrying Javich. Not that I didn’t like him. I just didn’t trust him to be true to her.

  Pushing all unpleasant thoughts aside, I took a shower to see if it would make me feel better. As I was toweling myself dry, however, I found myself ill once again.

  “This is ridiculous,” I mumbled, heading back to the kitchen for something to drink after throwing up again. As I was getting myself a cup of water, I suddenly had an intense craving for meat, and lots of it, which was very odd. My diet usually consisted of vegetables, fruit, and nuts.

  Unlike Brekkon, who couldn’t seem to get enough meat…

  “Oh, my God,” I gasped, dropping the cup of water.

  Could it be that I was pregnant?

  The signs were all there. My clothes were even getting a little tighter. I thought back to the last couple of weeks and it all began to make sense. Sensitive nipples. Dizziness. Being unnaturally tired. And now this intense, new craving for meat. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath and touched my stomach. It was definitely harder and slightly rounder.

  “Crap.” I opened my eyes and tried not to panic.

  I was pregnant.

  I had to be.

  But… with what exactly?

  It scared the hell out of me. I didn’t know what kind of baby was growing inside of my stomach. Would it survive? Would I survive? So many terrifying thoughts raced through my head and yet, part of me was also a little excited. Surely, if I was able to get pregnant, the baby would also have some of my healing genes? That had to mean I’d be able to carry it to term safely. At least, that’s what I needed to believe.

  I tried calling Brekkon again but he didn’t answer. Knowing it was news that needed to be relayed in person, I decided to go to him. Plus, my hunger was driving me insane and he had a lot of food at his place.


  His apartment was on the other side of the building. When I finally arrived, I knocked but nobody answered. Thinking he might be at Javich’s, I went to his door.

  “Do you know where Brekkon is?” I asked when he answered. I could tell that I’d disturbed his sleep.

  Scratching his head, Javich yawned. “He should be home. I left him about an hour ago.”

  “Really? He didn’t answer when I knocked on the door.”

  “That’s odd.” Javich walked over and pounded on it. “Brekkon!”

  “Maybe he went into town?” I said, feeling a little anxious. It wasn’t like Brekkon to be this unresponsive.

  “It’s a little late for that,” he replied. “But, let me try calling him.”


  Javich tried, but just like with me, he didn’t get an answer.

  “Give me or Natalya a call as soon as you can,” he said into his palm. “We’re getting worried about you.”

  “Why do I feel uneasy about this?” I said to Javich after he hung up. Thinking that he would tell me I was being paranoid, I was surprised when he agreed with me instead.

  “I don’t feel right about this either,” he said, chewing on his lower lip. “Especially since he hasn’t called you back.”

  My heart began to pound. “What do we do?”

  “Let’s go down by the courtyard. Who knows, maybe he went for a midnight flight.”

  I relaxed. Now that made perfect sense. Brekkon was probably flying around in his Dragon form and that’s why he wasn’t responding.

  When we reached the courtyard, however, to our dismay we found it completely empty.

  “Okay, this shit isn’t funny anymore,” he said, after trying to call him again.

  “Could Brekkon be in the city?”

  “If he is, he’s stuck. There’s a force-field that covers Main City at this time of night.”

  That was alarming. “Then where in the world could he be, Javich?” I asked, my stomach filled with dread. “Maybe we should try and get into his apartment?”

  “I don’t know,” replied Javich, looking over my head and toward the door leading back into the dome. His eyes widened. “Shit.”

  Before I could ask what was wrong, he grabbed my arm and began pulling me away from the building.

  “What is it?”

  “Trouble. We’ve got to hide. Quickly.”

  I glanced quickly over to the doorway and saw Brekkon with two Intra officers and another man. They didn’t see us, but their weapons were drawn and pointed at him. My heart pounded as we ran into the wooded part of the courtyard and hid behind some boulders.

  “It doesn’t look like they saw us,” whispered Javich.

  “Who is th
e tall guy with the beard?” I asked. The man wore expensive clothing instead of the required uniform, and even from our distance, I could see that he had gemstone rings on every finger.

  “Talon,” he whispered as we watched the group step outside. Javich frowned. “He must be here to collect.”

  The news terrified me.

  “Will they kill him?” I asked, the thought making my heart bleed. I didn’t know what I’d do without Brekkon. I truly loved him and was ready to race to his defense.

  The look Javich gave me wasn’t good.

  “We’ve got to do something. We need to help him,” I said, trembling.

  “We will. Let me just think for a few seconds,” he replied, looking just as terrified as me.

  Suddenly, I noticed that I was receiving an incoming call from Ria. I answered it, hoping she could help.

  “Ria,” I whispered. “Brekkon is in danger.” I then told her what was happening quickly.

  “I know. Cleo is here and told me she’d learned Talon had paid his way inside the Complex. What can we do to help?” she replied.

  “Call Intra. Ask for…” I looked at Javich. “Do you remember that guy who interviewed us when the two green Dragons were trying to bring him in last time?”

  “Jacob Sneed,” he replied.

  “Good memory,” I said, relieved. He was one of the few Intra I knew we could trust.

  He shrugged. “With a name like that, how could you forget?”

  I told Ria the man’s name. She promised to call him immediately and hung up.

  “Sorry to say, but I don’t think we have time to wait for Intra,” he said, taking off his shirt. “I need to shift and help him now.”

  I looked over at the four men, who were on the other side of the courtyard and in the shadows. Talon and Brekkon were arguing about something and the Intra had their weapons still drawn. He was right. There was no time to wait.


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