Eric Olafson Series Boxed Set: Books 1 - 7

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Eric Olafson Series Boxed Set: Books 1 - 7 Page 8

by Vanessa Ravencroft

  Zezz swung his legs out of the bed. "As for what actually happened, I am as much in the dark as you."

  A new voice said, "Why don't you let me fill you in then?"

  From the back of the infirmary stepped an old man in black uniform. He had five golden stars above his Admiral rings. Fleet Admiral McElligott!

  I literally flew out of the bed and snapped to attention.

  "At ease Midshipman, at ease!"

  McElligott sighed, looked around and then said to the Med Tech, "Can I trouble you for a chair or something, I would rather sit for this."

  A chair was carried in by a Marine a moment later. The ancient Immortal sat down and tugged on his kilt. "It’s almost routine now, meeting you, Mr. Olafson. Not that the circumstances have been anything but routine. It seems of all talents you have, the ability to turn up in the middle of trouble is foremost among them."

  Zezz scratched his throat. "It was my fault. I dragged him along, Sir. "

  "True that, and I like to believe in coincidence Mr. Zezzazzzzz but somehow I think if you dragged any other cadet along, you’d be back on Arsenal IV writing a small craft report."

  He held up his hands, preventing me or Zezz from saying something, and laughed. "I am kidding, of course."

  Zezz grunted. "With all due respect, Sir, I think I if I had been with any other cadet, you would be writing my eulogy now."

  McElligott became serious. "I came here to fill you two in on what happened and that is what I will do now."

  He produced the smoking device, which I knew now was a tobacco pipe, and lit it. The Medic rolled her eyes but did not dare say something to the Ancient. McElligott looked at her. "It's classified, what I am going to tell."

  With a huff she left and so did the Marines. He waited till the door was closed. "As you know, the space past Barrow System was, until recently, controlled by the Galactic Council and off limits to us." He paused and used a little tool to stuff the glowing material deeper into the pipe's bulb and then after he was satisfied, he continued. "About 500 years ago, near the Barrow System, one of the last big space battles against the Y'All occurred. It ended with us controlling the Barrow System and what is now known as the Arsenal System.

  "A damaged ship landed on the third planet of the Arsenal System and found something." He puffed a dense cloud of smoke. "But that is a completely different matter. Getting back to the story at hand, the USS Seneca was tasked to closely survey this section of space, as the area is getting busier in terms of traffic, and make a detailed tally of the star systems. The Seneca found a drifting asteroid. Such deep space rocks we call wanderers and they usually go unnoticed as ships pass by in quasi-space, rushing to the next star system.

  "The Seneca was ordered closely to survey and examine the rock, as it would make a perfect spot for a trade lane fort and listening post."

  He made a grunting sound as his pipe went out, and he cursed and said something about inferior tobacco and put the thing back in the fur pouch he was wearing attached to his belt. "The Seneca found what they thought was a recently abandoned Kermac lab complex. Complete with an intensive collection of salvaged, mostly damaged Y'All ships and technology and two Y'All warriors, completely intact and alive in suspended animation. All during the Y'All invasion we did not manage to capture a live specimen of the Y'All. To make the find even more significant, very recently we fought Y'All in the Fornax Cluster. New Y'All, different from the ones we faced before; smaller, more agile and more articulated but not as brutally strong or vicious.

  "To the misfortune of the Seneca, the base was not as abandoned as they thought it was."

  He chuckled. "And to the misfortune of the Kermac, a very special Neo Viking and his Shiss mentor was not too far away in one of our new prototypes.

  "I was informed about the incident and of all those involved. I knew Captain Zezz personally and consider him trustworthy and reliable." He pointed at me. "And I know you Mr. Olafson. Despite what I said earlier, I trust you as well and that's why I am sending you to take the two Y'All to Tabernacle. We have the ones we captured from our recent fight in the Fornax Cluster there and plan to compare and examine them." He tugged at his kilt in an absent-minded fashion. "We have strong suspicions that the Kermac had something to do with the Y'All and their repeated appearance, and recent events and revelations put those suspicions on solid foundations.

