The Polish Discovery: The Society of Orion 1-3 (Colton Banyon Mystery Book 17)

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The Polish Discovery: The Society of Orion 1-3 (Colton Banyon Mystery Book 17) Page 27

by Gerald J. Kubicki

  The first thing they all noticed was the awful smell. As they quickly searched the room they found that it was small. It contained only a single bed, a beat up dresser, a tiny table, and a rickety chair. There was also a small bathroom and a closet in the room. Both doors were open. There was no one inside. The mercenary was on the bed, but didn’t react when they came through the door.

  “He doesn’t look well,” Previne commented as the four women took places around the bed with their guns aimed at the man. The mercenary was nude on the bed. His body glistened with sweat. He was unconscious. They could see that his body was contorted in pain. There were open wounds which had become infected on his arm and leg. The wounds oozed fluid. It created the foul odor in the room. A gun lay across his stomach.

  Mandy snatched the gun from his stomach. She aimed her gun directly at his head. Her first impulse was to shoot him as he lay unconscious on the bed. It would be revenge for the killing of the Reynolds family. But after their discussion in the car, Mandy quickly decided that it would be exactly what Loni would do. She wanted to be different. She dropped the aim of her gun.

  “What should we do, he is unconscious,” Mandy exclaimed.

  “I don’t think the chant will work if he can’t understand it,” Previne responded.

  “You’d better call Colt,” Pramilla said.

  Previne dialed her phone. Banyon answered on the first ring. “What’s the problem?” he asked as if he knew that she would call.

  “Our man is ablaze with infection. I can’t make him forget until he regains consciousness,” Previne explained.

  “How bad is it?” Banyon asked.

  “I don’t think he will last much longer unless he gets some antibiotics. It may already be too late,” Previne responded.

  Banyon said nothing for a few seconds. Previne understood there was a moral dilemma racing through his mind. The man deserved to die, but not this way. “You guys get out of there,” he finally said. “I’ll have Edgar call the paramedics. We may have to deal with him at a later time.”

  When she hung up the phone Previne spoke to the other women. “We could kill him, or just let him die here. Colt has chosen to send the paramedics.”

  “It’s the right thing to do,” Maya uttered with relief.

  “Then, let’s get out of here,” Pramilla said. She waved everybody out the door.

  Chapter Fourteen

  When the Patel sisters and Mandy finally returned to the suite, they found the place was bustling with activity. It looked like the inside of a discount department store. There were several cardboard boxes strewn on the couches, clothes were scattered everywhere. Edgar was now dressed in a policeman’s uniform which made him look very official. He stamped about the room while practicing issuing orders.

  Steve wore blue surgical scrubs with a stethoscope hanging around his neck. Heather wore a short white nursing dress with buttons down the front. She wore a hat on her head as well. She actually looked like an angel of mercy. Eric wore a long white lab coat. He was affixing several knives and a shotgun to Velcro straps inside it. Everybody else was standing around the table. One of the people at the table was a tall blond-haired man. He was in a white lab coat too, but looked like he had worn them many times before.

  Banyon noticed the women and left the group to greet them. “The mercenary is at the hospital in intensive care,” he quickly told them. “It doesn’t look like he will make it,” he said solemnly.

  “Well, at least our conscience is clear,” Previne replied. “We did the right thing. It will be his own fault if he dies.”

  “What’s in the bags?” Banyon asked as he pointed to a package on Previne’s arm. All the other women had one draped over their arms too.

  “We stopped at the boutique down stairs. We bought some dresses for tonight,” Maya told him. “Want to see,” she added hopefully.

  “I’m sure you all will look great tonight,” he smiled knowingly. “But we still have some work to do to set up the hospital takedown.”

  “What will be our part?” Pramilla asked.

  “We are going to go over the complete plan in a few minutes. We go in two hours,” Banyon explained. “You’ll find out during the meeting.”

  “Do we have time to drop these dresses off in our room and change clothes?” Pramilla asked expectantly.

  “No, actually you don’t. Leave them on the couch for now. You can change after the meeting,” Banyon told her.

