The Polish Discovery: The Society of Orion 1-3 (Colton Banyon Mystery Book 17)

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The Polish Discovery: The Society of Orion 1-3 (Colton Banyon Mystery Book 17) Page 32

by Gerald J. Kubicki

  “I’ve been thinking,” Maya said. “We are not getting any younger and we have quite a pile of artifacts to protect. Right now baby Greg is the only heir. We need more people in our family to carry on, when we are too old.”

  “I volunteer to be impregnated by Colt,” Previne quickly said.

  “Eric can do some of us too,” Loni said with a laugh. This brought a strange look from Banyon.

  “Stop,” Banyon said sternly, but he had a smile on his face. He knew the Patel sisters had arranged the discussion. He had heard them plotting when they thought he wasn’t listening. “No one needs to get pregnant.”

  “But we need more people,” Pramilla argued.

  “I think there are three people on this plane who would fit the bill,” Eric said just as he and Banyon had discussed in private.

  “We should think about it,” Maya agreed.

  “As long as you men don’t make them pregnant,” Loni threatened.


  Banyon and Loni finally returned home late at night. The first thing they did was journey into the basement of his home. They proceeded to the far corner of the large area near the workbench. He went to the wall and slid back a hidden panel. Inside the panel was an electronic keypad. He placed his thumb against the pad. The door clicked open. The lights automatically came on as they entered. The medium sized room was actually a safe room built by a Swedish company for him. The room was not on any blueprints of the house and there was no record of it being built. The Swedish company had guaranteed complete privacy. The room also served as a vault for Banyon’s treasures.

  He opened the suitcase which he had dragged behind him and began placing the Orion weapons on the built-in wooden shelves. There were several other artifacts sitting there collecting dust. The last thing he placed on the shelf was the journal he had taken from Professor Orlich. He stood back and admired his collection.

  “Timmy called and left me a message,” Loni said as she stared at her cell phone. “He said he had completed taking down all the postings about the Orion weapons on the internet. They are all gone.”

  “That’s good,” Banyon replied absently.

  “Also,” she continued. “I have seen an English version of the New Poland Express from yesterday. They ran the story from the fake Jakub Banyon journal.”

  “Give me the gist of it will you?” Banyon asked as he continued to stare at the items on the shelf.

  Loni took a couple of seconds to reply. “The article says Jakub Banyon made up the legend of the Orion weapons and intended to write a novel about them. The only true artifact is The Magic Belt, but the belt was more ceremonial than magic. Knights would wear it to motivate their men. He was a knight, remember.”

  “Edgar did a good job with the fake journal,” he replied.

  “Yeah, the article totally discredits the first journal,” she said happily.

  “Yes, now things can get back to normal,” he uttered.

  “What are you thinking about, Colt? You seem distracted.” She suddenly asked.

  “I’m trying to decide if I should go to the next meeting of the Society of Orion, or just let things stay as they are.”

  “You have plenty of time to think about that,” she said. “The next meeting isn’t until February.”

  “I just have the feeling this isn’t over,” he said with a sigh.

  “Well, don’t think about it now, unless you want to show me some of your mythical Orion moves,” she said seductively.


  The next morning, Colton Banyon sat at his desk, and as was his custom, he wrote down a list of accomplishments from their adventure. The list was long:

  -Learned about my ancestor Jakub Banyon.

  -Discovered the history of Orion.

  -Made contact with the Society of Orion.

  -Recovered fifteen Orion weapons.

  -Destroyed a complicated plot to use the weapons.

  -Exposed a fraudulent doctor and hospital.

  -Saved the reputation of his ancestor.

  -Helped the Banyon Arcades do more business.

  -Found possible additional members to the team.

  -Visited Poland.

  He reviewed the list and then put it in his desk draw along with the other recaps from his adventures.


