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Gerry Bartlett - Rafe and the Redhead (Real Vampires)

Page 8

by Unknown

  “He is right. Are you sure you should go? Lacy, your children need you. It is foolish to take chances. Rafael and the others can handle this. You can wait for him here.” Rafe’s grandmother twisted her fingers together.

  “I want to be there to help, Iliana. Surely you understand that. You seem to be a strong woman yourself.” Lacy smiled at Ed. “Are we ready now?”

  “Do as you wish but be careful. This is rainy season. Storms can pop up at any time.” Iliana’s smile was strained.

  “I’m sure we’ll be fine.” But Lacy glanced up at the sky as she climbed into the jeep. Just what she needed, worry about the damned weather. “I hope Grandfather hangs in there.” And with that she snapped her seatbelt and waited for Ed to start the car. Rafe. She’d go through a hurricane if she had to if that’s what it took to be in his arms again and to feel the magic between them. It had been too long.

  Chapter Eight

  “They’ve seen the yacht and recognized it.” Tomas had shifted into bird form and scouted the enclave of the Moroccan clan. “The woman who had the affair with Grandfather is there all right. Shiloh. Seems the clan members suspect we’re after her. There’s even some discussion about whether to turn her over to us or not. But she runs the show so that talk’s going nowhere. Anyone who turned traitor in her clan wouldn’t last long there.”

  “Did they know for sure that she poisoned Matias or is it just a rumor?” Rafe paced the deck. Miguel was captaining the ship which was fine with him. He’d never been into sailing and didn’t know much about navigation either. The voyage had been ridiculously long though. A trip that should have taken a few hours had taken days. There’d been one disaster after another—engine trouble that had resisted repairs, then storms, steering problems and even a flock of kamikaze seagulls that had done something to the GPS and forced them off course and cost them hours. Now they were finally near the area where Shiloh reigned supreme. Miguel was convinced the voyage was cursed. It had almost seemed like it.

  “Has Shiloh admitted to poisoning Matias?” Tomas spit over the side of the ship. “She doesn’t bother to deny it. She’s used poison before when she wanted to get rid of someone. I heard two men talking about it.”

  “Any ideas about how to take her without a fight?” Rafe knew he needed a plan.

  “I say we shift and go in when they’re asleep. We can take her from her bed and make her talk.” Marguerite was obviously eager to supervise the “make her talk” part of that.

  “What’s to keep her from waking the rest of them?” Tomas shook his head. “We need to be clever. Clearly we can’t overpower them. I figure they outnumber us three to one. I didn’t see that many men but there are plenty of houses. It’s hot enough that many could be staying inside until it cools off after dark.”

  Rafe had heard enough. “I’m going to shift so I can see this place for myself. They might decide to take action and attack us, if they think we’re after Shiloh. Stay alert.”

  “Someone has already flown over here and checked to see if Matias was on deck. They were buzzing about how you and I were here but not the old man. Big speculation about who would lead the clan if Matias was gone.” Tomas grimaced. “I had an idea that I would be the one to--”

  “You should be, brother. Or Abuela. I don’t want it. You can rest easy on that score. But we’ll deal with that later.” Rafe squeezed his brother’s shoulder. “I’m still going to go take a look.” He shifted and flew up and over the land until he came to a large cluster of white-washed buildings surrounded by a stone fence. It was essentially a fortress. Men and women were occupied doing various tasks in a central courtyard. There were mechanics working on a couple of trucks, some women gossiping while they took down dry laundry and a few children playing soccer. A half a dozen men were seated at a table drinking, with rifles near at hand. There was no way his group wouldn’t be outnumbered if it came down to a battle. He flew back to the ship, thinking hard.

  “Any ideas, brother?” Tomas looked to him for answers, just like he had when they were kids.

  “What if I go in and ask to meet her? Tell her I am Matias’s heir and that I want to thank her if she did poison him. That I’d given up ever inheriting his fortune and the clan. I’d heard how beautiful she was and wanted to see for myself the woman who’d managed to bring my grandfather down. I’m sure it’s common knowledge that Matias and I didn’t get along. She should buy that.” Rafe nodded at his brother. “I doubt people here would know he actually sent for me. What do you think?”

