Gerry Bartlett - Rafe and the Redhead (Real Vampires)

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Gerry Bartlett - Rafe and the Redhead (Real Vampires) Page 14

by Unknown

  Rafe pulled her across the street, dodging a taxi that swerved to miss them. “Here comes Bart with our new cell phones. The vampires have been great even though the clan’s not exactly vamp friendly.”

  “That’s a common attitude with shape-shifters. My cat family isn’t crazy about them either. You’ve heard my mother on the subject.” Lacy held on as he towed her down the sidewalk.

  “Oh, yeah.” Rafe looked exhausted but smiled as Bart and Caitlin approached them. “Santa Cruz has really changed since I was here last. We were lucky they found a cell phone store open at four in the morning.”

  Bart handed Rafe a package. “We’re going to get a hotel room and settle in before dawn. This looks like a nice resort so we’ve decided to stay a few days and make this a vacation of sorts.” He slung his arm around Caitlin. “I hope that doesn’t seem ghoulish since I just lost my patient.”

  “No, I’m glad you’re doing that.” Rafe handed Lacy her phone.

  “Yes, really. Enjoy the island.” Lacy hugged both of them goodbye. “Thanks for coming and doing what you could for Rafe’s grandfather.”

  “I wish…” Caitlyn exchanged glances with Bart.

  “Say no more. You know this isn’t on you.” Rafe clearly meant what he said. “Now, I suggest the big white hotel on the end of this avenue. I’ll have a suite waiting for you and the clan’s paying. Tomas says he makes a fine wine. There will be a case of it for you to take home. If you can’t drink it, pass it on to someone who can.” He turned to Lacy. “Bart wouldn’t accept payment. Can you believe it?”

  “That’s not right. Let Rafe and the clan do this.” Lacy watched Rafe work with his phone. He stepped away and started talking. “Seriously, you guys, the clan can afford it. You should see the yacht I was on yesterday. The old man was loaded. The clan probably owns the big white hotel at the end of the street.”

  Cait grinned at Bart. “Well, then. We accept graciously. Canary Island wines are legendary.”

  “I need to thank Rafe.” Bart strode over to Rafe.

  “Is that an engagement ring on your finger?” Cait grabbed Lacy’s hand. “You got your relationship straightened out.”

  “Yes, I’m going to marry my man. Not sure when but, with our family already started, I’d say it should be sooner rather than later.” Lacy turned on her new cell and had a moment when she gulped back tears, sure she’d lost everything. No, it was all there—contacts, pictures, even, uh oh, a dozen missed calls from her mother. She’d given Rafe her passwords and apparently the store had managed to download her information from the Cloud.

  “I was going to show you baby pictures, Cait, but my mother is blowing up my phone. God, I hope the babies are all right. She’s taking care of them while we’re here.”

  “Call her back, Lacy.” Cait grabbed her arm. “I’ll give you some privacy.” She stepped over to where Bart was still talking to Rafe.

  “Yes, sure.” Lacy bit her lip as she hit speed dial.

  Her mother picked up on the first ring. “Lacy! Thank God! Where the hell have you been?”

  “Mama, what’s wrong?”

  “What’s wrong? Didn’t you listen to any of my messages? No, of course not. None of my children ever do.” Her mother went on a rant then finally took a breath.

  “Please, spit it out. Are the babies okay? Is one of them sick? You can call Ian you know.”

  “The children are fine. So far. But I am not. I’m about to have a nervous breakdown. And I will not go to that vampire doctor. You can trust me on that. Blood sucking creep. I swear he hit on me. Patted my bottom when you were in labor.”

  Lacy began to think this was no big deal. Her mother was still a beautiful woman and single. Did she have a thing for Ian? How funny that would be. But all those messages…

  “Why the nervous breakdown? Get to the freaking point, Mama.”

  “Okay, here it is. Why the hell didn’t you tell me that your Rafe is a demon?” Her mother sounded breathless. Or was that sobbing?

  “Wait a minute. How do you know that?” Lacy gripped the phone.

  “I don’t hear a denial, do I?” No sobs. That was anger. “Lacy, how long have you known this?”