  Two weeks later, Banyon answered the doorbell to his sprawling ranch home in the Chicago suburb of South Barrington. He found a package left by the FedEx man sitting on the door step. He picked it up and carried it to the kitchen. The Patel clan had recently returned from India and was also seated there. The clan had bought a house in Banyon’s neighborhood. They had walked over. They, along with Loni, were having a few cocktails while chatting in the kitchen. They had gathered to go over the final accounting of the Warsaw case.

  He was half way up the hallway when he stopped. Loni’s voice was carried down the hall to him.

  “Quick, before Colt gets back,” she urgently said. “How was Doctor Kamienski? I haven’t had a chance to ask you until now.”

  “He was true to his nickname,” Previne replied with a giggle. “The next morning I felt like a piece of Swiss cheese. Full of big holes.”

  “Wow, I wonder how Heather was able to put up with him when she was making movies?” Loni said with sympathy.

  “Don’t ask her in front of Steve,” Previne giggled.


  Banyon waited until the girls were finished with their discussion before entering the area. He ceremoniously plopped the box on the kitchen island.

  “What’s in the package?” Loni quickly asked.

  “I don’t know, but it came from Olaf Belinski,” Banyon told them.

  “Well, let’s see what is inside,” Previne exclaimed cheerfully.

  Banyon opened the box just as Eric wandered into the room from the living area where he was watching television on Banyon’s eighty-inch TV screen. Banyon extracted the first item. There was a note attached to it with tape.

  “It’s Jakub Banyon’s original journal,” Banyon said with surprise. “Olaf wrote that the reporter who had possession gave it back to Olaf after he published the last article. He said he did it because the Orion weapons were no longer news.”

  “What a nice present,” Previne remarked. “I see another journal,” she pointed into the box.

  “It’s the fake journal which Edgar wrote. Olaf said it would be best if I had it,” Banyon said as he read the note on the journal.

  “No one can examine it too closely now,” Loni said and clapped her hands.

  Banyon set it on the other book, and pulled out some pictures which were held together by a rubber band. The attached note said the pictures were from the new exhibit at the Banyon Arcades. Also, Olaf had been promoted and was now the keeper of the replicas of the Orion weapons. Everybody crowded around and took turns studying the photos. They showed a smiling Olaf and lots of people near the exhibit.

  “Look, there seems to be a letter at the bottom of the box,” Loni pointed.

  Banyon reached for it and torn open the envelope. He then began to read the letter to the team.

  “Dear Colt,

  I am writing you because I have some very good news and some disturbing news. First let me give you the good news. I have sent you the two journals. The reporter said he had no more use of them. I have also sent you pictures of the exhibit. The curator at the Arcades had me build it and then promoted me. I can’t thank you enough. Many people come and visit it each day, the curator is quite happy.

  Now the bad news, Professor Orlich has completely disappeared. His friend, Albin Wilk, is gone too. Even his nephew, who works here as a guard, doesn’t know where he has gone, But I think it might have something to do with Wilk’s aunt who has been indicted in some scam involving a hospital in Warsaw.

  Finally, two men came into the Arcades yesterday and began asking questions about you, Colt. I told them I knew little about you and had only met you once. They asked me if you had ever menti
oned the Society of Orion. What does it mean?

  Take care,

  Olaf Belinski”


  “What do you think the last sentence means?” Loni quickly asked.

  “It means this case is not over,” Banyon replied.

  Special Author’s Note

  I started writing as a hobby and it has turned into a passion over the last several years. I hope that you enjoyed this current novel. The Colton Banyon Mysteries series has turned into a long-term adventure with many more stories to tell and many mysteries to solve.

  I greatly appreciate the feedback and comments that I have gathered about my plots and characters. Anyone who has followed my writings has noticed changes in the characters based upon your feedback along this journey. I encourage you to continue to provide your input. There are two ways to do that. The first is to send your comments to me at my website, I always respond to any email. The second and the most important way would be to post a review on Amazon, Goodreads, and Barnes & Noble. To an independent writer like me, the comments are like gold.

