Shifter Romance Box Set

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Shifter Romance Box Set Page 47

by Unknown

It comes very close to Samhain.

  Shannon has been going out openly with Kirk for the good part of two weeks now. Their newfound happiness is the talk of the clinic.

  “You sly one, you!” Patty Kane punches her in the arm. “You’ve been holding out on the rest of us. First, Lucien Walker, the millionaire, and now Kirk Fitzpatrick. Did you know those are the two most eligible bachelors in this side of Oregon state? We want details! This is the first time the boss has ever dated anyone we actually know of.”

  Shannon doesn’t think she should be giving away the details of her love life away to Patty, who would make sure the entire Dolphin’s Bay community knows about it by sundown.

  Patty seems disappointed when she elects to demurely keep mum about it.

  “At least he isn’t gay,” the nurse sniffs.

  Shannon laughs. “But you were always trying to convince everyone else of the fact.”

  “I know. And I now I know it’s because he hasn’t met the right woman.” There is a trace of envy in Patty’s voice, even though she is married with two kids. “Well, try to keep him in your sights, honey. There are plenty of women all lining up to take your place, if you know what I mean.”

  Patty says this not as a threat but in the blunt, good-natured way in which she always says things. Shannon is used to her by now.

  “Frankly,” Patty confesses, “I much prefer you dating Kirk than Lucien Walker. I’ve always had my suspicions about the Walkers.”

  “I know . . . the fact they are witches and all.” Shannon rolls her eyes.

  “Don’t laugh. It’s an open secret here. At least Kirk is an all-American boy without a single supernatural bone in his body.”

  Shannon has to stop herself from laughing out loud.

  Still, as Halloween approaches, she can’t help thinking more and more of Lucien. He has made no contact with her whatsoever, and that is only to be expected. He has been seen around town with his fiancée, Flora Janssen, who has been described as a pretty redhead. Very sophisticated, because she is from a big city. She has been seen in bridal shops trying out dresses and at cake shops selecting the largest wedding cake they can offer.

  Shannon tries to shut her ears to such talk, but she can’t help overhearing things at the cafeteria because of her previous connection to him.

  The nurses and attendants would be in the middle of a conversation.

  “They say Flora Janssen is richer than even the Walkers.”

  “I know. What a catch.”

  “I think Lucien Walker is the catch. Though our seductive missy here isn’t doing badly at all with Kirk Fitzpatrick.”

  “I know. What do you think the secret of her attraction is?”

  “Big boobs on an anorexic waist?”

  Laughter all around. When they notice her approaching with her lunch tray, they would hush up and plaster fake smiles on their faces. She has been nothing but nice as pie to everyone here, but Patty warned her that people may be jealous of her ability to attract seemingly unattainable men.

  And then it happens.

  Halloween is just around the corner, and the themes of the restaurants around town include pumpkin and fancy dresses. There are pumpkins everywhere. Carved pumpkins. Pumpkin soup. Pumpkin pie. Pumpkin bread. Pumpkin butter. Even pumpkin flavored scrubs at the spa. Waitresses are dressed as sexy witches.

  “Halloween here is bigger than I thought,” Shannon says.

  Her arm is linked with Kirk’s. It is a Saturday night and Kirk has made reservations at an upscale restaurant called ‘Giovanni’s’. It is situated in a converted bungalow, and Shannon can’t help wondering if the place used to belong to the Walkers before they refurbished it and sold it on. Still, it isn’t possible to live in this town and not tread on a square foot that hasn’t come in contact with the Walkers somehow. She may as well get used to the fact.

  It is already eight in the evening and the sun has set. The weather is chilly tonight, with dark clouds looming on the horizon, pregnant with the threat of rain.

  The greeter at the restaurant smiles at them warmly.

  “We have reservations for two under Fitzpatrick.”

  “Of course, Dr. Fitzpatrick. This way, please.”

