Final Surrender: The Surrender Series, Book 1

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Final Surrender: The Surrender Series, Book 1 Page 5

by Jennifer Kacey

  She captured his mouth again and he groaned. Her tongue lingered next to his for the briefest of seconds before she pulled away and exited through her open door.

  He watched her shut the door, straightening her hair as she walked in front of his car, illuminated by the headlights.

  Tears slid down her cheeks, onto her lips, swollen from his assault. They still tingled from his mouth and teeth and her entire body flushed with heat.

  She never turned to look at him and he didn’t pull away from the curb until she’d shut the door to her house behind her.

  Thankfully her parents were asleep, so she quietly took a shower, got ready for bed and climbed under the covers with a heavy heart and gritty eyes. Tears threatened to spill over though they should have dried up. She fell asleep thinking of the boy across town that she couldn’t have, and had just realized she couldn’t live without.

  Chapter Five

  After tossing and turning for hours, she finally gave up and sat in her chaise looking out the New York City skyline. The sight usually calmed her, but tonight, nothing seemed to help lull her back to sleep. There were too many unanswered questions playing in her mind. She stared off into the night sky, imagining a sparse apartment with the man she loved standing there, throwing her away.

  Wouldn’t he get a laugh at her expense? she wondered. He was the only man she had ever loved and the only man she had ever slept with. Sex was synonymous with love in her book. She wouldn’t toss that away, knowing what it had gotten her last time. Two years after he kissed her. Two years of wanting him. Loving him.

  Regret, what an awful thing to lug around. Angela wondered if she would ever get over it. She wished she could be like Clay and be fine with how things ended. It was one night. Why couldn’t that have been enough?

  When the sun peeked over the horizon a wave of nausea swamped her.

  “D-day,” she whispered. She stood and stretched, sucking in a deep breath.

  Hiding in her bedroom wasn’t going to get her anywhere. Instead, Angela decided she wouldn’t let this man ruin her life or make her feel bad about herself. She vowed to show him exactly what she was made of, throwing open her bedroom door, heading to the kitchen to fix Mark and herself a lovely breakfast on a beautiful, sunny Friday morning in her favorite city.

  Time sped by, and soon, noon was fast approaching. Angela was pretty sure her insides were made of warm Jell-O and the squishy part of a jellyfish, so she decided to dress for the occasion. A little ANG courage and Manolo Blahnik wisdom couldn’t be bad.

  The knee-length warm chocolate-brown pencil skirt with silver pinstripes set off her tan and hugged her just right, as did the simple white blouse. Her shoes were heaven in a size seven. High shapely heels with thin straps in shades of brown and red that made her think of desire the moment she saw them.

  After feeding Mark and getting ready way too early, she’d decided to immerse herself in work. Focusing all that nervous energy somewhere productive, she decided, was just what the doctor ordered.

  Everyone else, including the workaholic Maddy, had been given the day off so she could be alone until the showdown.

  She turned on a CD, sat down to work, trying to shake off the fear gripping her every thought.

  Sitting in her high-backed office chair, seemingly pondering sketches, was how he first saw her.

  Leaning back in complete concentration, her legs crossed with authority, her shapely arms holding up different things to see how the light played off the surfaces of each.

  Mark had said that when she concentrated a bomb could go off and she wouldn’t hear it. Clay finally knew what he meant.

  He hadn’t been quiet by any means with his luggage, but he was certain she had no idea he stood behind her, only a few short feet away. If the problems were as bad as Mark alluded to, then he had his work cut out for him.

  She set her things down on her desk and stood, running a hand up her neck to work out the kinks. She stretched her shoulders, turning to grab something on the other table. He knew the moment she saw him.

  “I could help you work those tight muscles out, if you like,” he smoothly offered, leaning against the doorframe of her office.

  He was still half in shadows with his arms crossed in front of his chest as she stood to her full height with heels.

  Damn, Angie’s all grown up. He couldn’t help but give her a once over to see how she’d changed. She was a goddess. Slim, with fleshy angles just where he liked them. She’d been a knockout when she was younger, but now? She was nothing short of perfection.

  The tight skirt cupped her ass like a lover, making his cock stand at attention, ready for the job.

  Her hair, all wound up in some complicated girly device made him clench his fists so he didn’t stride over and rip it out. He wanted to see her soft and rumpled from sleep after a night of fucking that could win an Olympic gold.

  If he thought the hard-on he used to have for her so long ago was bad, it was nothing compared to the desire surging through his bloodstream as he stood in front of her now.

  Her mouth opened to tell him something, probably where he could shove his help if the pinched look on her face was any indication, but Mark came around the corner, nudging Clay fully into the room.

  “Angela, you remember Clay, don’t you? Clay. Angela.”

  A mere foot in front of him stood the woman he had thrown away so long ago. The same one he still craved and lusted after with every breath he took.

  He was screwed.

  “Angela,” Clay said while he extended his hand toward her.

  She was different. Harder, he thought.

  A huge scar snaked its way down his cheek and disappeared behind the collar of his light blue polo shirt. Her eyes lingered for a moment there as he stiffened at her examination. He didn’t like his scars and sure as hell didn’t want her pity. He ground his teeth together to keep from saying something mean.