  "What we did not know is that two Kermac agents had infiltrated one of our most secure and secret Xeno Bio research facilities. Their mission was to monitor Union research and ascertain how much we had learned about their control and knowledge of that warrior species. If it became common knowledge that the Kermac had something to do with the Y'All invasions it would instantly turn every civilization against them, even those who are neutral now.

  "Current generations don't know how wide scale and how brutal the Y'All invasions have been, and how many planets, civilizations and billions of individuals were destroyed and lost. That includes the Nul, the Shiss, Togar, Karthanians and countless others." He had a grim expression on his face and I realized that he, of course, had seen it first hand. To him, 500 years was almost like yesterday was to me.

  He looked up and kept speaking. "So, the Kermac needed to prevent us from gaining any proof of this. As I mentioned, they had two agents here and for quite a long time they had turned the Professor and controlled him with their Psionics. Neumann was their gateway into Tabernacle. When they heard about the live Y'All, the Kermac could no longer stay secretly in the background. Their intention was to steal the Y'All and eliminate all data we had collected so far. To do this, they needed three code keys of three officers with Blue-Blue-Red clearance. With all three keys they would be able to purge all data and activate the base self-destruct, while they escaped in a ship. This is why there are normally only two officers with such keys on installations of this importance. You, Zezz, provided them with the third. They had to act, and fast, before you left. They had no idea, did not even expect you, Mr. Olafson to have one as well.

  "Thankfully this ‘what if’ scenario never played out, thanks to a resourceful Midshipman who managed to raise the alarm and make Security aware of the situation. The Kermac had disabled almost all door locks, but the fire alarm deactivated the lock-outs and the door could be opened."

  Zezz hissed. "We know for sure, they have a device that controls the Y'All. Does this mean war?"

  "No, it does not. Everything will remain as it is for now. The Kermac do not know what happened to their agents. They don't know what we know and we have the device and can examine it.

  "What happened here has not happened. You are under strictest orders to tell no one about this incident, ever. Unlike a certain other Admiral, the Union Council and I believe that the worst peace is still better than the best war and if I can do my part to postpone it, hopefully forever, then that is what we do."

  "Sir, I understand all this. I have been in the Navy long enough, but with all due respect, that Midshipman went hand to hand with two Y'All and foiled the Kermac’s plans, Sir. I hereby recommend him for the Medal of Honor. I am sure my brother, Rear Admiral Zuzzh will agree and sign such a petition."

  The old Admiral laughed silently. "I saw the vid feed and I have never seen anything like it in all my long life. Throwing Y'All warriors in unarmed, hand-to-hand combat is indeed a feat like none I have seen. You defeated them and almost killed one!"

  I gasped. "The Y'All wasn't dead?"

  "I am sure you would have managed eventually. They have two brains and incredible regeneration abilities, but that does not take away from your achievement!"

  He turned back to the Shiss. "Captain Zezz, you are one of our best captains and your recommendation carries much weight. I would grant him the Medal of Honor on your word alone, even if I hadn't seen what he did, but he is a second year Midshipman due at the Academy very soon and what happened here will have to remain top classified."

  McElligott got up, was about to leave, but thought of something
and turned around to look at me. "Midshipman Olafson, this is the second time your actions have saved us a lot of problems. It is the second time you seem to get nothing out of it and I might appear ungrateful but I will think of something to have your heroism recognized, I promise."

  "I didn't do it for any medals anyway, Sir. I hoped to prevent them from killing Captain Zezz and his brother and that I was able to do that is all the gratification I need, Sir!"

  "Given your nature and special talents, Mr. Olafson, I am sure we will meet again and maybe then I can show you that true heroism and gallantry will neither be forgotten nor ignored."

  He nodded and then, without any further comments, left the room.

  Zezz was quiet for a long moment, then he said, "Eric, you earned the right to call me Zezz. Forget the Sir and the Captain. You and I are beyond that and I don’t give a hoot what regulations say!"

  "Aye, Sir, I mean Aye Zezz."

  Back on Arsenal II

  I was no longer an acting Ensign; Zezz had to revoke the temporary rank after we returned.