  “Mama, that doesn’t matter. Now answer me. Who has been filling your head with such talk?” Lacy glanced at Rafe. He, Bart and Cait were laughing about something a few feet away. Good for them. While she was here dealing with a hysterical mother.

  “Who has been talking to me? Seems there was a woman at my door this week, claiming to be Rafe’s mother. What a surprise. At first I think, okay, the children will have another grandmother, a shape-shifter of course. But then I really look at her.” Mama took a deep breath and blew it into the phone.

  “She’s not a regular shifter. Oh, no. She’s beautiful, Lacy. Cold as ice and so evil my back teeth hurt. Evil! Like she came straight from hell! I’m thinking of going back to church just to be on the safe side. Could she have taken my soul and I don’t know it yet?” Yep, that was a sob this time.

  “Now, Mama, this sounds crazy. No one can just steal your soul. I think,” Lacy looked around frantically for Rafe. What did she know about demons? He had his back turned to her as he pointed down the street and said something to Bart. “I think you have to make a deal. Sell your soul or trade something.”

  “You are not making me feel better. Besides, you weren’t here, Lacy. You didn’t see her.” Her mother was on a roll now. “Her name is Lily. She looks nothing like Rafe. She’s blond and blue eyed. But it’s an unnatural blue. Then, when she stares at you, her eyes glow red. Red, Lacy! I’m so scared of her I wet myself. Yes, you heard me. I pissed my panties.” Noisy sobs went on for much too long.

  “Mama, calm down. Maybe she’s not really Rafe’s mother. It could be an imposter. What proof did she have? Come on now. Listen to me.”

  “Imposter? I wish. But she had a picture. Of a family. It was her, Rafe’s father who is the image of him and her holding a baby Rafe. She claimed that was her proof.”

  “Mama, Rafe’s a thousand years old. They didn’t have photos back then.”

  “Well! Maybe she lied to me. But I believed her anyway, about being his mother. She knew things. About his clan. Where you and he are right now.”

  “Is she still there?” Lacy was pretty sure she couldn’t be if her mother was able to call. Unless this person wanted to get Rafe there, back in Austin. Demons were tricky. She’d seen that firsthand when Glory had dealt with them.

  “No, she stayed so long I was terrified I’d have to offer her dinner. I was positively starving. You know how I get if my blood sugar gets too low.”

  “Focus, Mama.” Lacy knew a discussion of her mother’s blood sugar and dietary needs could last a half an hour. “Maybe you’ve seen the last of her.”

  “I wish. But she’ll be back. That’s what she said. Like the Terminator or something. You should have heard her. As if she was talking from the bowels of Hell itself.” Her mother sniffled.

  Lacy frowned and finally got Rafe’s attention. He hurried to her side. The bowels of hell? If her mother only knew.

  “Listen to me, Daughter. You have to come home right this minute. If this is Rafe’s mother, I don’t know what to do. Should I grab the babies and run? Where can we go? And what will I do if she tries to take them away from me?”

  “Mama, stay put. Let me think.” Think? Lacy was trying not to throw up. She slid down to land on the concrete. Rafe sat next to her.

  “Lacy! What the hell?” Rafe slid his arm around her. “Bad news? Our children? What?”

  She waved at him to shut up. “What did you do when Lily showed up, Mama? Did you let her see the babies, hold them?” Lacy saw Rafe’s face pale. Yes, he knew who Lily was and was just as horrified as she was. Not reassuring. “Mama!”

  “I couldn’t stop her! She walked right past me as if I was invisible. I tried to get between her and the little ones and she just shoved me aside like I was nothing.” Gulping sobs now. “She’s so powerful
! I couldn’t protect them, Lacy!”

  “No, I’m sure you tried your best. Please stop crying.” Lacy wiped her own eyes with one hand.

  “You’ve got to come home, Lacy. Bring Rafe. Maybe he can get rid of her. He has to! She swore he was a demon too. Is he?” She gulped.

  “Let’s not get into that on the phone. Tell me more, Mama.” Lacy gripped Rafe’s hand. “How was she with the babies?”

  “You should have seen her, Lacy. She stared down at the babies with those red eyes of hers for the longest time. I’m afraid, uh, afraid she put some kind of evil demon spell on them.”

  “Why would she do that? If they’re her grandchildren, Mama? She’ll, uh, she’ll love them.” Lacy looked at Rafe. “Won’t she?”

