MR. H.
Page 14
Oh fuck, it must be the universal day for annoying exes poking their annoying heads into your business.
Love always? Why was he even texting me? I thought all of this was over… I must’ve been displaying my angst all over my face because it only took a split second for Mr. H to notice something was up.
“What’s wrong Hannah? You look as though you might blow a gasket.” Mr. H asked, and I just handed him my phone without saying a word. The look on his face as he read the message was enough to show me he understood my worry, but when he blurted out;
“Oh for fuck sake, when will this guy get the picture? You are mine! Not his!” I realised he was much angrier than I was, maybe my alcohol induced haze was cushioning the blow for me, but wow, I’d never seen Mr. H get so possessive, there was a part of me getting very turned on by this side of him.
“Yes, I am yours.” I said, looking up straight in to his eyes, mine filled with lust, begging him to take me now, my heart thudding, pussy throbbing, I needed to feel his hands on me, and it didn’t take long for him to get the gist of what I wanted. Grabbing a firm hold of my hand he led me around the side of the house, and in through the service door, we smiled politely as the catering team gave us the side eye. Up the stairs, down one of the many corridors, Mr. H knew where he was going and I was completely lost.
Finally, Mr. H pulled us in to a bedroom, pushing me up against the door as he closed it, kissing me deeply, passionately, with one hand wrapped around my neck, so aggressive, but damn, I really liked it.
“This is our room for the night Hannah, and I’d like us to stay instead of driving back to Manhattan tonight – if you’re ok with that?”
I nodded, a night in this Hamptons mansion? Hell yeah I wanted to stay here, did we ever have to leave? This was beginning to feel like one big fairy tale, one big kinky fairy tale. Including the token bad guy. No, no, no, I can’t be thinking of Jason right now. Mind you – he was the one who had led us to this particular moment.
“Hannah? You good?” Mr. H asked, “It’s him isn’t it? He’s weaselled his way in to your head.” He got up, pacing the room, I could see the veins straining in his neck. “How is he even allowed to have a phone in the fucking psych unit? Someone’s head will roll over this. Someone’s not doing their job.”
As I went to place my hand on his shoulder in attempt to calm him, Mr. H pushed my hand away angrily, “You’re just letting him do this to you, do you want him back? Is that it?”
He was angry with me? There was no way I was even going to justify that with an answer, he was being ridiculous and insecure – something I hadn’t seen from him before. I wasn’t hanging around to be punished for someone else’s doing, I hadn’t asked Jason to message me, I couldn’t help that it was playing on my mind. I brushed passed Mr. H as I ran out the door, down the corridor, then another, then another until I finally found some stairs that led me down and out of the house. I kept running, I couldn’t deal with this right now, I threw off my gold heels as I reached the sand dunes. Bursting in to tears I couldn’t believe this day had ended so badly. Like Jason said, it was a day I had always dreamt about. Ruined.
I reached for my phone, quickly typing before I changed my mind.
‘Jade, I need a huge favour, I’m stuck in The Hamptons, please come get me.’ I knew Jade couldn’t drive, but Ben could, and I knew they would both understand the situation once I explained.
Of course Jade came through – she always does, now I just had to hide out and wait for nearly two hours, I prayed that Mr. H wouldn’t come looking for me. Or did I want him to? Honestly, I don’t think he could win either way, damned if he did, damned if he didn’t.
I decided to reply to Jason’s message while I sat waiting, hiding in the sand dunes.
‘Jason, please never contact me again. I’m really glad you’re doing better but please, move on. Hannah.’
I never received a reply, I took that as a good thing, job well done.
As I explained the the scenario to Ben and Jade on the car ride home they tried to act shocked, but somehow I could tell they were hiding something. Ben said he could understand Mr. H’s anger, and Jade’s attempt to hush him seemed peculiar.
“Alright, what’s going on with you two?” I asked, and the answer I got shocked me to my core. Mr. H had been paying for Jason’s psychiatric care, he had been paying to keep him locked away, he was angry that his money wasn’t being well spent. How did everyone know this but me?
