Calling the Play

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Calling the Play Page 9

by Samantha Kane

  After dinner, they wandered back out to the patio. Ty put some music on low, and Randi started dancing slowly around the patio, swaying her hips as her wineglass dangled from her fingertips. They didn’t talk, and the silence stretched, but it wasn’t uncomfortable. He just enjoyed the warm night air and sitting with Brian, watching Randi. She went over to Brian and crooked her finger at him. He started to get up, but then he hesitated, looking at Ty. “Go on,” Ty said, anticipation tingling in his veins. Brian stood up and went to her as if he had strings attached and she was pulling on them. Ty knew the feeling.

  He knew Randi was up to something, had known since yesterday that she was interested in a threesome with Brian. And God knows he liked to watch Brian with women. It used to be his favorite thing in the world. He rubbed his chest, suddenly feeling a nostalgic ache there for what they’d once had, what he’d thought they could have. And Brian was back, and apparently he wanted the same things now. But Ty didn’t know if he could trust him like that again. Randi’s desires were the only thing preventing him from sending Brian home right now, because his own needs and desires and confusion were tangling him up inside.

  Randi wrapped herself around Brian and they did a slow grind on the patio, their hips meeting and sliding in time to the slow, sexy beat. Ty knew what Brian was feeling, knew she felt so freaking fantastic against you, soft and warm and made to be fucked. Ty sat in his chair, half-hidden in the shadows as he watched them. It was hot as hell, like a private performance just for him.

  “So,” Randi said, as she leaned back, one arm still wrapped around Brian’s neck as she brought her wineglass to her lips.

  “So,” Brian said. The air was charged, and Ty knew what that meant. Knew where it could lead if he let it. He’d drawn his line in the sand earlier, hadn’t he? Maybe not. Maybe, as with everything else in his life these days, he had been vague and unfocused and willing to be persuaded.

  “Ty should dance with us,” Randi said. Brian didn’t look any more surprised than Ty was.

  “I think that’s my cue to leave,” Brian said, nuzzling Randi behind her ear. She tipped her head to the side to let him. “You should be dancing with Ty.”

  “Don’t you dare leave,” Randi said. Even though it wasn’t spoken like one, it was clearly an order. “I told you yesterday I wanted you with me and Ty.”

  “No, you asked me if I was busy on Tuesday,” Brian answered. “I said yes. And today is Sunday.”

  “You like my body,” Randi countered, with a sinuous undulation of her hips against Brian’s. Ty squirmed a little, his dick getting hard as he imagined what Randi was feeling as she rubbed against Brian.

  “I like more than your body,” Brian told her in that plainspoken way of his. “I like everything about you. But you heard Ty earlier. Football, nothing else. I’m not going to make him compromise himself.”

  Randi looked at him and Ty realized she wasn’t drunk at all, despite finishing the better part of a bottle of wine. Not one little bit. She knew exactly what she was doing. “Come on, Ty,” she said in that “let’s do it” voice of hers. “I want it. And I know you do, too.”

  Ty was pretty sure his internal struggle showed on his face. Randi was practically begging, at least for her, and in his own way, so was Brian. He hadn’t moved. If he didn’t want it too, he would have left, would have just ignored what Randi was saying.

  “Forget it,” Brian said with a tight smile that somehow managed to convey unhappiness better than a frown. “I know the score.” He kissed Randi’s cheek. “Goodbye, sweetheart. Thanks for dinner. And thanks for trying.”

  “Wait.” The word came without thought, and again Brian stopped, Randi still in his arms. She was right, damn it. Ty did want it. He wanted to be with Brian again. Maybe it wouldn’t be the same. Maybe he’d find his feelings for Brian had been exaggerated in his mind with the passage of time. Testing it now was probably a good idea. They could get it out of the way so the what-ifs and sexual tension wouldn’t interfere with football. Because he wanted—no, he needed—Brian’s help. His game was tanking and Brian was a lifeline. His magic had made Ty’s college career and they both knew it.

