A Wolf's Desire (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 2)

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A Wolf's Desire (Wolf Mountain Peak Book 2) Page 11

by Sarah J. Stone

  Later, in his bedroom, Dean undressed himself, but his bed did not look at all appealing. Stressed about the outcome of the impending meeting between Kate and her mother, he pulled his window up. The moisture in the air gave him the chills, as a cool breeze blew into his face. Peering skyward, he caught a glimpse of the shadow of the moon, hiding behind thick clouds, as the sensation of Kate’s arms going around his waist snapped him out of his thoughts.

  “What’s on your mind, wolfy?” She uttered, her voice a soft, sexy whisper, as she planted a quick kiss on his back.

  “I’m worried about tomorrow,” he confessed with a sigh, as she trailed her fingers up the defined ridges of his abs.

  “I’m not,” Kate confessed, laying one more kiss on his skin, as she caressed his upper stomach.

  “You’re not?” Dean wondered, unable to hide the surprise that had crept into his baritone, as he turned around. “How come?”

  “I made you turn around,” she teased, as a mischievous grin lit up her face. The feel of her bare skin against his sent more chills rippling down his spine, as her hold around him grew firmer. Yet, it was Kate’s smile and her teasing game that made his heart leap with joy. She was radiant, vividly reminding him of the woman he had opened up to at the lake, and he couldn’t take his eyes off of her. “Ok, I am a little worried. But, like I said, I don’t think she’s going to hurt me, not to mention you’ll have my back.”

  “You’re glowing,” he remarked, looking down into her eyes, as he wrapped his arms around her back.

  “Because I’m here with you,” she stated, her sweet scent filling the room, as her hands traveled up his back. Dean chose silence over speaking. He had done it. His Siren had come back to life. She didn’t have to say it. He could tell by her behavior. He could see it in her eyes. Her sorrow was long gone. In its stead was the passion and flame of a woman with a zest for life. He closed his eyes, tilting his head down, as she splayed her fingers over his shoulder blades. Kate’s lips locked on his mouth, as he pulled her close. A stronger gust of wind blew through his bedroom, tossing her hair back, as her scent began to flow through him. His upper lip touched the bottom of her nose, as he slid his hand up her back. A deep grunt escaped him, as he spun her around and backed her against the wall. Kate’s mouth opened wider, as his palm slipped into her hair. Her lips completely surrounded his, as he threaded his fingers through her golden strands.

  “Bad boy…” she whispered helplessly, tipping her head back, as she held tighter on to his back. Dean’s free hand crept around her waist, as his tongue stroked the seam of her lips. He squeezed her tender flesh, feeling his manhood twitch, as she hooked her leg around his hip. Caressing her head, he trailed his fingers along her thigh, as Kate moved her hand up his back. She clutched his shoulder greedily, breathing hard on his skin, as he pushed his tongue into her mouth. Dean splayed his fingers over her outer thigh, just before his hand reached her knee. She tipped her head forward, flexing her arm around him, as he glided his hand up her leg. By then, he had gotten rid of any negative thoughts. He was there, living in the moment with his mate. Every molecule of his being wanted to give her the affection and the satisfaction she so dearly needed. And, when Kate hooked her other leg around his hip as well, he realized that they had to take this somewhere more comfortable. Letting go of her hair, he reached down to grab her thigh, as she pressed her chest against his.

  “I want to make you squirm.” He said, his voice a raspy whisper, as he slowly turned around. Her sexy whimper in his mouth served as an answer, as his slow footsteps led them to his bed. He eased her down, eager to deliver his promise. As he climbed on top of her however, he discovered that she had a surprise for him. Kate’s eyes snapped open, as he bent his head toward her. Putting her hands on his waist, she smiled up at him, as she rolled them over.

  “Me first,” she whispered, bringing her head down to kiss his chin. Her move stunned him; still he would not complain, and he could wait. For the first time in years, Dean wished he had shaved off his beard. He would be able to feel her kiss much better if he had. But, even so, it was like a tiny piece of magic, making his heart race in his chest even faster. Not wasting any time, Kate started to trail teasing kisses down his neck, tickling him with her tongue, as she grazed her fingers down his sides. Dean was losing himself in her sensual world, one that he had yet to explore. Their first encounter was amazing, but it was rather quick. Now though, he could not tell what aroused him more. Was it her kisses? Was it the full weight of her ample breasts on his chest, or the sight of her ass, hanging in the air? Dean wouldn’t bother finding out. He was content with being at her mercy, for the moment at least. Kate pressed her palms into his stomach, as her mouth traveled down the valley between his pecs.

