Shifter Romance Box Set

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Shifter Romance Box Set Page 20

by Unknown

  “Ma’am, if you’ll come with me…” He held out a large hand, and she wondered what it’d be like to be touched and stroked by him, forced to come over and again until he shoved what she hoped would be a large dick into her heat.

  A small shudder shook her body, lower lips growing heavy with desire as his nostrils flared, chest expanding when he inhaled deep, the hue of his amber eyes growing deeper with each flurried beat of her racing heart.

  Definitely a big cat. Most definitely. And it was obvious that he could scent her longing. That should’ve squicked her out. Without a doubt.

  But it didn’t.


  Oh, was she ready for the festivities to begin. She slid from her stool, a slight wobble when she gained her feet, her new stilettos giving her grief. She totally should’ve gone with three-inch heels instead of four.

  The hottie was there in a blink, arm wrapped around her waist, a steadying hand encircling her wrist. “Are you okay? Have you had a lot to drink?”

  She furrowed her eyebrows and puckered her lips into a pout. “No.” She kept pace with him as they wove through the club, men and women moving aside as they approached. “You scared him away, before I had the chance to order.”

  The stranger leaned down, nuzzled her neck and inhaled, before he purred in her ear, “Sorry.”

  Holy shit, oh, dear God, please take her now. He hadn’t touched her yet, not really, but she already wanted this man. Wanted to be spread over a table and taken by him, and she couldn’t give a flying fuck who watched. No, she’d just charge for admittance.

  At the bottom of a set of stairs she found her voice. “Where’re you taking me?”

  “Alex O’Connell, the owner of Genesis, would like to meet you.” Damn. There was that lovely purr again.

  Okay, she could certainly do that. Maya wasn’t exactly an “in the know” regular, so meeting him was probably a good idea. She wasn’t sure if hosting orgies in clubs was all that legal in Ridgeville, so meeting a random newcomer without a direct invite kinda made sense. Besides, Gina had warned her that she might have to chat with the head honcho before the fun began at midnight.

  Maybe she shoulda brought catnip along, as a peace offering or something.

  She licked her lips, stole another look at her escort, and wondered if she could finagle him into a bit of slap-and-tickle, and then, a thorough, hard fucking.

  And plenty of it.

  Before she knew it they were at the top of the stairs, her escort knocking on the wooden door.

  One rap is all he managed until the door opened, an obviously livid man standing on the other side, his face a ruddy hue, and eyes that looked ready to shoot daggers at her at any moment. And if it weren’t for the teeny-tiny fact that his face held an expression that indicated he’d gladly end her life without a second thought, she’d drool all over him, drop to her knees and beg to touch him, be touched by him.

  “Grayson, you took your time.” The man spoke through clenched teeth.

  Oh. Oh, my. While her escort, Grayson, had gotten her warm in all the right places, this man, Alex O’Connell, made her want in a way she’d never experienced.

  Even with his thunderous expression she wasn’t afraid, not really. Grayson held an air of authority, while this man personified power. It radiated from him, but for some odd reason, she felt like he wouldn’t really harm her. He demanded, and others listened. But he also seemed to have a fierce level of control.

  “Yes, apparently, I did.”

  Maya didn’t have eyes for Grayson any longer. No, she was all about Mr. Alex O’Connell and his bad self. He easily topped six feet, and then some. His hair appeared reddish-blond in color, and seemed to shine in the dim club interior. As did his eyes. Oh, damn, his eyes were the palest amber, and held something she couldn’t quite describe. It called to her on a primal level, all of her instincts screaming at her to climb him like a freaking mountain and never come back down.

  But fluffy chicks, especially her, were not climbers.

  Alex’s shoulders were so broad he nearly spanned the doorway, and they led to an equally wide chest which tapered to a trim waist. His shirt was so tight she could see the ripple of every muscle when he moved, count each dip and rise along his abdomen. The black top matched the snug pants that revealed just as much as they hid. She couldn’t help but steal a glance at the juncture of his thighs, nearly gasping as the large package grew beneath her gaze, showing her, that despite his anger, she turned him on.