  Even more than being with Brian, he wanted to be with Brian and Randi. Together. It didn’t have to mean anything. He’d learned that the hard way. Fucking Randi with Brian didn’t mean he had to fall in love again. If he wasn’t careful, Randi could hurt him as badly as Brian had. She clearly didn’t want to be exclusive, or she wouldn’t have suggested the ménage. She probably didn’t realize she was begging him for the one thing he’d always wanted more than anything, even more than football—Brian and an incredible woman who could accept them both. It was the best of both worlds for Ty, a dream he’d watched Cass and Beau and Marian living, and had wanted more each day. Except Randi wasn’t that woman, not on a long-term basis. And there was too much water under the bridge for him and Brian to pick up the pieces. But a good time? Hell, yeah, Ty had always been on board for that. He raised his head and speared Brian with a hard look.

  “What do you want?” he asked Brian, point-blank. “No bullshit. No talking around it or analyzing it or trying to figure out what would be best.”

  Brian didn’t hesitate. “I came for you, Ty. I want you.” He looked at Randi. “And you. When I saw the two of you standing together outside the police station the other day, saw the way you were looking at each other, I wanted to have you both. Just like we used to,” he added for Ty.

  Chapter 10

  Brian’s heart was pounding, and he wondered if Ty and Randi could hear it. It was loud in his ears, and even though he knew it was arousal, it felt like fear. The same fight-or-flight response was making it hard for him not to turn on his heels and leave. Just go, forget it all, let Ty have Randi and be done with it. But Ty was right, eight damn years was a long time to think about what you’d given up, a long time to make promises that if you had the chance again, you’d take it, you’d do anything for it. So he stood rooted to the spot and waited to see Ty’s reaction.

  “All right, then,” Ty said, as if he hadn’t expected Brian to state it so plainly. “All right. You know I’m always up for a good time.” His answer was a little too flippant for Brian’s taste, but he let it pass. This was their first foray into dangerous waters, and he didn’t blame Ty for being cautious. Had Brian taught him that? If so, then he deserved every bit of Ty’s wariness.

  Brian hesitated. Ty wasn’t the only complicated one here. “Randi?” he asked.

  “What?” She looked surprised. “My idea, remember? It’s a unanimous vote. Yay. Let’s go.” She put down her wineglass and started to tug Brian toward Ty, but Brian pulled her to a stop.

  “I saw you yesterday,” he said. “I saw how uncomfortable it made you when that guy walked up and grabbed you. I don’t want you to do something that you don’t want to do just because you think it will make me or Ty happy.”

  “Let’s fuck,” she said, enunciating each word. “I think it will make me happy. The two of you, in me. Now. Enough already with the heavy shit.”

  Brian agreed. He’d said what he needed to say. Now action had to replace words. “I want to kiss you first,” Brian told her. “May I?”

  “About damn time someone did,” she complained. “I did everything but lie down naked in the middle of the table with my legs spread to get you two to this point.” She stepped in to him so that they were pressed together from chest to hips. She had the most amazing breasts. The softness of them against his chest made his knees weak. “How tall are you?” she asked.

  “Five seven,” he answered. “Why?” She snuggled against him, those fabulous breasts pressed to his chest.

  “I like it,” she said. “I like the way we fit. You’re only a few inches taller than me.” She glanced over at Ty. “Not that being pressed up against you isn’t amazing, too,” she said, and it was so matter-of-fact it didn’t sound patronizing at all. “But variety is nice, right?”

  Ty grinned. “I’ve always
thought so.”

  Brian wrapped his arms around her tightly and slapped a hand on her ass. She let loose a girly little squeak that made him grin. “Randi,” he said.

  “What?” she asked with her usual bravado.

  “Shut up,” Brian told her.

  “Or what?” she whispered, staring wide-eyed at him, grinning, anticipation clearly written on her face. His mouth was close enough to hers now to feel her breath on his lips.