  Author’s Notes

  In case you have not already guessed it, this book contains information about a character who was an actual ancestor of mine. Jakub Kubicki was his name. He lived from 1758 to 1833 and I am a direct descendant. He was a knight, a freemason, a judge, a government official, and also a renowned architect in Poland. He built the Kubicki Arcades, and was the architect for the renovation of the Royal Castle. He was also responsible for rebuilding the Belvedere Palace which is used as the residence of the head of Polish government still today. Many of the structures he built still stand today in Poland.

  To gain his title of Duke, he purchased the town of Wilkow, Poland near Warsaw. The town’s name actually translates to English as wolf, one of the main characters in my books. We don’t know if he knew the revolutionary war heroes, Casimir Pulaski or Thaddeus Kosciuszko, but they were both knights and lived during the same time period, so it was likely. Both men were instrumental to America’s success in winning the revolutionary war, and were tireless rebels in the often troubled Poland of that time. I tried to portray them as they actually were.

  The Kubicki Arcades are explained in detail in the book. I also included what I could find of its history. Even the creepy headless children statues facing the entrance exist.

  The Magic Belt that I talk about in the book is real. It is unique to Poland. It was made around 1600 by someone who was employed by the King at the time. The sash-like belt contained eight talisman trinkets, and was always worn by a knight, especially in battle. Polish folklore credits The Magic Belt with several powers. Jakub could have worn it at one time. After all he was a knight. In 1922 it was donated to the Warsaw museum and stayed there until it was plundered by the Nazis during the war. It has not surfaced since then.

  Orion is a popular mythical Greek hero. He has a big following even today. Some believe he lives in the constellation which bears his name and will return to earth someday, wreaking havoc with those he chooses to smite. They should also watch out for their women as he is often depicted as a big womanizer.

  The Orion weapons are a figment of my imagination. I tied some of them to world mysteries like the Tunguska event. As far as I know, there is no Society of Orion.

  The many characters in this book are also my own creation and do not represent any person living or dead.


  I want to thank many people for helping me write this book. The fact that I have never been to Warsaw required me to rely on information supplied by several sources. In particular, Joe Gersch, who has been there several times and has actually visited the Kubicki Arcades at the Royal Palace. He also told me about the salt mines in Krakow which I was able to add to the book effectively.

  My son and co-author was actually the person who was able to uncover our true heritage and the links to Jakub Kubicki. It took him over a year, but found the documented evidence. My sisters, Julie Megenedy, Mary Chruckshank and Carol Taylor also provided me with insights about my family which I inserted anywhere I could. My brother Steve Kubicki acted as my sounding board for the data we uncovered.

  Joan Kane told me about the in Café Procope France where many revolutionaries gathered in the eighteenth century. They included Ben Franklin and many Polish leaders, who eventually came to America to help win our freedom.

  I’d also like to thank Professor Joseph Gersch and Karen Gersch for their input into these books, without their support the books would not be the same.

  Finally, as always, I want to thank my longtime companion Kathy Mayeda for reading and commenting on my work. She always makes my work better.

  Bonus Reading from my next book

  The Society of Orion: the Orion Codex #4

  Chapter One

  “Lock down the building,” Colton Banyon screamed into his Bluetooth headset as he stepped out onto the small curved balcony outside his second story office. It overlooked the large reception area inside the Dewey & Beatem Law office building in Chicago. He heard an audible click just as he reached the railing. It indicated the lockdown was in progress. He looked down to see if anyone was attempting to leave the building by the front entrance. No one was there.

  “It’s done,” the voice of Steve, the head of security, replied. “What’s up?”

  “We’ve got two intruders inside the building. We don’t know what they want or if they are armed,” Banyon informed everyone who was listening on their earphones connected to the communications system. The employees working at the firm were required to be connected to their Bluetooth devices while in the building. “I want two suppression teams to find them and detain them,” Banyon ordered.