  Thank god. Her body was responding too, whether she liked it or not. Good thing momma liked.

  Beneath his attention her nipples pebbled and hardened within her dress, and how appropriate, because she wasn’t wearing a bra that could hide the effects of his impassioned stare. The arousal didn’t stop with her breasts, though. It slithered through her body, awakening and strumming her nerves as it wove its way to her aching pussy, flicking her clit as her wet channel clenched in response. A shiver struck her muscles and she imagined his thick cock sliding, and then slamming, into her body. Powerful. Hard. Fast.

  Alex took a deep breath and his nostrils flared, mimicking Grayson’s actions from before, his fierce anger melting into an even more ferocious expression she could only interpret as hard core, wanna-do-you-now-so-stop-touching-my-friend-and-bend-over, lust.


  Yes, please.

  “That’ll be all.” Alex snapped the words out as he reached for her, pulled her out of Grayson’s arms and hauled her into his apparent sanctuary, then closed the door once the man left.

  With the need and desire to be bent over any flat surface lingering, she couldn’t really find the energy, or inclination, to care about his aggressive behavior.

  Maya came to Genesis to help take her mind off of Henry, but this…and these feelings…were completely foreign, unexpected. When she was deciding whether or not to come, she’d figured she’d get turned-on, have a little fun, and then leave, once the “thank you, ma’am” of the “wham, bam” portion of the night came to pass.

  Now, she wasn’t all that sure that if she was to get a taste of Alex…that once would be enough.

  He led her deeper into the room and she got the impression of dark wood, masculine furniture, but he didn’t give her a chance to look around. Within a few steps he had her captured, with her leaning against the back of the sofa while he loomed over her, his rock-hard erection pressed against her hips.

  “What’s your name?” His mouth hovered near hers, his heated breath fanning her skin. Close enough to kiss, but he didn’t close the distance.

  “Maya.” She licked her lips, mouth and throat dry. “Maya Josephs.”

  He leaned forward and she thought he would kiss her, take her mouth and show her his skills. No, he only nuzzled the line of her jaw, just below her ear, continuing on until his face was pressed against the juncture of her neck and shoulder. He inhaled deep, brushing her nipples with his chest, causing her pussy to tighten, causing more of her cream to dampen her already wet panties. When he exhaled his warm breath teased her skin, with more of her need pouring through her, her arousal rising even higher.

  A groan sounded from his chest and he pressed closer still, his form aligned with hers from chest to knees, allowing her to feel his body’s responses.

  This felt too good to be bad, and though she really wasn’t the kind of girl to open her legs for a guy from the get-go, she’d be lyin’ if that hadn’t been her plan for the night.

  It most certainly was.

  “Maya…” He sounded tortured, aroused, yet torn. “I should make you leave. Right now. This instant.”

  Maya whimpered, rocked her hips against Alex’s, hoping she could be enough of a temptress so he wouldn’t send her away. Because… He was like a twelve on the fuck-me-now scale. “No…please…don’t.”

  She hadn’t been able to keep Henry in her bed, not with her curves and “fat” body, but she hoped she could lure Alex just a bit further. Okay, a lot further, since she
wanted him naked and fucking her before the night was over.

  “My sweet, you shouldn’t stay. You don’t understand.” His voice sounded deeper, rougher, and needy as hell.

  “I’m a big girl, Alex.” She almost snorted at the pun. Almost. “One night.” She reached between them, stroked his cloth-covered dick from top to bottom and back again, making sure she squeezed and pressed while she pet him. “I’m not asking for anything more. Just this one night…”

  He moved his hands, face still buried against her neck, breathing deep as he caressed her arms, fingers trailing over her exposed skin, his teasing touch leaving goose bumps in its wake. At the top of her dress he traced the edge, then over her breasts, making her gasp.

  “You don’t know what a sweet temptation you are, Maya.” He hooked his finger beneath the hem and tugged, exposing more of her abundant flesh and nipples to the cool air.

  She whimpered, aching and needing more of his pleasurable touch. “Alex…”

  Yes, she had a good chance of winning the “Slut of the Year” award this time around. No doubt. But as far as she knew, one-nighters were supposed to be all about the quick fuck. So yeah, she probably was doing something right.

