Fighting the Inevitable

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Fighting the Inevitable Page 2

by J C Gordon

  He wore his hair long to his shoulders and it looked shiny, thick, and so incredibly soft. Her breath caught again as she took in his wide shoulders and chest, all rippling with hard muscles. The man was clearly enormous and she felt even smaller than usual sitting next to him.

  The most astounding thing about him was he made her feel. After a week of total emptiness, it was an incredible sensation to stare up at him and feel attraction towards him. She gripped that emotion tightly and held onto it for dear life.

  “I’m Caleb,” he said, and his rich deep voice sent a shiver down her spine as she gazed open mouthed at him. He could have uttered the most ridiculous sentence in the world and she still would have shivered as his voice whispered over her. She felt a sharp stab of pleasure in her stomach and she blinked in surprise that a simple introduction could affect her so badly.

  Rhianna watched his luscious lips curve into a wider smile as he leaned closer and inhaled deeply at the side of her neck while she sat there like a stunned rabbit in the headlights of a car about to mow it down.

  “And you are?” His sexy voice whispered against the shell of her ear and her breath hissed out as another shiver went through her and the pleasure magnified in her stomach.

  “Rhianna,” she answered breathlessly, almost crying out in disappointment when the man, Caleb, pulled back from her and sat straighter on his stool.

  “It’s my distinct pleasure to meet you, Rhianna,” He gave her another bone melting smile, and he really did sound genuinely pleased to meet her.

  Rhianna stared into his gorgeous eyes and saw his pleasure mixed in with a healthy dose of blatant sexuality. She dragged her gaze away from his face, looked down self-consciously, and then stifled a moan as her action brought her eyes lower down his body to the skin-tight black leather pants he wore and the very obvious bulge.

  She issued a startled gasp and dragged her gaze back up to see Caleb watching her with an amused expression on his face, not in the least embarrassed about his body’s reaction.

  “I was just about to leave when you walked in,” he said conversationally. “I took one look at you and my body hardened instantly.”

  Rhianna felt her cheeks flush scarlet at his forthrightness, and she picked up her glass of wine and took a large slug, struggling not to choke as the tart liquid slid down her throat. She heard him chuckle lightly as he watched her, and she felt liquid heat slide through her body at the sound.

  “You shouldn’t be embarrassed,” he said with more than a hint of amusement. “You’re a very beautiful woman and I like very beautiful women. It’s only natural my body would react to seeing someone I want.”

  If he thought to ease her embarrassment, he was going about it in the completely wrong direction. Her cheeks reddened further. “You like to move fast, don’t you?” she asked, keeping her eyes firmly on her glass of wine, and pleased to hear she didn’t sound as gauche as she was feeling.

  She could almost sense him shrug beside her. “What’s the point in beating about the bush?” he countered. “I know what I want and I’m not afraid to come right out and ask for it. Tonight I want you, Rhianna. Will you come home with me?”

  Her hands shook around the stem of the glass. He was incredibly handsome and he had the most amazing body she’d ever seen on a man. She was sure he would be a very skilled lover. She could imagine many a woman taking him up on his offer to go home with him. However, she wasn’t many a woman. She just didn’t do things like this. It was completely out of her comfort zone.

  Rhianna turned to tell him so and found herself locked in his heated gaze. She hesitated, biting her bottom lip nervously and saw his eyes drop to her mouth when she did so, a sharp intake of breath coming from him. This beautiful man truly did want her, and there was something about him that called to her very being.

  She could lose herself in his strong arms so very easily. She could almost imagine what his mouth would feel like on her body as he pleasured her. She wanted to forget about everything tonight. She didn’t imagine she’d be thinking of anything other than Caleb if she went home with him. He could make her feel the most incredible sensations, and she heard herself saying yes before she’d even realised she’d made the decision.

  As she uttered the word, she saw a flare of intense male satisfaction cross his face as he leaned forward slowly, halting when his lips were barely a fraction of an inch from hers. “You won’t regret your decision, Rhianna,” he whispered quietly just before his tongue snaked out and very slowly licked along her bottom lip.