  She clasped her hands tightly in front of her, but he kept his hand extended toward her. If he knew her at all, social graces would dictate she at least withstand a handshake. He arched an eyebrow, tilting his head the slightest bit.

  It only took one shaky breath and a small step forward before she placed her hand in his.

  “Mr. Waters, how…nice of you to come.” Her voice was hollow and impersonal, but it was her eyes that changed. They had started an intoxicating blue, like an electric current flowed behind them when she first turned around.

  “My pleasure,” he replied, noting her eyes were now like ice. The blue of a frozen ocean devoid of life stared back at him. Her hand shook though, just the slightest bit as he slowly worked it up and down. Her hands were chilled, but he could see the faintest rosy color fill her cheeks as he tightened his grasp on her hand ever so slightly.

  Her plastic smile faltered as she tugged her fingers free a little too quickly. Interesting. So maybe she was just as affected by their meeting as he was. Only time would tell what had changed with her since he last saw her walking out of his apartment.

  Clay wondered if Mark could feel the tension in the room as the silence stretched on. Evidently he could, as he cleared his throat.

  “Angela, why don’t we get some coffee and we can all go upstairs and talk?” Mark asked, holding an arm out for her to lead the way.

  “Coffee sounds great, but let’s talk in the conference room. I’ve got a lot of questions and the sooner we get started…” she hesitated for just a moment until she looked Clay square in the face, “…we can get the interview over with.”

  She was already getting ready to put him out on his ass.

  He probably deserved it, too.

  She moved past him, making sure to avoid all contact. The air moved and he could smell her. Intoxicating as ever, he thought as he turned to watch her go.

  Mark shrugged at him, following her down the hall.
  Clay stood there, running a hand through his hair, down to the back of his neck. She was hotter than he ever imagined and colder than he expected. Surely she couldn’t hold what happened when they were younger against him. Could she?

  They were just kids. Did she really still hold a grudge for what he said? What else could he have done? What could he have offered her then? What could he offer her now, for that matter?

  But he remembered. He remembered every moment of their one night together. Watching her walk away, it all came flooding back. He closed his eyes and could feel her come apart in his arms.

  Chapter Six

  Ten Years Prior

  Anxiety of prom heated up the gym, which was filled with nervous teenagers. He vaguely remembered his own prom. It was nothing special.

  He had been standing just inside the door, watching her for nearly a half hour. She captivated him in her evening gown and he nearly growled every time hands attached to some asshole’s arm crowded close to her backside. Her date looked more than ready to dance horizontally, and he was more than ready to perform a seriously needed medical procedure, a prick-ectomy.

  The only thing keeping him in check, other than the occasional sneer he allowed himself towards her fellow classmates, was Angela. She looked distracted and a little sad, and he hoped seeing him would change the evening for her. Coming had been a huge what if on his part. He told himself, if she didn’t want to see him, he could deal. Truth was, it was more than just his pride on the line. His heart was involved which terrified him.

  He knew the moment she saw him standing across the gym.

  Khaki pants and a simple plain black T-shirt stretched across his big, broad chest adorning his hard body. He stood with his arms crossed in front of him, brooding.

  He was a warrior and looked it. Dark skinned and very short, dark brown hair with a lean body, toned from his time with the Marines. His nerves were on edge and he ached for release. Damned if he wasn’t hoping Angela would be willing to help him out with that.

  His body reacted to hers like it was the last drink of water in the driest desert and he was so thirsty. Clay could see how he affected her as a shiver ran up her back.

  She stood in the arms of her date, who pulled her closer, quite certain a lucky night was in his future. For sure, her trembling body was for him and not for the man glaring at her across the gym.

  Angela swayed slowly to the music and her date turned her around. Her gaze that had been locked with Clay’s, finally broke.

  She blinked repeatedly and Clay slipped into the shadows, leaving it up to her whether she wanted to explore what they could have together.

  Watching her extricate herself from her date was like watching a tennis match. He seemed thrilled, shaken and then thrilled again as he kissed her cheek and then walked away. What the hell?

  Angela straightened her dress and started towards the door at an almost run. His heart actually skipped a beat, when he knew she searched for him. He had faced down the enemy from several different countries. He was as cool as a cucumber. Barely broke a sweat anymore. But one little eighteen-year-old girl…he shook in his boots.

  She almost pushed the door open to leave when he called her name from the dark corner of the gym.

  Her breath caught, stepping closer to the darkness, trying to shield her eyes with one of her hands at the same time.

  “Clay?” she asked, “Is that you?”

  He stepped into the dim light where she could barely see him. He didn’t say a word, but held a hand out to her.

  It took her eons to reach him. She placed her hand in his and he tugged her into the shadows behind the screen he had found when he walked in.

  “It’s been a long time, Angela.” His voice strained to keep level as he drank in her body. He spun her in a slow circle so he could see her up close.

  She was all grown up now and his hands ached to touch her.

  Slowly he pulled her into his arms and swayed her body to the music.