  Another pull and she thought she heard the tearing of cloth, but then he cupped one of her bare breasts, thumb tracing her hard nubbin’, and she couldn’t give a flying fuck if he’d ripped her dress. She’d steal a club t-shirt before she left if need be. Plus, there were other dresses in the world to be had, but there was only one Alex, and only this night to be with him. She was quite sure of that.

  Here kitty, kitty…

  Chapter Two

  Alex knew he should let her go, shove her out the front door and maybe hunt her down later…when his beast wasn’t riding him so hard, demanding that he claim the female in his arms, and produce lots of little cubs for him to protect. But he simply couldn’t.

  Just because her lush body and intoxicating scent called to his lion and him like no other had before, it didn’t mean he could do as he pleased and munch on an unsuspecting human. Yeah, shifters were known about, but the world didn’t know everything… Didn’t know about their mating, the moon, the turning of people…none of it.

  But all his cat wanted to do was roll around in her scent, and make sure they stayed tangled until they smelled as one. Fuck, the idea made his cock throb in his jeans, and just as it did, her tiny hand squeezed between his legs again, immediately eliciting a moan from him.

  “Maya…” He shifted his hold, pinched and rolled her nipple, absorbing every whimper from her lips and reveling in her satisfying response.

  She arched into his touch, as if pressing her lush tit into his possession. “Please…”

  Oh, fuck. He couldn’t resist a begging woman, especially not one his beast ached to claim as its own. At the thought of claiming, pain lanced through his gums, his canines extending within his mouth, while a deep, bestial growl formed in his chest. Shit, the beast within badly wanted her. Good thing the man did, too.

  With a groan he dropped to his knees, his mouth at the perfect height to suckle her nipples. She was such a pretty thing, and all he wanted to do was wrap her in cotton and keep her safe for…ever. She would be his. She just didn’t know it yet. It was only now that he was beginning to see it for himself.

  Alex wasted no time in capturing a nipple, sucking the nub into his mouth and flicking it with his tongue. With his other hand he kneaded the other heavy mound, pinching gently on the firm nubbin’.

  In moments the heady scent of her arousal surrounded him, wrapped around his cock like a living thing, jerking the hard shaft aching between his thighs. He kissed his way to her other nipple, treated it with the same attention as he did the first, scraping one of his canines over her sensitive skin, growling when she sifted her fingers through his hair. Lion wanted to sink its teeth into the softness of her skin, claiming Maya while passion rode them hard. It’d never heard of a mating mark being placed on a woman’s breast, but his lion didn’t seem to give a damn, either.

  She pulled him against her chest, forced more of her flesh into his mouth, and in turn, he gave her what she seemed to be demanding. The beast wanted to please its mate, wanted to provide whatever she desired.

  The man ignored the “mate” part of his lion’s thoughts. Alex wanted her just as much as his inner cat, but letting those thoughts linger would only snag his attention away from controlling the snarls roaring inside his head.

  The impatient beast was not happy. It wanted her. And now.

  Alex let her nipple drop from his mouth with a pop, and raised his gaze to meet hers. A satisfied smile split his lips when he saw her passion, her heavy-lidded eyes and blatant need dancing over her beautiful features. Arousal made her skin flushed, and those well-loved breasts had pinked from his heated attention. He wanted to bite every inch of her ivory skin, leave his mark to show the other males that this female belonged to him.

  The musky scent of her cream taunted him, lured him closer and closer to the juncture of her thighs. While he’d toyed with her lush breasts she’d widened her stance, the bottom part of her dress stretched taut between her thick thighs.

  Squatting down he leaned forward, bending his head, pressing his chin just above her mound, rubbing it back and forth. His gaze focused on her, Alex intently watched for her reaction. The fabric kept them separated, but he knew the pressure would still give her some pleasure.

  Maya gasped and shuddered, rocked her hips against his touch. “Oh, Alex…”

  Keeping his chin in place, he taunted, “What do you need, sweet? I’ll give you anything, just say the words.”

