Krikos: The Vertical Horizon

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Krikos: The Vertical Horizon Page 3

by Rishabh Dubey

  Predominant mind-excavators and other media might jump on me as if they have nowhere else to be. I know what they will ask me - The pre-answered scripts. “What is the Krikos? What is its use? Its necessity?” ‘Necessity’ …. the mother of Inventions...huh! A load of bull. Necessity was never the mother of invention (Nor of the human race. Humans just flatter themselves). Krikos is ‘because it had to be’. Period. My design, my invention, my ‘gift’ to humanity. The slackers can call it a curse if they want.

  Into the Dimension:

  Episode 1-

  The Explorers


  347 E.E. The Krikos slowly floated in a vast and seemingly eternal void. A World larger and stranger than any other. All around it, the heavens were Freckled with stars, like glimmering dust frozen in time. However, that Magnificent illusion of immortal inertness seemed to be a delusion, since a close Inspection of the Krikos revealed that the monstrous ring was rotating freely in Open Space. As if to remove any ambiguity that our hypothetical observer may have in this regard, the Krikos gave off a massive fusion thrust. Apparently, guessed the observer, the Deuterium Capacitor of the Krikos was up to its Tricks again. Curiosity got the better of our observer, and he moved in closer to look at the Krikos from up close. The huge rings surrounded what seemed like a planet only a few ten or twenty times larger than the average star.

  After the effects of the fusion thrust began to subside, a Spacecraft ejected itself free from the clutches of the Krikos' considerable gravitational pull and headed towards the tiny yellow star that loomed ahead. Meanwhile, inside the craft, a clear but pleasant female voice announced “The Epilion is out of the Krikos' gravitational field. Transition to Hexkon Thrust to Commence within twenty-four hours.”

  The burly figure of Krawn Xanethius, quietly observing the panorama of stars displayed on the Visi-screen from his chair, was on top of the command bridge; as Muster, the ship's navigator, lowered the velocity of the Epilion, and Ramalus toyed with variables on the control desk. A captivating aura surrounded the senior Captain, even though he stood a little shorter than most males. Maybe it was owing to his classically-long-hair, his light brown and intense eyes or his composed and omniscient appearance and odour; Krawn was one of the most revered beings that existed. He was quite happy to be out there at last. After years of the training they've had together, he did not have even a single shade of doubt on the capabilities of the crew. He was perfectly aware that they were the best- the Numero Uno -of their respective fields. One thing was sure, though. He knew that no matter what they saw on Annaeax, it would have surely come as a shock to all of them...

  "Visi! Give me Mission control!" Krawn commanded, coming out of his reverie.

  He couldn't have afforded to get lost in thoughts when he knew that the Eutopium would be expecting a report of every minute event, now that the Epilion had left for its mission.

  The picture on the Visi-screen changed to one showing a split screen. One of the screens showed a large gathering of people, all with identical blue uniforms and a badge showing the words 'EMC' -The Epilion Mission Control. The other half of the screen displayed a holo-projection of the whole Eutopium council - all old men with sombre faces and permanent frowns that even the widest of grins couldn't have erased.

  "This is Captain Krawn Xanethius reporting." said Krawn in his most formal tone.

  "The Epilion has left the gravitational field of the Krikos. The fusion thrusts have been discharged. A Hexkon jump has been scheduled after 24 hours. A crew meeting has been ordered in an hour, by which time all the preliminary tests would have been finished with. Meanwhile, the Epilion will be sending real-time stats to the Genetrix."

  "Very well, Captain," said Dragomir Lunarte, the First Speaker of the Eutopium council, directly addressing the Captain. "We will expect the meeting to be beamed live to the Genetrix with a priority channel to the control and the Eutopium."

  The screen Blued out of the mainframe server. The room sighed out of the pressure of formality.

  "Hey captain!" exclaimed Muster, yawning shamelessly, once the holo-transmission ended. "I'm sure you wouldn't mind if I nip off for a power nap, would you?"

  Krawn glanced at Muster, then at the exasperated look on Ramulus' face, and said- "Haven't you slept enough before the launch?"