  “So hot,” she hissed, her fingernails scratching his skin, as her grip became tighter. Slowly opening her eyes, she planted a fiery kiss on his chest, before looking down. At the sight of his cut abs, she bit her lower lip, and then brought her gaze up to his face, her eyes dark with sizzling lust. Kate graced him with a devilish smile, pushing a tendril of her hair back from her face, as she flicked her tongue out. Dean closed his own eyes against the sensation of the tip on his skin, exhaling hard as he reached toward her. Sadly for him, he barely had time to caress her face, as Kate began to nip her way down his stomach. Scraping her fingernails up his body, she sent waves of unbridled lust coursing through him, his raspy pants quickening, as her mouth got closer and closer to his big, throbbing cock. She released his flesh, laying a short kiss on his groin. Kate did not glance at him again. Instead, she brought her hands down, and wrapped her right one around his shaft, while her left hand cupped his balls. A mere twist caused his body to stiffen. But, when Dean felt her luscious lips on his swollen cockhead, he threw his head back as a guttural moan escaped him.

  “You’re so big, baby.” She gave a long, lustful sigh, as a thick drop of precum dripped down his length. Kate ran her tongue in a sweep around his manhood, spreading warmth all over his body, and then dipped her head. The feeling was even better than he could ever dare to believe. A mix of hotness and moisture, as his tool disappeared into her mouth. Dean moved his hips, groaning louder, as he slid into her. Kate gave a gentle squeeze to his balls, moving with him, as she stroked his cock. Her grip was just perfect; not too firm or too loose. The way her lips surrounded him fueled his desire, adding to his determination to please her later on. But, it was her soft moans that motivated him the most. Kate was enjoying every second of this, worshipping him, driving his senses wild. Beads of sweat were dripping down his brow, as she squeezed his cockhead between her tongue and the roof of her mouth. She knew very well what she was doing; maybe too well, as Dean began to feel the beginnings of an orgasm stirring within him. With every stroke of her palm, his balls were getting tighter. Kate pumped him between her lips, sucking him hard, as she ran her hand up and down his pulsating cock, faster than ever before.

  “Stop,” he gasped, his eyes snapping open, as he jolted up. Her wily smile came back to her face, as she pulled him out of her mouth. This time though, it went a touch smug, as she slowed her pace, stroking him from the bottom of his shaft to the tip on the head.

  “I take it you liked that,” Kate said, her tone raspy as her smile broadened. Dean would not speak. There was no reason for him to utter a word. He craved her; the only thing he meant to do was satisfy her. Leaning forward, he placed his hands under her armpits and pulled her towards him. The smugness fell from her lips, as she let go of his manhood. He felt it getting trapped between their bodies, as she hungrily claimed his mouth. Still, Dean was not going to stay in this position. The friction and her kiss tempted him to penetrate her too much. Therefore, he snaked his arms around her back and rolled them over, impatient to return the favor.

  He pulled his arms out from under her, as Kate curled her own arms around his back. Immediately, his palms cupped the weight of her breasts, as his mouth shaped her. As much as he loved the passion
in her kiss, he would not keep it up. Flicking his tongue against her lower lip, Dean squeezed her breasts, as she held onto him tight. His fingers brushed her nipples, as he pressed her breasts together. Their hard peaks beckoned as he kissed his way down her neck. With Kate’s soft moans ringing in his ears, he rolled both nipples at the same time, as he buried his face between her breasts. Unwilling to take his lips off of her, he moved his mouth to the right, as she sank her fingernails into his skin. She arched toward him, giving a lustful cry, as his lips covered her nipple. Savoring the feel of her tight, tawny circle, he pulled it into his mouth, sending darts of pleasure shooting down her spine.