  “I’m on it,” Steve responded.

  “Go to red protocol,” Banyon now said. It meant that anyone near an open door was to close and lock it immediately. This prevented any intruders from finding places to hide.

  “I’ve got them on my screen,” Steve chirped in after a few seconds “They are headed for the front door.” For the first time, Banyon was pleased that Bart, his former partner, had installed a very sophisticated security system in the building. The irony was that the constant surveillance by Bart had driven Banyon and his partner apart.

  “Mandy, get away from the reception area,” Banyon now screamed into the Bluetooth. “They’re headed your way.”

  “Leaving now,” a young voice yelled back into his Bluetooth.

  “Loni lock my office door,” he additionally ordered as he looked back into his office where Loni Chen and Maya Patel stood over his computer screen with stunned looks on their faces. Timmy, the office geek, was seated at Banyon’s desk. A look of confusion surrounded him as well.

  Banyon was just turning back to the front when he heard, “Oops.” He recognized the flash of naked thighs as Mandy slammed into him with her skirt hiked up immodestly. They both fell to the ground with Mandy straddling his bigger body. Mandy was twenty-two and Banyon was sixty-two. The collision hurt him more than it hurt her.

  “I’m so sorry,” the young girl proclaimed. “I didn’t expect you to be waiting to greet me.”

  “I wasn’t,” Banyon replied grimly as he grunted and tried to push the tiny woman off of him. Mandy was very athletic and sometimes just leaped up onto the baloney from the reception desk rather than use the long hallways of the building. He had watched her many times as she gracefully high-hurdled the four-foot railing, but he had never been in front of her before.

  “Oh, no,” Mandy wailed, “now Loni is going to kill me.” She quickly jumped to her feet and put her fist to her mouth in horror.

  Loni Chen was Banyon’s long-term companion and was insanely jealous of any woman touching or flirting with Colton Banyon, especially the perky Mandy, who she saw as a younger version of herself. She had threatened Mandy with bodily harm and the loss of her job if she caught her tempting Banyon again. That had been only a few months earlier when they were workin
g on a case in Warsaw. Mandy had promised to change and had begun to grow her blond hair and wear adult non-seductive clothes. To Banyon she still looked fourteen.

  “Quickly,” Banyon uttered. “Help me up.” He extended his arm and Mandy pulled him to his feet. They ran inside before Loni returned from locking the office door. Both Banyon and Mandy were grateful that no one had noticed their encounter.

  “The intruders have locked themselves in the main conference room on the first floor,” Steve announced into everyone’s earpiece. “We managed to lock the front door before they got out.”

  “Is there another way out of the conference room?” Banyon asked.

  “Not unless they can cut through bullet-proof glass,” the security expert replied.

  “Draw some guns from the armory and have guards posted at the door until I get there,” Banyon said.

  “We’re on our way,” Steve replied.

  “The rest of you stay in your offices until further notice,” Banyon broadcasted to the other employees.

  Maya grabbed Banyon by his arm. “What’s going on?” Maya and Loni did not have Bluetooth devices.

  “I’m not sure yet,” Banyon responded. “All we know so far is that Edgar let two people into the secure area of the building.”

  “The ferret!” Loni exclaimed.

  “Yes,” Banyon responded. “And the email came from his office.”

  “He tried to hide the source by bouncing it off several satellites,” Timmy the resident geek said. “But I found it. I’m the world’s best hacker, you know.” Timmy had been called up from the bowels of the building to trace the source of the email on Banyon’s computer. He was the only one in the room who was not a member of Banyon’s unique team, but he often helped.

  “I never trusted him since Poland,” Maya shouted out hotly.

  “He always sided with Bart,” Loni said. “Maybe he’s deliberately trying to sabotage us.”

  “We don’t know how he is involved yet,” Banyon warned his companion. “I need to go find him and find out what he knows before we pass judgment.”


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