  The thoroughly intimate gesture stole her breath away and she stared into his eyes with a slightly startled expression. He moved back once more and smiling, slid from his stool and helped her from hers.

  Rhianna knew that it wasn't the wisest course of action, but she allowed him to lead her from the nightclub and settle her into a very expensive looking silver Porsche sports car.


  Caleb drove fast but expertly. Rhianna didn’t think he obeyed one speed limit the entire twenty minutes it took to reach his big white mansion on the outskirts of town. Still, she hadn’t been afraid by his driving. It had been fast and almost wild, and just the thing she needed tonight. She wanted to be wild and uninhibited.

  “You drive fast,” she said, her voice sounding breathless as she allowed him to help her from the car.

  He chuckled low in his chest and kept a hold of her hand as he tugged her towards his front door. “I do lots of things fast,” he laughed, his amber eyes twinkling suggestively. “I also do lots of things slow too.” His voice had dropped to an intimate level as he opened the door and pulled her inside.

  “Oh, wow,” Rhianna said softly, taking in the large open hallway with beautiful white tiles on the floor. The entranceway was the full height of the building, a huge, ornate chandelier hanging from a dark wood beam just below an impressive glass skylight.

  Caleb watched the little redhead’s face light with pleasure as her eyes ran slowly over the hallway. He smiled as he watched her, feeling strangely pleased that she liked his home. In all truthfulness, coming home didn’t have the same effect on him. Oh, he felt as if he was coming home but he didn’t notice the beauty of it as he once had.

  He tugged her hand and pulled her into the sitting room, which harked back to a more gothic time. The room was full of thick furnishings and dark woods, the fireplace open and blazing.

  He wasn’t quite sure where he wanted to indulge in her beautiful body. It was always nice to have a soft bed beneath him, but he found himself reluctant to take the girl to one of the cold, empty bedrooms he usually used when he brought his women home.

  He had no intention of allowing her into his own bed. No woman entered his private place, but he did want something slightly more intimate than usual with the little beauty beside him. When they’d spoken in the nightclub he had caught a hint of deep sadness about her before she’d quickly forced it away. He didn’t know why she was so sad and hiding it, and to be truthful, he didn’t particularly want to know. He didn’t do ‘relationships’ and wasn’t about to get emotionally involved with a woman. He just wanted to enjoy her body and take them both to heaven and back.

  Caleb settled on tugging her towards the fire, pulling her down onto the thick brown rug before it. She came hesitantly, a hint of doubt in her eyes as if she was reconsidering her actions.

  He smiled slowly and his eyes glinted as she knelt before him. There would be no backing out for her tonight. He would have her, and she would enjoy every single moment of it. She was the first woman he’d truly wanted for months now. He wasn’t letting her slip through his fingers when need was ravaging through his body so viciously.

  “Caleb,” she started to say hesitantly, but he stopped her by placing his right index finger to her lips.

  “Don’t think,” he whispered softly. “Just feel.”

  He trailed his finger from her mouth down to the side of her neck, pausing at her throbbing pulse, and closing his eyes
to enjoy the steady beat against his skin. Her pulse was strong and vital, so full of life and the delicious sweet blood his body hungered for. It was all he could do not to lean forward, sink his fangs into her neck, and feed deeply from her.

  His cock strained hard against the confining leather of his pants, and he was filled with a need to see her totally naked. “Stand up and take your dress off,” he whispered silkily, his tone both gentle and commanding at the same time. She stiffened slightly as if to deny him his request, and then she stood up and slowly peeled her dress from her slender frame.

  Caleb’s breath hitched in his throat as he watched the material pool at her feet, his greedy gaze sliding over her soft skin. Her breasts were perfection, their tips already reacting to the cool air around them. There wasn’t a blemish on her creamy white skin. It looked pale and silky soft and crying out for his touch.