  “Oh, you little tease!” Kate moaned, squeezing her eyes shut, as she tossed her head back. Dean flicked his tongue over her nipple, rolling her other between his fingers, feeling more precum, streaming down his shaft. She ran her hand up his back, the sexy sounds of her arousal picking up volume, as he sucked on her breast. Kate tangled her fingers into his hair and held him to her chest, the heat of her body tempting him even more. Once again, he had to fight off the urge to penetrate her. Dean had an unquenchable hunger to tease her, to taste her. She could tempt him for hours; he would not give in, until he had what he wanted. Kate was twisting in reaction to his sweet torture, as his tongue ran deliberate circles around her nipple. In a swift move, she removed both of her hands from his head and back, and brought them to his shoulders. She clawed at them, as he trapped her nipple between his teeth.

  “Dean!” She cried out, her voice riddled with desire, as he gently bit her tight circle. Maybe he was enjoying this so much that he had stayed there a little too long, and he had tormented her too much. He couldn’t tell, and he was certainly not going to ask her. By now, his desire to taste her was so great that he was not going to bother with anything else, other than precisely that. Dean planted a fervent kiss on the supple flesh of her breast, his breath quick and heavy, as she stroked the firm skin on his shoulders. Reaching down, he wrapped his arms around her thighs and pushed them up, as he left feather-like kisses in a soft trail all the way down her stomach. His cock throbbed yet again, as he felt Kate’s moisture on his chest. Unlike her, he was not going to stop and glance up at her. The scent of her juices was too sweet for him to do so, and he was going to show her just how much he liked it. Leaving her groin, he let out a long, pleasurable grunt, as his lips made contact with her hard, swollen clit.

  “Awwwww, my God!” She moaned, banging her hand against the mattress, as she tossed her head back. Dean sucked her clit into his mouth, pursing his lips around it, as her wetness and her taste sent him over the edge. Her juices smeared his chin, as a flick of his tongue across her clit forced an even louder moan from her. Sliding his tongue down her pussy, he spread her legs a little further, driving her to the edge of bliss. Kate’s orgasm was not far; her trembling legs, her gasping breath and her ample juices were clear signs of her impending climax. She was rolling her hips, in essence controlling the rhythm, as her pleasure built. Relishing in the sensual moment, he was using the tip of his tongue to part her wet folds. He wouldn’t shove it into her, although he would love to feel her juices flooding his mouth. Dean was merely trying to tease her, prepare her for what would come next. Kate was rippling around him, exciting him more, and encouraging him to keep going. Her shuddering moan signaled her powerful climax, just before her entire body tightened, her feet arching as she stretched with ecstasy.

  A smile of pride burst upon his lips, as they brushed her pussy one more time. He had done it. Dean opened his eyes and looked up at Kate. Her mouth was still quivering, a few strands of her hair were flowing down her face, heat had flushed her cheeks and she was still struggling to catch her breath. Desperate to penetrate her, he began to crawl up the bed, but, just as he did, he realized that she had one more surprise in store for him. Kate flashed him a wicked look, put her hands on the covers, and rolled over onto her front. Before he knew it, she got up on all fours. Desire rocketed through him, at the sight of her big, heart-shaped ass. Wiggling it side to side to entice him, she looked up at him, over her right shoulder.

  “Come on, baby. Give it to me.” Kate said, her voice dripping with lust, her eyes drowsy with desire. Dean’s inner wolf purred with contentment. He needed no more encouragement. Positioning himself behind her, he gripped his cock, running his gaze down her body. Settling it on her ass cheeks, he noticed a large drop of her juices, slowly running down her left thigh.

  “All yours,” Dean muttered, feeling the sizzling heat of her pussy lips on his swollen cockhead, as his length pushed her labia apart. It was heaven to see his cock disappearing into her body. The sensation of her stretching around him was nothing like before. Kate’s silken wetness surrounded every inch of him, as he went deeper. Her breathless moan sent him into overdrive, as he filled her up. Dean placed his hands on her hips, unable to shake the feeling that he was being watched. And, as his gaze flew up, he realized that he was correct. Kate was staring at him, biting her lower lip, as he gently rocked into her. Never had he witnessed anything even remotely as sexy as this. With every stroke, he could see the underside of her breast, as it bobbed up and down. But, her eye contact proved much too appealing for him. Within seconds, Dean found himself unable to resist gazing into her eyes. It was if they were speaking to him, telling him how much she was enjoying his thick shaft inside her, urging him to go on for as long as he could. Crazy with lust, he slid his palms down. The feel of her juicy ass cheeks in his palms sent ripples of pleasure coursing through his body. Using his thumbs, Dean spread them both at the same time, intensifying her sensation, as he picked up his pace.