  The greeter takes two oversized menus and shows them the way through the tables. Giovanni’s is full tonight, and the tables are filled with silverware and candelabra and tall wine glasses with different colored liquids. Bottles containing olive oil line the walls as decoration, as do racks and racks of wine.

  The greeter leads them to a table for two in the middle. Kirk pulls Shannon’s chair out for her. Just as she is about to sit down, she notices the diners at the table beside theirs.

  It is a table which seats six people.

  Lucien Walker is there, as handsome as ever, and his expression is as miserable as she has ever seen it. He appears like a dead man walking. His blue eyes are listless and he appears to be dazed and indifferent to the proceedings around him. The food on his plate is relatively untouched.

  Shannon’s heart quickens. She had thought she is over him, but she isn’t. Not by a long shot.

  Lucien is seated beside a sparkling redhead, whose laughter tinkles merrily as she converses with Margarete Walker. A blond man who looks remarkably like Margarete is also there, and Shannon takes note that he is Lucien’s infamous father.

  There are two middle-aged people also seated there. The woman is dressed in an expensively-cut dress suit with Chanel buttons and the man is in a tux. Shannon figures that they must be Flora Janssen’s parents, flown in for the wedding.

  But why is Lucien looking so miserable? Against her better judgment, Shannon’s heart leaps with the possibility that he might be pining for her.

  Kirk looks to where she is gazing, and he sees Lucien. At the same time, Lucien turns and sees them.

  His complexion goes pale.

  “Shannon,” Kirk says in a low voice. “Are you OK with this? We can always leave if you want to.”

  The air crackles with electricity, and Shannon isn’t completely sure that is a figure of speech because of the magic involved with these people. Lucien’s expression is unreadable, other than his deathly pallor. But something changes in his eyes. A resolve, she thinks. A determination to change his path.

  He stands up.

  Uh oh, Shannon thinks. He’s not going to come over here to confront Kirk, is he? It would be tit for tat, a reversal of what Kirk had done all those months back when she and Lucien were still going out.

  The Walkers and the Janssens stop their conversation. They are now aware of what is going on, especially Margarete. Diners from the other tables turn their heads.

  No, no, no, no, Shannon prays.

  “Lucien,” Margarete begins, but he ignores her as he pushes back his chair.

  “Lucien, who are those people?” Flora says.

  He ignores her as well.

  Lucien strides over to Shannon. It is as if he is in a trance. He does not acknowledge Kirk as he says in a low voice to Shannon, “I have to talk to you.”

  “Excuse me,” Kirk says, “but the lady is with me.”

  “This is between me and her, Fitzpatrick, so butt out.”

  Kirk bridles and he stands up too. Shannon feels like sliding under the table.

  Margarete has come over. She seizes Lucien’s arm.

  “Lucien, what are you doing?” She glares at Shannon as though this is all her fault.


  Now Flora is coming over too. Lucien’s father is already standing up, as are the Janssens. The eyes of every person in the restaurant are riveted on them.

  “Shannon, let’s go,” Kirk says, giving her his hand.

  “Shannon, I have to talk to you.” Lucien’s eyes are pleading.

  What a mess.

  “We have nothing to talk about,” she says.

  ‘You heard her. She has nothing to say to you,” Kirk says.

  “Lucien, what are you doing?” His father comes up. “Is this th
e girl you were going out with? It’s over, and the sooner you forget her, the better.”

  “She’s nothing to you, Luc,” Margarete insists. “Come back to our table. The Janssens are wondering what the hell is going on.”

  Her tone carries a warning.

  Something in Lucien’s face changes. Perhaps only Shannon catches it. His jaw clenches and he whirls on Margarete and his father.

  He says calmly, “I’m not going through with the wedding.”

  “What?” Flora screeches.

  “You heard me. I’m not going through with this sham of a wedding. I’m sorry you had to come all the way here, Flora, but I don’t love you. I never did.”

  “Love has nothing to do with it,” Lucien’s father thunders. “Are you out of your mind? Come back to our table this instance and apologize to the Janssens.”