Mr. H – the king of ‘honesty is always best’ was lying to me? I was fuming. I sat in silence the entire rest of the journey.
After both thanking and apologising to Jade and Ben for having to save me, I dawdled my miserable ass into my apartment. Sinking on to my bed, completely dressed, and not moving until morning. Late, late, morning.
I woke up to the sound of my phone blearing in my clutch beside my face, ‘Sir.’ Was the name on my screen, Mr. H was calling, but there was no way I was answering that call, not now, not today, I turned my phone off and headed for the shower.
Chapter Fifteen.
It had been a week since I had left Mr. H at his parents’ Southampton Mansion, I hadn’t answered any of his calls or texts and I had successfully snubbed him while at work, being busy with getting this book ready for its release date was helping keep my mind off him. Both of the ‘hims’. I had received a few static voicemails from unknown numbers over the past week, clearly my request of no further contact didn’t go down as well as I’d hoped. But I was hopeful that my trip down to the police station yesterday would be more successful, I now had a no contact order being put in to place, Mr. H would be so proud – if only I were talking to him so I could tell him.
I knew I was going to have to talk to Mr. H eventually, it wasn’t like I never wanted to talk to him again or work it out, because I definitely did. I just needed time to decide how I was going to deal with this situation. Looking around my apartment it was beginning to vaguely resemble a florist, with a different extra-large bunch of flowers for every day of the week so far, today’s note had read;
‘Baby girl, please forgive my stupidity, I only wanted to protect you. I love you, I miss you, and I want you. Mr. H x.’ after reading today’s note I had decided enough was enough and I knew today would be the day I reach back out to him. I missed him too, so, so much.
I tapped away at my phone, deleting and starting over, not once but twice, I wrote,
‘Hi, I miss you too, I’m still not happy about being lied to, but I would like to talk about it, could we talk after my shift tonight?’ I’d already resigned myself to the fact I was going to forgive him, but in some way I felt I needed to punish him, he needed to know not to lie to me again – I needed to drag this out, a thought flashed through my mind… If I dress extra sexy tonight, but don’t let him touch, it’s almost like some form of sexual torment. That’ll teach him. High waist black mini skirt with a white button up blouse tucked in, thigh high stocking with lace trim, simple black pumps, no underwear whatsoever, my nipples slightly noticeable through my shirt when erect. That’ll do it, about as sexy as would be allowed at work.
Walking down to the restaurant, I could feel my breasts bobbling around under my shirt, these un-captive beauties were going to be a lot more noticeable than I anticipated, there were going to be some customers in for a real treat tonight, and just as I felt a slight breeze around my nether regions as I walked in the restaurant doors, I realised – what was I thinking? God forbid anyone gets a glimpse up my skirt too. I felt more of a hooker than a waitress right now… Not quite my intention.
“Hannah, holy hell, you look – um – great?” Katie said as I walked through, “I should warn you though, I was just looking through tonight’s bookings and it seems Pete and Rachel are coming in. I’m assuming Callan will be joining them as it’s a booking for three.” Oh fuck, I thought, on the day I dress up like a whore, Mr. H’s friend and Rachel are coming in? I wondered if I had enough time to sprint home and do a q
uick wardrobe change – the answer was a resounding no. Fuck. Being a Friday night, it was going to be busy, right from the get go.
“Hi guys, welcome to Collared, let me show you to your table.” I said, as politely as I could muster with Rachel’s eyes glaring in to my soul and Pete’s eyes burning holes in my shirt, he’d always seemed like the upmost gentleman, but today – he couldn’t seem to keep his eyes off me, much to Rachel’s disgust. I had the man she wanted, and now the man she did have, only had eyes for me. I could see why she wouldn’t like me, I wouldn’t like me right now either.
As I was going over the daily specials, Mr. H joined and sat at the table, eyes immediately fixed toward the location of my stiffening nipples before drifting downward getting the tiniest glimpse of lace at the top of my stockings.