  He shook his head and took the phone.

  “I’m sorry, Sheila. I had no idea my mother even knew about the children. And Lily is my mother. I’ll handle her. Please do your best to hang in there. We’ll be home as soon as we can.” Rafe put his arm around Lacy.

  Lacy couldn’t help it, she flinched.

  “Here’s Lacy.” He shook his head and got up. “I’m going to call and make sure the clan’s plane is ready to go. After what I did for them, they owe me that.”

  “Mama, Rafe’s arranging transportation. We’re coming.” What could she say to make her mother calm down? Nothing. Because she was freaking out too. “Listen. Things are bad here. Rafe’s grandfather died. We may have to come back to bury him. His clan may need Rafe. I should…” She couldn’t finish the thought.

  “Your children need you. They come first. Tell him that. His mother,” Her own mother howled, yes, gave a full throated cat howl of distress. “Is too dangerous to be allowed near these children again. I can’t deal with this alone. If Rafe loves his children, he needs to be here to protect them.”

  “I get that. He understands it too. He’s doing the right thing. I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this. But you are doing all you can. We’ll be there as soon as possible. I’ll call you back when I know more.” Lacy ended the call then looked up when Rafe walked back to her side. Cait and Bart apparently had enough vampire hearing to know what was what.

  “You need us for anything, call.” Bart was solemn and kept his arm around Caitlyn.

  “Thanks.” Rafe helped Lacy to her feet. “Will do. But I think we can handle things from here. Enjoy your vacation. You’ve earned it.”

  The vampires nodded then headed down the street. Nice to have understanding friends.

  Rafe kept his hands on Lacy’s shoulders. Good thing because she was feeling wobbly as hell.

  “The plane has gone to pick up my father. Apparently he was in London. It will be back here later today. We can leave then. It’s the fastest way to get home.” Rafe looked into her eyes and then must have decided she was fine with it and pulled Lacy close, running his hand over her back. “You okay?”

  “What do you think? My mother said Lily was staring at the babies with red eyes.” Lacy took a deep breath. Sea air and car exhaust. Ugh. Her stomach heaved. She stepped back. “What does that mean, Rafe?”

  “Damned if I know. But we’re going to find out.” Rafe steered her toward a jeep nearby. “I’m sorry. But I can’t imagine she would hurt them. She’s probably just satisfying her curiosity. She sure as shit never bothered with me.”

  “What about the clan? Your grandfather’s funeral?”

  “I’ve done what I could. Grandmother’s not going to be happy when we take off this quickly but she should understand that I have to protect my children.” He slammed the car door. “It’s better if I leave now anyway. I have nothing to say to my father. I’m just surprised Lily is in Austin without him. I’m not sure what that means.”

  Lacy leaned against him. Despite the fact that he was saying nothing, she knew the signs: jaw so clenched it could have been cut from granite and eyes firmly fixed on the windshield as he stabbed the key into the ignition. Rafe was upset and about to lose it. And no wonder. His grandfather had just died and now he was going to have to cope with parents who’d never given a rat’s ass about him. He looked like he wanted to either howl at the sliver of moon sinking in the sea nearby or slam his fist into something.

  “I’m sorry we’re going to miss the funeral. Are clan funerals a big deal?”

  “They can be. Especially for the leader.” Rafe started the car. “Forget it. No one would want me there anyway.”

  “Screw those ungrateful bastards. You got justice for him.” She could see nothing she was saying was helping. He was driving too fast for these mountain roads. She was glad for her seatbelt but knew better than to tell him to slow down. “At least you got to see your grandfather before he died, Rafe. Maybe it was just his time to go.”

  “We’re immortal, Lacy. We’re not supposed to have a ‘time’.” His voice was rough and if Lacy didn’t know better, she’d think he was on the verge of tears.

  “Pull over. Stop the jeep and pull over.”

  “Are you sick?” He did as she asked though.

  When the jeep shuddered to a stop, Lacy grabbed his ears and turned his head so she could look into his eyes. “It’s not weak to want to grieve for a man who was like a father to you, you know.” She saw him glance around. “No one’s here. No one’s looking, macho man. And you don’t have to cry buckets if that’s not in you.” She kissed him gently. “But later, when we’re on the plane with nothing but time, tell me about Matias. All the things he did for you when you were young. Stories about him. Okay?”

