Sovietnik's Fury

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Sovietnik's Fury Page 22

by V. F. Mason

  Radmir didn’t intend to leave my side, but he needed to speak with them, so they could all decide what to do with John. As long as he got his punishment, I didn’t care what happened to him. He could die for all I cared.

  Michael assured him I’d be safe, and I almost rolled my eyes at this. Who would try to kill me? John couldn’t harm us anymore.

  “I have something that will cheer you up.” He flipped open his screen and then pressed on the caller ID, which said Kostya.

  In a second, his face appeared through FaceTime. He waved at us with a grumpy expression, and Konstanciya, who was behind him, gave me a thumbs-up.

  “Hey, kukolka!” she shouted, and despite the mood, I laughed. God, what was with them and all those nicknames for me? She called me doll, while Michael chose word beauty. I’d have preferred them to settle on one, but apparently that wouldn't be the case.

  “Hi, guys!”

  Kostya grunted and then cursed. “Gleb, it’s midnight. Turn off this music.”

  My brows rose at his rather polite tone, but right then Jake showed up on the screen, his mouth full of chocolate cake as it widened, smiling at me.

  Oh, so it was for my son’s sake.


  Joy rushed through me at hearing my child, along with sadness that I couldn't hug him right then so his smell could calm me down and assure me that everything was right in the world. To feel him safe in my arms, especially after those cruel words John had spat about him in the hotel room.

  “Hi, baby!” I blew him a kiss. “How are you?”

  He snatched up his shirt with number 17 on it. “Great! Gleb is taking me to the ice rink today to meet with a coach! Then we can check out the Legend Number Seventeen museum.” He then took a big bite of his cake. “Larisa bakes really good food, Mommy. We can stay here forever with her.” His dreamy voice could have been offensive, but since I had no talent for cooking, I shared his sentiment. That woman was the shit!

  “I’m glad, honey.” Michael squeezed me tighter. “I hope you’ll have fun.”

  Jake nodded, but not before kissing the screen soundly, probably smearing all that chocolate on it. “Love you, Mommy! Tell Daddy I love him too.”

  With that, he ran away, as Gleb shouted off screen, “We’ll take care of him, Vi!”

  “You better!” I shouted back. He needed a good woman, because his longing glances toward couples were obvious.

  At least my baby was happy and well taken care of. Thank God, I didn't listen to Tina, and I’d left him at the headquarters. Just imagining what John could have done to him turned my blood to ice.

  Kostya kissed Konstanciya on the lips, a light peck but a kiss nevertheless, snapping me out of my thoughts, as I said, “Are you guys an item now?”

  Kostya just shrugged, while Konstanciya blushed and stammered, “What? No… we… it’s just… sex! Yeah, sex. We are having sex.” She then put her hair in a ponytail. “Gotta go.”

  She disappeared from view, while Kostya muttered, “Difficult woman.” Then he addressed Michael. “Call me once you have more news.” And without further words, he hung up on us.

  “Well, getting laid didn't help them,” Michael said, and then slapped his knee, laughing.

  “It’s not funny, Michael.”

  “Oh, please. They’ve been screwing each other for months now and she still denies it. She should be careful.”

  Blinking in confusion, I wondered aloud, “Why? Kostya would never hurt her.”

  “No, but I think his patience has reached its limit. She better claim him, or he’ll—”

  “What?” He wouldn't cheat on her, right? She’d skin him alive for that. Even the thought of him cheating was laughable. Konstanciya could be a dangerous woman when mad.

  “Come up with a way to make her.” He winked at me. “Let’s sit down on the bench. You must be exhausted from all this pacing.”

  “My sister—” I started, but he didn't let me finish.

  “The surgery went okay. Alex is with her. No one is gonna hurt her anymore. And what happened is not your fault. So sit your ass down.”

  Not used to his commanding tone, I obeyed, and then he joined me and announced, “Let’s learn Polish.”

  “Why the hell would we do that?”