I overheard their conversation as I walked away, Rachel ripping Pete a new one over checking me out, Pete apologising to both Rachel and Mr. H, but Mr. H’s response knocked me for six, in no part of my mind was I expecting to hear;
“If you like what you see that much, I’m not opposed to letting you watch. I know Hannah quite enjoys the idea of an audience.”
My eyes grew wider than I knew they could, my pulse quickening with both anger and arousal, how dare he offer that without my knowledge. But the growing warmth and slickness between my legs pushed aside the anger, Pete was an attractive man, I could see myself loving every minute of him watching our every move.
“Katie, I can’t go back over there. You’re going to have to take table 6. Please.” I begged. And thankfully, she did, and I could get on with the rest of this shift. Now I had even more I needed to speak with Mr. H about, and this new audience idea was almost overshadowing everything else we needed to discuss.
“Rachel’s not still giving you grief is she?” I heard coming from the kitchen, “Do we need to have another word with her?” Beth said, “I thought she got the hint the first time we told her to sort her jealousy out.”
I laughed, I didn’t know they’d said that to her,
“No, no, it’s not really Rachel that’s the problem today. I just wished I knew they were coming in before I dressed like I worked at hooters.” I said pointing down my body, resulting in two chef’s loud cackling laughter.
Down at Mr. H’s regular bar, in his regular booth, I sat, waiting for him, whiskey in hand, I needed the extra courage to ensure I said everything I’d planned. I even had notes – yes I know, typical writer, I had jotted down bullet points of everything I needed to cover;
No contact order
What next
I didn’t want to risk bringing up the conversation I had overheard until after I got everything else out, I knew my arousal would overtake any other emotion otherwise. Luckily, Mr. H understood my points on the lies and secrets he’d kept over the Jason saga, he also was, as expected, very proud of me for going down to the station and taking that scary step, and after we discussed where we go from here, in terms of Jason, Mr. H decided that he would contact Jason’s parents and cease any further psychiatric care payments due to Jason making contact.
“Now that all of that business is out of the way, Hannah, I need you to know, my fucking dick has been semi hard since I laid my eyes on you tonight! What were you thinking wearing that outfit to work?” He asked, grimacing, adjusting his noticeably firm crotch.
“I wanted to teach you a lesson, Sir.” I said with a wink, parting my thighs slightly to allow a brief view of my panty-less pussy. “Plus, I overheard your little conversation with Pete.”
His face reddened, I’d never seen Mr. H blush before, did he really not expect me to have heard? I was right there.
“Oh, that, um, what did you hear exactly?” He looked notably concerned until I mentioned one word audience, “Ohhh that, right, not the conversation I thought you meant – but what did you think of that? Is that something you would consider?”
I reached out, grabbing Mr. H’s hand, discreetly placing it between my legs for him to feel my damp arousal, “What do you think Sir? Does this give my answer away?”
So much for his sexual torment, I wasn’t supposed to be letting him touch me, massive fail. But I couldn’t think straight anymore, all I wanted was him. The idea of Pete watching us fuck had put my horniness through the roof.
“Let’s go?” I whispered, “I want you so fucking bad right now. Yours or mine?”
“Mine.” He growled, “You, naughty girl, need to be punished for being such a massive cock tease all night. I hope you’re prepared for what’s coming to you.” His gruff voice adding extra fuel to the intense fire between my thighs. I’m sure I was getting high off the sexual desire, this makeup sex was potentially going to be the best sex of my life – I could feel it brewing.
As we stepped foot into his condo, I immediately removed all of my clothes just as instructed on the elevator ride up. Mr. H devoured me with his eyes, before leading me out on to the balcony. “Stand here, don’t move, I’ll be back out in a minute with some supplies.” He said as he rushed inside, running off upstairs.
It was a strange feeling standing outside, naked. I knew there would be people around who might see me, but that just added to the eroticism of the moment.
Mr. H returned, quickly this time, I was grateful he hadn’t chosen to keep me waiting out here. He had four small lengths of rope with him, along with what appeared to be a candle in his hand, it was only when he turned around to set them down on the outdoor table that I noticed the paddle and vibrator hanging out of his back pockets.