  “This is turning into a long day,” Previne muttered as she plopped her bag on the couch. The other women followed suit.

  “But maybe we could get to wear a sexy nurse’s outfit like Heather has on,” Maya said cheerfully.

  “She has a gun hidden on her,” Banyon commented.

  “Where?” Previne asked in disbelief. The dress fit Heather like a glove. There were no bulges visible.

  “It’s under her hat,” Banyon said secretively.

  “I want a hat too,” Previne whined.

  “Mandy,” Banyon called out and reached into a box. “Here is your outfit for tonight.” He pulled out a very small dress with red and white stripes.

  “What’s this?” She said as she grabbed the flimsy cloth.

  “You will be a candy striper. You’re our point person for the takedown.”

  “Gee, thanks,” Mandy replied sarcastically. “Just what I wanted was to look like a little girl today.”

  “Go get dressed,” Banyon urged her, and pointed to the bedroom. “We’ll get started as soon as you are ready.”

  “Well, at least it is short,” she commented under her breath as she left the room.

  “The rest of you come and meet Doctor Kevin Kamienski He is going to help us tonight,” Banyon said as he ushered them over to the table area.

  Dr. Kamienski was handsome, fit, about fortyish, and charming. The three sisters gathered around him like butterflies. They were soon laughing, flipping their hair, and openly flirting with him.

  Steve caught the eye of Maya. He mouthed, “He’s gay,” to her. She nodded that she understood.

  “So you will be working with us tonight. Why are you helping us with the hospital takedown?” Previne curiously asked.

  “I used to know Heather in another life,” he responded cheerfully. “We worked together several times.” The Patel sisters knew about Heather’s other life. They quickly figured out what he meant.

  So, you were an actor then, like Heather was?” Previne asked coyly with growing interest.

  He took a few seconds to reply. “Yes, I suppose you know about both of our pasts then,” he responded.

  “Now we do,” Previne purred. “Do you have any regrets?”

  “I regret I never worked with three identically beautiful women before,” he replied charmingly. “Perhaps we should rectify that.” Maya suddenly realized he had his hand on her rear end. She brushed it off. His hand moved immediately to Previne’s ass, as the conversation continued. She didn’t make him take it away. Their discussions soon became more personal, but suddenly someone else caught the doctor’s roving eye.

  “How do I look?” Mandy asked as she pranced out of the bedroom. She twirled in her striped dress. Everyone turned to stare. She looked very pretty for a girl who looked to be about fourteen years old.

  “And who is this young lady?” Kevin exclaimed. His interest was suddenly focused on the young nubile Mandy. He moved away from the Patel sisters, and towards Mandy, much to their chagrin.

  “Hello, I’m Doctor Kevin Kamienski,” he said to her. He engulfed her hand in both of his.

  “I’m Mandy,” she replied with a giggle. “I’m fourteen,” she added in a little girl voice as she practiced her character for the takedown.

  “Well Mandy, why don’t we move over to the couch and chat,” he said showing all of his perfectly straight teeth.

  “She is actually twenty-two,” Previne said as she moved next to Mandy like a protective mother. Her sisters were right behind her.

��You could have fooled me,” Dr. Kamienski said. “You play the part of a young girl very well. I actually thought you were fourteen.”

  “Mandy, why don’t you go find Colt. Tell him to start the meeting now,” Previne quickly said. She then shoved her. Mandy got the message and left.

  The doctor looked startled. “Have I done something wrong?” He asked.

  “Steve thinks you are gay, but your eyes and your hands say otherwise,” Maya said with her arms crossed.

  “Oh, that,” Kevin responded with a wave of his hand. “Heather asked me to pretend to be gay so her boyfriend wouldn’t be jealous — don’t tell anyone, okay?”

  “Don’t hit on Mandy,” Previne threatened in a strong tone. “She is a bit naïve for someone like you.”

  “I meant no harm,” he apologized and spread his arms. “Besides, I’d rather talk to you three,” he said charmingly.


  “Okay, let’s have our meeting now,” Banyon yelled out. “Everyone, gather around the table.”