  “I think gossip travels on the wind. They know that I had Lucia’s beans for breakfast before I can pass a good fart.” Tomas got a laugh for that one.

  “What if I go to Shiloh right now?” Rafe saw the laughter die around him. “What have I got to lose?”

  “Your life, man.” Miguel turned the ship’s wheel over to his first mate. “I know her. Who do you think brought Matias over here when he was involved with her? They used this yacht like their own personal love boat.” He shook his head. “It sickened me to see my clan leader in such a state. A lovesick man led around by his pene. The woman is a witch, I tell you, to make Matias lose his mind that way.”

  “That doesn’t sound like Grandfather. He always had his women, but stayed in control of his relationships.” Rafe didn’t like what he was hearing.

  “Not this time. She is a beauty but with a heart of stone, Rafael. Be careful. If you think you can fool her, you are wrong. This is no ordinary woman. There is more going on here than a woman with wiles. She has powers and Matias was under her spell.”

  “Come now. Are you seriously claiming she used witchcraft on him?” Rafe started to laugh but the solemn faces around him stopped him cold. “You’re serious.”

  “Damned right. So tell me, Rafael. What is this plan? Are you going to try to convince her that you want her to be your mistress now? You are handsome enough for her I suppose. And if she thinks you now run the clan that will interest her too. But you will have to play the part convincingly.” Miguel raised a bushy eyebrow. “Señor, I mean really convincingly. And you a new father with a good woman waiting for you. I hope you aren’t going to be the same kind of man as Matias. I gave him respect out of clan loyalty. He was our leader, but he had the morals of a wild dog.”

  “You have just insulted dogs everywhere, Miguel.” Marguerite punched his arm. “But he is right, Rafael. I hate to think of you anywhere near that woman. I ran into Matias with her in Barcelona once. When she looked at me I felt soiled, like el Diablo himself had touched me. Yes, mi amigo is right. She is a bruja and a puta.”

  “But you really think she is the one who poisoned my grandfather? Why? If they were lovers. . ?”

  “First, she made no secret of the fact that she wanted our clan for her own. She craves power. She already rules this clan but it is not enough for her.” Miguel swept his arm toward that gleaming white fortress. “Second, Matias found his escroto and finally told her no when she demanded to take your grandmother’s place.”

  “Seems she’d take out Grandmother then instead of Matias.” Rafe shuddered at the thought.

  “You think she didn’t try?” Marguerite looked around at the cluster of shifters on the deck. “Oh, you people are so naïve. Of course Shiloh went after Iliana. But that woman, our real leader, is too smart for her. She will never be fooled by such as that scheming putana. There were some near misses. But Iliana will not drink anything she is not sure of nor eat from a plate she does not fix with her own hands. And she surrounds herself with loyal people. Shiloh could not bribe anyone to do her bidding, though she tried.”

  “You mean she actually asked a clansman to take out my grandmother?” Rafe had already been anxious to get to Shiloh but this just made him more determined.

  “Believe it, Rafael. Finally, in a fit of rage, Shiloh must have decided to punish Matias for resisting her. That’s when she used the poison. It’s the bitch’s way.” Marguerite glanced at Miguel.

  “Yes. Here’s
how it happened. They met on this boat and dined together one last time. Had a huge fight and then she flew away. Matias sickened that night. After he drank the wine she’d left on the table.” Miguel sighed deeply. “Matias even said that he knew she’d finally gotten the best of him. That’s why we don’t doubt she did it, Rafael. We must make her pay.”

  “Sí! Kill the bitch!” “Vamos!” “What are we waiting for?” The crowd was stirred up, muttering and coming closer.

  Marguerite obviously was ready to see this done. “Matias is dying while we stand here and talk about it. What are we going to do? Hey? Can you get to her, Rafael? Find an antidote? Or do we try to take the fortress?”

  Rafe didn’t want to imagine being convincing with a witch who would poison her own lover. Cold? Heartless. Could he pretend to want her? He hoped to God it wouldn’t come to that. He only had to either capture the woman or kill her and get the antidote. He wouldn’t hesitate to take her out if he was sure of her guilt.