  “That’s it!” Kate groaned, squeezing her eyes shut, but, even then, she would quickly reopen them and not look away from him. His thumbs grazed between her ass cheeks, along the edge of her pussy, as her eyes snapped open once more. The moisture on his fingertips gave him an idea. Without much thought, he lifted his right hand to his face. Dean’s tongue snaked out of his mouth, collecting her juices. His plan worked like a charm. Kate let out a deep, sensual moan, reaching around to grab his wrist. Her touch was not at all gentle, as she pulled him towards her. Dean could take a hint, and he was going to oblige, happily. Digging his tiny fingernails into the flesh of her ass cheeks, he began to thrust into her, stretching her to her limits, grunting heavily, as his balls slapped against her clit. Kate tossed her head back, her hair cascading behind her, as he plowed into her. Dean’s heart was galloping in a crazy beat. He could feel the tension in his balls rising by the second. His gaze roamed down her body. Once again, her wobbling ass cheeks added to his arousal, making him bite his lower lip, as he bucked into her. One more, deafening cry, along with more flutters around his cock signaled her orgasm’s arrival. Kate shuddered under him, her moans audible over his, as her climax washed over her in an explosion of feeling that had her writhing in pure, intense pleasure. Sensing the tightness in his balls, Dean pulled out, and bent his body towards her. The length of his massive cock rested between her butt cheeks, as his lips landed on her shoulder blade. Guttural grunts fled his lips, as his juices spurted out of the tiny hole on his cockhead. Panting for breath, Kate tumbled into bed, just before he collapsed beside her, and rolled over onto his left side.

  “Bad Wolfy,” she gasped, smiling mischievously up at him. “You seduced me.”

  “Did I now?” He raised an eyebrow.

  “Nah, I did that.” Kate’s smile turned into a grin, reaching towards him to cup his neck, as she leaned over him. “You made me feel special tonight. But, I’m not surprised. I shouldn’t be. You’ve been doing that, since that night in my apartment.”

  “Well, that night was…” Dean faltered, clenching his jaw.

  “Terrible at first, but turned into something wonderful later.” She gave him an end to his sentence. “I was…”

  He didn’t allow her to speak any further. Lifting his hand to her face, he put his fingers over her mouth, his lips barely an inch away from

  “My happy girl is back,” he said, his voice a sweet whisper, as he trailed his thumb along her jawline. “Making jokes, smiling, full of life… The past belongs to the past. The future lies ahead.”

  A little voice inside him told him to stop talking, as he was about to finish his small speech with the words: “And I can’t wait to spend it with you.” His fingers trailed lovingly over her mouth. Moving them over to her cheek, he angled his lips. One more of her warm kisses served as an ideal way to end the night. Dean let Kate’s scent flow through him, firmly believing that she was his destiny.

  Chapter Twenty Two

  The following morning, the three brothers had a better chance to inspect the damage brought upon their workshop, and they did not let it go to waste. Much to their disappointment, however, daylight told them what they already knew. Their workplace was completely destroyed. It would take a lot of time, money and effort to put it back together. Ray suggested they go to the forest to chop some wood, but Raul and Dean rejected that notion. They could not strain themselves, with the meeting between Kate and Marianne only hours away. They would need to keep up their strengths. Rebuilding their workshop could wait another day.

  For the most part of the day, Dean was in high spirits. Why shouldn’t he be? He had found himself a strong, beautiful woman, who cared for him, just like he did her. As daylight faded into darkness however, his mood shifted. He and his brothers were going to war against an enemy beyond them, who had already bested them in a fight. Yes, this time they would have Ray with them as well, but it was more than obvious to him that defeating a mighty witch like Marianne McIntyre was not a matter of numbers. Still, Dean would not back away from this challenge. His mate’s well-being was at stake. He would stand by her, every step of the way, even if it meant his own undoing.


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