  The Janssens appear to be very bewildered.

  “I am not going to do anything you tell me to anymore,” Lucien goes on in that same calm voice. “I renounce my birthright and I renounce this family. You can cut me off and I couldn’t care less.”

  He turns to Shannon again.

  “We have to talk. Please.”

  Her jaw drops. She can’t believe what is happening. Lucien is renouncing his family and his riches . . . for her?

  Kirk cuts in, “Spare us the theatrics, Walker.”

  Lucien does not take his eyes off her. “Shannon, I love you. I’ve loved you since the day we met, but I didn’t know what being in love was then. I kept thinking of you, and that is why I followed your car to the supermarket the week after. I still can’t stop thinking about you. Please . . . come with me. We don’t need these people. Together, we can go around the world and do whatever you like.”

  He loves me.

  The words should be music to her ears. A few weeks ago, she would have given anything to hear them. But now – in this current setting – they trigger a warning bell.

  Nothing good will come out of this.

  Kirk says harshly, “You have no longer any claim on her, Walker. She’s mine now.”

  Shannon’s world is spinning.

  She finds her voice. “Stop it, please, both of you. I don’t belong to anyone!”

  But the two men face each other. The air between them is dangerously charged.

  “She’s yours?” Lucien challenges, his blue eyes flashing. Shannon remembers the dark change that had come over them and suddenly, she is very afraid.

  “Yes,” Kirk says. She can see his nostrils flaring in that way Jared always does when he anticipates a metamorphosis.

  Don’t tell me he intends to change here right now!

  “Not here,” she cries urgently.

  “This has gone on for too long, Fitzpatrick.” Lucien is a taller man and he towers over everyone now. He takes one step towards Kirk, and the other man bristles. “I challenge you to a duel. No holds barred. Just the two of us.”

  Shannon is beyond shock.

  “No,” she cries.

  “I accept,” Kirk says, just as calmly. “Name the place and time.”

  Shannon knows that this is once again him going against his nature. To preserve his alpha spot, he has no choice but to accept. Or does he actually crave to finish Lucien once and for all? Because Kirk now has another reason to detest Lucien.


  Oh my God, she thinks, they are fighting over me!

  Her knees go weak with terror.

  For the first time since this started, Lucien becomes aware that they are the center of attention.

  “Very well,” he says. “I will not name the time and place here in front of everyone for obvious reasons, but you can expect an email from me to your personal account at the clinic.”

  “Good. It’s settled then.”

  “It is not settled!” Shannon says. Tears spring to her eyes. She turns to Lucien. “Lucien, please don’t do this. If you say you love me, then don’t do this.”

  “So you love him?” Lucien says harshly.

  Her tongue is frozen.

  Who do I love?

  The question has never really occurred to her until now, because she was never given an option.

  Until now.

  Lucien turns to Kirk, whose face is flushed.

  “I guess you have your answer. She doesn’t know if she loves you. Or me. But when we are finished with each other, she won’t have a choice. Because there will be only one of us left standing.”

  With that, he walks out of the restaurant, leaving everyone to stare – stunned into speechlessness – after him.


  They are back in Kirk’s bungalow, where he is seeing to a few things and his affairs.

  “Kirk, don’t do this,” Shannon pleads.

  “I have to. I want to.” His mouth is set in a determined line. “He can’t just demand to be back in your life this way and expect me not to have a say in it.”

  “You’re fighting over me? I’m not worth it!”

  She tries to put her hands on him but he wards her off.

  “On the contrary,” he says, his steadfast green eyes taking her in, “I think you are worth every bit of it. But this is not just about you. He insulted me in front of a room full of people. He tried to make a play for my woman.”

  “I am not your woman, Kirk. I have a mind of my own, feelings of my own!”

  “Then are you his woman? He seems to think so. He is asking you to make a choice to be with him.”

  Tears sting her eyes.

  She drops her voice to a whisper. “Then if I choose one of you . . . now . . . will you both drop this stupid duel to the death?”