  “I’m going in alone. I’ll do my damnedest to get the antidote. Like you say, we have no time to waste.” He looked around and saw nods of support and approval.

  “We will have your back. Never doubt it. She is known for her potions. She can cure or kill. Ask any shifter in the area. Be clever and the antidote will be yours. I’m sure she thinks Matias is long dead. Play it that way.” Miguel went back to take the ship’s wheel. “I’m going to hide this boat in a cove not far from here. It’s where we always docked. You can shift to her place from there. How far you go with her is up to you. Just be careful, amigo.”

  Rafe held onto the railing as the boat cut through the chop when they skirted the coastline. He’d wasted too much time getting here. He felt like he was jumping out of his skin. Time was running out for his grandfather. At least it was getting dark and the vampires must be awake now. Dr. O’Connor might have luck replicating the poison and coming up with his own antidote. But would he be too late? Rafe knew he couldn’t count on a miracle from the doctor. He decided to take one more look at the settlement and gestured to his brother. They shifted and headed inland.

  By the time two small brown birds sat on a wire above the shifter headquarters, he had almost talked himself into trying force. The men he’d seen earlier were still drinking and it would be easy to overpower them. The trucks were gone and so were the men who’d been working on them so that made the odds better too. But then he saw the woman who must be Shiloh. She walked around the central courtyard of the settlement as if she owned it, issuing orders that were quickly obeyed. Oh, yes, she was in charge here.

  He’d lost sympathy for his grandfather and his infidelities a long time ago. But this woman . . . No wonder Matias had fallen under her spell. Her beauty took his breath. And the way she moved… It was as if she had invented sex and wanted to teach a man the secret of a satisfaction that he could only dream about. Rafe shook his head, and then ruffled his feathers.

  He had to get a grip. She was just a female, prettier than many but not worth losing a life or family over. Then she looked up as if she could see him--not the bird, but the man. Her eyes gleamed with mischief and a knowledge that made him duck his head, hoping he was imagining that she might know his secret. When he looked up again she was still staring. She licked her lips, the flick of her tongue making his entire body heat and harden. How the hell did she do that? He wasn’t going to sit here and watch her play the seductress. No way in hell. With a shriek he flew up and away, aware of his brother by his side.

  “Jeez, did you feel that?” Tomas rubbed his hands over his face after they landed on the boat deck and shifted back. “That woman is dangerous.”

  “You felt it too?” Rafe bent over, breathing hard. “It’s true then. She is a witch. That’s the only thing that explains it. The power. Hell, it was crazy to feel it from so far away.”

  “I don’t think you should approach her, bro. She will eat you for breakfast, lunch and dinner and use your bones for toothpicks.” Tomas wasn’t smiling. “Unless . . .” He looked down at the deck.

  “What? Spit it out, hermano.” Rafe put his hand on his brother’s shoulder. “I need any ideas you’ve got. Did you see the trucks pull in while we were sitting there? I’d hoped they’d left and was thinking about attacking. But they’d obviously just gone out for supplies and more men. You know she’s got to have the antidote. Plus, she has to pay. For what she did to Grandfather.”

  “This idea I have… You won’t like it.” Tomas shook his head. “Forget it, Rafael. Maybe your doctor can cure Abuelo. That woman scared me and I was a fucking bird, hermano.”

  Rafe wanted to shake his brother. “We didn’t come this far to turn tail and run. Give. What’s your idea?”

  Tomas swallowed. “You remember, when we were kids. I’ve never forgotten the time Luis taunted you and you showed him what you could do. When you get really mad.”

  Rafe pulled his arm back to his side. “When I let out my demon, you mean.” Shit. Of course his brother had never forgotten that. He’d fought for control of that part of himself his entire life. Certainly Lacy had never seen it. The shame of being half demon was one reason he’d left the clan in the first place. Seeing his own brothers terrified of him had sealed the deal in his decision to make his own way someplace else, where no one knew him.

  “Dude, don’t tighten up on me. It’s a skill, valuable if you want to know the truth. I hope you’ve learned to use it to defend yourself when you need to. It’ll scare the shit out of most people.” Tom actually punched his arm, forcing a grin. “Sure scared me back then.”

