A Wolf's Desire (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 2)

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A Wolf's Desire (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 2) Page 8

by Sarah J. Stone

  The narrow alley behind “Tommy’s Pit” welcomed her, on that warm, early-June night. The scarce, dim post lights on the left side showed her the way. She smiled to herself, imagining Dean, holding her by the hand in that romantic setting. Still, in just a matter of seconds, her smile fell from her face, as she heard multiple footsteps behind her. Tension tightened the back of her neck. The alley was practically empty. There was just one man, approaching in the distance. Kate decided to quicken her pace, settling her gaze on the white back door of her workplace. She would not look back; such a move would give away her fear. Gripping the strap of her purse tighter, she lowered her head; the sound of her heels audible over the footfalls of her stalkers. But then, another, fainter sound froze the blood in her veins: a gun cocking.

  “Stop right there. Turn around,” a hoarse voice filled the air with the command. Kate bit her lower lip, struggling to maintain her composure. Doing as told, she faced two, middle-aged, large men. They were both armed, pointing their guns at her, as they stepped into the light. “Hand over the purse, missy; while we’re young.” The one on the left said. He was the same man who had addressed her before. Kate’s hand began to tremble, as she loosened her grip on her purse. As she pulled it from her shoulder however, another noise drew their attention. It was quick as gunfire, but much lower, as if its source was far away from them.

  “Go check it out.” The stranger ordered, giving his partner an elbow jab. “Don’t make me ask twice.” His tone stiffened as he spoke while glaring down at Kate, as the second man left them alone. Overwhelmed by fear, she reached forward, her purse dangling from her shaking hand, as she kept her eyes down on the ground. The mugger snatched his prize away from her grasp, but, as he did, a fierce growl tore the silence. In a split second, an agonizing scream of agony resounded through the alley. Right after that, the exact same noise that resembled gunfire baffled Kate. This time though, it was coming from behind her. Her attacker tore his gaze away from her and looked down, as a galloping sound filled her ears. For some reason she couldn’t fathom, his brows popped up, as his face became contorted by an expression of terror and shock. Kate didn’t have time to see for herself what had terrified him. A loud, menacing growl raised every fine hair on her body, as a massive, brown wolf leaped over her. The stranger opened his mouth wide, just before the animal’s jaws closed around his neck. He banged the back of his head against the ground, as his heavy body landed with a thump. His gun was tossed across the ground behind him. The man reached up to the wolf’s neck, thrashing about beneath him, as the lupine sank his teeth into the flesh of his throat. Kate staggered backwards, covering her mouth with both of her hands, as she watched in terror. The wolf snarled in rage, pressing his paws harder down onto his victim’s chest. She tried to speak; yet, she could not force a single word out of her throat. The mugger thrashed his left leg slowly one last time, before he stopped moving completely. Sliding her hands down her face, Kate gasped for breath, as the wolf released the man. He stepped off of him, and then whirled around to face her. It was in that moment that she realized that this was no mere wolf. She knew him, and he knew her. His sheer size left her no doubt. It was Dean. As she parted her lips, he let out a sad yip, and started back in the direction he had come from. Overwhelmed by the horrific scene she had just witnessed, she squeezed her eyes shut and then ran her hands through her hair. As she raised her eyelids, she spotted a tall, feminine figure, straightening her purple shirt, as she approached. It was none other than Melissa.

  “Are you ok? Are you hurt?” She asked, as a loud, banging noise was heard. Susan, one of the waitresses had just stormed out of the bar.

  “Jesus Christ!” She cried, staring down at the stranger’s lifeless body. “What happened out here?”

  “Animal attack: Pit-bull, I think. It went that way.” Melissa said, pointing behind her.

  “Oh, my God,” Susan sighed in despair. “I’d better call 911. Kate, are you alright? Did you see anything?”

  “Yeah,” Kate said on an exhale. “I’m fine. Call an ambulance.”