  He shrugged. “Because I have this app and we have nothing else to do?” He clicked on the language app on his phone. “We have to wait for our men anyway, so let’s not waste any time.” And he proceeded with a lesson, while I wondered what the hell took Radmir so long.


  “I want him dead.”

  Melissa rubbed her forehead while stretching her back, as if sitting in the chair for an hour was uncomfortable. Wasn't she in her first trimester? She shouldn't use the pregnancy excuse yet.

  “Radmir, I’m an FBI agent. No way in hell will I allow you to take John and inflict some kind of revenge on him.” Her request to Interpol was just granted a few minutes ago. FSB worked on different cases with her before, so they saw no problem in making sure John got his sentence in the States. Meeting my harsh stare, she added, “Isn’t it enough you had everyone else involved in your case killed?”

  Vitya choked on his coffee, apparently not expecting that.

  If the FBI knew about the Bratva’s dealings, why the hell didn't they stop us? We operated in their country, after all. Connor didn't count, as he only covered up my last kill, and he did it behind Melissa’s back.

  Clearly reading the question in our eyes, she placed a red folder on the table and opened it. “Those people were assholes who manipulated the law for their own benefit. So yeah, I closed my eyes, because you deserved it, and there are tons of cases where they destroyed someone’s life. Truth be told, I got to know about it after the deed, so it wasn't like I could have stopped you.”

  “Give me five hours. That would be enough to finish the fucker off,” I asked again, but she shook her head stubbornly.

  Losing my patience with this fucking conversation, considering my woman was out there sad, and I couldn't comfort her, because I had to be stuck with fucking FBI, I rose and hit the table with my fists. Melissa jumped in her seat, clearly not expecting that.

  “Damn it, Melissa!”

  “Watch who you are talking to, Radmir,” Yuri said, reentering the room after he’d left to take a call from Gleb. He came directly to Melissa and faced off with me, blocking my view of her. “That’s my woman, carrying my child. You do not disrespect her, and I don't give a fuck how frustrated you are,” he growled at me, to my surprise.

  Since fucking when was she his woman? He never claimed her, just kept repeating she was having his kid. Even back at the office before Vivian’s attack, he didn't say anything.

  “Is she?”

  Yuri paused for a second, and then said firmly, “Yes.”

  Melissa huffed in exasperation while slapping him on the arm. “I’m not your anything. Could you please stop with this freaking guilty nonsense?” Without giving him a chance to reply, she focused her attention back at me. “John goes to prison, and you have to deal with it.” She raised her finger, not allowing me to speak. “But if something happens to him in prison… well, that’s none of my business, right? As long as he is sentenced.”

  “That seems reasonable,” Vitya pitched in, and I thought back to the major prisons in the States and my connections there. Who would be of use to punish this fucker for bringing so much pain to all those women?

  They deserved justice, and just sitting and watching him go to prison would be one thing, but for him to suffer like they did? I needed a master for such a task.

  A sinister smile appeared on my mouth as a name popped up in my head.

  Oh, he’d be perfect. I’d never met a sicker motherfucker than him.


  Yuri and Vitya both cursed at once, rubbing their chins worriedly.

  “He doesn't take orders from anyone,” Vitya stated. “And he kills only if he is interested.”

; “I will ask him. He owes me a favor.”

  “He’s sick. He kills for fun, for the hell of it.”

  Melissa’s head swung from side to side as she followed our conversation, frowning. “His name doesn't ring a bell.”

  We all chuckled, although it lacked any humor.

  “That’s because he has no signature, and anyone can be his victim. He just kills because he is bored. Perfect upbringing, no dark past. Looking at him, you wouldn’t even think about half the shit he does.” Although I heard he toned it down once he got married. Rumor had it he kidnapped her and then decided to keep her alive for the heck of it.

  Weird as fuck, Lachlan was, but no one dared to go against him.

  “So, is he like Damian?” Melissa questioned, and I shook my head.

  “Sociopath is like a kitten next to him.” Then I stood up, because sharing too much with the FBI agent, even if she carried a Bratva offspring, was dangerous and quite frankly fucking odd. “I’ll contact him. Are we done here?”