  "A population of billions and we get a clown as a Navigator!" Ramulus muttered sardonically under his breath.

  "And how many more deserving candidates did you have to kill to get to be the engineer, Ramulus?" came the swift retort.

  "Cut it! Both of you! Muster, do whatever you want, but I want you at the crew meeting after an hour" said Krawn, before Ramulus could come up with a reply.

  "Well so Captain!" said Muster with a mock salute and left. In an hour, the crew assembled in a wide circle which made the conference chamber look rather cramped, despite its considerable size by spacecraft standards. Every one of the members sat stiffly upright as the ship connected with the Flex Grid.

  Krawn observed each one of them turn-vice. He looked at Muster; the Bastard was grinning for no apparent reason. Beside him, across Krawn, sat Krawn's wife, Mira- the onboard physician. With her beautiful face poised in an expression of solemn seriousness, her storm grey eyes caught his brown ones, and a smile flickered across both their faces. He tore his glance away from Mira to look at the stout man sitting three chairs away from him, Cantor Baldan, the resource manager of the Epilion. Rush was a Weapons Expert. ‘One could have found one of those for two a penny’, thought many people; but Krawn knew that Rush was not just 'a' Weapons Expert, he was 'THE' Weapons Expert. He could make a weapon out of practically anything. It's a known fact that with genius came eccentricity, and Rush was no exception. Perhaps his oddest oddity was the fact that he despised modern synth music and preferred an archaic form of music, used in ‘praise of ancient warriors’, called ‘Rock’ instead.

  Rush often referred to himself as the ‘Jimmy Page’ of weaponry. Krawn did not have the slightest inkling to who Jimmy Page was, and he never bothered to look into the Flex Grid or moreover even ask Rush. Krawn continued to cogitate as Ramulus and Rush sat on either side of him. The two 'guests' aboard the Epilion – Ambassador Castino Gorvez and Watcher Gart Lekinaten- sat sombrely beside Muster. Castino was a middle-aged, balding man who still retained the vestiges of the toughness that came with being the former head of the D1 Police Department; while watcher Gart looked like one of those gangsters of Earth that Krawn had seen in History Holo-films.

  On the other side of Mira sat Steffy Damiens, the famous Xenologist. Krawn did not see how a Xenologist could have helped them with their diplomatic mission, but he presumed that the council had its reasons.

  "Live on the Data Grid in 10 seconds” the computer announced.


  A loud but soft beep sounded, signalling that the live stream to Krikos had begun.

  "The proceedings were to begin," speaks Krawn. "With an overview of the current scenario.”


  In the almost perfect darkness of the restricted section of the Zone Alpha Command Library, Verdo Hoko, keeper of the records, with his eyebrows knitted, ran his fingers through the Krikos Archive Interface. Verdo liked the dark, not in the fashion of thieves or murderers, though. No, for Verdo, darkness was simply demulcent. He often haunted the library like a dedicated poltergeist, browsing through the endless stream of information that was the by-product of almost every generation of his rather prolific race. That time, however, he was looking for something very specific.

  The archive interface was the black box of the Krikos. Among other records, it stored all the crew logs that were ever created. Verdo narrowed down his search with more parameters- since only an hour of his info lease was left.

  The D1Z1 library was a relic of the early years of Eutopium's existence, made hopelessly obsolete by the Flex Data Grid. Few realised that the data grid was not all that
it seemed. Verdo was one of the last humans who was bent on keeping the real information alive. Verdo Hoko knew that the Eutopium, those historically apparent rightists who were 'loved by all and scorned by none', had seen to it that all of the Krikos remained in the dark as they were but stooges of the Stillites, as the infamous myth had it. The Stillites, an old and extinct sect of the ecclesiastical patricians. “But what's their game?” he thought. He didn't have an iota of a clue, but he'd find out, by Galacta, he'd find out! His fingers tapped dexterously on an ancient touchscreen as he searched through the Krikos Archive database.

  "By Galacta ......those mud bags have everything under Section 2379. How can I get through with it?"