  “I know how this looks, but…”

  “Do you?” Kate interrupted, casting a fierce glare over at Melissa. “I don’t like muggers, but, killing them? No. What the hell were you doing here, anyway? What if someone saw you?”

  “Kate, you’re dealing with a world of stress right now. You can’t possibly think straight.” Melissa responded as calmly as possible, taking a step closer to her. “You have a long night ahead of you. The police will want to know what happened. Helena’s discovered a few more things about you; some stuff you really need to know. I told Dean we should wait for you. He didn’t like it. He thought he’d be pressuring you if he hid. Anyway, if it’s not too much trouble for you, come back to Paxton, whenever you can. Goodnight.”

  There were a million things that Kate could say to her. She would love to scream at her; it felt like an ideal way to release all the tension and frustration that had built up inside her. Nevertheless, she would not speak. Should she open her mouth in such a public place, dark secrets would be revealed, secrets that involved her as well. Moreover, Kate was in a dilemma. Part of her was dying to discover her dormant nature, alongside Dean. Another part of her wanted it to keep it inactive, but that meant that she would have to stay as far away from Paxton as possible. At any rate, Kate had a decision to make, a decision that would affect the rest of her life…

  Chapter Fifteen

  A sense of sadness hit Dean, as he and his sister made their way out of New York that night. Not because he had taken a life; in his mind, he had done the right thing. He had protected the woman he was interested in. Plainly enough, her reaction was not the one he anticipated. He did expect her to disagree with it, but, after Melissa’s narrative, it was clear to him that she had done more than just that. Kate was mad at them both. Maybe it was because the past few days had not exactly been easy for her, and this was just the drop that spilled the cup. She had learned too much, in a short span of time. Dean could still recall Monica’s outburst, upon finding out her own fate. Still, this was very different. Kate’s friend had never discovered that she was a witch. Whatever the reason behind her reaction, he feared that her adventure with the muggers had caused irreparable harm to their relationship.

  at their birthplace, Dean requested to be left alone. Discussing that night with his brothers was not an option. They could turn to Melissa for details. Right now, he needed some privacy, and some time to gather his thoughts. Under any other circumstances, he would choose his cabin, but this situation required total quiet, and he would get none in there. Sooner or later, Raul or Ray would yell at each other. So, he preferred to leave, and head for the spot where Helena had found him. He would be alone there, accompanied only by the rustle of the trees, the moonlight and the stars.

  Dean would not even shift. There was no need for the wolf to come out, and the beast within was strangely reluctant to rip out of his skin as well. Why would he? There was nothing for him to do, other than howl at the moon in sorrow. At some point in the night, he would do so, but not until Dean had found some necessary peace of mind.

  A small sea of twinkling town lights spread out before him, as he paced across the abandoned yard. The moon broke through two, thick clouds, shining in glorious splendor over the sky. A shooting star rocketed across the darkness, putting a bitter smile on his face. Why; because he was all alone. What good was this romantic setting, if he couldn’t share it with Kate?

  “It’s so beautiful out here,” he thought to himself. “It’s a lot like this morning, only darker. Where are you, my Siren? Don’t tell me I won’t be hearing your voice anymore. Don’t say you’re taking your song away from me.”

  Although this sense of absence hurt him deep inside, it helped him understand his brother, at least to an extent. Dean wasn’t shattered like Raul was when Monica left him, but he could feel the pain in his heart. It gripped him like a power vice around his chest. The mere recollectio
n of Kate’s emotional breakdown brought tears to his eyes. He had vowed to bring that happy girl back, but, how could he do so, if she didn’t want anything to do with him? Just how would he accomplish that, if he allowed those two men to execute her in cold blood? A tear raced down his face, at the thought of Kate’s image, lying on the ground, helpless. It was enough to block any hint of regret. If he could go back in time, he would do the exact same thing. After all, he was interested in her well-being, with or without him.