  “Yes. I’ll keep you posted on the trial, and as for the rest… I just don’t want to know.” She rubbed her forehead. “God forgive me.”

  Nodding, I brought her closer and awkwardly hugged her as she gazed at me with a stunned face. “Give him a chance,” I whispered into her hair as she tensed in my arms. “He is just lost.” Then Vitya and I left, and Yuri stayed behind. Those two needed to hash it out and finally decide the status of the relationship. With his past, it wasn't safe for her to stroll around while pregnant.

  “Home sweet home,” Vitya sang while nudging my shoulder. “We are done.”

  Squeezing his shoulder, I nodded as we reached Vivian and Michael, who sat on the bench while making weird noises.

  Only when we came closer, I understood those were Polish words, but with Vi’s accent, they sounded hilarious. I’d learned the shit back in my teens, well, a few words, as Vasya sent me to Warsaw for a year to supervise his gun deal.

  “Dzien dobry,” Michael told her good morning fluently, and prompted her with his hand to repeat as she tried, wincing.

  “Den dobr.”

  Michael theatrically placed his hand on his head, crying out. “This is an impossible task, woman. I’d better translate for you for the rest of my life instead of trying to teach you.”

  “You are so mean.”

  “Whatever, krasotka. I value my ears.” Then he noticed us and flashed us a grin. “Our men are back.” Immediately, he jumped up and strolled to Vitya, grasping his shirt and tugging on it impatiently. “I’m horny as fuck, big guy. Luckily for us, I just saw an empty locker room.” Vitya didn't even complain, just followed him blindly, and I wished there were some things I could erase from my mind. Knowing they screwed each other was one thing, but Michael basically placed an image in my head. Thank God it didn't last twenty-four seven, because Michael had no filter.

  My gaze clashed with Vivian’s as she sobbed for a second, and I opened my arms wide for her. She dashed toward me, wrapping her arms tightly around my neck. I lifted her up so her legs could wrap around me too. Our hearts beat against each other as we pressed our foreheads together, exhaling heavily.

  “Is it finally over?” she whispered, our lips brushing while her fingers played softly in my hair.

  “Yes.” Clearing my throat, I added, “We are finally free, krasivoglazaya.” Fisting her hair and tugging on it lightly, I captured her mouth in a deep, passionate kiss as the feel of her velvet tongue awakened my dick at once. She sucked it inside her mouth, playing with it, but then moaned as I pressed her back against the wall, so she’d know how much she was wanted. Only when my lungs burned with lack of oxygen, did I let her go while inhaling her vanilla scent, which finally calmed the ferocious beast inside me.

  “We are getting married.”

  She laughed, “Is that your proposal?”

  “I proposed years ago. The wedding was just delayed.”

  She palmed my face as we stared at one another. She licked her swollen red lips and said, “Let’s do it then.”

  And for a long time, she didn't say anything else as I followed Michael’s suit and found a suitable place for us to celebrate the end of the fucking nightmare.

  John had tried to eliminate me, because he wanted Vivian.

  What he didn't understand was that a man like me never lets go of someone who belongs to them. So even if I didn't get the satisfaction of killing him, for the rest of my life, I would have the love of the beautiful and amazing woman in my arms.

  To have this wonderful life with her… even prison was worth it.

  Because nothing in this world compared to my krasivoglazaya and the happiness she had given me.

  October 2017


  The light breeze touched my damp skin, creating goose bumps in its wake. My breath hitched as I listened for anything other than my rapidly beating heart.

  Thump, thump, thump.

  Licking my lips, swollen from bruising kisses, I tugged my hands one more time hoping to escape the cage he had created, but it was useless. As the tight rope dug deeper into my soft skin, I groaned in distress from the spasms of shooting pain. Why must he be so skilled at this, dammit?

  The blindfold covered my eyes, heightening my other senses and forcing an adrenaline rush through my veins.