  Suddenly, a deafening crash sounded, startling the old librarian. "Who is it? “He shouted loudly. "Mrew ... Is it you again? “, he said while running towards the holo-archive in the south wing, following the vestiges of the crash. He saw a rubble of a data manipulation hub with splattered coils and archive apparatus, all drenched in an idiosyncratic liquid. Every archive file was probably done with, thought Verdo, along with all its contrivances. From inside of the wrecked platform came a feeble sound “Yes, it is me, master. But this time, it was not my fault. "

  Diaries of Flex:

  Episode 2-


  Time decides fate, delivers existence. It awaits none. Time is supposedly running. But is it? Running to what? For what? Is there a destiny? Is there a common end, a common fate for all? It all depends on what we think, what they thought... what HE thought. While the world made plans for conquering the universe, Flex had some other plans. His aim was time. Time ... the sucker, can't reverse it... can't change it ... it runs on its own. But does it? If it was so very independent, non-deviant and immutable... isn't it... Somewhat... Somehow... STILL…


  arth- the presumed centre of the Universe. The planet which contained some of the most important initials of the future. One of them was Flex, the Stillite. The Stillites ... oh yes! The Machiavellians who thought of themselves to be otherwise. Not animals ... no. A new subspecies; or in more classical and diplomatic terms...A RACE. The humans who believed in ‘Universal Stillness’. Imagine the whole Universe to be still, without any changes in its state. All classical and modern sciences refuted within a second. That's what the poor lads believed. They had limits to thinking, but still, they were not deprived of knowledge. The greatest and, strangely, the most technically-bolstered mind that had ever lived was a Stillite. Yes, Flex D’Dustener was a Stillite. His theories about time were somewhat different from that of a typical Stillite. He thought of time as a guide rather than a dimension. “Time guides the Universe towards its originality ... to achieve ultimate Stillness.” His beliefs were very firm. And as you must be aware, where there are beliefs, there are Gods. ‘Galacta’, the ultimate, was the famous goddess in our time (I hope she has not been usurped yet). The Stillites believed some rather opposing theories of her. They thought her to be the Goddess of time and Stillness, unlike the others which thought her to be the goddess of, well, almost everything.

  It was 392 E.E., and it was the month of Proximus. I had just returned from a field research of astrobiology. It was high time that I read the Second Chapter to the mysterious book... The Journals of Flex. I went to my study and found the book placed in the right spot. My table. I could never bring myself to the opinion of removing it from there. I opened it with a harsh breeze of anxiety in my mind. The second chapter had a very unlikely name. It seemed more like a collection of couplets. "WHAT ... THIS GUY ... WAS A POET?? ," came my sudden soliloquy. There it read in bold letters 'Galacta Cantos Volume I.', and I read on: -


  They climb atop the Hills of time,

  To see the distant view,

  Of clarity sublime.

  Of orders, reborn,

  And civilisations asunder,

  With dreams fickle as,

  The husks of corn.

  "The foes of Kronos

  Shall perish with him,

  Replaced by sweet Stillness

  The end of the change."

  A universe ravaged by scores of stars,

  Will soon depart, in endless gloom,

  Like outward Mars. Galacta of old,

  Hear her speak, her words engraved in gold.

  "The foes of Kronos

  Shall perish with him,

  Replaced by sweet Stillness

  The end of the change."

  "Await, in the world forgone."

  Said she, who knows;

  "Awake, to the crisp of dawn."

  In the starless night of late

  To entropy, we shall pray,

  May he deliver us from our fate.

  "The foes of Kronos

  Shall perish with him,

  Replaced by sweet Stillness

  The end is the change."

  Into The Dimension:

  Episode 2-

  Darkness Elite.


  he corners of space are drenched in darkness. Darkness bent on revealing. Revealing the 'lie' more significant than the ‘truth’ itself. The percussions reverberated, with an emergence overwhelming the popular requirement, and piercing through the glaring dusk and the dauntless smoke of the hour as the protagonist of an unusual yet unsung ballad. The Epilion was coming out of the Jump. It had already taken fifteen jumps. This part of the Universe seemed new to man both in form and attire. The Epilion was getting ready for yet another jump. Inside their respective chambers were the crew members. The most curious of them was their esteemed leader, Captain Krawn Xanethius. The ship’s anxious atmosphere worsened when they came across an unidentifiable entity in space. Right in the middle of the free unmapped corner of the Milky Way was present what seemed like a piece of craft of an Intelligent Organism.

