Cut from the Same Cloth

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Cut from the Same Cloth Page 4

by Chloe Taylor

  Zoey dressed with care for school on Thursday, knowing she’d be heading straight to the ice-cream parlor afterward to meet Ezra. She wore a great wrap skirt she’d made from an anchor-print fabric, with a tucked-in striped tee. Then she added superpointy flats with cat faces on them. At school, she had Priti do her hair in a fishtail side braid. When she finally pushed through the door of the ice-cream parlor and saw Ezra there, sitting at a table for two in the corner, she realized just how nervous she was. She didn’t know what to expect or what she wanted to happen.

  Zoey went over to him and was surprised when he stood up and gave her hug. To her, it felt like he held on for a few seconds too long, but then decided she was probably just feeling awkward about their quasi-date, and sat down.

  It was then that she noticed he’d already gotten them each a hot-fudge sundae, complete with nuts and a cherry.

  “Um, is this for me?” she asked.

  He looked pleased, joining her at the table. “Yeah, remember? At Libby’s Bat Mitzvah, they had that sundae bar, and you thought it was so neat. I got you the biggest one on the menu.”

  Zoey nodded. She did remember—she had thought it was neat, but she had really wanted a cone and, well, to pick out her own flavors. She realized Ezra was trying to be nice, so she smiled enthusiastically, picking up her spoon.

  “Thanks, Ezra!” she said. “That was really thoughtful of you.”

  “I’m just glad you didn’t get here late, or it would have been ice-cream soup,” Ezra joked. “I should have thought ahead.”

  Or let me order for myself, Zoey thought. But they both started eating, and Ezra asked her questions about the show. Zoey tried to answer them as best she could, but there were still a lot of things she didn’t know, like how exactly they were going to have the episodes ready to air so fast, in a little over a week.

  “I can’t wait to watch you on TV,” he said. “And tell people I know you!”

  Zoey grimaced. “You may not want to,” she said. “Depending on how I do. There are going to be lots of designers there and—” Zoey stopped midsentence, picturing herself totally freezing up on TV, unable to come up with any ideas while the other designers around her churned out one fantastic outfit after another.

  Ezra must have noticed the look on her face because he reached over and touched her arm. “Zoey, what is it?”

  “Um, I just hadn’t really thought about the competition.” She tried to laugh it off and shrugged. “I’ve been so caught up in getting my dad’s permission to go at all!”

  Ezra cleared his throat and wiped his hands off with his napkin. He’d finished his sundae already while Zoey was still digging away at hers. “I, uh, got you something,” he said. “You know, for good luck.”

  And from behind his back he produced a tiny wrapped package.

  Zoey was a bit taken aback. “A present?”

  Ezra nodded. “Don’t worry. It’s really small, something to take with you for good luck.”

  Ezra really was thoughtful. Zoey felt guilty that she hadn’t even remembered to tell him about her big trip, and he’d still gone out and gotten her a gift!

  Cautiously, she ripped open the paper and lifted the lid off the box.

  Inside was a tiny enamel airplane, about the size of a paper clip.

  “Aw, thanks, Ezra,” she said, but she didn’t quite understand what it was.

  Ezra could tell she was confused and hurried to explain. “It’s a good-luck charm for your bracelet,” he said. “And I picked an airplane because you’re ‘going places’!”

  Zoey’s face broke into a smile, and she held the airplane up, examining it. Now, she could see the link attached that made it a charm.

  “Thank you, Ezra,” she said sincerely. “This is exactly what I needed.”

  On Friday afternoon, Zoey invited Kate, Libby, and Priti over to help her pack for Paris and Milan. She’d be gone for about a week, so she needed a decent amount of clothes, but contestants were limited to one carry-on and one piece of checked luggage only. That meant she had to be very selective about what she brought.

  The girls were all in Zoey’s room, sharing a plate of pretzels and hummus and voting on items as Zoey pulled them out of her closet. Her dad’s largest suitcase was open in one corner of the room, already half full.

  “This?” asked Zoey, holding up a flowy peasant dress, which had been her mother’s. It was one of her favorites.

  “Yes,” Priti said immediately. “You can wear it with boots or flats. Perfect for Italy!”