  “May I stand next to you?” the doctor asked.

  “I’d be disappointed if you didn’t,” Previne replied.

  Chapter Fifteen

  At precisely seven o’clock at night, just after sunset, the assault on the Warsaw Adult Patient Care Facility began. The entire team was assembled two blocks away at the edge of a park. There were three ambulances, three rental cars, plus Doctor Kamienski’s van all parked in a row. There were ten people dressed up to look like hospital staff. Edgar was in his policeman’s uniform. A doctor friend of Kevin’s rolled up in a Mercedes. His job was to check each patient against their file. Then administer an injection, if necessary, before they were sent to a hospital. All the combatants wore earplugs and were armed courtesy of the Patel sisters, who had brought weapons from India in their private plane.

  The hospital was located in a quiet part the city. There wasn’t much traffic, but there was some. It had to be dealt with. The street was tree lined, and well kept, but was narrow enough that two cars could not pass side by side. Banyon’s plan called for all the ambulances and cars to park out front. They wanted to cause a traffic jam so people rubbernecking could not see what was going on. They were afraid that someone might possibly report it to the police.

  “Okay,” Banyon spoke into his earplug. “Edgar, you need to stop traffic. Then block off the street with the barricades. The Patel sisters will help you with the barricade at the other end of the street. Go now.”

  “Roger,” the people replied.

  “Mandy, you are on deck. You need to go in as soon as the traffic is stopped,” Banyon told her. She had walked to place near the front of the building. She looked tiny, and very vulnerable in her little red and white striped dress.

  “I’m in position,” she said without fear.

  “Heather, Steve, and Eric, you go in as soon as Mandy tells you what to expect inside, got it,” Banyon said.

  “We’ll be ready,” Heather replied.

  “The rest of us will man the perimeter.” Banyon didn’t really expect an attack, but he had talked to Wolf just before they had left the hotel. Wolf had dropped a bombshell on him. He hadn’t had time to think about it. Right now, the priority was to close down the hospital. The changes in Banyon’s plans for tomorrow morning would have to wait.

  “The street is clear,” Edgar said. He took up a position just outside the front door of the facility. Mandy jogged to the door and went inside. The three ambulances moved past the roadblock barricades. They were followed by the cars with Heather, Steve, and Eric driving. They parked in a line on the street. The perimeter guards moved in closer to the vehicles. The Mercedes pulled up and double parked. Both doctors sat inside waiting for the patients. Everything went according to plan, so far.

  Mandy’s part was to flush out the people working in the building. She walked up to the person manning the front desk, and said, in English, that she was there to provide comfort for the patients. The nurse behind the desk didn’t understand English. She just stared at her. Mandy smiled, turned and began skipping down the hallway to the rooms.

  The nurse left her position yelling something in Polish at the candy striper. When she didn’t respond she came around the desk. She grabbed Mandy by the arm. Mandy screamed, “Get away from me,” very loudly. Within seconds three doors opened. Another female nurse, a male nurse, and a mid-aged doctor came running down the hallway. A security guard also appeared from around the corner. All five people attempted to restrain Mandy who mildly fought to break free. She pressed her earplug and said “five”.

  The front door flew open. Edgar dressed in his policeman outfit came rushing through the door. “What’s going on here?” he demanded in Polish. “Why are you restraining that young girl?”

  “What are you doing in here?” a nurse asked. “You can’t just barge into this hospital.”

  “I was passing on the street,” the ferret replied. “I heard screaming in here. I came to investigate. That’s my job. Now let her go,” Edgar said strongly. His hand went to his gun.

  The staff let Mandy go, she raced out the door.

  “She came in here and attempted to visit some of the patients,” the nurse argued. She pointed after Mandy. “You should be arresting her.”

  “And why isn’t a candy striper allowed to visit your patients?” Edgar said with narrowed eyes. “Do you have something to hide?”

  “No, of course not,” the doctor exclaimed nervously. “It’s…It’s just that it is after visiting hours,” he lied smoothly.