  The Emergency Beacon showed up on the Central Visi Screen of the Krikos. Gart saw it and rang the emergency alarm of the Epilion, waking up everyone aboard. Krawn, with the most trained eye, had moments ago, already identified this Shapely Object floating in the space, through the observation windows of his chamber. Everyone rushed to the common room. Everyone, except for the Captain.

  "What is this?" asked Steffy entering the room.

  "UE alert," said Gart in an ignorant way.

  "Don't say UE as in Unidentifiable Entity." exclaimed Muster in a startled tone.

  "Who beeped? Did you Gart?" asked Steffy with her general scepticism.

  “What about the radioactive readings?" asked Muster.

  “Whoa! Don't overwhelm me here. Yes, I beeped. And no. No radioactive scanners gave any reading. The only reading I got was the translational position coordinates." said Gart, as typing ignorantly on the Visi Profile.

  "What the hell are you all talking about?" shouted Cantor Baldan in an irritated manner.

  "The small red light on the Visi-Screen," Muster pointed out.

  "The one which is blinking?" followed Baldan.

  "Well, it can be signalling alien life-form," came the well-paused sarcastic drop from Muster.

  "That's understandable language... Wait WHAT?" Baldan was intimidated.

  Suddenly, there came a crashing sound, as if objects were falling and breaking inside the Epilion. To everyone’s calm and content, just like any other day, the source of this minor wreckage was indeed Rush again. He was walking half-asleep in his attire.

  “That is not a sober way to wake up a non-sober guy... WHO THE HELL FORGOT TO SWITCH OFF HIS MORNING ALARM?" he said rubbing his eyes and yawning casually.

  "Where is the captain? You know Rush? Is he still sleeping?" asked Steffy.

  “Last time I saw him, he was in his chamber," Rush gave a prompt reply.

  "Then what are we waiting for? Muster, accompany me inside while Gart- Feed us all instantaneous reports on the Visi-Screen," Steffy intimated the quick plan of action.

  Steffy and Muster mo
ved inside the Captain’s Chamber to find him sitting and having a formal chat with Ambassador Gorvez.

  "Captain Krawn Sir. I beg your pardon, but I don't understand your nonchalance to the emergency alarms" She said as she put down the report pad on the centre table.

  “Unless and until it’s an asteroid belt it doesn't concern me, does it?" he replied in a witty fashion.

  "And about this space object you found, I hope you are beyond just ‘knowing about it’. Because even I can understand it’s a UE," the Captain continued.

  "But Sir, we need orders... And YOU give them officially." she gave a mock.

  Steffy lead both the captain and the ambassador to the common room.

  “As from bed rise and walk like sprites… eh, Captain?” Muster commented as he slid through the analogue table on the screen.

  "What is the situation Gart?" asked Krawn, "Did you get through to the Base yet?"

  "Sir communications are up still there has been no reply from the base. I guess it is a temporary magnetic Flux. I am turning to primitive communications channels," Gart replied.

  Suddenly, a tremor was felt inside the Epilion, and the power fluctuated. The condition stabilised instantly though. Rush was seen holding up his guard with his proton ion gun. Even the captain had taken guard. The new impression now defiled the prior ambivalence. The consensus barked loudly ‘DANGER’.

  “Muster... ready and open the landing thrusts ... and Gart get the communications up and running and fast. We need to hover now... Gart... get closer to this UE," Krawn ordered.

  The Epilion neared the huge floating mass. Everyone was taken aback at the sight of what seemed like a wrecked space station; but the mystery lay in the fact that it was an unacquainted design to the Epilion crew, perhaps the most advanced people of the Krikos. Even the adept eyes of Krawn were unaccustomed to such a strange entity. He took his time observing the body closely, but with no further leads. After a few minutes, when the crew came to its senses, Krawn ordered a physical analysis of the now UISE, that is the Unidentifiable Intelligent Space Entity.


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