  Zoey folded it carefully and placed it into the suitcase. Next, she picked up a dark-gray pleated skirt.

  Kate frowned, scooping up some hummus with a pretzel. “Do you really need a bunch of fancy stuff? I mean, won’t you mostly be in the workroom sewing? I’d just bring jeans and some T-shirts.”

  Libby laughed loudly. “I know that’s what you’d wear, Kate, and be gorgeous in it. But Zoey’s going to be on TV! And when has she ever just worn jeans and a T-shirt?”

  Kate flashed a smile. “Almost never, I guess.”

  “You’re going to need more tops,” said Libby. “Bring that cute black wrap sweater you have, with the ruffle in the front.”

  “No way,” said Priti. “You need colors so you’ll stand out from the other contestants! Bring your purple top, and that blue one, and your red-pink-and-yellow dress that I love.”

  Kate shook her head. “I just think she won’t need quite so many things for one week.”

  Priti nodded reluctantly. “Hmmm . . . Kate does have a point. And if you want to buy fabulous clothes in Europe, you’ll need to leave some room in your luggage to bring things home.”

  Zoey’s head was beginning to spin. She looked over at her suitcase, which had seemed so big when she’d gotten it down from the attic, but it was filling up fast. “You know, maybe I’ll just bring a few of my favorite things and a few neutrals to mix and match with them.”

  Zoey carefully folded up some leggings, tunics, and skirts that were all neutral, left in her favorite bright pieces, and took out the clothes that were less practical for marathon sewing sessions.

  “Hey, what’s that?” Libby asked, pointing to the bracelet on Zoey’s wrist. “Is that plane charm new?”

  Zoey felt both a little embarrassed and a little excited to explain where she’d gotten it. “Yeah, it’s uh, a good-luck charm. From Ezra.”

  All the girls gasped in unison, and it was so funny, Zoey burst into giggles. “You should see your faces!” she exclaimed. “It’s an enamel airplane, not an engagement ring.”

  Priti began waving her hands around excitedly. “I know, but still. He must really like you.”

  Libby agreed. “That was very sweet of him.”

  Zoey nodded. She agreed; it was sweet. “It’s just . . .” Zoey couldn’t quite find the words to express how she felt about the gift. And the ice-cream date. She’d been thinking about it ever since, and something just didn’t feel right.

  She looked at Kate, sensing that Kate might understand.

  “You don’t really know how you feel about him,” Kate guessed. “And he seems to like you a whole lot, and that makes you really unsure, because you like him too, but maybe just as a friend, and the gift and attention make you uncomfortable.”

  It was Zoey’s turn to gasp. “How did you know? That’s it exactly.”

  Kate smiled ruefully. “Because that’s how it was with Tyler. He was such a cool person, and I had so much fun talking with him. But he seemed to like me so much, you know, that way, and it just made me want to be friends only or stop hanging out. It sounds weird, but it’s true.”

  “It does sound weird,” Priti agreed. “Ezra and Tyler are both really cute, nice guys. Why wouldn’t you like them back?”

  Zoey shrugged. “It’s not that I don’t like him,” she explained. “It’s just that it’s a little too intense or something. I mean, he ordered ice cream for me yesterday, even though he didn’t know what I wanted, and he got me th
is gift, and I think he reads my blog every day!”

  It was Libby’s turn to shake her head. “I agree with Priti. It sounds pretty fun to me, except maybe the part about him ordering for you. But if you’re not into him, maybe you should just be friends.”

  Zoey chewed her lower lip. “I think I need to put this decision on hold.” There was too much going on. When she returned from the trip, she’d make plans with Ezra and see how she felt. For now, though, Gabe was coming over soon to take photos while she finished packing.

  “Zoey!” Mr. Webber called up from downstairs. “I’m going to order Chinese food for dinner. Would your friends like to join us?”

  Zoey waited for everyone to respond.

  “Um, obviously,” said Priti. “We still have so much to do! And no one has mentioned my new sparkly tee yet. My mom gave me her credit card the other day to buy some new things because she’s so happy I’m out of my ‘dark phase,’ as she called it.”