  I was back at the bachelors’ home reading the recommended books and wondered what specialization I should choose.

  I hoped to see someone I knew from last year, especially Narth and my friends, but so far I did not even meet any of the others out of Camp Idyllic.

  At first, I enrolled myself in engineering and while it wasn't bad, I soon found out I didn't want to become an engineer. The instructor agreed and after two weeks of intensive tech and Xeno tech study I stopped going to engineering classes. Then I tried communications, also for about two weeks. The communications instructor told me at the beginning of the third week that further classes would be held at the Xeno linguistics school on Nebula III and he recommended that I did not come along. I wasn't disappointed one bit and went to the next available study course. I did four weeks of tactical and weapons training next. This I liked best so far and would have kept with it, but again the chief instructor took me aside and said, "I have to pick those in this class that will advance and become tactical systems officers. I didn't pick you." This did disappoint me somewhat, especially since my test results were as good as those he picked. The most difficult and challenging specialization was science.

  Every ship, even a battleship, had a Chief Science Officer and a whole staff of scientists as well as lab facilities. A Science officer had to specialize in at least one field of science but also needed a good grasp of pretty much everything else. Science officers usually received their PhD in the third year. When I toyed with the idea of trying science I learned that most of the Midshipmen already studying this had one or two PhDs before they even joined the Fleet, and most of them were older than me. The course instructor did not even accept my application. Helm class had been full and there was no spot open. So, it just so happened that I stood at the Academy class schedule board with more than six months to go in the second year and I was as far advanced as I was when I arrived.

  There was medical, but I would be too late for that. It was much like science and I would not catch up with those who started at the beginning of the year. Besides, I never saw myself as a medic, even though the female side of my personality liked the tight white outfits female med specialists could wear. But wearing a cute outfit was not argument enough for me to make a career choice out of it. There were courses available for logistics, cargo specialist, robotics, Diplomatic Corps, diet specialist, legal services and financial services, but all those usually led to a desk job career on a planet or a base and rarely ended up aboard a starship. I heard a familiar voice.

  "Midshipman Olafson, why aren't you in class?"

  Admiral Stokes was walking towards me and with him was Captain Zezz!

  I remembered I had an appointment with the Ult this afternoon anyway.

  I snapped to attention. "Sir, I completed my last class assignment and was hoping they’d let me sign up for helm after all."

  The Commandant looked over the board. "There are plenty of seats left in Financial Services. Cargo Specialist classes are also available." He glanced at the board. "It looks like Legal is also still available."

  "Yes Sir, if you recommend one of those I will sign up."

  He turned his fish face towards Zezz. "What do you think? This Midshipman went through several classes but didn't seem to find anything suitable."

  "I doubt he would make a very good JAG officer. Somehow, a Neo Viking as a lawyer seems wrong to me."

  If Admiral Stokes was laughing I could not really tell, but I almost suspected the blubbering sound to be his way of showing amusement. "Who knows? It might be a refreshing approach to see the Skull Bashing Defense demonstrated in court." To me, he then said, "There is no regulation that says you have to pick a particular field. There are certain Midshipmen that go into third year without clear specializations. You see, most cadets are approached at the end of year one and see a career specialist who talks to them and recommends the path of the career for the cadet."

  I made a sinister face. "Sir, my first year did not exactly end the same way."

  "I know Mr. Olafson. I know what happened."

  The Admiral went back to looking at the board. "Field classes are very rare but in this case, might be the best."

  Zezz winked at me but I failed to understand what he was trying to signal. Then he sighed in his almost human way. "I would be willing to take this Midshipman for the remaining time on the Hyperion, and even for the third year."

  "Can't do that old friend. Mr. Olafson's third year posting has been decided on already. I could let him go for the remaining month, but he has to be on Arsenal IV by January third and no later than 09:00 hrs."

  Again, the Admiral looked at me directly. "Attention Midshipman!"

  I was burning to ask what my third year assignment was, but I was standing to attention now and could not speak unless directly asked.

  "You are to report aboard the USS Hyperion as soon as possible. There you will commence field class and Captain Zezz will determine what your study fields are."