  “Or I can’t kiss you,” Brian told her. She nodded mutely and he smiled right before he kissed her. He kissed her rough and hard, dominating her, wrapping her in his arms tightly so that she couldn’t move as he thrust his tongue into her mouth and tasted her, owned her. She felt divine, perfect; soft in all the places a woman should be soft. She melted against him with a whimper, wrapped her arms around his waist and hung on. He slid his hand up into the hair on the back of her head and held her in place, just where he wanted her, as he devoured the little sounds she made, the taste of wine on her tongue making him feel drunk on her. She played the tough cop everywhere else, but Brian was wild for this Randi, too, the soft, sighing, surrendering Randi. Her leg crept up and wrapped around his like a vine, bringing their hips together. He grabbed her hip and pulled her in to him so that he could press his hard dick right against her pussy, soft and hot through her little shorts. He was breathing hard, his heart racing, and he broke the kiss abruptly, trying to slow things down a little. He needed to make sure Randi wasn’t freaked out by him, by what he liked.

  “Holy shit,” Randi whispered in a breathy little voice.

  “Hell, yeah,” Ty whispered, and Brian turned his head to look at him. He was still sitting about two feet away, his cheeks flushed, his eyes hooded as he watched Brian and Randi together. Brian groaned out loud at how hot that was, turning Ty on again.

  “You like that?” Brian asked them both.

  “You know I do,” Ty said in a rough voice.

  “Yes,” Randi said, still breathless. “More. Please.”

  “More what?” Brian said, running his nose along her cheek. He placed the tip of his tongue on one of her freckles and lightly traced a damp line to another, and then another, as he’d wanted to do since yesterday.

  “More everything,” she demanded. “I mean, Ty rocks my world. But you, you are something different.” She rubbed her pussy against him shamelessly.

  “How?” He hadn’t loosened his hold on her, hadn’t taken his hand from the back of her head. He controlled her completely, and she let him.

  “You just are,” she said. “I’m so glad I chose you.”

  Brian chuckled as he kissed a particularly cute freckle on her lower lip. “Did you? Choose me?”

  “I did,” she said. “Yesterday, by the pool. I knew when they said Ty liked to share that I wanted him to share with you.”

  “Hmm,” Brian said, tilting her head back so he could kiss her neck. “Why are you glad?”

  “I’ve never had a threesome,” she said, resting her head trustfully in his hand. “And I know with you two it’s going to be amazing. Because don’t think I missed how big your dick is. Totally caught that.”

  Brian stopped kissing her neck immediately and loosened his hold, easing her away from him. “You’ve never done this?” he asked, doubts crowding in. “Are you sure you want to?”

  “Fuck that,” she said, pulling him back in to her, grinding her pussy on his dick. “I want this.” She turned to Ty. “Make him,” she said.

  Ty shook his head. “It has to be his choice. I won’t make him. I won’t make him ever again.”

  Well, that didn’t sound right. “What do you mean?” Brian asked.

  “Back in college, I was always dragging you into it, me or Janine or some other girl who’d heard we liked to play that way. You never initiated it. It was never your choice. Tonight it has to be. I won’t make those decisions for you anymore.”

  “You never dragged me into it,” Brian assured him. “I always wanted it. I always wanted to be with you.”

  “But not the girls?” Randi asked, running her fingers lightly along the neckline of his shirt. “Maybe that’s my cue to leave.”

  “No,” both Brian and Ty said at the same time.

  Brian shook his head. “No. Tonight is as much about you as it is about Ty.” To his surprise, he meant it. There were so many layers to Randi, and he was just beginning to peel them away to find the heart of her. And he found he was very interested in what they’d find when they got there. She was wild and rough, but soft and delicate and submissive. So submissive, and she didn’t even know it. The thought of watching her and Ty fucking, of orchestrating it, of sliding in and joining them when the time was just right, it made his dick throb just thinking about it. He wasn’t sure any of them were ready for that. None of them understood yet what this was going to be.

  “What are you thinking?” Ty asked. He’d moved. He was inches away from Brian’s side, his gaze intense. Brian could feel the heat of his body on his arm. His doubts melted in that heat. He’d wanted this for so long. He’d thought Ty would be enough, but the truth was he loved this, loved fucking a woman with Ty. And he knew with Randi it would be better than ever before.

  “I was thinking that I want to lick that gorgeous skin as we press her between us. I want her curls in my fists while I fuck her mouth, those lush, beautiful lips wrapped around my dick, or yours.” He stared first at Ty’s face, and then Randi’s. Both were rapt with concentration, with lust, as he spun his fantasies.

  “Yes, yes, and yes,” Randi said.