  “I love it! Can I bring it on my trip?” Zoey joked.

  Priti nodded solemnly. “Yes, you can. If you promise to mention me on TV and say that I’m the best, most wonderful friend in the universe.”

  Zoey and the other girls laughed. “Seems fair!”


  Totally Travel-rific!

  This is the outfit I’ve put together for my long flight to France. I made the pants with elastic in the waists and cuffs, so they’re comfy enough to sleep in. And the fabric is a blend that hardly ever wrinkles! My shrug will keep me warm, but it isn’t too warm, and my shirt says that I’m a star. (That was my dad’s idea. I actually feel kind of silly about it, but he insisted.)

  I’m so ready for this trip to begin. I can’t wait to get stamps on my passport! We fly overnight to Paris, stay a few days, and then take a quick flight to Milan. I’m bringing my sketchbook on the plane, to start brainstorming ideas for things I can make during the challenges. Maybe none of them will work out with the materials or challenges they give us, but at least it’ll keep me busy and give me something to start with. I went to sleepaway camp last summer, so I’ve been away from home before, but I’ve never been to a foreign country! I’m trying to be brave, but I really have no idea what to expect.

  My friends all ended up staying late last night before wishing me farewell, including my pal G. He’s a talented photographer and is doing a photo essay about my Fashion Showdown Junior experience, so he documented the packing madness. I leave tonight, and since it’s an overnight trip, my dad is insisting I take a quick power nap now. So see you next time . . . in Paris!

  Zoey woke to someone shaking her shoulder. She’d been so deeply asleep, she had a hard time getting her eyes to focus on the face. It was her dad.

  “Zoey,” he said. “Chérie, time to get up. We have to leave for the airport.”

  “The airport?” Zoey repeated. Her brain was foggy and her limbs felt heavy, as if she were glued to the bed. “Why?”

  Her father laughed. “Zoey, this is it! Paris! Fashion! Showdown!”

  Zoey shook her head to clear the cobwebs and then felt a sudden sense of panic.

  “I’m not ready!” she said.

  “Yes, you are, honey,” he said firmly. “Just freshen up and come downstairs so Marcus can say good-bye before he leaves for his SAT prep class.”

  Zoey splashed some water on her face and then checked her travel outfit in the mirror quickly. “I’ll be in France tomorrow,” she said to herself, shaking her head in disbelief.

  At the front door, Marcus hugged her, pulled back, and held on to her shoulders for a moment. Looking her right in the eye, he said, “Now listen, Zoey—remember, this is a competition. Don’t get distracted by the TV cameras or the other contestants or the pressure. Just focus on your work and make your best outfits ever. I’ll be proud of you no matter what, but I also know you can win!”

  Zoey knew that on every season of Fashion Showdown, one or two contestants got overwhelmed by the time limits or the competition, and simply froze. She didn’t want that to happen to her.

  “I’ll do my absolute best,” she promised Marcus. “And I’ll be proud of you no matter how you do on the SATs. But I also know you’ll do great!”

  He nodded and walked out the door. As he was getting into his car, he waved good-bye, and Zoey felt a pang in her heart. Even though it was a short trip, she’d miss her big brother. Zoey, Marcus, and their dad were such a small family that when one of them was gone, everything felt off. She knew they would miss her, too. She was glad she’d told Gabe not to come and shoot today. She was way too emotional!

  “I’m ready,” she told her father.

  Her dad loaded her luggage into the car, and Zoey climbed into the front seat.

  “Dad,” she said tentatively as they got onto the freeway. “I think I just realized that tomorrow I’m going to be on a reality TV show.”

  Her father laughed. “You sure are!” He hummed and tapped his fingers on the steering wheel, as if everything were perfectly ordinary.

  “It was so much easier when I was a judge on the show. What will everyone think if I don’t do well in the competition?” The butterflies in Zoey’s stomach had begun flapping with surprising force.

  “Take a deep breath,” said her dad. “Remember, we all love you no matter what.”

  Zoey believed him, but she wondered if kids at school would give her endless grief if she didn’t do well. Kids like Emily. She had to smile, though, when she thought about Ivy and how Ivy had defended her, but she began to worry about something else.