  “It’s been too long, Clay.” She laid her head on his chest and wrapped her arms around his neck, weaving her fingers through his short hair. Tingles of sensation raced down his spine at her simple touch, and his cock surged to life, knowing he finally had his arms around the one he wanted.

  As the music stopped for a minute, Clay whispered harshly, “How’d you ditch your date? He looked eager to continue the evening?”

  Angela smiled, rolled her eyes and looked up into his hard features. “Wasn’t he the same guy I had to drag you away from last time?” he questioned.

  His eyebrows pulled down into a scowl when she answered. “Yes, it’s the same guy. And I told him that his ex-girlfriend wanted a night to remember. That is how I freed up my dance card so quickly.”

  He could tell there was something she didn’t say, but he drew her close again moving to the music. Angela wound her arms around his waist and ran her hands up his back. Her body moved against his, and he had to grind his teeth together to keep from sighing at the heat of her skin. She was smooth as silk and smelled like a bouquet of wildflowers. His hands ran along the fabric of her dress at her hips, clenching it subconsciously as he rubbed his cock, straining for freedom, back and forth across her abdomen.

  “I’ve missed you,” Angela whispered in the darkness. She sounded out of breath, and he was glad he’d come for her tonight. His heart beat against her cheek when he thought about the possibilities of having her alone.

  He wrapped his arms tighter around her body. “I expected to come back and find you madly in love with some guy. I could walk away, knowing I did the right thing.”

  Angela turned her head, searching his face for something.

  “Disappointed?” Her voice was harsh, accusatory.

  Clay stared at the face of the girl now a woman…the woman he had come back for. “Very,” he whispered as he brushed his lips against hers.

  Waves of anticipation flooded his mind as the air cooled his mouth around her indrawn breath. She stood on tiptoes as he pulled her higher so he could get a better taste. The smooth skin of her cheek slid against his rough stubble. If he wasn’t careful, he’d leave marks on her. Something primal inside him stood up and took notice. He shouldn’t think that way. He shouldn’t be doing this. Any of this. But he had no intention of stopping. Allowing both of them to catch their breaths, he nibbled her jaw, sucking her bottom lip into his mouth.

  He buried his hands in her hair and tilted her head back so he could thrust his tongue past her lips. The scent of her skin and the moans escaping her lips went straight to both his heads. Her hands wrenched at his back as she rode the leg he didn’t remember shoving between her thighs.

  A groan rumbled through his chest as she ran her tongue across his bottom lip, almost losing her balance as he kissed her with enough force to curl her toes.

  Several years of pent-up need exploded between them as they fought to control themselves.

  Clay thought if he wasn’t careful he could take her right there in a gym full of kids.

  “Wanna get out of here?” Angela asked him between breaths. He sucked her earlobe into the hot cavern of his mouth, tonguing the soft skin below her ear, tasting the silky flesh like he wanted to taste her pussy. The heat of her core drove him insane and he needed to bury himself inside her body.

  He searched her blue eyes for a second before leaning his forehead against hers. He held her close, not wanting to see her rejection if she didn’t want him. “Are you sure about this, Angela? Is this something you really want from me?”

  She stepped back, looked him in the eyes, and said six little words that changed the course of his life forever. “You’re the only one I want.” Then she kissed him deeply and did things with her tongue that had his need clawing to escape.

  He finally pulled away and ground out, “Then let’s get out of here or I’m going to fuck you right

  Clay grasped her hand, drawing her through the exit doors, out into the parking lot where people called her name to say goodbye.

  Keys out, he unlocked and opened the door, but before she could duck inside he pinned her between the car and his powerful lower body.

  Pleasure swelled between them, the sheer magnitude of his hunger catching him unaware as he ground his dick against her abdomen. A shiver raced through her body, and into his. Full intercourse with anyone else hadn’t been as hot as the last half an hour had been with Angela. By the end of the night he wondered which one of them would still be standing.

  He knew what he must look like. As if he were fighting to control his urge to rip the dress off her delicious body. But he settled for dragging his hands over the thin fabric covering her soft tits. His calloused hands laid claim from her bare shoulders all the way down past her hips, the whole time giving her mouth a preview of what he had in store for the rest of her.

  “We shouldn’t be doing this.” He tried one more time to convince them both to stop.

  She huffed out of breath as she ran her fingers across his chest and powerful arms. She reached up and his strong shoulders tightened as he grabbed her backside and wickedly showed her what she did to him.

  “I’m sure we shouldn’t, but I’m tired of doing what I’m supposed to. I’m sick of denying myself what should have been mine long ago.”

  His cock was harder than he’d ever been before. If he wasn’t careful, he’d blow his load in his pants, he was so turned on. She moved against him and laughed as another tremor worked its way through her body.

  Clay kissed her mouth. “I want to feel you laugh when I’m buried deep inside you.”

  Angela’s fingernails dug into his arms and she groaned as his hand tucked between her legs with nothing but her silky panties and dress separating them. Her head fell back against his vehicle as she reveled in his touch. “You’re so damn wet for me already and I haven’t even gotten to really touch you yet. I want to make you scream with pleasure from my fingers and then I want my name to escape your lips as you fall apart all around me.”


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