  As fate would have it, he would not find any peace that night. Minute after minute, hour after hour, he reminisced about her, wishing he was a sorcerer, so that he could peer into her mind. Kate’s thoughts were a mystery to him, a mystery that he couldn’t wait to be revealed. As much as he hated to admit it, there was a good chance that they would not be what he wanted. Dean had to prepare himself for the worst.

  With a heavy heart, he took a deep breath and turned his back on the scenery that had been mesmerizing him that night. He wouldn’t stay on his old Alpha’s property any longer. Shoving his hands in his pockets, he strolled down the road, wondering if there was any hope left. But Dean was smart; he could read the signs. It had been almost ten hours since the incident in the alley, more than enough time for Kate to drive to Paxton. His siblings would have alerted him of such an event.

  “Nah, who am I kidding? She’s better off in New York. She doesn’t need me telling her about witches and all that crap. Besides, she didn’t know about it, until a few days ago. You can’t miss something if you never know what it is, can you? I’m going to miss you, my Siren.”

  The path that led to Clover Lake soon came into view. Dean’s heart skipped a beat, as his gaze landed on the tall bushes on either side of it. Still, he would not head that way. He’d had enough reminiscing for one night. He could do without the memory. Therefore, he continued down the path he was on and through the trees, as darkness slowly faded into daylight.

  Minutes later, he looked up into the sky, as he neared the forest line. A snort of disappointment left his lips, at the sight of the twilight colors. Purple, lavender, scarlet and dark-blue, were as majestic as ever. Still, just like the town lights, they felt empty and soulless. Dean dropped his gaze from the sky, wishing he could wipe the previous morning from his mind. As he looked straight ahead, however, his eyes collided with something that made his heart flutter: Kate’s red Honda, parked right behind his gray truck. Without wasting any time, he clenched his fists, and began running towards his driveway, his gaze fixed on her car, as a fierce hope stirred in his chest. His negative thoughts were quickly replaced by an eagerness to see her, hold her, talk to her… In a matter of seconds, he was even able to see her. Kate was fast asleep in the driver’s seat with her head leaning against the window. A big smile formed on his face, as he reached down towards the handle of her passenger door. She woke up with a jolt, as he swung it open. Dean seated himself beside her, as she turned her head to the right to face him.

  “Hey…” she uttered, her voice raspy. “I just got he…”

  He didn’t give her time to finish her sentence. Leaning sideways, he closed his eyes and reached up to her cheek, as he angled his lips. Sparks went down his spine, as he claimed her mouth. Still in disbelief, he splayed his fingers over her face, lost in the sensation of her tender kiss. Dean caressed her skin, as waves of bliss coursed through his body. A sigh of relief escaped him as he slowly leaned back.

  “Welcome back, Siren,” he whispered, opening his eyes. “It’s great to have you back.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  Kate’s return relit the soul fire that had been slowly dying out within him. That magic feeling, the elation that Dean felt deep inside, proved to him what he had already been suspecting: he was madly in love with Kate. The agony he had been through that night, and the total joy that swept over him upon laying his eyes on her car were unmistakable signs. It was then that he finally comprehended why his brother Raul had yielded to his emotions. Monica had a power over him, the same power that Kate had sung for, on the night of the mating ceremony. Mating… that short, yet so vital word had not even crossed his mind so far. Up until then, Dean believed that the day he would choose his mate was far away. But Kate’s presence changed that. “When” or “how” were trivial questions. What mattered was that she had moved him so much that he had started considering her as a potential mate.

  Impatient to know why she had decided to come back to Paxton, he led her into his cabin. The surprising turn of events had acted like a huge adrenaline shot, instantly shattering his drowsiness.

  “Have a seat,” Dean suggested, pointing to his kitchen table. “Can I get you anything?”

  “God, I’m dying for some coffee.” Kate confessed, pulling out the chair closest to him from the table. “I didn’t get much sleep last night.”

  “Coffee: coming right up,” he murmured, grabbing the coffee jar on the left side of the counter. “I didn’t sleep at all.”

  “Why? Did you spend four hours down at the animal control center, too?” Dean read the irony in her voice; yet, he was not in a position to appreciate her joke.