  He wanted to do such deliciously wicked things to her body. He wanted to drive her mindless with pleasure until she writhed and screamed her ecstasy. He just wasn’t sure where he wanted to start first. His gaze slid down to her gently rounded hips and to the scrap of purple lace between her legs. “Take them off,” he said huskily, his voice deep and gravelled, as his lust escalated higher than it had in a very long time.

  She hooked her fingers in the waistband of her panties and soon they joined her dress at her feet and he got his first glimpse and smell of her enticing womanhood. Caleb’s eyes darkened to almost black as he stared at the feminine perfection before him. He had a perfect view of her slick folds already wet with her arousal, her musky aroma teasing him delicately.

  He leaned closer, but didn’t touch her. Instead, he inhaled deeply and let the sweet scent of jasmine and lavender and the heady mix of her arousal sweep over him. She smelled just as good as she looked, and he knew she would taste even better.

  He reached out and tapped the back of her right knee, gently forcing her to lift her leg so he could slide her dress and panties from her foot. He did the same with her left knee and moved back to fold her clothes neatly and place them on the sofa closest to them.

  Caleb looked at her heels and decided to leave them on. Depending on how lost he became in her body she may need the additional height the heels gave her later on. In addition, they looked sexy as hell on her. She was shivering slightly as he continued to just gaze at her perfect body, and he smiled again and raised his eyes to hers.

  “If you want me to undress, you need to persuade me to do so,” he said huskily, delighting in the confusion that crossed her beautiful face. Loving a woman was a true art form, and Caleb liked to discover what a woman really wanted from him. At the moment, he was being slightly dominant with her, but not overly so. Not whips and chains type of domination, more a subtle, mental kind.

  “It’s very easy to get my clothes off, Rhianna,” he smiled gently at her. “Just spread your beautiful legs and open yourself up so I can get a proper look at what you have to offer.”

  It was endearing the way her cheeks blushed scarlet and his smile widened at the heated blood flowing through her. He could tell she liked what he was doing even if she didn’t want to like it. Her innocent shyness was warring with her arousal, which was deepening by the moment from the wonderful bouquet of aromas coming from between her legs.

  Rhianna stood before the kneeling man and slowly opened her legs wider, her hands hesitantly moving over her flat stomach. She couldn’t believe she was actually doing this, but the heated look of total worship in Caleb’s eyes was making her so hot and wet she couldn’t seem to stop herself. She used two fingers to tease herself open to his greedy gaze as he slowly raised his hands to his shirt and began to unbutton the silk material.

  “Very good,” he sighed with pleasure, and inhaled deeply again.

  He could feel the heat coming from her body; see the moisture gathering across her pink flesh. For a moment, Caleb was concerned at her size. He was well endowed, and much larger women than Rhianna had had trouble taking his size and girth. He could hurt her if he tried to take her too soon, and he didn’t want to do that. He’d need to be very careful with her, ensure that she only experienced pleasure when they finally came together.

  He peeled his shirt from his body and smiled when she moaned at the sight of his lightly haired chest. He knew he had a body to make women swoon, hell he did it regularly; however, it was always gratifying to hear a woman’s moan at the first sight of his well-muscled physique.

  “Show me how you pleasure yourself,” he ordered quietly. “Climax for me and I’ll take off the rest of my clothes.”

  Rhianna bit her lip at his demand, her cheeks flushing scarlet even as she found herself instantly obeying him. She wanted, no, she needed to see him completely naked. She moaned and closed her eyes, lightly stroking her body, her hips moving at the brief caress. She breathed in deeply and stroked again, moaning louder as a jolt of pleasure spiralled through her body.

  She could hear Caleb’s breathing quicken, and she began to move faster, a feeling of power coming over her, as she knew her actions were making him hornier than he already was. She wanted him to feel as hot as she did standing before him in nothing more than her sandals, touching herself.