  Ty leaned in close and whispered in her ear, loud enough for Brian to hear. “Would you like that?” Ty asked. “A cock in your mouth? No control?” He bit her earlobe.

  She bit her lip and her eyes fluttered shut with a moan. Brian wasn’t sure if she was playing a part, or if this was the real Randi, not the brash cop, but this delectable, sensual woman. “Yes,” she finally admitted in a throaty voice.

  “Of course you would,” Brian told her, relief washing over him at her response. He’d been afraid her inexperience would ruin it, that she wouldn’t like it, would balk at the last minute. But she was practically purring in his arms just talking about it.

  Ty stepped in behind her, pressing against her back. Brian could feel the slight force of it, braced his feet to take the weight of her and Ty. Randi caught an unsteady breath and whimpered. “I didn’t know,” Ty said, kissing her cheek. “I didn’t know this was what you needed.”

  “You knew,” she said breathlessly. “You gave me this. You knew what I wanted.”

  “Everyone gets what they want tonight,” Brian promised. “I’ll make sure of it.”

  Chapter 11

  Randi had always wanted to fuck like this, with guys who took control like Brian and Ty. Ty had given her a taste the other night, but she could tell it would be wild with him and Brian. She’d never found anyone who could give her what she wanted. They either went too far or not far enough. She knew Ty and Brian wouldn’t disappoint her. These two guys were so fucking hot together that she was melting. Ty could fight it all he wanted, but when he stepped up and followed Brian’s lead it was smooth and effortless, as if they’d written the playbook and knew each other’s moves before they made them.

  She trusted Ty—and Brian, too, though she barely knew him. That surprised her. She didn’t trust easily. But when Brian had kissed her she’d had no problem surrendering completely to him. Her brain just sort of shut down for a minute and her body took over, giving Brian whatever he wanted. It had been weird and crazy and fucking awesome. And when Ty had stepped in behind her, crowding her into Brian, she’d had trouble breathing, she’d been so excited. She was one messed-up bitch.

  “Stop thinking,” Brian whispered. He ran two fingers up under the edge of her T-shirt, teasing her stomach. “Let me make it good for you.”

  Her stomach clenched at his light touch, and his words. “I don’t get a say in it?” she teased.

�Of course you do,” he said, starting a slow, small, side-to-side rocking motion with his hips, brushing his hard dick against her, teasing her. “You can let me, or you can fight me. It can be crazy good when you fight it.” He licked her neck and sucked the skin just behind her ear. She knew he was leaving a mark and she didn’t care. Guys were so funny about that, afraid to mark you up, as if you’d be embarrassed by it. She wanted everyone to know Brian had fucked her, had owned her and marked her. She shivered at the thought of showing it off tomorrow. Brian sighed. “You’re thinking again.” He stepped away, but Randi wouldn’t lower her leg, kept his hips anchored to hers. Ty still held her from behind, but his arms were loose.

  “I was thinking how much I want to show off that mark tomorrow,” she said. Her voice was low and breathy, with a vulnerability she didn’t show very often. She knew Brian would like that. She reached for him. “I don’t want to fight it.” Brian let her pull him back to her, and he kissed the mark he’d made.

  “Good,” Ty murmured behind her. His hands tightened on her arms. “Baby, we are gonna make you feel so good.” She felt his dick rubbing against her ass as he kissed the other side of her neck. She laughed breathlessly, just because it felt so fucking amazing to have both their hands and mouths on her.

  “I can’t believe I haven’t done this before.”

  Ty ran his hands down her arms and threaded his fingers through hers. Then he glided their joined hands up Brian’s arms and around his shoulders. He didn’t let go, so they were both wrapped around Brian. He ran Randi’s hand up into Brian’s hair and she felt Brian shiver. “Show him,” Ty whispered in her ear. “Show him how good it feels.”

  “Let go,” Brian said softly. Ty immediately dropped his hands and stepped back. Brian pulled away from her more slowly, giving her a soft, almost chaste, kiss, but his lips were hot and slightly moist, and damn if it didn’t make her even hotter. He helped her lower her leg from his hips. “I want you naked between us.” He was looking at Ty when he said it and Randi could almost feel Ty’s relief. Had he thought Brian was backing out?


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