  “No,” he replied, his baritone thick with sadness. “I spent all hours, thinking about you.”

  “I’m sorry,” Kate’s voice was heavy with regret. “I didn’t mean to insult you or anything.”

  “You didn’t,” Dean assured her, emptying a spoonful of coffee into the pot. “Why don’t you tell me what happened after Melissa and I left?”

  “It was a freaking nightmare,” she groaned, clenching her jaw, as she leaned her shoulders onto the table. “The police showed up. They asked if I saw anything. I said it was dark, but I heard lots of snarling, and just saw a huge dog running off. Then, those idiots at the animal control center kept asking me the same damn questions, over and over again. Size, color, breed… it was crazy.”

  “Listen, I know you didn’t approve,” he spoke, his tone deepening as he turned to her. “Melissa told me about your reaction. That’s why I couldn’t sleep. I was afraid you wouldn’t want to see me again.”

  ? I didn’t; not at first, anyway,” she admitted, sadly shaking her head. “But then, I thought of how kind you’ve been to me. I said to myself: ‘He had to have a reason.’ So that brings us to the one million-dollar question: why…”

  “They were going to kill you,” Dean was quick to interject, his baritone stiff. “Helena broke the spell that made it impossible to read your future. We all saw it; Monica saw it, too. That guy was going to shoot you.”

  “What?” Kate’s voice turned into a high-pitched squeal, as she squinted up at him. “Why? I was going to give him my purse.”

  “Beats me,” he shrugged his shoulders, before pouring coffee into a red mug.

  “Oh, my God…” she let out a sigh of despair, as she dropped her head into her hands.

  “Want to know what I think?” Dean asked, setting the mug down in front of her.

  “Yeah, I do.”

  ,” he responded, seating himself beside her. “They don’t like it. They want you out of the picture; they tried to make it look like a robbery. I’m pretty sure they’ll try again. That is why you should stay here until we can sort out this mess.”

  Kate did not utter a word. The sight that greeted him when she dropped her arms made his heart sink. Tears had pooled in her eyes. Dean didn’t have a chance to voice his feelings. She wrapped her arms around his neck, gently weeping as she collapsed into his embrace.

  “Shhh…” he comforted her, reaching his left hand up towards her hair, as his right arm went around her waist. “No one’s going to hurt you. I’ll kill them if they touch you.”

  “God…” Kate sobbed, pressing her head up against him. “You saved my life, and I thought about leaving you…”

  “Let it go. Please. You didn’t know.” Dean whispered, flexing his muscles around her, as another surge of emotion flooded his veins. Second by second, the wolf’s cry within him w
as getting louder, more rhythmic, filled with the passion that he felt for her. Two words resounded in his chest, causing his heart to beat like a battle drum:

  “My mate”

  Still, Dean knew that this was not the time for confessions. Kate was too emotional for anything else, other than a few moments of closeness. He absolutely cherished that sensation, even though her tears were tearing him apart.

  “Hey…” He whispered, lightly pinching her skin over her blouse. “Sirens didn’t cry, you know.”

  “Talk to me…” She sniffled, rubbing her cheek against him, as she trailed her fingers up the back of his neck.

  “In order to pass them, Odysseus’s companions stuffed their ears with wax. Argonauts were saved by the music Orpheus played to drown them out. There are many accounts of mariners, describing them as beautiful, seductive creatures. Before I met you, I thought this was just another, glorified myth. But now, I think there’s some reality in them. I’m holding one right now.” A smile burst onto her lips, as his short narrative came to an end. Dean bent his head towards her, and kissed her hair, as her sniffles subsided. He had done it. He had soothed her, just like she had requested. His lips would remain sealed. Why should he burden her with the truth about her ancestry? Why should he destroy her calm? No. Revelations had to be put on hold. For now, he would hold her in his embrace, feel her body heat, and hope that he would be just as able to take away her sadness in the future, as he had been in this instance.


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