  “You can’t get out of them, Vivian.” Radmir’s voice washed over me. His footsteps coming in my direction were the only sound in the otherwise silent space. “I told you to listen to me.” He stopped, right next to me; I could feel his breath fanning my cheek as his hand laced through my hair then tugged it back, making me arch into his touch. His lips nipped my neck, not enough to hurt but enough to leave a mark. I gasped from the slight pain, and he immediately soothed it with his tongue while bathing me in his masculine scent. “You forgot for a second you are mine.” His growl sent shivers through me, and my core became wet, desperate for his attention.


  Even though everything inside me rejected the words, I hissed at him. “I’m not yours.” My reply was met with a slap to my ass cheeks, burning my skin and no doubt leaving an angry red print. A jolt of pleasure awoke my desire, my nipples hardening as my betraying body reacted to his presence.

  “Let’s see, shall we?” he whispered above my mouth right before capturing my lips in another bruising kiss. His hands slid down my ass and picked me up, forcing me to circle my legs around him so my pussy was in direct contact with his hard-on. He rubbed up and down my clit with his dick, driving me crazy with need. He didn’t enter me; he only allowed the tip to push into my opening. Letting go of my mouth and leaving me struggling for breath, he pinched the pointed peak of my right breast. I gasped, and he licked and sucked gently on it as jolts of electricity swept through me. “Vivian,” he murmured. Changing his focus to the other breast, he repeated his action while his hands slid lower and dug painfully into my hips. “I’m going to ruin you tonight.”

  Oh, God.

  I wasn’t sure I would survive his brand of torture.

  Not that I expected anything else after he had seen a male stripper close to me at the secret bachelorette party Bratva girls had thrown for me.

  Radmir and the rest of the guys barged inside the club, closing the establishment and throwing us over their shoulders fireman style. Radmir hadn't said a word back in the car, but I knew the punishment would come. He had repeated many times that strippers and clubs were out of the question. My Russian decided to be creative this time, and as much as I played the unwilling one, it was hard considering how much I needed him inside me.

  “He stood right next to you, almost touching your skin.’’ his voice laced with fury as his fingers dug deeper into my skin. “I'll need to keep you here for days to forget that.’’ with a laugh I wrapped my legs around him tighter while seeking his mouth.

  “Let's proceed to it then?’’ with a growl he gave me a deep kiss while entering me smoothly, leaving me breathless and crazy with desire and need for him.

  I'd have to thank Rosa for coming up with this plan later.

  A few months later


  A light breeze caressed my skin. I sighed in satisfaction as I enjoyed the sun shining brightly on me as gulls cried loudly, the only indication of our whereabouts.

  My bliss hadn't lasted long though. I grumpily opened one eye when droplets of water dripped on my bare skin as a shadow loomed above me. “In case you haven't noticed, I’m trying to tan here.”

  Radmir laughed softly at my words and nipped my neck while his hands traveled to the tiny bows on my hips that held the bottom of my two-piece bathing suit on. “Is that so?”

  Arching to his touch and kisses, I nodded while lacing my fingers through his hair as he moved to my collarbone, lazily running his tongue between my breasts and intentionally ignoring my hardened nipples.

  “Mmm-hmm.” He finally managed to get rid of my swimsuit bottom, throwing it to the side while separating my legs and settling between my thighs. Only then, I felt the fabric of his shorts against my sensitive skin. “You’re not naked?”

  Instead of answering, he captured my lips in a deep kiss while his tongue probed deeper, taking mine prisoner. The rush of desire and need shot through my veins, and I hugged him closer to me, wrapping my legs around his hips.

  All he had to do was move those damn shorts of his lower, and then he could just enter me in one, swift…

  Instead, he placed his hand under my back, lifting me as I squealed, and turned in the direction of the cabin. Whimpering in distress for making me wait, I bit his shoulder, but it only earned me a slap to the ass, which sent tingling sensations all over my body. The hair on his chest hardened my nipples and a moan escaped my mouth. I couldn't help but rub them against him more.

  “Settle, krasivoglazaya,” he growled. “I’m not taking you out here for everyone to see.”


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