  “Please…” She bit her lip, her eyes rolling into the back of her head, and she tensed against him once more. “Will you…lick me? There?”

  Alex leaned back and brought his hands to her knees, slid his palms along the outside of her thick legs, bringing the silky, barely-there material with him. Within moments the tops of her thighs were revealed to him. So plump and curvy that he couldn’t wait to have them wrapped around his waist, holding him close while he buried his dick into her tight heat.

  But first…

  “Lick you where, Maya?” The cat knew. Lion wanted to lap at her cream, gather up every drop of her juices into its mouth. He could see her arousal creeping through her silken panties. Saw the damp spot grow larger before his eyes. “Do you want me to eat this pretty little pussy of yours? Hm?”

  She whimpered and nodded, her lip tucked between her teeth.

  “Say the words for me.” Alex leaned forward and tested his resolve. He licked at the wet bit of cloth and let his eyes drift closed while he savored her taste. Her essence held the flavors of vanilla, musk, and an aromatic sweetness his inner cat just wanted to drown in.

  Alex agreed. He repeated the action, brushed the fabric just hard enough to yank a groan from her.

  “Lick my…pussy. Pretty please, Alex?

  * * * *

  Maya froze for a moment, surprised by her own audacious behavior. Those thoughts, those words, typically lived in her mind. Deep inside. Like a subterranean mole rooted in the back of her brain. She’d always fantasized about talking dirty, about directing her lover, but Henry had always preferred her to be quiet.

  But with Alex on the other hand… Oh, god, it felt wonderful, talking and begging something awful to the man at her feet, watching his eyes darken with each syllable she spoke. His thumbs teased the outsides of her hips and inner thighs, dancing along the edge of her panties, so close to where she needed him, yet so far.

  The delicate touch aroused her even further, her clit aching, hurting with the desire to be stroked and licked. Her pussy felt empty, desperate to be filled with his cock, over and over again.

  This is what Gina had promised she would find here, and Maya was damned thankful that Genesis had delivered.

  From the look on Alex’s face, Maya figured cats had a real thing for cream. No, she’d never dated or had sex with a shifter, but
she had no doubt the man at her feet was all cat. His amber eyes had turned into a fiery gold, and she could’ve sworn his arms were sporting a bit more golden hair than before.

  Good. From the gossip she’d heard, that meant this guy was really into her. But all she wanted was for him to be inside her.

  Alex didn’t make her ask again, didn’t make her repeat the words. No, he slid his hands further up her thighs until he could grasp the waist of her panties again, and then tugged them down her legs, helped her kick them aside.

  The cool air of the room wafted over her soaking pussy, causing goose bumps to rise on her legs. She turned her focus to him, watched while he stroked the juncture of her thighs with his thumbs.

  Oh, she’d never seen a man look so hungry, so intent on her before. No…never like this. His eyes practically shone in the dim room, licking his lips as if he were being presented with a feast.

  “Please?” Maya had never thought she’d beg a man for his touch, but she’d obviously been wrong.

  He spared her a glance, gifted her with a smirk and a wink, just before he repositioned his hold, carefully spreading her lower lips. “Damn, sweet. You’re so fucking pink and hot for me, aren’t you? Fuck, I need to taste you. “

  Alex leaned forward and she couldn’t have torn her attention away if she’d wanted to. His tongue snaked out and touched the very top of her slit, lapped and pet the sensitive bit of her mons, and she automatically whimpered in response, letting the sofa fully take her weight.

  “Mm…you taste so good.” His voice was deep, a near growl, but she didn’t care. Not when he came back for more, not when the flat of his coarse tongue rubbed over her aching clit, sending another burst of pleasure through her body.

  He took his time, licking, tasting, laving her pussy with expert strokes. When he wasn’t gathering her cream around her opening and swallowing it down, he was nibbling the aroused flesh, tiny bites of her labia, a scrape of a tooth against her clit. And yeah, it was a big fucking tooth.

  Here kitty, kitty…

  “Yes, Alex…just like that.” She curled her fingers into his hair, holding on while he gave her the most pleasure she’d ever experienced.


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