  “Dude? Where have you been hanging out, Tomas? Not in the clan.” Rafe was desperate to change the subject.

  “Who would want to stay there? It’s like everyone is just waiting for the end times, you know?” Tomas was back to staring at the deck. “Grandfather doesn’t care about the clan anymore. He was all about this woman. Abuela was so pissed she just let the place go. You saw it. Most of our generation has left. What do I want to stay for? Yeah, I have family there but I’ve been scouting out other options. If we don’t get dynamic leadership soon, I’m gone and my family with me.” He finally glanced at his brother. “I mean it, bro. Things will have to change. When we have time maybe you can tell me about America. This place where you live. It’s something I might consider.”

  “I get it.” Rafe looked out at the water. “America. Austin, Texas. It’s a great place. I’ve made a nice life there for myself. I have friends, a good business. I can help you get set up if you want to come.”

  “Yeah. When this is behind us.” Tomas stood next to him and bumped his shoulder. “Don’t do it, man. That bitch could get you killed.”

  “I owe Grandfather a lot. Maybe this.” Rafe rubbed the back of his neck. “Speaking of people who owe Grandfather, where are Stephan and Paulo? Why aren’t they here trying to help?” His other two brothers.

  “Yeah, well, they left the clan not long after you did. Matias didn’t want to try to track them down. He was bitter about them leaving. And they didn’t have special skills like you have.” Tomas looked away. “Shit, I guess Grandfather kind of expected you to go demon on Shiloh’s sexy ass.”

  “Great, just great. No wonder you came after me with guns and a half a dozen soldiers.” He laughed but knew it was a bitter sound. “Hey, at least you stayed the course here, brother. You really should be made clan leader if Matias doesn’t make it.” Rafe laid his hand on Tomas’s shoulder.

  “My wife says I’m not ambitious enough. She’s been eager to leave for a century or more. But it’s our clan, our name.” Tomas leaned against the railing. “I think that means something, you know? But Grandmother doesn’t think I have the cojones to be leader. Nothing I do can convince her otherwise. So I’ll get the hell out before I’ll stay and see her take over.”

  “I’m sorry.” Rafe had a new respect for his brother. He wished he had time to sit and talk with him. About the future. Make plans. Instead he had to think about becoming demon
. Something he’d avoided for more years than he could count. The very idea strung him tight. A swim would help calm him, level him out. He thought about stripping off and diving off the side of the boat but he didn’t have time. His demon. Yeah, he could pull it out. But there was always the chance that he wouldn’t be able to shove it back inside once he was done with it. No wonder his head pounded.

  “I’m sorry if bringing up the demon thing upsets you, bro. Seriously, I have no idea how you deal with it.” Tomas cleared his throat. “I don’t give a shit that you’re part demon. I love you, hermano.”

  “Back at you. And thank you.” Rafe hugged it out with Tom. Then he was back at the rail, struggling with the decision he knew he had to make. “But upset? That’s like calling a tsunami a wavelet. I hate that part of me, Tomas. If I could cut it out, I would.” They were alone, the rest of the group down below. Rafe could hear them arguing about strategy. A waste of time. This was all on him now and he knew it. “But it’s there and, you’re right, I might as well use it. Shiloh has power that an ordinary shifter couldn’t hope to win against.”

  “Sorry. If there were another way…” Tom turned away from the shoreline, looking out to sea. “Do you hear what I hear?”

  “Speedboat. Coming fast.” Rafe squinted in the same direction. “Head below and tell the crew to arm themselves and come up ready to defend the boat.”

  “Right.” Tomas was off on a run.

  Rafe watched the small boat coming toward them in the gloom of dusk. There were three people on board. Not a real threat unless…

  “Well, shit. What is she thinking?” Because he’d know that wild mane of red hair anywhere. His heart jumped in his chest and he wanted to fly to meet her. Kiss her until she was breathless, then shake some sense into her. How was he going to deal with this other woman when Lacy was here? And seeing her bright eyes shining across the water, he knew she’d never let him go into battle alone. His woman. Brave, beautiful and headstrong. The night had just gotten crazier. What man wanted to tangle with a wet cat?


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