  He smiles sadly at her. “I think it’s gone beyond that. Like I said, this is not just about you. You are part of it, yes, but this is about everything that has gone between the Fitzpatricks and the Walkers. This is the fight my cousin Bob wants me to have. I have to live up to my family’s expectations. It’s just one slap in the face too many.”

  He turns from her.

  “Now, if you don’t mind, Shannon. I have to prepare.”

  “But he’s a powerful witch! You said it yourself. He will kill you!”

  “If I was an ordinary werewolf, yes. But I have a few tricks up my own sleeves. Kirk isn’t the only one in this duel who knows witchcraft. How did you think I was able to keep ahead of all my cousins who are champing at the bit?”

  His eyes are as sad as his smile.

  “I love you, Shannon. I’m sorry you had to hear it this way . . . under such circumstances. If you must know, I have left instructions to my lawyer to leave you something in my will so that you’d be taken care of. If I should die, I want you and your brother to pack up and leave this place, because my cousin, Bob, will not be so magnanimous.

  “And to Lucien’s credit, he has left everything for you. I know the Walkers. Once he makes such a public stand, they would not forgive him for insulting them so readily in front the Janssens. So I know it will not be easy for you, Shannon, to make a choice. But you might not have to. By tomorrow, only one of us will be left, and you can help him pick up the pieces and build a new life.”

  “Where and when are you going?” she says, the fear bolting to her throat.

  He purses his lips.

  “I can’t tell you that. I don’t want you to see us. I don’t want anyone to see us, because they might be hurt in the crossfire. I have already called your brother, Jared, to come pick you up in ten minutes. Be safe, Shannon. And remember always that I love you.”

  With that, he grabs her arms and pulls her to him fiercely. He plants a savage kiss on her mouth. It is a kiss which is full of regrets and misgivings and hopeful promises. She has never seen him so charged up before. Prior to this, he has always been a watchful and careful alpha – more content to keep the uneasy peace than to act with force and aggression.

  But now . . . it is as if a spirited and furious entity has taken over his body. His passion astounds her.

  The sound of a car e
ngine rolls to a stop outside.


  Kirk leaves off his kiss.

  “Now go,” he says urgently. And he turns from her.

  * * * *

  Once she is in Jared’s car, her brother says, “What the hell happened?”

  She tells him.

  “Damn.” He grins. “That is a fight I wouldn’t mind seeing.”

  “It’s not funny, Jared. They are going to kill each other.”

  “Over you?” He tsk-tks. “Whoever would have thought you’d be such a prize?”

  “I must go see Lucien to stop this!”

  “Why do you think you can even stop this? You heard Kirk. This is not just about you. If either of them backs down, they would lose status in front of their respective communities. And for both of them, it’s personal.”

  Trust a shapeshifter to take their side, she thinks angrily.

  “Are you going to help me or not?”

  “All right. I’ll help you. I’ve always helped you, don’t you forget that.”

  “And I you.” She bridles. “How many times have I healed you when no one else could?”

  He holds his hands up from the wheel. “All right, all right. We’re even. So what do you want me to do?”


  The drive to the Chatterly is fraught with argument and indecision.

  “So what have you decided to do, dear sister?”

  “I’ll simply confront him,” she decides. “I’ll beg him to stop this.”

  “You failed with Kirk. What makes you think you’ll succeed with Lucien? I don’t particularly like him, but I do respect his values and ideals, from what you tell me about him. And it takes guts to stand up to his family like that. What makes you think he will listen to you?”

  “Because he loves me.”

  Jared chortles.

  “And that is exactly why he won’t listen to you. He has to destroy his rival in more ways than one. It’s a legitimate duel, Shannon. He threw the gauntlet in front of a room full of witnesses, so that the one left standing will face little persecution in this town where everyone seems content to cover up for one another. How do you think those ‘murders’ went unsolved by the police? This town has been bought by the witch and shapeshifter clans, and any unfortunate souls who get in their way will be brushed aside and forgotten.”


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