  “Yeah, I’d like that.” Rafe leaned his cheek against her hair and put his arms around her. “He was like a father to me. I loved him. He accepted me. As his blood.” He blinked and looked away. “But it’s the demon blood we have to worry about now. My mother is at best unpredictable. I’m sick that she’s taken an interest in the children. If one of them shows signs of having some demonic powers…” He put the car into gear and hit the road again, at a reasonable speed this time. “Well, we may never get rid of her.”

  “But you have powers and she didn’t pay attention to you.” Lacy realized she was gnawing off her thumbnail. Not good for a cat to dull her claws.

  “That’s because Matias had enough clout to keep her away from me.” Rafe sped up again. “He gave up on my father, exchanging my dad for me. Lily understood that it was in her own interests to just let Grandfather have me and move on. She had a passion for my father that came first for her. And I don’t think she ever realized just how powerful I’d grow up to be.” He shrugged. “If she could have seen me against Shiloh, she would have been proud.” His knuckles were white on the steering wheel. “Proud as hell.”

  “Rafe, quit beating yourself up over killing her. I’m glad you have a conscience but you did the right thing.” Lacy laid her hand on his arm.

  “Murder is never the right thing.” He glanced at Lacy, his mouth in a grim smile. “Yes, I can rationalize it, but I won’t let it go and I won’t forget it. It sickened me.” He finally took one hand off the wheel and gripped hers. “You don’t know what your love means to me, Lace. I wouldn’t blame you if you decided I wasn’t worth it. I come with way too much baggage.”

  “Who doesn’t?” But as she held onto his hand, Lacy wondered if she wasn’t a little insane to just accept a man with a demon mother hovering over her babies. Too late for regrets now. She’d had his children. One or more of them… “Any chance we could have spawned a little demon, Rafe?”

  “Here we go again.” He dropped her hand as he wheeled into the village and parked in front of his grandfather’s house. “Lily will be glad to tell us the answer, I’m sure. And, for the record, I hate that word ‘spawned.’ It makes us seem less than human.” He cut the engine. “But maybe that’s how you see me now.”

  “Rafe, no!” Lacy had known the minute she’d said it that it was the wrong word.

  He turned to Lacy, his dark eyes suddenly glowing red “This, this is what you look for in a demon child. It’s what sent my cl
ansmen running away screaming when I was a kid. You want to call your mom and tell her to check our children for that?” He let the glow die away and waited.

  Lacy swallowed and pressed her hand to her stomach. “No, I don’t think so. When we get home will be soon enough to share that little helpful hint.” She grabbed the door handle. “I am going to be sick.” She stumbled out of the jeep and ran to the house just as his grandmother came outside. The lady gave her a pitying look but Lacy ignored it and headed straight for the first bathroom she found. She fell to the floor in front of the toilet and succumbed to dry heaves. Seasickness had left her empty. When Rafe found her there, he said nothing, just wiped her face with a cool cloth and sat beside her until she fell against him.

  “I love you. Whatever you decide, please remember that.” His voice was rough as he rubbed her back.

  “Decide? We have a family, Rafe. The decision was made over nine months ago. When we had unprotected sex.” Lacy closed her eyes. “I don’t regret the children. I’ll never regret them. Do I know what I would have done if I’d known about the demon blood you carry back then? No idea. But I love you and I want to be with you. That hasn’t changed. I still think you are a fine man and will be a great father. As long as you can keep your demon relatives away, we won’t have a problem.”

  He sighed and she felt his chest move behind her. “What did I ever do to deserve you?”

  “Shut up.” Lacy turned in his arms. “You are my man. You deserve everything, never doubt it.” She rubbed her cheek against his scruff. “If my mouth didn’t taste like pond scum, I’d kiss you senseless. Wait a minute.” She jumped up, turned on the water in the sink behind her and scrubbed her mouth out with a wet washcloth. “There, that’s better.”

  Rafe grinned and stood next to her. “You didn’t have to do that on my account. I could have gone for some pond scum.” He pulled her in and took her mouth hungrily, lips, teeth, tongue, as if he’d never get enough.


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