  “It’s only a little after seven o’clock,” Edgar said suspiciously. “Who else is in the building?”

  “Well, no one,” the doctor said opening his arms, “just the twelve patients we care for on a long term basis.”

  “I’m going to have to see them,” Edgar stated, implying that something didn’t seem right at the facility.

  “You’ll need a warrant,” the doctor spat out indignantly.

  “They want a warrant,” Edgar said into his earplug in English. It was the signal.

  Heather, Eric, and Steve came crashing through the front door. The doctor pushed one of the nurses into Edgar, they tumbled to the floor. The doctor turned and ran down the hallway. He entered the last door on the left. The other female nurse ran to hide behind the front desk. The guard was so startled that he went for his gun. The male nurse readied himself for a fight.

  Eric and Steve hit the two men like a tidal wave, bowling them over onto the ground. The overweight and old guard immediately gave up as Eric turned him onto his ample stomach, while applying plastic cuffs. The male nurse was younger and in much better shape. He went to hit Steve while in their prone position. Steve quickly applied a strangle hold. It only took a few seconds for the man to give up.

  Edgar had a tougher time. The nurse out weighted him by fifty pounds. She had clearly been in a street fight before. She went for his eyes with her fingernails as she straddled his smaller body. Edgar did the only thing he could do. He bit her finger like a ferret would do. She howled in pain. When she lifted her head, Eric grabbed her by her hair and rolled her off of him. She decided it was time to give up too.

  Meanwhile, Heather leaped over the front desk in her short nursing dress. As she flew through the air she realized the woman wasn’t hiding, she was retrieving a gun from under the counter. Heather landed, kicked out with her leg, and caused the woman to drop the gun. But the nurse wasn’t defeated yet. She kicked out, and managed to hit Heather in the mid-section. She went down on her unprotected bottom. It hurt her pelvic bone. She winced in pain, but quickly returned to her feet. Steve, Eric, and Edgar were all there to help, but she waved them off.

  “This bitch is in for it now,” Heather said through gritted teeth. She attacked like a lioness. Her arms were a blur as she slapped, poked, and jabbed at the woman. She didn’t want to just knock her out, she wanted to hurt her. She was in a malicious mood which quickly wore the nurse down. The nurse threw her hands in the a
ir, but Heather hit her one more time with a vicious slap to her face, then stopped. Steve moved in, cuffed her, and then placed her by the other captives in the middle of the reception area.

  Heather was breathing heavily, straining the buttons on her tight dress. Her hair was a mess. Her eyes had a feral look. Eric thought she looked delicious.

  “Let’s go and get the doctor,” Steve said. They started down the hall towards the end of the building, Edgar stayed with the captives.

  Eric’s well-placed foot kick crashed into the locked office door. It flew open. The team moved in with a synchronized approach, guns pointed ahead. They found the doctor with a pile of files in his arms. He was trying to leave by an open window. Heather ran up to him. She placed the tip of her gun against his forehead. She employed a classic stance with her legs wide apart while using both hands.

  “Make my day,” she hissed. “Put the files down,” she ordered. “Then put your hands up you sleazebag. We are bringing your operation down. You will face justice.”

  “Who are you people,” he managed to spit out.

  “Why, we work for one of your patients,” she replied sweetly.

  Chapter Sixteen

  After the doctor was cuffed, he was moved to the reception area. Heather pressed her ear plug. “We have the files,” she said.

  It was the cue for Banyon, Loni, and Mandy to come inside. Their part was to begin moving the patients to the ambulances. The doctors were supposed to leave their vehicle to check over the patients, but only Dr. Kamienski exited the Mercedes. He called out to Banyon.

  “He won’t do it,” Kevin exclaimed breathlessly.

  “Why not?” asked Banyon with confusion in his voice.

  “We’ve been talking in the car,” Kevin explained. “He feels there will be many lawsuits from this adventure once the patients wake up. There may even be some criminal charges. He doesn’t want to get involved.”

  “So, he won’t help at all?” Banyon blustered as he waved Mandy and Loni inside to begin the task of moving the patients.


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