  "Aye, Sir!"

  The Shiss looked me over. "I also recommend the man gets into his dress uniform."

  Stokes agreed. "Absolutely! Mr. Olafson, go find the next auto-dresser and get into dress uniform. Then report at 10:00 hrs to me in my office. The clock over the class schedule board showed it was 09:40 hrs already.

  "You better hurry Midshipman, on the double!"

  "Aye, Sir!"

  I knew about the auto-dressers on the eighth floor of the Academy building and found the floor deserted. No applicants today.

  I dialed dress uniform and stepped into one of the auto-dressers. Then I checked my shave and hair in a mirror.

  I made it with one minute to spare and slowed down as I approached the Commander’s assistant behind her desk and said, "Midshipman Olafson, reporting as ordered."

  She greeted me with a warm smile. "Go in! They're waiting!"

  In the Commandant's office were Admiral Stokes, Zezz, the Psi Corps General Lichfangh and the holo avatar of Rear Admiral Zuzzh. All wore dress uniform and everyone was standing.

  "Attention!" Webb said.

  I froze where I was and snapped into the required stiff stance and wondered what was going on.

  Admiral Zuzzh stepped before me and Stokes handed him a black velvet box. Zuzzh then addressed me and his hissing alien voice had a solemn tone. "I have the greatest honor and privilege to represent the President of the United Stars in this sacred and solemn act. In this place, and on behalf of the United Stars of the galaxy, I hereby present the Medal of Honor, by resolution and command of the Great Assembly, to Eric Olafson who, while a member of the United Stars Navy, distinguished himself conspicuously by gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while engaged in action against an enemy of the United Stars. The deed performed was of great, personal bravery and self-sacrifice so conspicuous as to clearly distinguish him above his comrades. Incontestable proof of the perfo
rmance has been classified and cannot be discussed with anyone!"

  He took a shiny medal out of the box and attached it to my chest.

  Then he stood back and all of them stood in attention and saluted me!

  Zuzzh broke first and took my hand, "Congratulations, Mr. Olafson. You earned that one! I am sorry it was only me who presented it and not the President, but the circumstances …"

  "Sir, I am not able to comprehend what just happened but receiving any praise or citation from you fills me with humble pride."

  The others also shook my hand and the Ult said, "This isn't just any reward Mr. Olafson, it is the highest medal. I sure would like to know what you did, but I know … it's classified."

  I was speechless and glanced down at the medal.

  Zezz pounded my shoulder. "McElligott sends his greetings as well and I am to let you know he has not forgotten."

  "Thank you Sir!" was all I could think of saying as a reply.

  Stokes said, "Computronic link with Mr. Olafson's CIT chip and ribbon display and update."

  The ribbon display flickered and changed and showed a bunch of colorful ribbons. More than I thought I had.

  Zezz put his hand on my shoulder. "We’d better go now. I have a ship that needs attention."

  Webb nodded. "Go with him Mr. Olafson but be at Arsenal IV at the proper time."

  "Yes Sir! Thank you Sir."

  "I am taking my ship out for a shakedown cruise after receiving some upgrades. I thought you might want to come along."

  "Yes Sir, I sure would."

  "My crew is back and my ship’s upgrades and refits are done. I am eager to leave dirtside and go back where I belong."

  "I just started my career but I sure know what you mean!"

  From a Trans Planet Mover we went to an IST and after another short trip we emerged into a well-lit featureless tunnel and I followed him to a set of thick Ultronit-reinforced airlock doors, currently wide open, guarded by two Marines. They snapped to attention as he approached and one barked, "Captain aboard!"

  The corridor was slightly curved, with airlocks and forcefield curtains every 10m all currently open or deactivated. Even the recycled air smelled differently to that on base. The smell was a mixture of metal polish, coffee and that undefined scent that machines always had. There was a faint hum in the background that transcended everything and spoke of the unimaginable energies harnessed deep down in engineering. I tried my best to keep up with the Shiss. When he stopped, a round massive metal door slid into the wall in less than a heartbeat and we stepped onto the bridge!


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