Mr. H positioned me in to a giant upside down Y shape, as if I were mid jumping jack. The conveniently located garden archway proving the perfect tying frame. Arms together and straight up above my head, legs spread as wide as the archway allowed.
“I need you to remember we are outside, Miss James. I need you to stay as quiet as possible, or I will be forced to introduce you to a ball gag.” Mr. H threatened as he tied the final knot. I was beginning to wonder whether this archway was placed here for this reason alone, it was perfectly positioned so that he could walk unobstructed the whole way around it. It had seemed pointless and out of place the first time I laid my eyes on it.
Circling around me, Mr. H took his time alternating between tweaking my nipples, gently slapping and lightly running a hand against my skin. I could never be sure where he was going to touch next, or how.
He introduced the paddle by running the edge down the centre of my spine, resting briefly at my backside before coming down hard with a high-pitched echoing slap against my ass. The noise, almost as pleasurable as the sensation, heaven when combined, but almost too loud for outdoor play, I was struggling to keep my moans internal.
“Hmm…” He said, “We may have to save this paddle for inside. I have never noticed how much it echoes out here before tonight.”
This made me feel all somersaulty inside my belly, giddy with happiness that he’d never done this out here with anyone but me.
Of all the things we’d tried so far, nothing had scared or worried me all that much, but when I saw him walking back toward me with the candle and lighter in hand…I have to admit, I panicked a little. I’d burnt myself badly in the past and still had a minor scar to prove it, I tried calming myself with some new breathing techniques I’d been trying and I don’t know if it were that or a mixture of that and Mr. H demonstrating a drop of wax on his inner forearm, but I began to slowly mellow. He barely flinched, so I could do this. Surely?
I watched as he lit the candle, his hands steady and sure of their actions, I watched as the wax began to melt around the wick, I watched Sir’s hand rise far above my breasts and begin to slowly tilt the candle, I watched as a tiny drop of liquid wax fell from the sky and landed an inch away from my left nipple. I was glad I was tied, I’m sure I would’ve flinched if I could’ve moved.
“How did that feel Hannah?” Mr. H asked.
If my deepened br
eathing and soft moans weren’t approval enough,
“Wow.” Should’ve sufficed. He went slowly, dripping small amounts of wax sensually over many different sensitive areas of skin, producing a different sensation at every location. Sometimes it hurt, sometimes it stung, and sometimes it felt like warm melted butter. But it all felt amazing.
When Mr. H was satisfied that I was adequately covered in wax, he came around to stand behind me, holding the vibrator he’d bought out with him, as he turned it on, he began to slide it up and down the soaking wet crevasse between my legs. I heard the noise of a zipper behind me, followed by the gentle nudge from the head of his cock, and without too much more of a warning, his entire cock was engulfed by my desperate pussy, which immediately clenched down around it causing deep guttural moans to fly from Mr. H’s mouth.
The next morning, I had an important meeting, yes on a Saturday, I know, how rude. I needed to give the final sign off on the book covers before they go to print on Monday. This was all happening so fast, much faster than normal, as my agent liked to regularly point out, she was just annoyed because it added more to her work load, so I decided to bring Mr. H with me to this meeting – to give her a break, and because I knew he wanted to be involved. The book was about him after all.
As we walked in to the office, I could instantly see the way the some of the girls were looking at Mr. H, of course they’d read parts of the book, but I didn’t expect them to be quite so obvious about it. I watched as Mr. H’s cheeks subtly changed to a shade of pink, I don’t think he expected the attention actually would be on him.
“They’ve clearly read about the size of your…condo.” I joked, I needed to ease some of the tension. It was either I made a joke out of it, or I lost my cool and screamed at everyone to stop staring.
“Ah, Miss James, come on through, I’ve got everything waiting in the board room.” Mr Bernard said, “Hello, you must be –”
“Mr Hart.”
“Of course, great to finally meet you.” Mr Bernard said, shaking Mr. H’s hand with a wide toothed, knowing grin, before moving on to discuss the book.