  Caleb groaned and quickly snapped open his leather pants, his eyes never leaving the little hand stroking against her sex. Her breathing was coming in little pants as her hips bucked into her hand and she soared higher and higher towards her orgasm. He tugged his boots off and peeled the leather from his body, a sigh of relief escaping him as his enormous cock sprung free.

  Rhianna was almost at her release judging from her sharp cries and the frantic movement of her fingers. He decided to help her over the edge and leaned forward just enough so he could slide his tongue against her flesh and get his first taste of her sweet honey.

  She screamed and shuddered wildly as she came hard at the first touch of his tongue inside her. His mouth filled with the sweet taste of her release and he licked greedily at her nectar, his large hands spanning her waist to keep her from falling as her knees buckled.

  He held her firmly as she shook, his mouth ravishing her body, his lust spiralling as she filled his mouth with her heavenly taste. Fuck, she tasted even better than he’d imagined she would. He couldn’t remember a time when a woman’s pleasure had felt so satisfying.

  “You taste divine,” he complimented her, watching a blush steal across her face. “I want some more.”

  His lips curved in a satisfied smile as he watched her with intent eyes. Her mix of innocence liberally sprinkled with hot, spicy lust was incredibly erotic, and he felt his body throb painfully with appreciation. This beautiful woman was delightful and he was going to enjoy every inch of her sexy body before the night was over.

  Rhianna tried not to scream out aloud when he put his mouth to her most intimate place again. She couldn’t hold back the cry or stop her fingers from threading in his thick hair to hold him in place, even though she was still trembling from her first release.

  He devoured her, licking and nibbling, teasing her heated flesh with light flicks of his tongue before diving in for a deeper taste of her juices. She felt tension coil in her stomach, her breath catching in her throat an instant before she did scream loudly, her body shaking with the violence of her climax.

  Caleb kept licking at her, her sweet taste intoxicating as she shuddered from her pleasure. Her release was like an aphrodisiac and he sipped at her body greedily until she slowly calmed. He had known she would taste heavenly and she did, so much so he wanted more, but knew he had to give her some respite. Perhaps tomorrow morning before she left, he could taste her once more.

  He had never wanted to indulge a second time with a woman before, but something about this particular woman had him thinking of a second time and possibly even a third. It was something he would need to examine more carefully later. For the moment, he was aching with need for her and all his senses where attuned to that feeling.

  He allowed her to sink to her kn
ees before him, running his hands lightly up to cup her luscious breasts and squeeze gently. His thumbs played with the hard peaks as he watched her pupils dilate with pleasure, her breath rasping out in little pants.

  Caleb’s own breath was becoming ragged as lust clawed at him. Her scent swirled around him, heady and intoxicating, the pounding pulse in the side of her neck making his mouth water. He was so close to losing all control that he was startled at how badly she affected him. He was hard-pressed to remember a time when a woman had enticed him so badly.

  “How did you like the appetiser?” he laughed softly, Demetri’s words coming back to him from before. He liked to indulge himself just as much as his friend did, only he sampled from the same table, in this case, the stunning redhead before him.

  Rhianna stared up at him, her body still coming down from the incredible pleasure he’d just given her. She flushed scarlet at his words and the lazy way his eyes roamed over her as if she belonged completely to him.

  “You seriously didn’t think we were finished, did you, Rhianna?” he laughed softly. “Your body is quite slender, and I am a large man. You need careful preparation before I can slide inside your beautiful little body.”

  Her gaze automatically slid down his body to his thighs and she gasped out loud when she saw his cock resting proudly against her thigh. He chuckled at her startled expression and stroked her cheek again.

  “Yes, it is rather a monster, isn’t it,” he smiled proudly, his amber eyes twinkling as he drew her gaze back to his. He rolled over her, positioning himself between her legs, and pressing his throbbing cock against her stomach. His hair fell forward framing her face like a curtain as he lowered his mouth and kissed her for the first time.

  Her lips were as intoxicating as the rest of her, his tongue seeking entrance into her mouth to dance seductively against hers. Was there any part of this woman that didn’t send him wild with need? So far, he had yet to find it.


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