  “Dad, what if the other contestants on the show don’t like me?”

  Her father exhaled deeply. “Well, if I’ve learned anything over the years it’s that you can’t control what people think of you, so you might as well just be yourself and enjoy the experience, okay?”

  Zoey nodded. “Okay, I know you’re right, Dad. I just think it would be easier if I had a friend along. You know, since I’ll be so far away.”

  Her father gave her a funny smile and steered the car toward the exit for the airport.

  At the airport, Zoey’s dad helped her check-in at the ticket counter but couldn’t go through security with her. The show had arranged for Rashida and the adult chaperones to meet the contestants and make sure they were well taken care of on the flight.

  “Do you see anyone?” Zoey asked anxiously as they approached the security line.

  “Rashida said she’d be here early,” her father muttered, scanning the crowd.

  Then, out of nowhere, a familiar person in a checkered shirt came running toward Zoey. It was her friend Sean, and he was holding a carry-on bag. His smile was a mile wide.

  “Sean?” Zoey squealed. “Wait, really? How?”

  She threw her arms around his neck and hugged him. She was thrilled Sean’s parents had agreed to let him be on the show, but she was also relieved that Mapleton Prep would be represented by two contestants. It wouldn’t feel so much like all eyes were on her.

  Zoey turned to her dad. “Did you know?”

  He nodded. “It’s a recent development, but we thought it would be fun to surprise you.”

  Sean’s eyes glowed, and he looked happier than Zoey had ever seen him. “Can you believe it? Ms. Austen called my parents and said I was doing really well in French class and thought the trip would be great for my language skills,” he whispered as his mom and dad came up behind him. “And she reminded them it was a fully paid, around-the-world trip and that fashion design is a huge business and could turn into a career.”

  “You’re kidding,” Zoey whispered back.

  Sean shook his head.

  Zoey was amazed. Somehow, Ms. Austen had found the exact right thing to say to the Waschikowskis. Zoey felt she owed Ms. Austen a huge thank-you and decided to bring her back an especially nice souvenir.

  Mr. Webber talked to Sean’s parents for a few minutes before Rashida found them and said it was time to take Sean and Zoey through security.

could tell her father wasn’t quite ready to let go of her yet because he didn’t answer Rashida. He just stood there blinking at her.

  Rashida must have understood because she said, “Mr. Webber, Mr. and Mrs. Waschikowski, I’ll guard Zoey and Sean with my life, and so will the other chaperones. They’ve already headed in with the other contestants, though, so we have to go. Grab your passports and boarding passes, kids, and we’ll get in line.”

  Zoey gave her dad one last, long hug and then followed Sean and Rashida into the security line.

  “I love you!” she yelled to her father, who was standing there, watching her go.

  “I love you, Zo!” he called back.

  Sean squeezed her arm, and Zoey nearly started crying. She was so happy to have her friend with her.


  All-Night Flight . . .

  Wow! I can hardly believe I survived the flight! It was about seven and a half hours, and I slept for some of it, but mostly I sketched and talked to S. Wait—you guys don’t even know my friend S is on the show! Ha! It was a surprise to me too, and it’s such a huge relief to have a pal in my corner. Friendship and fashion definitely go together.

  Our group arrived in Paris early this morning (in Parisian time, the middle of the night back in the States!), and we were taken to our hotel to drop off luggage, change clothes, and have a bit of downtime. I have my own bedroom in a suite with other contestants, and it’s really nice, but it sounds like we’ll be in the workroom most of the time. The first challenge starts soon, and we’ll be sewing all day!

  I sketched this outfit on the plane when I couldn’t sleep, and then I saw a few French women on the way to the hotel wearing midi skirts like the one in my sketch. Seems like a good sign, right? Time to go, so wish me luck, or “bon chance” as they say here!

  After a quick outfit change, Zoey went down to the lobby to meet Sean. Several other contestants were also there, waiting and chatting with one another. One, a petite girl with a messy brown bun and a pair of authentic-looking cowboy boots, introduced herself as Leanne. Another girl, who looked like she might be around Marcus’s age, had dyed hair the color of red Kool-Aid and was named Cat.


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